
nemesis | Joined since 2013-05-22

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2020-09-17 09:11 | Report Abuse

It is coming down soon


2020-05-06 16:29 | Report Abuse

Beautiful price retreat...


2020-05-28 01:13 | Report Abuse

0.12 is coming


1 day ago | Report Abuse

Big load of sellers are queing at 0.135 to dump now...Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn let it fall!!!


2020-10-26 15:00 | Report Abuse

Stop buying let it cool down back to 0.120-0.125


2020-09-28 01:29 | Report Abuse

Falling back to 0.13 now... It is clearly perfect strategy done by syndicates to trap you into buying n later on dump all to you at high price for instant huge profits...


2020-03-28 01:36 | Report Abuse

It wil surely fall back after T+2


2020-05-27 15:38 | Report Abuse

I Don see any fundamental reason why it should rise further besides the as we are still in Pandemic crisis as things might get worst...Other than goreng activities tat wil trap us into buying for the benefits of the syndicates


2020-05-28 17:40 | Report Abuse

Haha u must be Newbie here Nick...


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

What has it got to do with Mkland?


2021-03-05 17:36 | Report Abuse

Yea Sell all so that we can buy cheap from you...


2021-03-22 18:30 | Report Abuse

Holding up quite well...0.16 is coming back very soon due to dividend efect


2020-08-31 13:31 | Report Abuse

Mkland is the safest counter in Pandemic era supported by dividend with landbank asset n zero gearing tat will sail it thru hard time unscathed...those developers with high borrowings will be in trouble as coming property crash will cut thru balance sheet with no mercy


2020-09-02 14:54 | Report Abuse

1st interim, 2nd interim n Final dividend...Could tis be the dividend pattern moving fwd? Total of 3 sen???? Let wait and see moving forward


2020-04-28 14:56 | Report Abuse

Property index wil be the greatest loser after MCO lifted as most developers wil find it hard to launch new housing products due to recession n lost of income of most workers...Covid Pandemic+oversupply+recession has posed a triple threats to the property industry tat has failed to recover from slump...


2020-04-23 08:46 | Report Abuse

Property sector will suffer after memoratium over in September ...Most will come under fire sale as they can't afford to pay their loans anymore... Oversupply issue will get worse


2020-04-07 14:59 | Report Abuse

We are not interested in its projects...wat we are interested is its 4800 acres of massive landbank tat if part of it disposed and sell off, could bring windfall of dividend or special payment to tis Covid era, property dev wil see huge earning erosion BUT Mkland is focusing on low cost housing which has high demand n very affordable...Selling land is more profitable than developing houses currently...Unlike big developer like Mahsing or LBS tat has set billions of sales target tis year which is bound to disappoint, Mkland is safe cos it doesn't embark on aggressive launchings tat wil keep its overhead cost at minimum n won't be affected much by the MCO...


2024-02-06 08:26 | Report Abuse

Another round of spike by 2nd half later... Morning profit taking...


2020-04-06 21:13 | Report Abuse

What run!!! Party has just begun today...tomolo will begin big celebration toward 0.18 as US Markets rising 4.99% now...Brace for more Upside n great excitement tomolo...Get ready to load more before u miss the Boat...Mkland ini Kali Lah!!!!


2020-04-05 15:12 | Report Abuse

Haha wat a joke, which stocks could climb like that during a recession!? It will happen in your fairy dream TKL... Hahaha hopefully tomolo Mkland wil rise another 2 sen...


2020-08-04 08:00 | Report Abuse

Haha just last mth u guys had been complaining, it is good to see us smile again now as more upside tomolo towards 0.18...Still very undervalued...


2020-02-04 00:02 | Report Abuse

Has Mkland secured new projects? Why is it rising so much suddenly?


2020-04-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

I bought at 0.05 all the way UP


2020-04-19 09:44 | Report Abuse

Yess, as predicted...The Revenge Of The Fallen!!!


2020-04-03 15:25 | Report Abuse

Mkland is rebounding backkkk.... BUYYYYY


2020-02-03 23:44 | Report Abuse

Even at current price of 0.085, Dividend yield brings a whopping 12% compared to FD of just 3%...nearly 4 times higher return compared to FD investment...tat haven't factor in its 4800 acres of land tat is worth at least 5 billion if disposed off...


2020-04-23 23:42 | Report Abuse

Price should Rebound sharply soon as it is very undervalued even at 0.10...we are talking about a company tat is sitting on 4800 acres of land tat is trading at only 0.085 is ridiculously unbelievable!!!!


2020-09-03 23:41 | Report Abuse

0.085 already broken...buyers should outweighed sellers 0.10, price will be stable supported by dividend...


2020-04-02 01:05 | Report Abuse

Holding steady at current the bottom reached???


2020-03-27 11:50 | Report Abuse

If not bcos of Covid 19,there is no way you can get MK at 0.08...NO WAY


2020-08-15 18:11 | Report Abuse

Just buy more to average up...


2020-03-26 15:32 | Report Abuse

Mkland current Dividend is so far the top 5 highest dividend yield in Bursa n the highest in the property listed companies...i believe MK wil continue to pay dividend moving forward n continue to dispose few parcels of land to unlock deep value...


2020-03-09 18:09 | Report Abuse

Those panic sellers already gone n finished disposing...Now is the time for value investors to accumulate...Those who sold cheap last week will be sorry n devastated forever...


2020-03-26 15:33 | Report Abuse

Now they begin to realised how undervalued Mkland is against its NTA of 1.00...RNAV even higher at 2.80- 3.00 per summarise tis, it is really foolish not to buy at tis all time cheap price...1 sen dividend is coming so get it now before u miss the boat


2020-03-09 13:54 | Report Abuse

Buy Buy Buy...for its coming Dividend!!!!


2020-10-04 22:21 | Report Abuse

Amazing!!! MARKET GREAT REBOUND... MKLAND is on the road to revovery.....


2020-12-09 12:24 | Report Abuse

Really super value BUY at current level.... Buyyyyyy


2020-03-15 18:07 | Report Abuse

Now we are hoping tat its Setiawangsa land in KL wil be disposed at ard 200 mil...if happened, then we wil get a windfall of huge dividend fm MK...


2020-03-15 18:09 | Report Abuse

Net gain from 2017 land sale is ard 33 mil...1 sen dividend is equivalent to total pay out of 12 mil...So we wil get at least 3 more interim dividend to come...earning fm its existing projects in Rumah Selangorku n Perak wil also contribute for the steady dividend ahead...Pls take note MK is committed to share almost 90% from its landsale gain to frank dividend...their earning fm property projects might not be attractive BUT any land disposal wil surely bring windfall of dividend to shareholders...At present MK stil has 4800 acres which management has hinted to dispose part of its landbank to unlock values for Sholders...BUY


2023-10-08 17:06 | Report Abuse

At 2 sen dividend yearly, Mkland is trading at 30% dividend yield so far...U put FD u only get 3% annually...tat is 10 times higher...tis is unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!


2023-10-16 16:06 | Report Abuse

At 0.31, mahsing Dividend yield coming close to 11%... Massive Landbank+1.1 bil cash in hand+ 25 bil total GDV+Good dividend record=Super Undervalued stock...So far one of the best undervalued property stock at tis Covid 19 level...


2020-03-23 16:04 | Report Abuse

It amazed me tat in just a week time Mkland total mkt capitalisation tumbled more than half while its landbank is still worth GDV of 16 bil...tis is insane!!!


2020-04-01 16:01 | Report Abuse

Massive 4800 acres landbank+zero gearing+low risk n high demand affordable low cost housing projects + all time low share price= Massive Undervaluation + Super High Dividend Yield at 15%...Reiterate BUY


2020-03-20 15:42 | Report Abuse

Woohooo.... Buy Buy Buy before Mkland Rebound...tis is the lowest and best value acquisition of Of time...Dividend yield tat is 5 times better than you put in the FD...BUY Mkland thanks to Covid 19


2020-03-20 12:17 | Report Abuse

Hopefully it is gonna be 1st, 2nd interim and final dividend for tis year...1+1+1=3sen


2020-03-20 08:58 | Report Abuse

Really can't believe Mkland paid dividend when Covid 19 devastated the property sector


2020-03-19 09:50 | Report Abuse

Reiterate BUY with unchanged target price of 1.00 for the long term horizon due to its massive landbank and strong tank balance sheet...


2020-03-19 09:43 | Report Abuse

At 0.06 Mkland is trading at a bombastic discount to its NTA of 1.00 and RNAV of 3.00...there is no other stocks in KLSE can match tis undervaluation...Super Undervalued...Those who sold cheap wil be deeply sorry n devastated...


2020-03-19 09:37 | Report Abuse

It is a great empathy to reward shareholder wit a surprise dividend in tis kind of market turmoil...Mkland has a healthy cashflow with almost zero borrowing sitting on 4800 acres of undeveloped landbank...Tis landbank is a cushion if property market crash tis year...any future land disposal will add further dividend to shareholders...Mkland is still the safest bet during recession due to its asset rich balance sheet...Earnings can go up and down BUT landbank is constant...