
Qwertyuiop | Joined since 2014-01-04

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2019-05-27 19:21 | Report Abuse



2019-05-27 19:20 | Report Abuse

Result damn good despite low oil prices in Q1, coming quarter will be exciting given recovery of oil prices and potential higher production as planned by mgt. INTERESTING! I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND WHO ON EARTH CANT UNDERSTAND ITS POTENTIAL AND CHOSE TO SELL FOR EVERY SHAKEOUT.


2019-05-24 11:19 | Report Abuse

a downtrend = slowly down making you wont feel the pain, yesterday was a shakeout and considered as a healthy correction before a next wave rally, which has created a significant fear to the public, did you sell your share due to this? If Yes, congrats to you for being shaken out by smart monies.


2019-05-24 11:06 | Report Abuse

not because of him, but because of yourself. Please realise your own mistake instead of trying to blame blame blame haha. PS im not his supporter, but people still make monies from stock market. why didnt you? easy, your own prob. lol, get yourself equipped is the solution otherwise quit the market.


2019-05-23 18:10 | Report Abuse

Do your homework, upshare. Upstream OG is easy to calculate with the transparency of the report given by hibis management.


2019-05-23 10:38 | Report Abuse

This stock very obvious there has been a huge accumulation almost 2 years with significant shakeout in between, if you buy and hold, you’re still in gain (uptrending still), when the accumulation is done, this stock will not maintain at this price range, it will be adjusted to a reasonable PE. Mark my words, why is it so? The fundamental, the technical people will shout cut loss when hit a certain points, but did you realise how many times the price will climb back after the technical people cut loss? So buy and hold is the best winning strategy for this stock.


2019-05-21 19:42 | Report Abuse

Temporary impacted by teoseng and LHI la obviously, together with trade war issue, how to uptrend. Lmao be logical abit when commenting something.


2019-05-20 21:31 | Report Abuse

dont keep on linking the LHI IPO to layhong. lol Well, thats always short term punter focusing on the "hype". Just put a longer sight on this stock, FA is recovering, TA showing bottom consol and accumulation, time to choose a direction (risk reward, higher chance for trend reversal).


2019-05-13 17:42 | Report Abuse

yeap bose00, a good bet on WC. chillax. :) RM2 hibiscs [x2] (I am a strong believer, pardon me) = around RM1.5 WC [x3]


2019-05-13 17:39 | Report Abuse

KYY: ok done carimin, done dayang, wanna inform you guys that I have sold all my shares to buy hibiscs. :P Then panic starts! lol.


2019-05-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

Leveraged effect, warrant due to its higher risk profile will always drop faster during the bad market even mom does not fall much.


2019-05-13 17:19 | Report Abuse

Use average, oil price not so bad la, and share price has always taken into account the lower oil price one, hehe :) analyse it like a management, and our Malaysia oil can sell at a much higher price due to better quality of oil.


2019-05-13 17:09 | Report Abuse

Later kyy comes out an article saying why hibiscs is better and he has switched to hibiscs. MUAHAHAHA play die you guys fool chasing high


2019-05-05 21:18 | Report Abuse

hhahaha huat ar ! Eh negative commenters, don’t la so serious, let’s goreng and make monies first, don’t say it cons you, get yourself equipped and use it to make money. Who cares it cons as long as it brings you monies right ? Hahaha don’t try to act like an ethical men, we all are driven by greed otherwise we won’t be here. LOL OH BTW, TODAY TOTO FIRST PRIZE 7181, HUAT AR!


2019-05-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

haha just now i yam cha with my friend, Buffett, we talked about ARBB. He told me, lets buy together.


2019-05-03 15:17 | Report Abuse

Close with a big doji next week continue. Off laptop enjoy holidays :)


2019-05-03 15:16 | Report Abuse

How many corrections give you also useless when you didn’t even dare to enter this morning? How many or how much corrections do you need ? 0.30? HAHA


2019-05-03 10:08 | Report Abuse

aiyo, in this forum, 2 people are blaming and shouting, 1 = did not buy anything but jealous, 2 = blindly chase high but not thinking of high price risk. this is too sick, those sifus already made so much profit with just few days, but you guys keep on blaming them for chasing high. SICK.

P/S: Co's fundamental is growing, the drop merely due to unreasonable high chasing.


2019-05-02 10:33 | Report Abuse

Crazy WA trading at such negative premium, not making any sense. hoho!


2019-04-30 20:43 | Report Abuse

you want justification? it will be justified by coming better earnings.


2019-04-30 20:42 | Report Abuse

i told you guys GCB is definitely bull of the commodity year, just buy and hold. :) you think it is high? it will just go higher.


2019-04-23 15:25 | Report Abuse

BigDaddy, why are you spreading fear here. haha, aiyo just leave this forum alone when you're holding nil in this stock.


2019-04-23 14:16 | Report Abuse

GCB is the last time Scientx, Hapseng, VS, if you miss this strong bull trend, then you may just wait slowly for another potential strong upward counter. Still not so much people knowing this stock, just let it up quietly until everyone starts talking about it.


2019-04-22 21:00 | Report Abuse

Gcb is up not due to Bandar Malaysia, they are not selling cocoa in bandar msia. LOL


2019-04-14 18:10 | Report Abuse

the next round rally will be son move more, parent move less, so should shift from mom to son instead. TAYOR~

News & Blogs

2019-02-22 22:07 | Report Abuse

Vice verse of airasia and hibiscus? Just look at the nature of the business you will know the reason why. One is produce and sell oil, one is buy and consume oil. Not about Indian lol and who are said pro in playing the book haha. Of course, I don’t mind they are good in playing the book which can maintain confidence of investors as long as faithful representation, rather that management don’t even know how to manage the book. :)

News & Blogs

2019-02-22 22:03 | Report Abuse

Investors knew well about all these one off making the account nicer, but all these one off treatments were resulted from good management decision, don’t forget, one off not a bad thing lol. Of course, if all these one off are perceived as negative factors, the share price will fall d. What’s the reason of its solid share price? Simple, it’s its prospect. Market always looking forward btw, my humble opinion.


2018-11-27 21:32 | Report Abuse

Just get the annual average of the oil price. Don’t look at short term oil price, volatility makes you damn boh eng la


2018-11-27 19:58 | Report Abuse

Net cash 300 mil, still want doubt so much on their performance.. lmao you guys ahh


2018-11-27 19:34 | Report Abuse

Lol suddenly all changed their job to become an accountant? Buta2 analyse the result? Hahaha


2018-11-03 15:25 | Report Abuse

Do you think tyyap with his few millions can manipulate this stock given its huge market cap? Don’t be a dumb blindly talked shits without thinking. LOL


2018-10-17 08:54 | Report Abuse

Son is moving faster because it was undervalued la, 2021 expiry and was trading at around 15 percent premium past few weeks ago, do your homework. Lmao want to goreng also need to know the simple calculation


2018-10-09 09:19 | Report Abuse

Funding from borrowing as mentioned many times by the management, apparently many of the “investors” here don’t really give a shit in studying the company. Hahaha


2018-10-04 07:31 | Report Abuse

tikus your sifu old jor outdated, comparing the return of oil price and a company like hibiscus ? Lol oil is commodity, hibiscs is a company, it will subject to more factors for its rallies, do you think hibiscs’s rallies were just about the rising oil prices? Haha


2018-10-04 07:19 | Report Abuse

So correct your mind in investing and ask yourself your risk appetite, time frame of investing


2018-10-04 07:18 | Report Abuse

Small fishes always like that, when 90-1.00 don’t want to buy rose about 40 percent only ask can buy or not, then some Sifus will say still undervalued, then they buy in but without holding power or not knowing any shit about the company, when the operator did a flush out they cut and blame the sifus


2018-10-04 07:09 | Report Abuse

If oil 100, pbb 176 is nothing


2018-09-29 11:06 | Report Abuse

ks55_ Time to sell. Be fearful when others greedy Warren Buffet said.
Warren Buffet also said buy and hold for the good company. Dont get his idea wrong, he is not speculator like most of the people here, every dip due to fear provides opportunity to average up without selling your current holdings.


2018-09-28 08:02 | Report Abuse

Please understand the reason why a company will go for cashcall, or at least understand why sapura go for cashcall and compare it to hibiscs before commenting any nonsense shit. Just very simple, do business you need capital. Lmao


2018-09-24 16:38 | Report Abuse



2018-09-19 21:47 | Report Abuse

And they will buy our stocks at that time. Because the fake profit becomes real profit. LOL


2018-09-19 21:47 | Report Abuse

When it becomes high profile, this is when latuk and this toolpusher latuk supporter will jump in HAHA


2018-09-19 21:04 | Report Abuse

this forum too funny, when up tp2,3, when down tp .7/.8. Lol just hold it patiently, don’t be like latuk who knows nothing but “fake profit”. HAHA


2018-09-16 14:05 | Report Abuse

Weakness? lol.... yoy capital gain more than 100% = weakness? HAHAHA, oh ya you bought rm1 and cut loss 0.96 = this is the weakness defined by you.


2018-09-16 12:59 | Report Abuse

latuk I know how to differentiate what is real and what is not real. This is important in investing, esp interpreting the quality of management.
Well, you were so good to say yourself to admit lost in this stock, why didnt you admit you were trading/speculating instead of investing? haha! Funny person.


2018-09-16 12:57 | Report Abuse

why_no_dividend Negative goodwill to push up profit why SC/Bursa allow? When is dividend?
When you are asking for dividend, this shows that you're very new to the business/market. LOL who the hell expecting for dividend as a return for a high-growing companies.. There're plenty of blue chips or developed companies offering good dividends, just spend your time searching for them instead of asking dividend from hibiscus. OMG...


2018-09-16 12:54 | Report Abuse

latuk, you lost because you were more like gambling instead of investing (bought 1 cut 96? - that wasnt investing, but trading, trading got nothing to do with FA, why would you bother with the FA then?). If you're investing, why are you kept on struggling with the negative goodwill instead of looking forward to its earning prospects, the moment you want to see its coming quarters, the price already shoots to another level. Negative goodwill was a good thing anyway, it is a very simple thing to ask yourself, you want a firm that bought a cheap asset or expensive asset.


2018-09-02 21:44 | Report Abuse

LOL 我也打听到有group要吃票 AHAHAHHAA


2018-08-30 18:07 | Report Abuse

shakeout successful as many ikan bilis do not really understand well in OG industry and its accounting, so when the operator simply press down, many retailers will cut. Lets go through the weekends we should see more blogs and reports for better digestion. hehe!


2018-08-30 17:59 | Report Abuse

from all the comments, the shakeout was very successful. haha! btw, today has so many accountants analysing the result HAHAHA.