
powerwk | Joined since 2012-01-26

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2014-04-22 07:32 | Report Abuse

Oh..... I do agree to cash out the money if the counter surge dramatically in short term like within a month surge to 50% upward. I will very tempted to sell the stock and then try to understand what going on (provide I don't know what coming my way). If every tang look good (news; future plan; expansion; and project) then I will get back in almost immediately.


2014-04-20 16:20 | Report Abuse

Better to wait if no holding power - sincere advice to those contra player..... Else all your hard earn money will just disappear in day.


2014-04-20 16:15 | Report Abuse

So many time it repeat the history itself. Not sure how many kakis contra get trap and loss money. Look like they still dare and believe they can make money by doing so.....


2014-04-20 16:11 | Report Abuse

yfchong - I'm just a ordinary person so I do make joke. To me no joke no life. How many years we can live in this world, in short it really not many years.

Just a gut feeling (not base on news and data) mflour should start to move with volume in near future.

I seldom write comment here because not much people here comment about mflour and I like a Lone Ranger here. Happy to see you guy write some comments.


2014-04-20 16:08 | Report Abuse

It been around this price range for quite some time. Not sure it need how much time to raise from current price.


2014-04-20 16:02 | Report Abuse

jolie2 - hahaha..... You probably need to help the catalyst to write up the future of all the glov counter. They probably busy writing something now because they are buying other counter. They also is a hantu...... Hehehe you know what I mean. When they start buying and accumulate glov counter good enough then they will start screaming and make noise about the undervalued stock that they already purchase. So just need to watch out if any if them buying the glov counter. :-)

Well, as mention as long as the counter fundamental are strong and solid then it just a matter of time. If they are lousy stock and because of relationship and connection and raise like hell then please watch out look like myeg and dsonic just a matter of time for them to show what are so called free fall.....


2014-04-20 15:55 | Report Abuse

Everyone have their choice at which counter they prefer to let their money growth. As long as the money is growing then that a good news and also that the good counter. Some say IOIPG is good counter; some against it as bad counter; some even say as long as the counter are from Vincent Tan and IOI Boss please stay away..... But as you can see still someone is buying the counter.

Hope we don't bought the share at their highest price. Good luck and we will see what happen tomorrow or the next whole week.


2014-04-20 15:52 | Report Abuse

sicwalker - some time back I had given the same advice and explanation. It's only work for folks that have....
1. Holding power
2. Looking for long term investment
3. Patient and vision.

It definitely does not fit the youngster that have limited fund and they tend to switch counter frequently whenever they hear news and etc. Honestly speaking in long run most of them losing money because if that. The reason is simple, when they switch to other counter at the same time the shark let go their share. Then the share price drop, when the share price drop and they don't have all the three characteristic I mention above then they again let go their share back to the shark :-) that cause them to loss money.

Don't get me wrong some youngster or contra player are good (maybe their luck also good) and they did make money. Not much some time few cents here and there but again once they get trap then they will loss all their hard earn few cents here and there :-)

Just some real sharing as I do know some one like that. At the end of day it really depend on your investment style and technique. Remember everyone is unique and same goes for stock counter.


2014-04-17 16:20 | Report Abuse

Hope not many get trap this round :-)


2014-04-16 20:22 | Report Abuse

jolie2 - First thanks for sharing the CEO personality. I learn something today as I did not know the CEO in person. But I think they should have the board of director and also can make some good decision despite letting the CEO to do and don't do what he like....

You have your point but it will take time for some one to start the business from scratch and beat the world two largest glove maker.... If really go to Thailand, China and Indonesia really can help lower the cost then I believe the top management in TopGlov, Supermax and other Glove manufacturer should already think to move there. I also do believe the top management are good boss and if they really move out of Malaysia then a number (may not many) of Malaysian will out of job. For this I just guess :-)

Well at the end it still depend on the investor to think what make sense to them. I have share my sincere comments and that almost all that I know. If someone have more info and know better the TopGlov direction and planning, I wish they will spend some time to share with other investor :-)

Have a good night and have fun!!!


2014-04-16 20:12 | Report Abuse

haha..... no secret here and some more in technology edge nowadays.


2014-04-16 18:16 | Report Abuse

wow "shut up your mouth"? I might miss some comment then.... we are here to comments.... if we don't like other comment then just response with polite and explain why we say so....

If we are here to ask people shut up (sorry for those who say that :-) or say people rubbish (as above) then better they don't read other people comments.

I believe everyone are invest their hard earn money and wanted to make more money/profit no one here want to loss....


2014-04-16 18:02 | Report Abuse

gozilla88 - I think we are here to comment and I do believe only people worst then rubbish will call other rubbish. How many lots you have in Sona to say that? I believe you not even have 1000 lots.


2014-04-16 18:01 | Report Abuse

clj jun - when I say in trouble because I wish it can reach 0.32 to stay top so tomorrow is more convincing....


2014-04-16 17:35 | Report Abuse

I believe all investor a smart included TA. Share their analyst and try to lower the share price so that they can get in at lower price and then later re-analyst and change the target price and pity us will have to buy at higher price from them.....

jolie2 - hope you are not from TA research house :-) just kidding man, no offend.


2014-04-16 17:32 | Report Abuse

Why not read this instead?


As I mention they will rise the price :-) Again this does not mean TopGlov and other Glove counter will react tomorrow...... Now I afraid they over react......


2014-04-16 16:57 | Report Abuse

maybe you need to upgrade to bigger boat instead of sampan. Sampan dangerous when wave come :-)


2014-04-16 16:54 | Report Abuse

okay clj jun let see what happen tomorrow. the price movement need to continue for at least three days in order to confirm the signal of QA or good announcement.... else just another shark :-) that try to eat all of us (ikan bilis)


2014-04-16 16:43 | Report Abuse

3 more minutes..... mother look good but son look like in trouble.....


2014-04-16 16:41 | Report Abuse

to me if closing price for mother/son not end up with 0.56 and 0.32 then tomorrow show may not even happen or the show will be another sad story :-)


2014-04-16 16:40 | Report Abuse

king of stock when everyone throw you can eat all or not? you will vomit man, better to say that unless you can do it :-) Else when they throw then no one support......


2014-04-16 16:13 | Report Abuse

Haha no one can answer your question windrunner...... I think everyone is worry that too. Like I mention in the mother thread. If the share price stay at top today during closing then possible or I can say most likely tomorrow will still up again . If not then hard to say..


2014-04-16 16:06 | Report Abuse

Haha.... kinsoon that a good example. Dsonic sure not boring it's either excited you or scare you away.


2014-04-16 16:00 | Report Abuse

It's start to retract so i believe is yet another round of goreng activities. I could be wrong.


2014-04-16 15:57 | Report Abuse

When it's up all countries are possible. When it down everyone hide at home. Getting UK project does jot make sense but buying or acquire UK oil & gas related company maybe but who know?


2014-04-16 15:52 | Report Abuse

If end of today the share price stay top and not retract last minute then that may signal something is coming. If retract then goreng activities :-) just my two cents since bobo had tips from friend which is very chun haha...


2014-04-16 15:40 | Report Abuse

Suddenly so many good news going to announce?
Bobo - getting UK project? You sure? They not even announce any QA yet. Where they got company to run and implement the project? Just wonder....


2014-04-16 08:23 | Report Abuse

Some time if we think the same as 95% of what other is thinking it does not happen we need to start thinking what the top 5% is thinking. It hard though but that tell why they can be so successful. In short, no one know how low it can go and when the counter will start to rebounce.


2014-04-16 08:18 | Report Abuse

How about try for a week and see :-)

Got some feeling there is some movement this week.


2014-04-16 08:16 | Report Abuse

Buyer vs seller today, who the winner :-) ?


2014-04-15 20:51 | Report Abuse

really li1552? Okay let do this then..... not sure I can do it but no harm trying hehehe.....


2014-04-15 20:46 | Report Abuse

but always there are folks waiting on the other end and pray the share price of Padini will go down more so that they can enter into this counter again.....


2014-04-15 16:24 | Report Abuse

wow paper loss 5K still look and act steady..... bravo man! I am serious.... for some folks I think they already cry and throw long time ago


2014-04-15 16:15 | Report Abuse

haha don't use the rough word :-) stock market is like that.

mirilang nad munmeng did you guys still hold this counter share?


2014-04-15 09:44 | Report Abuse

Seller vs buyer today....... who win? Just having some fun here. For those who just watch the bursa for whole day there is no fun at all. He he he. .... I know some may consider this even more boring. But at least not real money involve here. Just guess and estimate.

To me the ioipg is now at the stage people are waiting and watching the movement. A lot still sceptical about the counter. How true of that? Time will tell.....


2014-04-15 09:36 | Report Abuse

Now. 2.1 highest 2.13 wow..... let see if there are seller to cash out later then you can consider whether to buy at this price :-) but you need to be thankful to seller first.


2014-04-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

Nope. The highst II bought so far 1.9. The lowest 1.1x But will continue buying for long term.

good luck!


2014-04-14 20:10 | Report Abuse

Club35 - thanks to seller... If not then Tan Sri won't able to bought that price. That does not mean the share price will not drop further but that can be a reference as Tan Sri believe that price consider cheap for him to get in, since it hold for long term so does not really matter if it drop further. The good thing is the drop should between the reasonable price range. As usual I could be wrong....


2014-04-14 20:08 | Report Abuse

KinSoon is right, not the amount but is the % of ROI that count and measure.


2014-04-14 19:59 | Report Abuse

A little quiet for Padini thread.... All make profit and run?


2014-04-14 15:46 | Report Abuse

jolie2 - run? I believe most of the long term investor are smiling now and start accumulate the money then get ready to collect more with right price in their mind. For sure you can scare the short term investor or those try to collect it but still not believe the company are solid in long run then they will throw to some of the long term investor that believe in TopGlov. It 4.78 now quite tempting.... Need to check my portfolio first which one can take a good profit and switch some here.


2014-04-14 00:32 | Report Abuse

ah.... that interesting.... then we really need to ask the question to the top management why they still plan build two more plant when the situation now is oversupply. Are they know what they try to do? Same question to other similar glov counter if they also did the same thing by expand their opex for new plant. Sorry I did not think about that and goes that far yet.

jolie2 - do you have data show that is oversupply now? I strongly believe it will help. I trust what you say are base on data and fact and you will not just say base on nothing. So let share.

I do hope the topglov management read this forum as well :-)


2014-04-14 00:25 | Report Abuse

Good buy man as of current price. If it went up to 3.20 one day then consider really good return!


2014-04-13 16:39 | Report Abuse

Wow fantastic buying price. None of them are above the last closing price.

Since everyone sharing their price they bought. Here is mine....
2.82 (bought some time back)


2014-04-13 16:35 | Report Abuse

starleong84no1 - it's okay. We are here together to share and make any correction is we miss say something. IMHO, this counter is pretty stable in general unless something unexpected pop up that beyond our control as small investor. Think about the following....
1. Who his competitor?
2. Who support them at the back?
3. Are they making money? Strong balance sheet? Good cash flow?

Some time we need to go back to basic and review that from time to time. That will tell us if we should continue holding and pump more money from time to time.

Since there are nothing that we know off for now. Why not wait for next quarter or next two quester to decide whether to switch?

Unless you have one sure win and sure make profit counter now then I strongly support you to switch without any question :-)

Hope that help.


2014-04-13 16:26 | Report Abuse

jolie2 - with the gas increase if it does happen that will contribute how many percent to the production cost? Like the electricity hike people are afraid but in fact that only contribute to 0.4 percent. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Another thing people are only think about the negative impact. If this going to impact Topglov will the same impact other glov counter? If no why?

Would like more people to share. I like to know what the negative feedback and same goes for positive feedback.

If everything increase and impact all the glov counter and manufacturer, if they really can't sustain do you think they will take further action by increase the glov price? If they do that the victim at the end always the consumer or indirectly the patient :-)


2014-04-13 16:18 | Report Abuse

Actually no one know what is happening. Only time can tell the truth. There are always have winner and looser else it won't balance. Big shark will never feel enough. If you continue to feed them they continue to eat :-)


2014-04-11 21:04 | Report Abuse

eagle_eye - really no such thing call too late in stock market :-) better to be safer than sorry. So let wait for the QA or any confirm news to be announce first before we throw our hard earn money in.


2014-04-11 20:58 | Report Abuse

starleong84no1 - You comment since confuse a little. Yes I do agree share buy back does not mean the share price will up.... Usually share buy back is a good news to the investor and as well as the company.
1. Because they feel that the current share price is low and wanted to accumulate for further usage like dividend distribution and etc.
2. Because they confidence with the future and earning of the company
3. And other reason.

I don't get your last comments on "For the people which choose not to sell, in the end they might using legal path to mandate u sell off as their proposed priced" - this seem only happen when the company plan to privatisation the company at certain price, if you don't sell on the open market and after the expire date you have to sell back to them at the announcement price.

Apologize if I get you wrong.