
ooi1955 | Joined since 2013-08-02

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2013-12-06 20:02 | Report Abuse

Sky... I'm also curious about the answer.
Wah... Inwest call and you immediatle appear... fantastic!


2013-12-06 19:57 | Report Abuse

Connie, you can give me your email if you want Bro Sj3's notes.
He has given the green light.


2013-12-06 19:53 | Report Abuse

Bro Sj3... sorry I miss you. Glad to know you are getting better.
I pop in & out and just came in again cos I thought you will be here at 8PM. Glad to see your analysis on Hezxa.
Yes...now I have something to look forward too... Xmas present!


2013-12-06 18:27 | Report Abuse

Hiddengem... would like to add my thanks too.
Lets hope penny stocks rule next week!


2013-12-06 17:03 | Report Abuse

Ok, Connie... I'm out again.
Oh ya.. I got Hezxa to.. got it when it was at 0.665.. should have waited...
See u tonite.


2013-12-06 16:54 | Report Abuse

I have no control over what he wants to share... I just follow his flow. Sometimes he can 'gostan'... very cute loh. I like it slow and easy cos I'm not that smart.


2013-12-06 16:42 | Report Abuse

Connie dear, today's lesson is about investing in FA companies.. no see-saw or swing yet but its a good read. Connie, I'm not going to stop him from deleting his notes if he wants to..OK. Inwest already touch on that yesterday. I do need to respect his privacy. Sori, my dear.


2013-12-06 15:04 | Report Abuse

Connie... why so late... he came & he left and now I'm. leaving...see you tonight,lov.


2013-12-06 14:39 | Report Abuse

Bro Sj3... STOP saying sorry... now you make me feel bad.
Happy visiting...


2013-12-06 14:22 | Report Abuse

Bro Sj3... what stock I invest in earlier is just tikam tikam only.
Its only when I join this i3 and get to know members here than Bro Sj3 that I realise I'm blindly playing a very dangerous game.


2013-12-06 14:18 | Report Abuse

Bro Sj3... dont mind you repeating what you have written earlier... its still a very good read. Just share whataever comes to mind....write whatever & whenever you feel like it.... ok..


2013-12-06 14:12 | Report Abuse

Dear Bro Sj3, copied. But need time to digest.
Oh pls dont delete the latest post yet... tonight than delete, OK?
See you tonight... 9PM?


2013-12-06 13:58 | Report Abuse

Hi ! Bro Sj3… not saying thanks is so difficult … especially when I’m always on the receiving end loh.
So forgive me if I end with a simple TQ… OK.

Bro Sjc3… I could never imagine that so many valuable stories can evolve around the trade details of a stock.
Now that you break it up in bits and pieces, I’m beginning to appreciate them.

Inwest knows how to enjoy life. He normally goes jalan-jalan & makan-makan with his wife when the market is quiet but he’ll be back. Don’t know if you read his post but he did remind members here to respect your privacy. So I guess they are just absorbing quietly like me…….


2013-12-06 11:06 | Report Abuse

Got to sign off now. Be back later.
Ladies & guys hope ur baby flies.....
Happy Trading...


2013-12-06 10:59 | Report Abuse

Hi! twobits. Forgot to ask Bro Sj3 what time he'll be back.
I think he's resting now... might be the medication he's taking for his flu bug. Sori, this morning's lesson is about me.


2013-12-06 10:34 | Report Abuse

Thank you... Bro Sj3. I took your advice to heart.
Thats why I time out. To cool down and learn from you first.
Lots of members here were waiting for you anxiously.
Thanks again Bro Sj3.


2013-12-06 10:06 | Report Abuse

Sky... while waiting for Bro Sj3.. I tried to your riddle but this locomotive mind of mine keeps going round and round.
I give up... will wait for your answer.


2013-12-06 09:02 | Report Abuse

A very good morning to all!
Sky... I'm deeply touched. I love your poems to bits.
Connie cutie... Bro Sjm3 will be here by about 10AM to delete & post another lesson. Hope his deman & kepla pening is better.
Inwest… glad you are OK.
Chengyee… I share your sentiment. Good one.
Nelson Mandela… my sincere condolence.


2013-12-05 23:08 | Report Abuse

Matrix... if you need a second opinion, I would like to share my Orthodpedic Surgeon with you. He did a wonderful Total Hip Replacement for me in Gleneagles Medical Centre, Penang. Dr Siva now join Sime Darby Group in KL. You can check his credentials in this link:-

I dont think he is well known yet. I'm not promoting him but just sharing my personal awarness of his skill. I hope you dont mind, Matrix.

Matrix, I have stop buying shares. Only waiting to sell off those I have in hand. Now taking e-lesson from Sjm3.

Good night and May God Bless You.


2013-12-05 22:19 | Report Abuse

Goodnite & Sweet dreams, Tessa. :)


2013-12-05 22:08 | Report Abuse

Good night Rchi... hope Inwest dont have a headache tomorrow....


2013-12-05 21:57 | Report Abuse

Good night, Inwest.


2013-12-05 21:55 | Report Abuse

Dear Rchi... you are already helping us by sharing your smart street & trading with us. We trust you too.


2013-12-05 21:53 | Report Abuse

twobits... lets leave the decision to Bo Sj3. If he's happy here than so be it.

Inwest... OK... lets wait and see how Bro Sj3 is tomorrow. He's not feeling well and today he is posting his 1st lesson here. So I guess afew of our members are not aware of it yet, except Connie. Once Bro Sj3 set a time and all our members are aware than I'll not stop him if he wants to delete soon. OK?


2013-12-05 21:46 | Report Abuse

Rchi... I got no belt only rafia tali now... but Im gaining knowledge and I'm grateful. Thanks.


2013-12-05 21:40 | Report Abuse

twobits, how is your blog progressing?


2013-12-05 21:36 | Report Abuse

Oh pls, Inwest... pity Connie, Sky, Rookie, Christine ... they all have express a desire to follow and gain some knowledge from Bro Sj3.


2013-12-05 21:31 | Report Abuse

Ha! Ha! Inwest... Bro Sj3 came in early... what a shame you just miss him. But lucky he decide to leave his notes here until 2morrow because of you. Ha! Ha! Ha!


2013-12-05 21:28 | Report Abuse

Thank you and do have a good nights rest.
See you tomorrow.


2013-12-05 21:20 | Report Abuse

So delete tomorrow after 10AM so that all can share?
How about that?


2013-12-05 21:15 | Report Abuse

Ok.. I have copied but if you delete so fast Inwest will not have a chance to share your insight too.....


2013-12-05 21:07 | Report Abuse

Hi! twobits!


2013-12-05 21:02 | Report Abuse

Dear Bro Sj3... you are early. I was waiting here.
But Bro Sj3... a cute member of this family would like to follow your teaching very much but she wont be able to be on line tonight... so can you delete tomorrow or may I email her your notes.... Thanks, Bro Sj3.


2013-12-05 20:37 | Report Abuse

Oh... dear Matrix...I sincerely hope your Thai Orthopedic Surgeon gave you good advice.
Just to share, Stockwatch is right steroid injection right into the knee joint is just temporary relieve for say 3-6mths only. Depending on the seriousness of your condition ,it does not cure completely unless its only a torn ligament with no bone complications. Even then, complete rest, cold pack and medication is the best remedy.
Matrix, please try and take it easy, OK.
Note:Today market is terrible, more red than green. Hope it improves. To quote CT “window dressing is around the corner”.


2013-12-05 15:35 | Report Abuse

Connie... add in another line.. just to be sure.
MC.... happy happy holiday!
Rchi... you are good.. take care of the ladies... not all of us are street smart.


2013-12-05 09:45 | Report Abuse

MC.... when you come back... I'll change to hahaha.
Ooooh... i love holidays and the excitment of on-the- go...
Happy packing.....safe flight...


2013-12-05 09:42 | Report Abuse

Dear Matrix...you really should not put too much strain on that painful knee of yours. Pain killers only numb the pain... you need rest to help the healing process. I know you care and would like to fullfill your promise... but taking care of yourself should come first... there's always another charity work that you can help out later.
Enjoy the outing and fun with your family and friends but pls do take care of yourself..... breath in the fresh air... and relax.....


2013-12-05 09:33 | Report Abuse

Connie... thanks... but its still my careless mistake.
Make all inari holders make big $$$$ ......


2013-12-05 09:26 | Report Abuse

Quick one...Tessa, me like Freethink too... e-hug... I gladly accept.
Gotta run....... class start already. Love you...


2013-12-05 09:25 | Report Abuse

Connie... I dont know... I just follow where he goes... but this mornning I make big blunder...mampui aku!


2013-12-05 08:55 | Report Abuse

Good Morning! Good Morning!
MC.... flying tonite.... how I wish I could fly with you....huhuhu (copy MC...)... counting the days till you are back.....

Connie... last nite no class. Sifu tired or his CPU giving him trouble.
Love to read your comments... always so refreshing & bubbly.

Inwest... I'm only selling no buying. Locomotive mind cannot over-s tress ... sure keluar asap...ha! ha! ha!

Sky, Chengyee, Moon,Christine, TM 932, Rchi,Hiddengem,Inwest & all Happy Trading!


2013-12-05 08:43 | Report Abuse

Good Morning to all.
Tessa...be a good girl... dont jump in unless your sweetie gives you the green light.
Happy trading!


2013-12-04 22:09 | Report Abuse

Oh... 10PM already..I need to do some homework for tomorrow.
So goodnight dear Tessa. Sweet dreams, you & your sweetie!


2013-12-04 22:06 | Report Abuse

Poor Freethink.... so pitifuf. You believe meh, Tessa.
Yes, Tessa.. I'll sell EVERYTHING once I break even or make some gain. Hati still not keras enough to cut lost.


2013-12-04 22:01 | Report Abuse

CT... you are so fuuny...Me think you enjoy her kuali...
Where's your buddy Freethink? He's always around Tessa...


2013-12-04 21:57 | Report Abuse

Tessa, lucky expiry quite some time... must check again. But haope to sell by next year... CNY rally?


2013-12-04 21:55 | Report Abuse

Ya loh... I newbie.. follow blindly.. so now I dont buy at all. I learn first and waiting for my counter to UP than I sell. After I graduate (hopefully) I'll follow CT and keep only 3 counters!


2013-12-04 21:46 | Report Abuse

I'm holding all red red counters... Censof WA, Engtex WA, Daya, Instaco WA, Digistar, Jaks & Poh Kong. I push them all into my freezer and sit on it!


2013-12-04 21:41 | Report Abuse

Ha! Ha... I guess as much. Tessa will NEVER give up on her dream house in France. CT, you just have to work harder in Bursa.I'm sure you can make Tessa's dream come true.....


2013-12-04 21:35 | Report Abuse

Hi! MC... I'm still learning...thank you.

All the mummies are busy looking after Sonic, Inari, Sersol babies.
Me ... going to report to attend class soon....
Inwest also not here.... so sad.
So take care & enjoy yourself, dear MC.