
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-08-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

Here we go again! I am keeping low expectation as usually! No need high target! Sell and buy back as usually! But i have not sold yet!

News & Blogs

2020-08-11 13:22 | Report Abuse

Poorest state in Malaysia! It doesn't matter! After snap election, new frogs selling themselves left and right! This is Sabah that we all know!


2020-08-11 13:21 | Report Abuse

Look, LGE is throwing all the sympathy cards he can get! And Bety card seems fail to gather emotional rage among rakyat!
I mean, why compare Rosmah to Betty! Rosmah didn't get any special treatment! In fact Rosmah has been in and out of court over many charges!
As for Betty, if she is innocent, then let the court of law pass the judgement! Why should Betty be given special treatment! I mean, why be afraid if indeed Betty is just innocent bystander! There's nothing to be afraid if one is innocent!
But we know LGE finally face what we all knew long time ago! Please, the Penang tunnel scandal is very grave! LGE has been selling state lands like it belongs to his family! Today, Penang has lost so many valuable lands just to satisfy LGE greed! Probably he already made billions hidden somewhere in the world! And after been caught by the law, crying and howling dragging rakyat to his cause!
Enough is enough! One should not use rakyat! Same goes to Najib and Zahid! And of course Mahathir! Let rule of law throw all of them in jail!
Malaysia need new layer of leaders who understand that corrupt practice bringing us down for so long!


2020-08-10 10:23 | Report Abuse

As for gloves stocks, even condom makers are now stiching 5 condoms together to make gloves! I mean, it would be easy to make 5 condoms from a glove!


2020-08-10 10:22 | Report Abuse

So there guys! Decision is yours! Buy before the so called 'Investment Bankers' come out their ridiculous target price once pharma stocks already reaching crazy prices!


2020-08-10 10:10 | Report Abuse

I also load up on Bio, I mean, if Hwg stock can scam you at least Bio should be very safe alternative right!


2020-08-10 10:09 | Report Abuse

Intel is power! And thanks to the internet, i manage to get alternative news about Moderna progress! Boy, let's just put it this way, it's done and it's going to get green light very very soon!
It's been almost 2 weeks for phase 3 on Moderna Covid vaccine and everything is surprisingly wonderful!
And so at this moment, Moderna is busy dealig with countries who wants their vaccine!
Basically, buy pharma stocks and your are laughing all the way to the bank! Last week, when Dpharma when into correction, i load up like mega huge time! I won' miss the gravy train!


2020-08-09 15:36 | Report Abuse

If Warisan wins Sabah snap election, chances are Mohiden government is history! But from intel provided directedly from a neighbour of mine working as undercover there, that chance is extremely slim!
Chances for Warisan and Umno are not good at all! Both have totally dissapointed Sabah people! I don't know, this is what intel that i receive!
Another thing, both Musa and Shafie are not popular! But Musa will be dropped from Umno! Bersatu may have a chance in Sabah but given current unstable relationship with Umno, Bersatu cannot push far!
As for Mahathir new party, there's some rumble that some Bersatu MPs will join in and that may see Perikatan lose is razor thin majority! But that will not automatically dissolve parliment! In such case, Harapan can push for VONC next session and that may see the end of Perikatan!
Unless of course Warisan is defeated epicly! And will see it's MPs crossing over to Perikatan! If indeed thing happen, then chances are, Perikatan should be safe untill the next GE15 which is 3 years from now!
But i doubt Mahahtir will be around 3 years from now! Unless of course Mahahtir continue to cycle and horse riding, then Mahathir will live long enough compare to you and me!

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 15:29 | Report Abuse

Anyway, ask any malaysians who work in South korea! They tell you how they are like sh't for the koreans! I mean, most if not all who came back from South Korea develop utmost hate for anything Korea!

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 15:27 | Report Abuse

Icecool! Yeah, I mean Kpop is just manufactured electroc songs and dance move from Brittish pop groups that are already outdated like back in the 90s! I mean, how stupid one can be to be so obsess with Kpop when you can listen to Bpop of the 90s! I mean no offend but Bpop is waaaaay better!

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 12:23 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! I mean this stock has been on scam train for years! I call it Jho Low stock!

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 11:57 | Report Abuse

DickyMe! Singaporeans are okay! If you want to see true soulles nation, go to South Korea! I mean, if you are migrant, they treat you like sh't! Once you learn about dark side of koreans, i doubt you ever want to listen to their Kpop junks!


2020-08-09 11:53 | Report Abuse

Look, US is decoupling from China! Completely! Meaning, US don't want anything from China including their cheap goods! This is the way US wants to go! Why, because China didn't turn into another democratic nation instead becomes a huge threat to US hegemony!
This TikTok Wechat ban is not Donald Trump own decision! In fact Democrats have been making it part of their campaign agenda! But Donald took the tunder from Democrats! By the way, both Democrats and Republicans are now fierce China decoupling parties! So either way, China apps will be banned regardless!
Of course the mainstream media, which is begin more and more anti americans because the globalists are angry that their mega dollar money machine in China are getting hit!
This decoupling is actually very profitable for US in general! First, americans are getting their jobs back home as more and more american firms stay put in US! 2nd, US is getting billions from China goods due to tariff! 3rd, Donald making a fair trade deal with business partners that actually discourage american companies from outsourcing! Example, Mexico, where mexicans are getting better as good as americans thus making it pointless to set up factory in Mexico!
No matter how you look at it! US is winning! TikTok is just a temporarily craze! Beside, Facebook already making and launching a copycat version soon! As for wechat, it's not popular in US, so it's totally no lost for US!
We must accept that China will soon see itself totally and completely cutoff from US! There no 2 ways about it!

News & Blogs

2020-08-09 11:39 | Report Abuse

There should be awareness how important family planning is! Make contraceptive pill readily available! Put condom vending in public toilet! There's no shame to admit intimate relation is part of humanity! Take Japan for example, the most conservative society in the world yet they are extreme open about this crucial matter! And yeah, i fully support this hatch thingy! Because some are totally ignorant of contraceptive method, newborns should not suffer! There's tons of childrenless couple dying to get one!

News & Blogs

2020-08-08 23:56 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! True, but much better than Malaysia!


2020-08-08 23:47 | Report Abuse

Moderna first trial is ongoing! Of course on this trial, ore emphasis on elders to see if they can take this vaccine! And of course on those with illness!
Once this trial is over! We should know if US FDA gives a green light! This should happen in September or October! But i think Donald Trump will push for early approval before release millions for americans!
Mass vaccination before November should give Donald a huge advantage! And i think Donald is counting on this as well! Perhaps, Donald will make it mandatory to get vaccine shots for voters during November election!
Closely to home, i think we should get such vaccine by next year! But there's no need to vaccinate all 30 million malaysians! Rather such vaccination should be targeted to selected groups like children, those with illness and of course elderly! There's no need to vaccinate healthy ones! Once all targeted group are vaccinated, only then goes to those working in high exposure employment like those in service industry and so forth!
Such vaccination phases should be very effective to curb further spread !

News & Blogs

2020-08-07 23:18 | Report Abuse

Please, stick to one which is Sejahtera! There's so many out there confusing rakyat!


2020-08-07 23:16 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! I call this stock, Jho Low! Can use any cards to fry! Now using vaccine card! Few years later use different card again!


2020-08-07 13:38 | Report Abuse

Now that Bossku officially death, perhaps Atokku is going to be very popular among majority malays! I mean, taking selfie with Atokku should send Mahathir into ICU if he is infected by Covid19!


2020-08-07 13:36 | Report Abuse

Perhaps Mahathir fail to learn from Tanjung Piai! Or perhaps fail to learn anything from Sheraton Move! Or perhaps at 95, Mahathir fail to learn anything! They say old dog can't learn new things! Well, i suppose i am happy with my dog, who is doing super excellent job keeping my house well guard!
So with an old dog like Mahathir still wants to fight on politically despite his very advance age, one wonders who is he trying to impress! Especially after a totally boom disaster during his 22 months which mildly to say, the worst administration Malaysia ever seen!
Anyway, let's give Mahathir a big clap as he return to active politics again! I mean, we certainly need some jokes to keep us entertain! I mean who can really keep up with the turds except Mahathir himself!
And i bet, Anwar will as usually 'support and forgive' Mahathir and once again we will see this 2 jokers holding hands to save Malaysia from imaginary disaster of which they are more than capable of inflicting on us!


2020-08-07 12:13 | Report Abuse

I just watch 'Old Guard' last night! It's one of Nextflix original movies! And yeah, i am Nextflix subcriber now, because i believe we should support something that really worth the money!
To me, Nextflix movies are waaayyyyy better compare to China run Hollywood movies! Let's face it, Hollywood scripts nowwadays must get approval from CCP and adding those woody chinese actors really bring down the quality of Hollywood films! To me, spending your money watching in cinema nowadays are wasteful and stupid! Especially with 90% of Hollywood movies nowadays really below the mark! Give me Nextflix original movies anytime of the day!
The Nextflix series, my, they are fantastic as well!
As for Astro, they are clearly out of the game! Who wants to watch a movie, waiting for it to be slotted in!

News & Blogs

2020-08-07 00:37 | Report Abuse

You know, LGE already getting ready to be jailed! Shafie still walks free! This Shafie who is now ex MB of Sabah is another big thief! And Mahathir wants him to be PM in waiting! Bizarro!

News & Blogs

2020-08-07 00:36 | Report Abuse

Apollo! Yeah, hawkers are hawkers! LGE will always be their hero! But the luckiest thief goes to Mahathir! After walloping over 100 billion and still manage to fatten his children and cronies during short 2 years, he still walks free calling others thief! I mean, only in Malaysia the biggest thief getting Tun and respected by Harapan leaders!

News & Blogs

2020-08-07 00:16 | Report Abuse

Apollo! Yeah, Najib certainly get pardon from the royals! He has royal blood so it's like we all know the pardon will come!
As for LGE, this dude thought he can get away with his crime! The Penang underwater is a scandal as big as 1MDB! The thing is there's no Jho Low to scam him! This is LGE own doing! Once LGE guilty verdict announce, Dap will wither! I doubt local chinese will rally behind him!

News & Blogs

2020-08-07 00:09 | Report Abuse

Apollo! Yeah, truly underestimated topdog he is! This Mohiden has been a pleasure to watch at work!

News & Blogs

2020-08-06 14:19 | Report Abuse

I hope Sabah voters teach Mahathir well! Make Shafie defeat as epic as Tanjung Piai! Bury Mahathir for good!


2020-08-05 16:23 | Report Abuse

The usually stuff! Bought 1.60 and sell 1.72! Repeat!

News & Blogs

2020-08-03 16:43 | Report Abuse

Should have been mandatory weeks ago! I mean, how stupid it is to write your name and number when you already have tracing app available!
Anyway, the 2nd wave seems to be coming from imported cases! Therefore, those returning or entering Malaysia must be quarantined!


2020-08-01 14:15 | Report Abuse

Should go back to 2.00 again!


2020-07-31 15:58 | Report Abuse

This is what my undercover friend explain to me last night!
The Umno president, Musa Aman has been MB of Sabah for almost 2 decades! And he said, during those 20 years, Musa Aman only fatten himself and his cronies and in return, gave nothing for Sabah people!
There were zero development under Musa Aman! So tell us, how can you continue to vote for Umno if you know, if Musa wins, there's really nothing for Sabah people!
As for Shafie, he is as useless as Musa Aman! For the last 2 years, like Musa, Shafie too has done nothing! Absolutely nothing! Just like Harapan government which did basically nothing for us!
So you see Sabah voters dilemma! They have 2 bad choices to begin with!


2020-07-30 15:33 | Report Abuse

That includes Ku Li as well! I mean, honestly, the younger generation don't know who the heck is Ku Li! Only the very old and senile ones still feel affection for him!
It's time to accept the truth! Najib and Zahid must clear their name first! But leave Umno while at it! This also goes to LGE! And the rest!


2020-07-29 17:52 | Report Abuse

I feel sorry for Sugu Pavithra! Finally they made some money from youtube!
But then, politicians started to take advantage of their fame! Giving all this attention that they don't need!
Youtubers are youtubers! They make their money on their own! It's very difficult to produce a content! Sugu Pavithra happened to be very lucky as their cooking series were a hit!
As ordinary member of society, we should appreciate their contribution and leave them alone! Youtube income is very unstable! Today you are the star, tomorrow nobody will want to watch you! I have seen many youtubers come and go! It's extremely hard to get creative contents! After a while, most are burnout! Or their contents become boring!
And along with that, they lose their youtube income as well! Not to mention, the many parasites who are banging their door to get some 'donation'! I tell you, Sugu Pavithra most probably have stream of parasites, ptretending to be their long lost relative desperate need of money for imaginary and fake reason!
So yeah, please, don't make youtubers circus dogs for our politicians!

News & Blogs

2020-07-29 13:48 | Report Abuse

Too late, Umno will announce pulling out from Perikatan! Just wait for the press conference!

News & Blogs

2020-07-27 16:10 | Report Abuse

Sad to see the poorest state in Malaysia keep promoting new alliance! I feel sad for Sabah people! It must be hopeless to be in doom state!


2020-07-27 16:08 | Report Abuse

Anwar so irrevalant nowadays! Talk so clueless nowadays! Best for Anwar to retire!


2020-07-26 13:54 | Report Abuse

Before you guys shot me, yes, i know, Mohiden is far from perfect! In fact he should not have given GLCs post to Umno warlords, especially Zahid cartel to gain influence! It's morally wrong and will destroy all this GLCs as politicians are not in position to run this businesses! I bet all this GLCs will suffer similar fate of that, Tabung Haji and Felda! No doubt!
Anyway, what i like to highlight here is the way Mohiden run government! He does not talk politics! He deliver crucial messages in the most interesting and mature way! His handling of Covid19 is benchmark to all leaders out there!
This is how a PM should behave! Not like Mahathir who constantly on vendetta and scheming! Not to mention constant flip flop and making quarrel with everybody! In the end, rakyat feel the instability and nobody gain anything good from 22 months of Harapan!
Anyway plus is how Mohiden appointed a technocrat as MOF! This was a brilliant move because it completely depoliticize this No.2 post! In fact technocrats should be appointed in GLCs if future PM wants to gain trust of rakyat!


2020-07-26 11:27 | Report Abuse

So please! Take this preventation measures seriously! And for goodness sake, reduce the norm of writing your name and number! Make it painless with Sejahtera! It's so sad to see even government agencies don't even have Sejahtera code!


2020-07-25 22:58 | Report Abuse

So US 'experts' recommended US goes into full lockdown! Which is stupid even to think about it! Because from Malaysia experience, the 3 months lockdown was extremey damaging! So damaging, it's obvious we will find it hard to go back to normal economic cycle for the longest time!
What is more important is to make sure everybody to mask up, sanitize and comply with social distancing! There's no choice! Or else going full lockdown will be far worst compare to curbing Covid19!
Unfortunately for US, there's just too much smart'xx running around and not focus on the obvious! Even if you make face mask mandatory for them, you will find lawsuits from 'human rights' going berserk!
However, it's not just US having very high Covid19! India, Brazil, Indonesia and perhaps most of high populated nations cannot control the spread of Covid19!
Focusing on Malaysia, we must be ever vigilant! Don't just point finger and think we have won the fight! We haven't! In fact, the moment we take things for granted, Covid19 will spread like wildfire!
Once new cases hit 50 daily, i tell you, it's going to be very fast from there on!