
nemesis | Joined since 2013-05-22

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2014-10-24 15:01 | Report Abuse

If OLH offer 2.29 for Pjdev everybody will be happy as it is a fair value for Pjdev...Plssss laaa, old is time to confess ur sins...


2014-10-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

right saying...What goes around comes around.........better watch out


2014-10-24 09:18 | Report Abuse

ok thanks... i will surely do so....lets do together and put OLH down...


2014-10-23 22:23 | Report Abuse

bloody his look and attitude i know already OLH is not a good person...full of lies as he treats shareholders as dirt...also stinge to dividend...rewards peanuts and kacang puteh to shareholders...After this i will tell myself not to buy any counters tat is related to OLH be it OSK PROP, Willowglen, PJDEV and OSKH...Even i will not stay at PJD swiss garden hotel and buy anything tat is related to OLH....I am serious...If not because of OLH, i am very sure PJDEV now trading at least at 1.90... Bloody hell


2014-10-23 19:35 | Report Abuse

I guess OLH is the most stingiest and most cunning director in Bursa Malaysia...Pjdev NTA is 2.54 but he offer just 1.60 to buyout our shares in PJDEV...What rubbish is this??? Even if he failed to buy out PJDEV at 1.60 but the already bad sentiment he created for PJDEV will force panic investors to sell at below 1.60...Who are the buyer behind the scene??? HE larrr...who else? he will slowly and gradually accumulate ur share at 1.60 or below...Even If he failed to gain full control of PJDEV but accumulated up to 50% of PJDEV shares outstanding he will be happy already as long as he bought cheap fm u...Tis is his secret strategy PLS DUN FALL INTO HIS TRAP>>>If nobody are selling then things should be fine so as to fail his evil plan...


2014-10-23 17:51 | Report Abuse

OLH has destroyed PJDEV completely by halting its share price performance...he has done a big damage to PJDEV minority Shareholders...i really hope tat his proposed take over of PJDEV will fail totally...Tat is why i want u all to stay united to keep holding Pjdev shares pls dun sell it...If u panickly dispose it OLH will be there absorbing ur shares at cheap is his strategy to dampen the share price so that u will be frustrated and sell it CHEAP to him...Dun get trapped OK...PLSSSSSSSS....Just hold on to Pjdev PLS DUN U EVER SELL IT TO OLH...JUST HOLD ON TO IT OK...


2014-10-21 17:36 | Report Abuse

cash or not cash rich LCTH already gone Holannnn....


2014-10-21 17:32 | Report Abuse

If not mistaken Mk sold land worth more than 600 million to empire mammoth...As u pass thru Menara Mustapha Kamal, u look opposite is the exact land MK sold to Empire which is now ready built high rise commercial lot developed by Empire Mammoth...Tat amount will be settled gradually for few years to come and Mkland will awashed in cash...Tat is the reason why MK declared 2 cent dividend tis time...Without land sale it is impossible MK will be tat generous to frank 2 cent dividend as their earnings so far is just not interesting...I believe u will continue to receive 3 cts dividend per year next year, MAYBE 4 cent who knows...Mkland's balance sheet is very strong now arising fm d previous massive land sale...U just take a look at how Empire Mammoth developed Damansara Perdana...IT IS IMPRESSIVE!!! Just go and take a day tour to the site and u will be amazed how valuable tat place is...There will be a spillover effect to Mkland's future development with the success of Empire Mammoth developments in Damansara Development...I will make sure i will be there at d AGM meeting as Mkland is my largest holding in all my investment holdings....


2014-10-21 00:57 | Report Abuse

nickyeo55, I am 100% MK will sustain paying 3 or 2 cts dividend even if its fin performance is sluggish...Do u know why? Do u remember MK has sold large tract of Damansara Perdana land to Empire Mammoth 5 yrs back and tat huge amount of proceed will be paid to MKland over a period of 5 to 6 yrs...So actually MK is very cash rich now arising fm d land sale and they are keeping the massive $$$$ to frank dividend over the long term and for capital expenditure...So fm time to time u will see $$$$$$$ flowing to MK fm Empire Mammoth...Tat is the benefit of buying developer with massive landbank...In fact i shouldn't tell u here as this fact will make investors started chasing MK shares so in the end i can't buy it cheap again...Anyway i believe we should all earn money together riding on the future prospect of MKLAND...Good Luck and the blessing of god be with Mkland...


2014-10-20 21:16 | Report Abuse

Market might tumble again in coming week and who knows Mkland might slide below 0.40...US markets are very volatile some even predicted crash is imminent...BUT if u are brave enuf to scoop up MKLAND when others are panickly selling then u are gonna be a winner in the long run...If it goes up then it is a bonus but if it goes down it is still a bonus as we can buy mkland at great bargain price...Either BULL Market or BEAR Market we still see opportunity to make money...the only thing is we must ve extra cash, holding power and long term patient...I will cut my throat and tongue if MKLAND doesn't rise above 1.50 in 10 years time fm now...This is the assurance i can promise u..."In the Interim d market is a voting machine, in the long run it is a weighing machine" I see Mkland at 1.50-2.00 per share five to ten years fm now after price in the future crash and the next Bull Market...


2014-10-20 19:07 | Report Abuse

Ok then i will keep tis undervalued gem for long term...With unbilled sales of 1 billion i am sure its coming qtrs fin result will be explosive, tat is why OLH wanna snatch it away from u before it is too late...


2014-10-20 19:02 | Report Abuse

In order for Mkland to move to 0.80, there must be catalyst to spark great interest in this counter...MK must do something to increase revenues and profits and EPS must rise new high...On the brighter side MK is quite generous with dividend...If MK can maintain dividend at 3 cents per year then tis counter is a great investment while waiting for its price to get alligned with its fundamental value...I am very happy as i managed to acquire huge amount of MK share last week when it tumbled to 0.40...I just need to keep it in a safety box for 5 years and lock it and throw the key away so that i can't unload it...hopefully after 5-10 years when i open it with metal cutter, i will see GOLD n SILVER in it...This is how i describe my stake in Mkland...Everytime i pass thru Damansara Perdana i feel proud as i am part owner of the prime land and i acquired it at massive discount compare to its real value...Tis is wat investment is all about...When investors don wanna recognise its true intrinsic value i am more happy as i can still accumulate at bargain price for a long time till one fine day the herds are willing to buy from me at 1.00 or higher...I hope tat it will stay UNDERVALUED at least for the near term so that i can increase my holdings in MKLAND from time to time...


2014-10-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

Now that the offer price is set at 1.60 for Pjdev, do u think it will climb above 1.60 or higher back to 1.80-2.00 in the near term?


2014-10-20 02:06 | Report Abuse

I ve disposed all my shares in LCTH...I won't hold any counters tat won't give dividend...Without dividend u are losing a lot when markets going south...Dun waste my time LCTH!!!


2014-10-19 11:42 | Report Abuse

SAY NO TO OLH!!!!!!!


2014-10-19 11:41 | Report Abuse

OLH has done major damage to Pjdev share prices...OLH also very stingy with dividend...With so much improved profits tis OLH still maintain dividend at 5 cents per share...Tis is how OLH and the gang treat shareholders, never ever generous...One more thing WHY OLH offer 2.00 for OSKProp and only 1.60 for PJDEV? Pjdev earning power also as good as OSKprop WHY only 1.60 for PJDEV...I am 1000% sure tis deal won't get thruuuuu and OLH is just wasting his time it only make us laugh...It is so funny hahahahahah!!!! What a cheap and lousy deal...We should all gather at OSK office and protest against tis lousy and cheap takeover from OLH...Let us unite together!!!


2014-10-19 11:24 | Report Abuse

U know what...When i heard about OLH buyout on PJDEV with offer price of 1.60, i really laugh to death...PJDEV has a strong earning power with NTA of 2.54 and tat old man offer peanut price of 1.60 to buy out PJDEV...Is he out of his mind or he thinks tat we minority shareholders are stupid???...Even a kindergarden student will laugh at OLH for being so weak in mathematic calculation...I like Pjdev for its solid business BUT not its boss tat is so stingy...LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR...IF OLH WANNA TAKEOVER PJDEV HE MUST AT LEAST OFFER 2.60 FOR US TO SURRENDER OUR SHARES, OTHERWISE ASK HIM TO SHUT UP AND GET LOST...Let us stand together to say NO to his cheap offer price of 1.60 and protest against the deal...Dun let him play us out with his cunning strategy...2.60 is the only acceptable price NOT 1.60!!! Let us say NO to OLH and protest against this buyout...


2014-10-15 23:14 | Report Abuse



2014-10-15 17:51 | Report Abuse

the stock market has made me really sick especially counter like MKLAND tat is illogical and unpredictable...


2014-10-15 17:49 | Report Abuse

I really ve no idea who was selling heavily in last minute trading sending the price down to 0.410...Even though 2cts final dividend already been declared but they still wanna dispose at a losing price...I ve bought it expensive at 0.43 today, should ve wait till last min BUT who knows which direction the share price is going...Really very hard to predict...I totally surrender tis time...


2014-10-15 12:02 | Report Abuse

Mkland is comiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggg!!!!


2014-10-15 11:49 | Report Abuse



2014-10-15 11:48 | Report Abuse

haha just few days back u all are so negative about MKLAND, suddenly can turn into great optimism in a day...Tis is so amazing...So So amazing...Let me assure u once again tat MKLAND is gonna be revived and rise back to former glory...Dun forget tat MK has close ties with the govt so i believe they will be able to secure PRIMA projects fm the govt soon...The GREAT things has just started with MKLAND


2014-10-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

For the first time ever Mkland is so generous with dividend....It shows tat their balance sheet is getting stronger with is a signal tat its outlook and prospect is getting brighter...


2014-10-15 01:44 | Report Abuse

Final they declared 2 cts is due to previous land sale gain...So if no land sale, yearly total dividend should be just 2 cts...I guess tis 2 cts final is only for this year only, otherwise it is only 1 cts final...


2014-10-14 17:46 | Report Abuse

may i know wat govt projects awarded to Mkland???...So far i haven't heard of MK securing any projects fm govt...


2014-10-14 16:10 | Report Abuse

Anywhere i believe coming days we will see Mkland tumbles below 0.40 soon...Tis is just the beginning of a bear market...The worst IS YET TO COME...and the HELL to face investors...


2014-10-14 11:32 | Report Abuse

OK all has been disposed at 0.260...Bye Bye LCTH...


2014-10-14 11:24 | Report Abuse

It is blood everywhere...thicker than i anticipated...


2014-10-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

yes i am here Vic Lee....Sorry for pinning LCTH all the way down to 0.265...Today almost 70% of today's transaction is done by me....I got no choice BUT to sell it all the way down today having disposed almost 60% of my total holdings in LCTH today...will keep on disposing tomorrow to cut all of my stake in LCTH...So prepare for more downside...I ve given up on LCTH...Good Luck to u all!!!


2014-10-08 21:59 | Report Abuse

today Pjdev can drop 0.13 cts is a great is unexplainable...the greatest loser of all the stocks


2014-10-08 21:57 | Report Abuse

RNAV is 1.67...Pls refer to Publicinvest analyst...I guess Kenanga ve calculated wrongly its RNAV...Mkland's RNAV is 1.67-1.70 to be accurate...NOT 1.20 pls take note! thanks


2014-10-07 16:46 | Report Abuse

OMG here gone my portfolio and my whole savings

News & Blogs

2014-10-07 14:47 | Report Abuse

pls dun mislead others for your own benefits Calvin Tan...u said Mui companies are bargains...Hv u done ur research well b4 u posted in tis forum??? those are loss making companiess trading above its NTA...OVERVALUED and value for nothing...Plssssss

News & Blogs

2014-10-07 14:40 | Report Abuse

tis Calvin Tan also another joker talking nonsense trying to show off his investment skill...


2014-10-07 12:54 | Report Abuse

oh continues to drop without any support...

News & Blogs

2014-10-06 23:38 | Report Abuse

he is not warren buffett...he is just a normal investor like one of us...Actually investment is very simple...just buy stocks trading below its fundamental and sit on ur ass to wait for it to get alligned to its fair value...wat TTB knows we also know...So dun brag and blah blah blag acting like he can predict d market...Ask him to stop predicting the market...we know better than him ok...

News & Blogs

2014-10-06 15:10 | Report Abuse

Yes tis TTB thought he us warren buffett of malaysia...there are plenty of undervalued stocks around though the market is overheated...we are also value investor we dun need him to teach us how to invest...ask him to just keep quiet...


2014-10-04 00:02 | Report Abuse

Well impossible as i never heard of tis low commission b4...u mean i pick up stocks thru maybank2u rite? i still confuse about to register for d 0.1% commission?


2014-10-03 12:27 | Report Abuse

bro since when got 0.1% commission...mind to share with us here...i pay 0.43%


2014-10-02 15:46 | Report Abuse

If u judge it overall by recent bad market sentiment, Mkland is quite defensive even today it still maintain unchanged while other stocks being beheaded...At 0.47 it still deeply undervalued...


2014-10-02 15:42 | Report Abuse

OMG PJDEV is beheaded today...wat is wrong???


2014-10-01 15:46 | Report Abuse

bloooddyyy helllllll........who is tat dumb to dump it.....


2014-10-01 15:42 | Report Abuse

if i know who are those selling mkland to bring the price down today i will make sure to kick his Assssssss.....


2014-10-01 15:40 | Report Abuse

why drop today???


2014-10-01 10:37 | Report Abuse

in fact the balance sheet of property companies should reflect the real and current value of accounting has already risen many folds since it was acquired long time ago...So Mkland is one of the greatest winner if theme of RNAV resurfaced again...its land in Dperdana and Sg buloh if rerated will bring tremendous value if compare to others property players...i am still hoping for a sudden surge of Mkland one day when property sector rerated...i guess it will surpass 0.80 by next year...


2014-10-01 10:26 | Report Abuse

lcw80 they just wanna trap you at 0.30...Marco has no good fundamental it is only a speculative...these syndicates already collected cheap at below 0.20 now waiting to dump to you all at 0.30 to chunk in fat is just a "pump and dump" strategy...BUT if u like to gamble then Marco is for u but u must prepare for a sudden loss...