NKN1 | Joined since 2012-05-02

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2013-12-29 20:21 | Report Abuse

Fact u know what we don't know still useless if price wanna fall will still fall

Like I said not all investors adopt hold no matter what like u do

Don't la expect when ppl have different investment strategy they are idiots.

Again I do want to know who are u hoping to be your audience here? Big investors? Errr they don't read all these postings la FP even if they do makes no difference as they are not selling anyway like u said

The small investors? Err u don't like when they buy n sell so surely they are not your target audience

So who r u trying to convince here FP?


2013-12-29 20:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyoooo we all know u r inside la FP no need to brag one.


2013-12-29 20:11 | Report Abuse

Hahaha my postings goes both ways.... I see upside n downside. Unlike yours upside haha

Anyways not telling anyone to buy or sell just telling my opinion

Too bad u don't like it haha

Aiyoooo u really don't understand i3klse concept la FP

Better u make your own blog abt Hibiscus than u can block any views that is not inline with yours


2013-12-29 20:06 | Report Abuse

Your arrogance soooooo out of place la FP dah la some of your postings dead wrong n pure spin


2013-12-29 20:04 | Report Abuse

Huh FP don't get what u r talking abt? Apa yg u mengarut ni??

Anyway big shareholders didn't sell last week pun the price still tanked jugak enough la to get co kelam kabut n request for 2 days suspension haha

Aiyaaaah if u don't wanna small investors to buy Hibiscus shares why la go for listing in the 1st place. Just go for private equity mah then u have all big investors

Btw I doubt any of the shareholders that holds millions and millions of share read whatever that is written in i3klse here

So makes me wonder why u r ere posting non stop? Hahaha who u think is your audience here haha


2013-12-29 19:57 | Report Abuse

Their drilling campaign after all that had happened at well 1 kinda worries me. Mcm doing things on the fly

Unless new location is secondary drilling location since the beginning


2013-12-29 19:52 | Report Abuse

Prc4wifefe not common la oil co change drilling location mid drilling campaign. Not that it is not done just not common.


2013-12-29 19:50 | Report Abuse

My 2 cents worth la. I can't see the future haha


2013-12-29 19:49 | Report Abuse

Yup won't sink if Oman is bust. Share price will just taper and enter holding pattern and have to wait for Norway play to see any big price movement.

Obviously if they find oil in Oman price will jump.

Wonder if by drilling alone ppl will be excited as before or they will be more cautious and wait for the result


2013-12-29 17:57 | Report Abuse

Again I am discounting Oz with just 9m proven reserve. Out of 9 mil u probably will be lucky if can extract 3 m. After deduct cost of operations and less other field partner portion, bottom line profit impact is minimal.

Oman is key due to reserve size


2013-12-29 17:53 | Report Abuse

I will wait for result of well 2 result I guess. Yup won't get as much upside but jjust protecting my downside.

If there is oil down there it will be another 2 years before first barrel of oil will be sold. Plenty of time to enjoy upside still


2013-12-29 17:50 | Report Abuse

I believe in long term prospects just waiting for stability in price before re entry. During volatility will go in and out when opportunity arise


2013-12-29 17:48 | Report Abuse

Anyway doubt there will big movement Mon or Tuesday, lots of selling of wa will be happening as big holders of warrant cannot use it as margin collateral soon. Not all has the dosh or inclination to convert the warrant. The big holders of the warrant got the warrant for free anyway during IPO so they may want to lock their profit

Will wait till price flat lining again before re investing in Hibs again for long term


2013-12-29 17:35 | Report Abuse

Hahaha FP I luv it when u ignore postings that caught u out

Sorry for being an active investors who like to maximize my profit instead of holding it no matter what happens like u do


2013-12-29 02:54 | Report Abuse

It is funny u definitively claimed Hibiscus not proceeding with the fund raising when quoting "has yet to enter" has yet doesn't mean will not

Anyway no worries I can check with SC myself and highlight to them your statement on
- purpose of fund to finance newfield bid
- will not proceed on fund raising since lost bid for newfield


2013-12-29 02:38 | Report Abuse

U r doing Hibiscus a diservice with all this spinning


2013-12-29 02:33 | Report Abuse

To me announcement on the 27th was pure spinning if indeed they are not going to proceed your investment banker would not even bother to ask for extension on as announced earlier on 20th.

You guys just changed your mind in one week mehhhh?


2013-12-29 02:29 | Report Abuse

Don't dig n make the hole deeper than it is


2013-12-29 02:23 | Report Abuse

No offense FP but what u r saying on the RCPS does not make sense

Anyone who actually reads BOTH announcements on 27th and 20th can see it

I worry when people start spinning to justify anything that is negative

Before anyone dare to comment please actually go read FIRST the two announcements


2013-12-28 01:14 | Report Abuse

Sorry some typos here n there...tgh driving haha


2013-12-28 01:12 | Report Abuse

FP "they found oil" but non commercial

No guarantee even with proper drilling in well no 2 the oil down there is commercial

Also for my investment education sake, RVD successful 40 times. Is that 40 out of 40?
No failure saga all?

Is yes 40 out of 40, were all 40 drill resulted in commercial hydrocarbon? Any non commercial hydrocarbon find as well?

Need these info for my considerations to INVEST back in Hibiscus


2013-12-27 11:03 | Report Abuse

I am out for the being. Sold at 1.17. Dont worry will come back for good. I am a believer


2013-12-27 10:41 | Report Abuse

No limit up offer today???????? Hahaha


2013-12-27 10:33 | Report Abuse

Go baby. Give me 1.80. My son will follow


2013-12-27 10:02 | Report Abuse

Next target for mum shud be 1.80 i.e rcps price


2013-12-27 09:56 | Report Abuse

Sklyte my timing not bad ehhh? Hihi


2013-12-26 19:01 | Report Abuse

3 types of E&P play available hibiscus, sona & cliq, sumatec.

All has different model of E&P business. I suggest all to understand the basic atleast how all 3 differs. After that pilih mana suka if wanna invest in Malaysia co E&P play

U also have SKPetro nad Dialog which has E&P division but they are more like a conglemerate not so much pure E&P

All the best


2013-12-26 18:07 | Report Abuse

EPF also continuing to collect BIMB and Takaful


2013-12-26 18:06 | Report Abuse

Bank Islam is their biggest holding easily


2013-12-26 18:04 | Report Abuse

Some upside still. Looks like they will push mommy closer to maybank TP of 4.80. Mommy up son will follow

Plus I suspect Tabung Haji wanna close 2013 with their book looking good so will push all their major holdings


2013-12-26 17:45 | Report Abuse

Sklyte to me kinda fun reading all the posts the good the bad the ugly. Just have to tapis la which one to take in


2013-12-26 17:41 | Report Abuse

Keeping 90% of my fund for serious solid investing.

10% for punting hahahaha I don't wanna lose the adrenaline rush


2013-12-26 17:37 | Report Abuse

Having said that sometimes I still fell into the herd mentality type and succumb to the euphoria and ended up buying lemons. Part and parcel of investing I guess

My resolution for 2014 is to try stick to some trading discipline


2013-12-26 17:32 | Report Abuse

Events past few days makes me wonder how some invest their hard earn money without even basic knowledge abt the industry n workings of the co they are iinvesting in esp for co which u cannot use PE analysis yet

Caveat emptor


2013-12-26 12:04 | Report Abuse

damn cant believe I am plugging for Hibs now hahahaha


2013-12-26 12:03 | Report Abuse

mother selling rate has stabilise a bit...so far...let see this afternoon how


2013-12-26 11:55 | Report Abuse

short to medium term maaah...definitely not for contra or margin account ppl


2013-12-26 11:47 | Report Abuse

lots of selling today and tomorrow will be forced selling situation rather than people actually wanting to sell

major shareholder wont sell. those that bought at lofty level also cannot sell.

my reading la I may be wrong


2013-12-26 11:44 | Report Abuse

waaaah your range so extreme one. down to 90 sen I run up to 1.25 I run...may be hahaha


2013-12-26 11:33 | Report Abuse

son around RM1 meet my risk appetite.

I believe Hibiscus will go up short to medium term if only for rcps pricing purposes

20% downside risk short term I can live with


2013-12-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

hahaha small amount only just to get the juice flowing. tambah2 duit rokok if untung


2013-12-26 11:22 | Report Abuse

sklyte join in the fun...use your got nothing to lose account. Your retirement account don't la use for this risky shit


2013-12-26 11:17 | Report Abuse

try a bit a 1.02. if up next few days will sell. if not will keep a few months


2013-12-25 17:42 | Report Abuse

I meant kwspdutkita not jameslim


2013-12-25 17:40 | Report Abuse

Can u just buzz off

Can somebody get this idiot ban from I3klse


2013-12-25 17:34 | Report Abuse

I dont care if ppl wanna say up down up down but certain ppl just too much la.

Feel like my civic duty to highlight

After that sendiri mau tanggung


2013-12-25 17:32 | Report Abuse

Who mau masuk mulut buaya be my I guess hahaha


2013-12-25 17:29 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha I give up


2013-12-25 17:22 | Report Abuse

Haha gone case la some ppl. Ppl like kwspduitkita dia agree

jameslim do read kwspduitkita previous postings....theyvare hilarious man

U r only encouraging ppl like him


2013-12-25 17:18 | Report Abuse

Kwspduitkita u better change your name here bro .... Games up already