
passerby | Joined since 2012-04-08

Investing Experience Intermediate
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2014-08-07 14:03 | Report Abuse


good to hear that....

low risk leverage play over here.....going to hang around for awhile.....datuk kan tao very liang


2014-08-06 18:02 | Report Abuse

apa itu 2 titik? testicles become smaller than kismis size already ? kikikiki

how are you doing tonylim? long time no see


2014-08-06 12:08 | Report Abuse

if the volume of Hevea-Wb traded >> against volume of Hevea traded, get out as soon as possible....that will be indication that the T+3 gamblers are around...

a healthy leverage play will always be that Hevea volume traded > than Hevea-WB


2014-08-06 11:43 | Report Abuse


gauge your on risk appetite before come in


2014-08-06 10:10 | Report Abuse

until today I still don't know what the heck is kikijang


2014-08-06 10:09 | Report Abuse

datuk kikijang kikijang kikijang

News & Blogs

2014-08-04 08:27 | Report Abuse

should let it stretch over the intrinsic value by about 30%.

Coz everything surrounding us moves in a simple harmonic motion, the estimated intrinsic value should be the equilibrium line between over valuation and under valuation.

if a price can be displaced under the intrinsic value for certain time, it can be displaced over the intrinsic value for certain time also.


2014-08-01 17:03 | Report Abuse

this must be datuk punya kan tao.....

datuk....August har? i'm watching.....make sure August 2014 not 2015 or 2016 punya August


2014-08-01 15:52 | Report Abuse

chooop ! I thought residential property no GST as per AH Jib gor budget 2014 last year?

you all here speculate a very bumper non-residential & commercial property transactions next year???


2014-08-01 15:47 | Report Abuse

assuming EPS 2014 doubles.....that was a bit too optimistic , wasn't ? EPS growth rate at 100%?


2014-07-31 15:59 | Report Abuse

siapa yang begitu yang rasa harga akan jatuh lagi...nah ambik lah


2014-07-30 22:35 | Report Abuse

Tak ada apa ...saja usik. Ini bukan sebiji pisang bukan setandan pisang.... mungkin berkebun-kebun pisang


2014-07-21 23:02 | Report Abuse

tutup satu mata....taruk .....tutup dua mata.....taruk lagi......deman panas


2014-07-14 23:16 | Report Abuse

passerby kena rasuk tadi....mimpi bukan-bukan

mimpi pasal matahari
mimpi pasal penipu
mimpi pasl matahari
mimpi pasal jalan
mimpi pasal dapat "F", begitu banyak "F" dalam report card, pengsan
mimpi dapat bungkusan
mimpi pasal kota asal Kobe Bryant......huruf-huruf initial
mimpi pasal 2 biji Bola Besar
mimpi pasal darab , cikgu suruh darab 10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10x10
lepas tu mimpi matahari mengamuk , habis minyak kuali mendidih terpeluwap....

mungkin ganguan hantu-hantu yang sedang dalam keadaan resonance.... lepas tu pengsan terus...

bangun pengsan.....suhu badan mendidih ! 36 darjah celcius !, deman panans yang teramat......mungkin makan salah ubat.....mungkin lupa makan ubat....apalah mimpi mimpi mengarut ini....


2014-07-02 12:08 | Report Abuse

red herring award of year 2013 went to Focus Aim Bhd / Salcon Bhd.....year 2014 red herring award nomination....OSKVI......over OSKProp & PJD.....

ada possibility kot? kikikiki


2014-07-01 23:31 | Report Abuse

See you guys again end of the year. Everyday watch screen mata pun sakit wor


2014-06-30 18:08 | Report Abuse

hello, great raider story on 25th June 2014 no ending yet....apa itu RCWProve$$??


2014-06-30 16:49 | Report Abuse

kinda attracting my attention :)....


2014-06-30 11:28 | Report Abuse

the ronins of Elsoft rocks....


2014-06-29 22:32 | Report Abuse

This Ayam Tua sound berry berry familiar....Ayam Tua = I am T****Lou? Hahaha

Sounds si bek free recently, can see his posts all over the places :)

Hai Chai, slow is ok for me. Marking your words


2014-06-26 22:13 | Report Abuse

over bought does not qualify as a negative view in my opinion...

other forum highly recommend? which forum are you referring to?


2014-06-26 11:16 | Report Abuse

any negative story on this counter to share share a bit to do some ying & yang balancing ?


2014-06-26 11:02 | Report Abuse

ooi, still mandul ? kikikiki ......."best tetek" sudah jauh lari wor......adui.....


2014-06-24 17:14 | Report Abuse

apa cerita mau? tarak cerita = bagus cerita
rujuk, sendiri tulis cerita untuk sendiri
sendiri cerita bagus, kasi taruk cukup cukup....tunggu lembu pulang rumah......sendiri cerita tarak bagus, kasi bungkus, pergi tempat lain


2014-02-26 09:41 | Report Abuse

goyang goyang goyang....ada monyet jatuh dalam sungai tak....?


2014-01-23 23:22 | Report Abuse

so, what is the next? if greed don't work now, how they make the fear work now i suppose?


2014-01-23 23:19 | Report Abuse

stop flagging unnecessary just because someone write something you don't wanna hear

there should be freedom of expression & thought


2014-01-22 21:05 | Report Abuse

upsidedown119 @passerby, another joke: you forget a 'dick' must fulfill two functions - a) give pleasure and b) shoot. Your small dick can only fulfill b), not a). A big one can do both, especially a)!
22/01/2014 14:14

kikikikiki.....wah, looks like someone very experience wor....big can gives both pleasure & shoot...okla, i never questioned people who tried that....

but how come JCool know size does matter ? you know what i'm thinking now, kikikikiki

@JCool, i really really never thought of those advantages you highlighted....buggle, next time i wanna do something similar, must get your consultations already, lol

enjoy flaunting the massive one :)

i'm keeping myself to the small one, not committing anymore in market now


2014-01-22 08:21 | Report Abuse

hehehehe...we joke about flaunting 1st....hey, small dick, if loaded & pressure. once shoot & do the job ( profit margin > 30% based on historical record ).....massive dick, looks impressive ! but if not loaded & pressurize , tak boleh tembak le......mati pucuk massive dick, lol ( historical profit margin boh sui le )

pestech contract 82M ( historical net profit margin 12.6% ) = 10.3M

assuming the JV 50:50 , sinohydro half - contract value by Scable subsidiary should be 310M only...history net profit margin around 1.5%.....1.5% of 310M = 4.65M

see, how loaded & pressurize small dick can do the job :).

But all that are assumptions that both maintain they historical performance la....we can't see the future

on the CMS related/ controlled chain, what makes you think the cunning people like ATM will park the high profit margin in his listed entity ? shouldn't he park all those big profit business more to the unlisted vehicle , so that it is easier for him to conduct his "activities" ?

620M is no doubt a significant amount, the market will react to it once concluded.


2014-01-21 23:35 | Report Abuse

okla....i contribute one negative view la.....ace counter, fund manager cannot fun around....

apa lagi negative ?


2014-01-21 23:34 | Report Abuse

didn't manage to draw any people to comment? hmmn....since, no one wanna talk the negative, then we talk about positive stuffs

the following are the EPS for Elsoft Bhd extracted from

2009 0.0092
2010 0.0217
2011 0.0264
2012 0.0361
2013 0.0495*

* cumulative of 3 quarters only ( excluding final quarter for year 2013 )

impressive lei the earning growth ? :)

Dividend payment from 2009 to 2013

2009 0.01
2010 0.01
2011 0.02
2012 0.02
2013 0.03*

impressive lei the dividend payout improvement !? :)

one more shocking thing......D/E = 0 !!!! impressive lei !? :)

profit margin > 30% for 5 years !, impressive lei !? :)

this year 2014 wood horse, wood generate fire, fengsui sifu says fire element will stand out....electrical & electronic is fire element ! coincident lei ! ? :)

i give all the positives already, come on, bring me some negative views to do some ying/yang balancing.....

if you are speculators or contra kakis....please don't come here....very very low liquidity, Elfsoft Bhd don't need you here.....:)


2014-01-21 09:41 | Report Abuse

hahaha..u cannot tahan people show off & celebrate the small contract win? i thought it is a free world? lol

wait till Scable win the contract, your time to show off la, kikikiki.

the JV portion with Sinohydro Corp, is it 50:50 arrangement?


2014-01-20 19:14 | Report Abuse

if you so worry about losing good dividend, you shall switch to MKH :)

by switching to MKH, you are doing us at MKH-WB a good deed !

no wrong & right in preference. normally those in warrant dislike people to follow them, coz they are fully aware if mother share didn't move, leverage instrument are not going anywhere either :)

Announcements & Events

2014-01-20 19:07 | Report Abuse

hey hey hey!.....this one share price manipulation by major shareholder? SC, ada buat kerja? !

same day dispose & buy same amount........


2014-01-20 18:55 | Report Abuse

sorry...not in position to give any advise here but share share opinion & exchange ideas can la...

Tenaga-C7 still got 11 months of lifespan, still safe in my shall be able to recover all the losses shall there is improvement in the coming quarterly results due to tariff hike. However, do not hesitate to realize loss & buy back at lower price shall you see any panic selling.

MKH-WB, this one you can sleep well holding. MKH have sizable plantation at Indon. The trees age profile are around 5~6 years old, almost reaching the golden age of plantation trees >7 years old. Their plantation revenue will contribute significantly to MKH in the future, coupled with the rising CPO price. The demand for the MKH shares shall improve in the future , shall MKH share price increases the next 5 years, MKH-WB price will move accordingly.

the best part, MKH-WB is one and the only available leverage instrument to track MKH price movement so far. If those warrant kakis wanna leverage, they can't go anywhere it or not, they have to come back to MKH-WB. Unless if IB issuing some call warrants to track MKH, giving them some alternatives.....else, whatever premium MKH-WB command when MKH start surging, those punters gotta come in at the premium commanded by the sellers.....

CPO price at RM 2568 at 6:15pm today, up by RM 43 in a single trading day today.

if you hold at RM 1.51, you are beating most of the losers out there already.....

Poh Huat - no comment


2014-01-20 17:35 | Report Abuse

bursa ?.....sorry ar....past few day go pek chow, the alcohol level in my blood stream still yet back to normal level, i thought you are referring to any recent issues by IB....might go do some reading on Bursa

Genting got any driving force for the mother share?

I still prefer MKH-WB, got CPO to drive the mother share in the foreseeable future.....even though MKH-WB it is not that liquid, i still can accept it as it still got 5 years life span


2014-01-20 17:22 | Report Abuse

walao....sound like got hor kang it GenP-CE? :)


2014-01-20 17:14 | Report Abuse

me pangsai almost no out call warrants = digging my own coffin....

maybe a few selective company warrants with solid foreseeable company earning improvement, & long expiry date okla....

you, apa cerita ? got take BM class to improve your BM? :)


2014-01-20 16:57 | Report Abuse

nope....CPO counter kia si type....paiseh to tell , no balls playing future, lol

look see look see CPO price okla.....not trade


2014-01-20 16:52 | Report Abuse



2014-01-20 15:56 | Report Abuse

queue low....they are still desperately sell....


2014-01-20 15:52 | Report Abuse

:) worried? then don't play the WB, switch to mother share


2014-01-20 15:45 | Report Abuse

tenaga should be behaving this year....


2014-01-20 15:38 | Report Abuse

today alone CPO spike so much....


2014-01-20 15:30 | Report Abuse

selling overdone on WB....


2014-01-20 11:36 | Report Abuse

:), okla la. Jcool take Scable, passerby gluing myself to Pestech. free world to choose :)

if you still not aware of the business decision making hierarchy for contracting, the following should be the general guide :)

1) project owner - they are the boss, what they want , contractor will give them. contractor will bill them accordingly only, lol

2) turnkey contractor - they are the main contractor employed by the project owner

3) turnkey contractor's consultant team - they are employed by the turnkey contractor

4) sub-contractors - they are working for turnkey contractor as well.

5) supplier / manufacturer

supplier / manufacturers are at the end of the chain of command. in laymen definition, supplier will kena "cha" / squeeze by sub-contractors first, after that, "cha" & "squeeze" 2nd round by the consultant team, the QS normally = "kam sau", they will squeeze, squeeze & squeeze, until the supplier's mother & father also not recognize the face.....then, 3rd round, the turnkey contractor will squeeze another round, lol

that why, in the end.....supplier profit margin so pathetic skinny....


2014-01-20 11:06 | Report Abuse

DKLS la....not DKSH.....


2014-01-20 11:01 | Report Abuse

DKLS Industries Bhd.....if you like high NTA.....the cash pile is increasing, i personally think it is not the correct time yet.....

still under observation