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PureBULL | Joined since 2012-04-16

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

klee is so kaya raya. am proud of u.

when 2 sons of the same 18 fathers choose to fight, be xtra careful, we MUST!

News & Blogs

1 month ago | Report Abuse

Palm oil biz has numerous issues.

we focus on GWS, Great Winning Stocks i.e. just buy n then sell with full control.

Our mkt on DC Theme was so good till
Nasdaq suddenly crashed.
When mkt collides, this happens. mkt forces investment clock to tick crazzzily.
INVESTORS, [2024-08-08 7:43 PM]

showed a 1st HL n prices have gone higher than 1st HH.
This is a good sign to higher demand. mkt confidence could be returning...


NB: Jepun recently increased interest rate for the 1st time from at 0% for decades.
Experts said, the massive unwinding of Yen carry trades caused madness in the stock mkt,
leading to margin calls n forced selling.
Coupled with the imminent drop in interest rate in this Sep by FED, stocks crashed badly!

Yen increases + USD decreases = Havoc fin mkt

+ This Nasdaq Crash likely is similar to Covid-19 Crash on March 2020.
A straight line REcovery cld be on the way, i guess...

INVESTORS, [2024-08-08 8:18 PM]
Take notes of this PRO,
high-net-worth investor and former investment banker Ian Yoong Kah Yin.
Ian, a1 wise man who knows how mkt cycle works n a GWS specialist.

US mkt is the most important lead, n always.
esply each time it crashes like now, all other mkts crash more.
The killer word, Recession is causing this crash at high speed.
Mkt record said, last Quarter, US GDP grew by 2.8%.
v unlikely it's near to recession.

Theme.Play is the best class of stocks to play in msia.
Its abt the best biz or stocks to own in the cycle of the year.
Theme catalyst comes from;
i. Value Investing as in increasing ASP like glove theme, briefly in 2020, n in all commodity stocks.
ii. Growth Investing as in NEW rising biz. Selective Tech stocks r best in growing.

I still believe in msia,
DC Theme in JB is 1st n its just getting started,
then AI n E-Invoicing.




1 month ago | Report Abuse

the 1st stock to grand BO to the new blue sky:

DC Theme.Play is on ON...
1st tier DC, Ytlp
2nd tier DC-Property, cresndo, simeprop, ecowld, mahsing
3rd DC-General contractors, Gamuda, Suncon, Ijm

the next to go purebull
4th tier will be the sub-con n supporting co to DC, like MNHLDG is 1st n ++ many stocks n etc...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

to hold palm oil stocks forever on diminishing returns... .,.

while choosing super cleverly to miss a handful of GWS bull run on each cycle.
n on the mkt secret i.e.
there r 2 to 4 cycles on KLSE to CAGR...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

i had a v v v small plantation of abt 20 acres in johor.
it was on rubber. then i shared 50:50 with the rubber tapper on sales.

then i switched to palm oil, thinking no skill is needed to harvest.
it was a good going concern till Covid-19 hit.

our indon contractors or workers tarik harga!
oil palms need lots of costly fertilizer n weed killer chemicals too.
lack of laborers, the fruits were let to rot = the yield went so low,,,

WHY? this was n still on iphone economy.
all workers like maids will busuk.busuk buy their 1st iphone.
will these workers ever want to work in the jungle of nowhere of a huge palm oil stock?

will u as s/holders help to be the hard core workers in palm oil estate?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Palm Oil is a commodity, 1 of all type of edible oils.

All commodity or its stock has 1 n only 1 tailwind i.e.
as Value-Investing only with increasing ASP i.e. bull run on its mother commodity prices.
it can last max 2 QR, like glove hyper bull run for 2 QR onli.
the next bull run can take 10 yrs later.

stare at this:
u die die HOLD with ur e-girl advertiser for life.

pls continue to hold tight tight ur lovely palm.oil stocks, if u r ill advised to.
3 yrs had passed, next yr will n keep counting... while many GWS on KLSE come on ur way!

palm oil like banking is a HUGE sector in poor KLSE.
it needs hyper good magical catalyst to move that needle!
i.e. the entire NATION must chase those stocks into bull run,,,


1 month ago | Report Abuse

So many rounds of selling.
not easy for stocks to be GWS.

margin calls to forced selling can take up to 1 to 3 mkt days.
we r in an ICU crashed mkt.
we do hope for a meaningful REbound soon n then to a new up cycle...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

INVESTORS, dated on [2024-08-05 4:28 AM]

NASDAQ future is showing an early sign of
recovery from loss of 1,205 pt at the lowest of 17,351 pt today.

This is a crash mkt.
A reset is required i.e. to begin with a meaningful REbound to
a new series of HL pattern going forward from now. that only would mean a new uptrend is otw... hopefully.



1 month ago | Report Abuse

stocks r at crash prices now of 3 weeks of dumping down.
there will be lots of forced selling n more so from margin calls.

this must sell process must be seen to end then good rebound takes over.



1 month ago | Report Abuse

Nine 𝓘𝓧 ⁹, [2024-08-05 10:06 AM]
Sir, after this significant decline, do you think the prevailing market themes will shift, or do you anticipate they will stay the same?

INVESTORS, [2024-08-05 7:11 PM]
i.e. the million $ Q.

US mkt is the most important lead, n always.
esply each time it crashes like now, all other mkts crash more.
The killer word, Recession is causing this crash.
Mkt record said, last Quarter, US GDP grew by 2.8%.
v unlikely it's near to recession.

their giant IB in concert, r making all the big money, by robbing stock players with fake research #.
Nasdaq Future is +ve now. hope it gathers steam n removes that fear n turns it to improving confidence.

Theme.Play is the best class of stocks to play in msia.
Its abt the best biz or stocks to own in the cycle of the year.
Theme catalyst comes from;
i. Value Investing as in increasing ASP like glove theme, briefly in 2020
ii. Growth Investing as in new rising biz. Selective Tech stocks r best in growing.

I still believe
DC Theme is 1st n its just getting started,
then AI n E-Invoicing.


INVESTORS, [2024-08-05 7:45 PM]



1 month ago | Report Abuse

REbound is the only hope!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

media said warren B cut loss on
both these 2 stocks r at record ATH zone now:

warren sold too low in

warren declared to SEC, his selling by end of March n oso June 1/4 =
that means APPLE price now is much HH than what warren dumped.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

COST is the # 1 enemy to BIZ.

DC in JB would be the lowest cost in the entire world.

YTLP's AI DC with NVDA's top GPU at Kulai JB would enjoy
high demand soon.
There r many small co or PLC with brightest minds that would be
YTLP's customers.

they r those in ultra high tech research that must need the highest
speed, like in Bio.tech n in chang.gay drugs development
those super clever in big data mgmt to creating high mkt values like Cambridge analytics n etc.

500 MW DC is big money for a 1st early start n to ++ forever laughter...


1 month ago | Report Abuse

in global politics, the 2-more r pure kwailor forever MORE.

CINA believes in their policy in climate change to our world.
that encouraged n made CINA the # 1 producers of EV cars n Solar-Panels at the lowest prices.

FACT now: both the 2-more never like cheap products. seetoopeak to the max, right!

europar set a high 25% tax on CINA EV.
n both ban CINA's cheapest Solar-Panels.



2 months ago | Report Abuse

there r thousand of grab stocks on klse to take risk to short.
why choose ytlp, the record # 1 GWS in msia.

YTLP went hyper bull run from mkt cap of mere $6 bill to high of $44 BILLION in 12 mths period!
meditate on why that high speed value creation happened.

NB: SIN gov the world most cleverest gov will only buy RE from JOHOR, the cheapest RE supplier with ZERO risk of transmission.
all those announced # in 1-4 GW imports from all other countries r to excite, u know WHO?

The Q:
YTLP + King = SIPP, the chosen RE supplier to SIN with 1 to 4 GW.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Little knowledge in stocks n mkt is the
most dangerous thing to have!


2 months ago | Report Abuse


Recession, medias shout this v word now n Nasdaq kaput. n so the rest of the entire world follows.
Shortage, in supply n we saw that hyper bull run on our glove stocks briefly in 2020.

THE PRAYER will help us all:


2 months ago | Report Abuse

YTLP, the stock with the highest borrowing of > $31 billion, needs to do v critical n power
corporate planning asap i.e.

a. sell away that lonton dirty water that has been losing for 2-3 decades cheap chip.
b. IPP is not profitable for the long haul.
sell away its 1st IPP in msia, 25% stake in indon n even the newly 1 in jordan i guess. n oso that losing YES forever.
c. fully focus on scalable biz in DC n RE in JB.

n all's WELL for ytlp... ... ... to grow perpetually...


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Today's winning stocks in the crash mkt day,
cld BE the GWS, great winning stocks going forward...

Decades ago, a top CEO of SIN said:
in bad times prepare for GOOD times.
stocks move in SINE wave with wavy ZERO axis.

Together on i3, we seek the next handful of GWS accurately, o.k.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

to all YTLP s/holders,
NOT ter.worry.

today's the crashing day of KLSE not bursa.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

My daring read:
Mr Mkt will always go after stocks with least resistance/stale.bulls.

RANHILL could be the next YTLP.
if right then to double double bcos of the magical co,
SIPP = ytlp + King

SIPP helped Ytlp hyper bull run from $6 bill mkt cap on March 2023 to high of $44 billion a few mths ago!



2 months ago | Report Abuse

YTLP kena niceeely this time when almighty Nasdaq kaput.

million $ Q is;
can ytlp recover n go super bull run again?
A is: there r tonnes of stale bulls by the lorry loads edi being KON n r awaiting to sell on break even.

will mr mkt generously choose ytlp to help to clear n remove them all with spending even bigger funds of money?


NB: weekly ema18 is the wavy ZERO axis.
weekly Close Price, C < weekly ema18 line = purebear,,,


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The brightest mind in Private Equity Fund is going BIG in

DC biz, the perpetual growing biz in the entire world:


Another brilliant yahudi who's paid the highest salary in the world:
DC biz will be the greatest in msian biz HIStory.

Unlike IPP, Ytlp is 1st again to discover a highly scalable biz in lucrative DC + RE in JB...
Its RE produced for own consumption 1st +
3,000 MW minimum r awaiting anytime now for supply to SIN at a whopping selling rate of usd$0.22 per kw.hr.

Can u guesstimate how BIG these DC + RE biz r?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

INVESTORS, [2024-07-25 7:26 PM]
The brightest mind in Private Equity Fund is going BIG in DC biz, the
perpetual growing biz in the entire world:


Another brilliant yahudi who's paid the highest salary in the world:

INVESTORS, [2024-07-26 1:59 AM]
Nasdaq caused trouble to our mkt this time.
n weak Nasdaq is edi down a BIG 3 minus in this CN, Correction.
its future shows a premium of 260 pts now.
A rebound to recovery shd be on the way:



2 months ago | Report Abuse

Let's guesstimate going forward to SIN.
Watch SIPP + ytlp = Ranhill + RE = don't u think this would be the # 1 JV, chosen by SIN, to supply lucrative RE to SIN by the huge GW of 1 to 3.


News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Top insider INFO from Johor gov said n published that,
1st phase has 15 DC fully approved n on construction now for 2,770 MW.
n on the Edge, RANHILL said,
they applied for combined H2O usage of 180.42 MLD for 2024 to 2026.

It means 180,420,000/2770,000 = 65.13 litre per day per 1kw of DC.

TA Securities Research said,
25.5 million l/yr/1MW = 69.86 litre/day/1kw = huge PROFITS to Ranhill p.a.

Therefore, RANHILL's # is so close n can only be RIGHT.

we HOPE 2 by 2 IB research analists see the great GWS ahead, i.e.
RANHILL on high speed increasing QR PAT...


News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

KEY WORDS of BIG MONEY coming soon to RANHILL in JB by PBB Research.

PBB analist has too low rate on H2O usage by DC. that low # will burn out all the hyper hot DC on 247:

"we note that there is sufficient water supply in Johor as a
2,000MW data centre capacity would consume some 84m litre per day,
which is only ~3% of Ranhill Utilities’ targeted capacity of 3,000m litre per day (by 2027)."

The # 3% of capacity, simply means RANHILL has tonnes of water to supply to DC n perhaps can sell to SIN too!
Do the math like starting your own biz, would u, members?



2 months ago | Report Abuse


these r killing field time esply CN.
we must try to avoid CN at all cost!

GWS, Great Winning Stocks fly high by over powering 3 enemies:

PT, Profit.Taking = 2 to 10 mkt days = rise higher
IM, Intermission = 2 to 8 weeks = rise HH, Higher.High
CN, Correction = 8 to 10 weeks minimum. 2 ways will happen:
i. rise super HH or
ii. become yesteryear stocks for yrs,,

CN, the toughest.
if can win = a great PRIMARY wave is reset in EW Theory, i.e.
like another round of BIG money of Form 1 to Form 6 is assured.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Our kettle rated as 1 kw is so hot at boiling pt.
1 MW = 1,000 kw.

these DC r at 100 MW to 3,000 MW combined, n soon that big biz happens in our JB as 1st phase with 15 DC.
2nd phase will hv > 50 DC n counting...

do u know how much H2O is required by RANHILL to cool 3,000 MW n then double double as

DC biz is the 1 n only 1 biz i.e. forever Growing???

Brilliant warren B was 1st on earth to see that huge biz WAVE some 10 yrs ago when he bought into old pure IBM, thinking its main frame can n will handle the increasing DATA of our world.

warren was wrong.
he cut loss on IBM n entered into AAPL.
so hyper clever is warren of IVY Columbia.,.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

DC Theme.play is purely Powerful in JB, of our 1 world.
bcos of hyper clever SIN. n soon in next 2 yrs all DC in SIN will migrate to JB for all things' LOW cost.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

DC biz will be the greatest in msian biz HIStory. DC play will last 3-5 yrs or forever...

Ytlp has a smallish IPP in SIN n makes insane big great QR PAT.
the yeo bro know 1st hand what's DC biz in SIN.
they JV intelligently with SIPP, the KING to buy 1,500 acres of estate land from Bstead in Kulai, JB
to build DC of big # 500MW n power supply with Solar RE.

THAT made the
1st tier stock in DC:
YTLP hyper bull run from $6 bill on march 2023 to bombastic $43 billion mkt cap recently.

2nd tier stock in DC:
the DC general contractors super bull so so high, never a stock player will imagine they will ever happen.
it happen to Gamuda, Suncon, IJM = they shd hit euphoria peak soon.
n hv to enter nice looking CN for 2-3 QR, like YTLP is doing now for future HH Values.,.

3rd tier DC stocks r next to super bull run:

WHAT r they?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The US Mag-7 stocks super bull n hit the euphoria peak.
they dropped big n that caused our mkt to follow suit now.

IF u r a big stock players or managing funds for others = u shd be v v worried n hyper active in this group,
wanting to know what happened n what best action plan to take next.
don't U?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Rakuten sees SNS riding AI server boom, ups target price to RM1.23

AI Theme.Play is a huge wave.

AGMO is likely the 1st AI stock in msia.
SNS is 1st in helping to network n implement AI works n AI servers for DC.
these 2 stocks truly r in AI biz!



2 months ago | Report Abuse

Phillip Capital starts coverage of MN Holdings, target price at RM1.20


News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Cnlim Lim, [2024-07-14 6:36 PM]
Basically punting now KLSE got 110 stocks breaking new high now punting season good luck

INVESTORS, [2024-07-14 7:32 PM]
correct CORRECT correct
hoot.9.e if u r daring at near GC pts, on # 4 way to money making, i.e.

KLCI is recovering to the cup with handle formation.
The next BO would see a good
mkt sentiment = 40% of our gain
theme.play = 30%
right stocks in the theme = 30%
% # by yahudi:



2 months ago | Report Abuse



as spoken by SUNCON, the profit margin from DC owners r so high n it gave up its own sunway group projects.
all these 3 rocket trend stocks, r so so strong.
never expect them to super fly so high at super high speed per mkt day.
that shows the 1st episode of hyper POWER of DC theme.play.
go after the next episodes of many stocks, the
real McCoy wanted by DC biz, like Ranhill, the 1st tier DC stock to win BIG 1st = n its newly taken over by
the KING n Ytlp, the powerful n the rich::

suncon; https://www.tradingview.com/x/T3Zh7rgt/
gamuda; https://www.tradingview.com/x/bd91L8Lj/
ijm; https://www.tradingview.com/x/9iVMDiLC/

NB: it's so cheap chip for DC owners to setup in JB!


2 months ago | Report Abuse

AI Theme.Play is a huge wave.

AGMO is likely the 1st AI stock in msia.
SNS is 1st in helping to network n implement AI works.
these 2 stocks truly r in AI biz!


News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Mr Mkt is v focus.
he knows, only follow thru buying with tonnes of retailers in can only fly high a stock.

E-Invoicing, DC n now AI stocks shd hv high buying demand to power them to the new blue sky...

1) Starting a portfolio is like starting to do a new biz of risk with capital.
News flow tells the best biz to go into.
go after those stocks instead of doing biz ourselves.
GWS grows from that in every cycle. catch them early as low hanging fruits.

DC Theme is simply incredible right now...
its just abt to begin with all the top giant tech co confirmed coming all at once at right timing, into JB 1st n v few in KL.

2) Follow thru buying only will fly up a stock to new blue sky.
Theme..play stocks always hv that rocket trend power.
Focus on them to outperform.
WHY? bcos, if the entire nation on herd instinct play that stock = u chia..boey..leow betul..betul...

like top scorers in exam do,
spot that Essay Topic in stocks, then just do it...

News & Blogs

2 months ago | Report Abuse

INVESTORS, [2024-07-10 4:31 AM]
These > 50 DC operators in JB r giant TECH co.
they hv everything n only need cheap chip land, power, water n manpower 1st in msia.

their tech knowhow r far ahead of our cyber security stocks n others.
some small players as colocation DC n local DC might need them.

its just bull run on DC stocks for yr/s.
LOVE all stocks deeply, play v small if hv doubt on that stock.,.

in DC theme,
General building contractors n their sub-con like PWRWELL, MNHLDG etc will do v well n 1st to make big money from these giant tech co.

then the tech contractors n suppliers like SNS n VSTECS shd do well too...

NB: they r many stocks try to
Fake it to Make it, as DC stocks to fly high.
1 did but failed instantly, i.e. sistec,,,


2 months ago | Report Abuse

INVESTORS, [2024-07-10 4:31 AM]
These > 50 DC operators in JB r giant TECH co.
they hv everything n only need cheap chip land, power, water n manpower 1st in msia.

their tech knowhow r far ahead of our cyber security stocks n others.
some small players as colocation DC n local DC might need them.

its just bull run on DC stocks for yr/s.
LOVE all stocks deeply, play v small if hv doubt on that stock.,.

in DC theme,
General building contractors n their sub-con like PWRWELL, MNHLDG etc will do v well n 1st to make big money from these giant tech co.

then the tech contractors n suppliers like SNS n VSTECS shd do well too...

NB: they r many stocks try to
Fake it to Make it, as DC stocks to fly high.
1 did but failed instantly, i.e. sistec,,,


2 months ago | Report Abuse

INVESTORS, [2024-07-06 2:30 AM]
Corporate KPI: the KING must be impressed.,.
king paid so MUCH in RANHILL u know, yes or YES.,.

Water to BIG money in JB = RANHILL,

RANHILL makes $2.50 minimum per m3 from the global city of DC.

1 MW data centre = consumes 25,500 unit or m3 p.a. on average.
shd n could be higher usage rate as JB is hot thru out the year.

NB: no H2O from RANHILL = no DC in global city of DC!


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Jul 4, 2024 3:39 AM | Report Abuse

The greatest sectors on KLSE now

a. Utilities n Construction stocks r still the best,
they fly max speed up a mkt day.

b. Industrial Products n Technology stocks r gaining steam...

c. Property stocks cld be peaking edi n cld enter consolidation.

NB: Go after the Rocket Trend Stocks to outperform the new cycle.

3 big themes r in play concurrently:
E-Invoicing themes


2 months ago | Report Abuse

CGS International Research sees the acquisition of Ranhill as giving YTL Power exposure to Johor’s water sector, renewable energy (RE) opportunities, and a foothold in Sabah’s tight electricity market.

Apart from the Johor water concessions, Ranhill has gas-fired power plants in Sabah and a 50mw solar farm in Bidor, Perak. It complements YTL Power’s water and sewerage concession in the UK and electricity producer YTL PowerSeraya Pte Ltd in Singapore.

“The purchase of a controlling stake in Ranhill allows YTL Power to ease further into the data centre play in Johor. Water is critical for data centres and Ranhill is a key beneficiary because it has the monopoly over water in the state,” a banker says.

Ranhill, via its subsidiary Ranhill SAJ Sdn Bhd, is Johor’s sole water operator. According to its 2023 annual report, Ranhill SAJ operates 46 water treatment plants, with a total water capacity of 2,171 million litres per day.
