
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-12-04 19:45 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Pas holymen have been pissing Muafakat for months now! They act like big brother to Umno but treat Bersatu like true lover!
It's no brainer Hadi loves Bersatu! For Hadi, Umno is just like public toilet, or like his non muslim white wifey in London! Just a place to release his turd, nothing more!
But it's open secret, Umno is now going for Pkr! Why, because Umno+Pkr can form a government with Sabah Sarawak! Muafakat has zero chance to work with Sabah Sarawak!
But Hadi has other plan, he thought Bersatu is stronger! So instead of Muafakat, he already open for Muafackat, alliance of lust between Bersastu and Pas! Alliance that gurantee Hadi and his warlords ministerial position for doing nothing!

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2020-12-04 17:34 | Report Abuse

Fauci is like a turtle in a hare race! You have global pandemic and yet he act like it's just a flu! That's the difference!


2020-12-04 13:45 | Report Abuse

If Abah Mohiden indeed has the majority support from lawmakers, then Budget 2021 would have seen 120 lawmakers supporting it!
Instead, the largest was only like 110, barely hit minimum lawmakers requirement!
While the focus of attack is on Anwar for his way too many cry wolfs, the fact remains, if Anwar has the number, Abah Mohiden would have fold easily!
Indeed, Perikatan has insufficient lawmakers behind it to remain as government! Going forward, Abah Mohiden will not have the ability to implement new bills!
The new narrative of Bersatu, Umno and Pas uniting under one umbrella is nothing more than cover up of things!
It's really open secret how Assmin desperately working with Mahathir with their plan B in case Abah Mohiden cave in and resign!
It's also no secret Assmin full support for Mahathir to be PM if Abah Mohiden resign as only Mahathir has the number!
As for Anwar, he has none! That's why Harapan leaders especially the Lims desperately trying to kick Anwar out of the coalition!
The Lims despite decades in politics, remain noobs, believing Mahathir will bring them back to Putrajaya! Reason been, the Lims remain monopoly of local chinese voters, and the fact that Dap has 40 lawmakers plus another dozen from Amanah! So yeah, you can understand why the Lims want to be in team Mahathir! But then again, Mahathir hate the Lims! It's minus Dap coalition for him!

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2020-12-01 17:40 | Report Abuse

Covid came from out of space! Period!

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2020-11-27 21:55 | Report Abuse

6K! Enough for to pay monthly car and house loans!

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2020-11-27 21:53 | Report Abuse

Wow! Now that Uncle Koon open for comments, i didnt realise he has so many fans!

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2020-11-26 20:12 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Mahathir got trolled big time! He thought Abah Mohiden would resign and make way for him! I guess Assmin and Hamzah totally miscalculated this round! Shows they are behind the curve!


2020-11-26 19:51 | Report Abuse

Result very good! Better than expected!

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2020-11-26 19:39 | Report Abuse

Really! When Sabah people have to climb trees to get reception! Delusional!

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2020-11-26 16:30 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! Yeah, this 'tuan melayu' mentality is really unhealthy for Malaysia going forward! But playing up victim flashing racist card on bystanders also just as bad!
It's hard for Malaysia to realise a true multiracial harmony! I giving up such hope!
The first step was for multiracial party to take over current regime! But looks like PKR has failed!

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2020-11-26 16:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah, everybody is fed up with racist card flashed by our politicians! Majority just want to see goverment working for rakyat not playing sentiments just to see rakyat jump up and down over nothing!

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2020-11-26 16:23 | Report Abuse

Yeah, the drama is over! Mahathir has to wait for next parliment to be PM!


2020-11-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

You can see, this is vaccine for the not so rich! It's much more convenient and just as effective! But the endgame remain the same, to eliminate Covid!


2020-11-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

While many are dissapointed with it's 70% effectiveness, many don't understand that it's more than good enough!
You see, you need this level of effectiveness to curb and eliminate Covid! It's sufficient!
Another advantage is the cost and ease of distribution! No need dry ice! No need special fridge!
And so, we should see wide adoption of Astrazeneca vaccine all over the world soon!


2020-11-25 01:34 | Report Abuse

Not yet! Tesla not only involve in electric car! Tesla also going to replace power grid as well! And autonomous system! Air conditioner system! So many fields yet to be explore!


2020-11-23 14:05 | Report Abuse

vw got it right! Instead of building expensive EV, they decide to go for common EV market! Yeah, the budget EV market!
And mind you VW already sold out their production for 2021! And Geely is also going into budget EV!
Geely is using new brand Kandi! But from the look of it, VW has clear advantage due to better quality build and reputation!
But this EV war is actually good thing!They help accelerate EV adoption all over the world!
Maybe we will get Kandi version as well in Malaysia since it's under Geely!

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2020-11-23 11:57 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Pas holymen are getting greedy! They are now acting like big boss! They pissing Muafakat like public toilet!

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2020-11-19 16:12 | Report Abuse

Annuar should join Bersatu! It's so weird he is wearing Umno shirt but in reality a Bersatu mole throughout!

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2020-11-18 21:58 | Report Abuse

When i was naive and ignorant about US politics, i used to admire Obama! But now i realise he was nothing more than a political actor! Spent his time acting those White House clips with his little poddle Biden! Even gave Biden medal of Hero for been such a good dog! It was Obama who made Daesh or Isis! And it only took Donald a year to finish off this fake islamic terrorists! And it took few years for Donald to subdue CCP! And built superior border wall that prevent Covid from spreading like wildfire in US!


2020-11-18 10:01 | Report Abuse

Consolidation! QR out next week! Go figure if report black!

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2020-11-17 20:11 | Report Abuse

Not easy for Donald Trump! Even if all the evidence of 'glitches' made on purpose! But Republican may harden their stand and stand by Donald Trump that this election was rigged! And so come December 15, Republicans may nominate Donald Trump as president re elected, ignoring Joe Biden 'victory'! What this means, Joe Biden may not be president! But this is purely constitution play here! I really don't know how things will turn out!


2020-11-17 10:12 | Report Abuse

It's strange how Donald Trump was leading by 800k and overnight Joe Biden suddenly win many stronghold Republican states!
What is more bizarro is that there's just too many 'glitches' where suddenly Joe Biden got massive 200k votes in split seconds! I mean, you really think a counting machine can count 200k votes in few seconds!
So yeah, US election was a sham! A total cheat! Even no brainer can see how rigged this election was! And the culprit points to mysterious Dominion machine which is so divine, it can change vote counts in split seconds!
It's pretty obvious how corrupt the election system in US is! And why we should stick to old manual counting of votes! I used to think automatic machine will make vote counting more efficient! Turns out it actually favor those with vested interest!
Anyway, democracy is dead for US!


2020-11-17 10:02 | Report Abuse

Instead of congratulatig Pfizer and Moderna for succesfully developing vaccine, President Joe Biden shown unhappiness!
He said more americans will die! Instead the best way to deal with Covid is to go back to total lockdown! Yeah, just like Wuhan where you front door are shut wielded! If you try to go out, police will put you in jail! This is how Joe Biden will deal with Covid!
As for vaccine, he will ignore them! Trust me, he does not trust Donald Trump vaccine!


2020-11-16 20:18 | Report Abuse

Of course tomorrow markets will be on another relief rally! I mean, now that we have 2 vaccine, Covid should be thing of the past sooner or later! Thank you outgoing President Donald Trump for focusing on the right path! Or else we would have to wait for another 2 or 3 years for vaccine!


2020-11-16 20:16 | Report Abuse

So yeah, Moderna early report shows what we already anticipated! It's very good just like Pfizer! Except with Pfizer, there's side effect for men, where you little gun may get some hard on on the first and second shot! Which many will be please, especially the wifey!
Anyway, now that US has not one but two vaccine, it's no brainer what President Donald Trump will going to do! Get every single american vaccinated before April ends!
Problem is, Donald Trump will be goner by mid January! Instead, President Joe Biden opt for total lockdown and shun this 2 great vaccine until his term ends!


2020-11-16 15:30 | Report Abuse

Apollo! Wait for AT boss to issue free warrants! Then he can change his used 14 year old company car!


2020-11-16 14:46 | Report Abuse

Sleepy Badawi used to mock us! That we, rakyat, have 3rd class mentality and Malysia had 1st class infra!
Which is complete baloney if we think about it today! Come on! Let's face it! Our education system is low class! Our logistic is low class! Our graduates produce by public universities are low class! In fact our politicians are truly world low class standard!
But we, the rakyat have world class mentality! Why, because during this pandamic, it shows that we can follow strict SOP! We didn't start 3rd wave Covid! Our politicians did! I mean, how come Singapore can do their General Election and saw zero wide spread infection!
Why, because singaporeans are world class! Because their politicians are world class!
It's time for our polticians to show us that they have grown up! We are sick of childish season politicians making political statements just to satisfy their balls!

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2020-11-16 13:54 | Report Abuse

However, closure of schools must not be more than one month! 2 weeks should be enough to curb Covid! But you may need longer time if infection rate is high like what happen in Sabah! All in all, combine distant learning and reopen of schools with pandamic in mind!

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2020-11-16 13:52 | Report Abuse

I think Senior Lim should just shut up! Just like how his adamant to recognise UEC as entry to public universities and civil services without understand the reason why SPM and STPM was crucial in preventing language shock among local chinese!
You can't allow states to determine closure of schools! Reason been, the progress of students will be out of sych! The best alternative is to introduce distant learning if such closure had to be done! Unfortunately, this pandamic require new way of learning for our students! I think home schooling or distant learning will be part of our children education system for the next year or so! And unfortunately we don't have world class internet connectivity to do so! After decades of 'tuan melayu', we are so far behind compare to even Thailand!
I think our politicians especially Senior Lim come to term that we are so far behind! We are 'kampong' standard in connectivity, logistics, healthcare, essential food distribution and so forth when pandemic struck like now! Even Thailand is doing far better than us! Singapore no need to mention, they are superior and world class standard!
We are 'kampong' standard! Our education system is 'kampong' standard! Accept the truth and find ways to improve it!

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2020-11-15 19:13 | Report Abuse

Rhetoric! No action talk only! As long as illegals are cheap labor, politicians getting their cuts, enforcement getting fed, Malaysia will continue to be hotspot for foreign workers!


2020-11-15 18:55 | Report Abuse

Well, the way mainstream media beautify Joe Biden may be the reason for his victory! And of course those 'glitches' thanks to Clinton ballot machines! But perhaps Donald Trump personality turn off american voters as well! But let's watch and see the disaster for the next 4 years! Nobody going to laugh at Joe Biden funny antics in the White House while so many US corporations fall into CCP hands! You know, Joe Biden and Xi spent many intimate and close relationship during Obama administration! Just watch and see! You see Joe Biden giving up so easy for Xi!

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2020-11-15 18:43 | Report Abuse

Well, the mainstream media figure that they are the 'divine' source of real news! But like every 'divine' insttitutions, the morally corrupt arleady taken over! Hence, how can you say mainstream media are telling the truth! So who is actually spreading fake news!
Likewise, during the period of total ignorants, those who were keen in developing science where deem as witches! Yeah, that's right, the world was flat according to the 'divine' catholic church! Early scientists where burn alive, many torture for months or even years!
So yeah, today, majoritty can't differentiate what is real what is fake! Even if i say mainstream media are the real source of fake news, i would be pointed out as racist! Yeah, that's right, using racist card is todays weapon to silence anyone! Have you seen how Democrats tried to paint Donald Trump as racist and they succeed! Why, because fake news is the best way to condition majority into submission! The 1% decide what is real what is fake!

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2020-11-15 18:20 | Report Abuse

Yeah, sure! The ever taking credit Assmin! Yet Selangor water crisis got worsen during his adminstration! If you can't even take care of Selangor, the richest state in Malaysia, pointless to brag about anything else!


2020-11-15 13:34 | Report Abuse

Even if americans vote back Donald Trump come 2024, it will be way too late! The damage that President Joe Biden going to inflict simply cannot be reverse! And by then CCP would be having a ball colonizing the rest of the world! It's dark age for humanity! Why, because as humans, we love idealistic expectations to come true!


2020-11-15 13:31 | Report Abuse

Trust me, President Joe Biden first order of the day will total lockdwon of USA! Which is the most stupid thing to do given USA already have effective vaccines! I mean, if you are presidentt or PM and you have 2 or more vaccine at your disposal, and you push for lockdown after a year of pandemic, i mean, even a kindergarden teacher would jump off the clift! It's totally act of stupidity! And that's what we going to witness from President Joe Biden!
After that, USA will be on slippy long dive towards depression! There's no V shape or U shape recovery! It's just death for USA!


2020-11-15 13:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by icecool > Nov 15, 2020 12:57 AM | Report Abuse

@tobby you are watching a hellywood movie, the election is just a preview, the real movie starts right after the announcement of the official election result, enjoy, remember to preorder your salted caramel popcorn.

Answer : Yeah, but the real movie definately start after Joe Biden takes over! I mean, President Joe Biden will be acting out his Pre Obama cute and lovely image for sure! You know, all those clips in White House way Joe Biden will dish out funny acts but actually do nothing for USA! Yeah, just like Obama did! In 4 years, there will be no USA that we know of! Even Hollywood movies will be so boring with WOKEness and CCP certified script, i think we all would be looking forward for alternative movies from Nextflix, Amazon, Disney Plus and so on!


2020-11-15 00:19 | Report Abuse

Moral of this story was that, Donald Trump accomplished the impossible! He force US top pharmas to come out with Covid vaccine! And this vaccine was tested by americans themselves!
I mean, would you like to get Russia or China vaccine! Because even Brazil already halt China vaccine testing!
And don't you find it strange that China refuse to vaccinate chinese China citizens! Words in alternative media seems to suggest, malaysians are the best guinea pigs for China vaccine! If 31 million malaysians got killed, who cares! Malaysia will be clean sheet for CCP!


2020-11-15 00:15 | Report Abuse

Dude! Covid originated from China! Before Covid there was Sars! Covid won't be the last coming out from China! You don't understand, with total authoritarian system, it would be too late for another pandemic to kick start again!
China got lucky, locked up citizens by force! I mean, would you like been locked up inside your house because your gate is wielded! We don't hear how CCP dealt with Wuhan citizens do you! We can't replicate that here!
Even in Malaysia, we can't curb it! So yeah, i wish i was like you, always thing China is the best and US is the evil nation! I mean, CCP fits you very well!


2020-11-14 23:23 | Report Abuse

No doubt Donald Trump lost US election! Perhaps he is not that popular as he thought! Perhaps the mainstream media indeed played major role in shaping the minds of americans and the rest of the world!
But let's put that aside! Let's talk about Donald perhaps most greatest achievement during his presidency! No,not the broder wall that could have been completed in another 2 years time! Seems americans do not appreciate it! Or the fact that he brought world peace a chance! Or he was bold enought to teach CCP who's the boss!
No, i am talking about what all humanity is so concern, finding a cure for global pandemic, Covid!
What would perhaps take 4 years maximum has been reduce to only 7 months! Yeah, and nobody seems to appreciate this mind boggling achievement! The sad thing is, the mainstream media only talk about how difficult it is to distribute this vaccine due to it's requirement of super low temperature! Hello! Pfizer has repeatedly said that they already taken care of that part! And it's not expensive! Just put them in dry ice package and it's good for few weeks! Yet the mainstream media remain adamant and ignore what has been constantly repeated by Pfizer, no need to brain about it!
Perhaps the reason nobody appreciate Donald Trump is because of his personality! He is cruel, blunt and merciless! But that's exactly what you need in the world where dictators will laugh at soft leaders! And with Joe Biden as president of US, i am sure China will buy US within short 4 years!
Well, that's how the world works! And that's why history of the dark era keep repeating itself over and over again!

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2020-11-14 17:23 | Report Abuse

Only Mahathir alone is capable to manage Malaysia! Proven for over 22 years and 22 months! The rest simply not capable! Period!