
richardlee | Joined since 2017-04-14

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2017-10-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone IDs to complain, tell lies and post vulgar comments which only shows they lack education and did not get proper upbringing when young when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-10-16 16:41 | Report Abuse

Haha. These clone IDs being used by Icon8888 giving so many excuses why they keep coming back to this forum. As in real life, talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words. Just ask yourself, if Icon8888 and his gang really has a FB group on AA that is so useful and informative, would they be busy making money there or would they be busy wasting their time coming back to this forum to make nasty posts? Can easily see through their lies la, readers not stupid.

Their action proves their FB group on AA is just a scam. That is why Icon8888 and his fake IDs keep coming back to this forum to say things to lure innocent readers to their FB group. They even use fake IDs to pretend to ask to join the FB group. Check out their comment histories - none of them has a track record on AA like a genuine AA investors would have, almost all their posts are nasty comments to troll other readers. Their intentions are clear. Let readers and admin decide.


2017-10-15 10:26 | Report Abuse

Wah this is new record! Yesterday (Sat) only 4 posts on AA forum, 1 of which was mine - on Sat usually can get about 20 posts previously - see old post by BWC below. CNP V2 really so effective at exposing the dishonest actions by Icon8888 and chase away his many clone IDs. They can try to troll this forum but it will not work and they will get tired soon, AA forum will be peaceful and safer again like now. Happy Weekend AA forum!

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Sep 24, 2017 08:51 PM | Report Abuse
There were about 20 posts yesterday (Sat) and richardlee and BWC made one post each, The other about 18 posts yesterday were from fake IDs used by Icon8888, vulgar people so their posts often have vulgar words, Easy job with CNP V2 but Icon8888 and fake IDs forced to work hard so that makes sure they are too busy and cannot gang up to cheat innocent readers. richarldee, really hero, he one person can handle all of these crooks by himself. Keep up the good work. Congrats AA forum! Hehe


2017-10-14 17:43 | Report Abuse

Holding up quite well at current levels. Real risk that it will ding dong for now but longer term it looks like quite an interesting stock.


2017-10-14 17:41 | Report Abuse

Haha. These clone IDs being used by Icon8888 giving so many excuses why they keep coming back to this forum. As in real life, talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words. Just ask yourself, if Icon8888 and his gang really has a FB group on AA that is so useful and informative, would they be busy making money there or would they be busy wasting their time coming back to this forum to make nasty posts? Can easily see through their lies la, readers not stupid.

Their action proves their FB group on AA is just a scam. That is why Icon8888 and his fake IDs keep coming back to this forum to say things to lure innocent readers to their FB group. They even use fake IDs to pretend to ask to join the FB group. Check out their comment histories - none of them has a track record on AA like a genuine AA investors would have, almost all their posts are nasty comments to troll other readers. Their intentions are clear. Let readers and admin decide.


2017-10-13 20:28 | Report Abuse

BWC, ok next week I will reduce to 80% and move more money to increase my holdings in FGV, bringing back portfolio to 95%. Lower % invested and more diversified to reduce risks. Thanks for teaching me portfolio management.


2017-10-13 10:28 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone IDs to tell lies and to make vulgar posts which just shows his lack of education and poor upbringing when young when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-10-13 09:09 | Report Abuse

Received already! Last time i use old system, wait a few days for pos man to come. Now immediate. Thx BWC for asking me to buy AA after results for the dividend and advising readers not to listen to those calling to sell before ex-date. Free 3.5% dividend yield for just holding 2 weeks until ex-date.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Sep 12, 2017 11:00 AM | Report Abuse
Officially price will adjust 12sen on ex-date on 13 Sept but whether AA falls more than 12 sen or less or rise further, need crystal ball only can know and only conman will say they know for sure. Since big picture is positive and has even improved recently, I would hold to take the 12sen div (attractive 3.4% yield) and then hope for the best tomorrow! Hehe

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Sep 8, 2017 08:38 AM | Report Abuse
Investo and richardlee, I am going for a trade today. Tactical bet. Hope it is right. No crystal ball. Hehe


2017-10-13 07:51 | Report Abuse

Yahoo! AA forum getting better and better. As predicted we are seeing less and less of Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs - whole of yesterday these crooks could only make 5 nasty posts, they used to be post nearer to 50 at least last time.

Like charting, the trend is clear. Soon CNP V2 sweep clean away the balance few trolls and scammers still active here and help the AA forum be safer for innocent readers and people can share their views on AA without risk of being harassed. Good win against evil again!


2017-10-12 07:53 | Report Abuse

This stock is good medium term stock, short term got ding dong risks.


2017-10-12 07:53 | Report Abuse

Still got so much news about FGV now that Zakaria is joining back. Good for sentiment, hope FGV up further today!


2017-10-12 07:50 | Report Abuse

AA forum getting better and better. Yahoo! as predicted we are seeing less and less of Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs - last night, they could only make 2 nasty posts. Like charting, the trend is clear. Soon CNP V2 will help make this forum safer for innocent readers and people can share their views on AA without risk of being harassed. Good win against evil again!


2017-10-11 22:03 | Report Abuse

Investo, good to hear you are in FGV as well. We are both at 100% invested now. Both making good money a few times already. We got our old posts in our comment history to prove it, cannot bluff - trades, price buy or sell all given.

You noticed Icon8888 and his clone IDS never talk about their track record because they have none that they can prove - they can only try to attack other people's track record, often using lies and vulgar words. Readers should note that is a big sign of a con man, they talk big but have no track record. Actually it is because they have no track record, that is why they have to talk big, otherwise what to use to lure you to follow them? I just expose with proof using old posts, let readers decide.


2017-10-11 14:11 | Report Abuse

BWC, your big picture at work again, now in FGV. Thanks. i am now 100% invested. Making good money while waiting for AA. Maybe this is what Investo called win-win situation. I also learning portfolio management, very important since i am still a newbie.


2017-10-11 09:04 | Report Abuse

What is happening to the AAC sale?

Clearly the market is disappointed as it has taken a lot longer than expected. Some people now say it may be delayed further to year end or maybe even aborted

Then why was Icon8888 so so sure as far back as last year? In Aug last year - this is more than a year ago - sifu Icon8888 already started promoting the AAC deal and even suggested a possible TP of 5.00 when the AAC deal is finalized.

Icon8888 promised the forum the winning bid will be announced in Nov 2016 and lured readers to buy by saying insiders are already buying. When there was no announcement in Nov last year, Icon8888 continued to suggests the deal was near completion in Jan 2017.

BWC warned Icon8888 many times that AAC deal may not be so smooth and should not be over-promoted. But Icon8888 didn't care, he kept using strong words and also used his gang of fake IDs to instigate readers to buy.

Of course anyone can be wrong in the stock market. But if anyone was warned repeatedly and yet continued to talk so big and even used a gang of fake IDs to support his views, he clearly wanted to mislead readers on this forum intentionally. Maybe they were trying to benefit their AA-CW trades. That is dishonest and maybe even illegal. .

I don't simply say all these, the proof is clear when looking at Icon8888's old posts below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Aug 11, 2016 12:08 PM | Report Abuse
I am not selling. I am guided by PER
I think it should worth 3.50 to 4.00 before special dividend from leasing disposal. add that in, RM5.00 not impossible

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 18, 2016 10:41 AM | Report Abuse
ignore all the news about future earnings, focus on leasing unit disposal - 4 parties will be bidding for it, and the result will be known by mid november. Between now and then, the stock will continue to go up as people rush in to position themselves ahead of announcement.

Posted by Icon8888 > Oct 12, 2016 12:53 PM | Report Abuse
the insiders are buying now
if u are smart, jump on the bandwagon now
(if you are not smart, just stay sideline and bitch about it)

Posted by Icon8888 > Nov 24, 2016 09:57 AM | Report Abuse
i always believe the leasing unit disposal will happen
never doubt it for even one second

Posted by Icon8888 > Jan 11, 2017 11:16 AM | Report Abuse
Lai liao Lai liao


2017-10-11 07:53 | Report Abuse

So much news about Felda and Zakaria coming back. Hope FGV rise another few sen today :-D


2017-10-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

Ding dong stock near term.


2017-10-10 14:10 | Report Abuse

Haha. All the clone IDs used by Icon8888 suddenly back again same time, same crude comments, clearly working as a gang. How to deny anymore? Readers and admin not stupid la.

Icon8888 do not want to allow this forum be peaceful and safe for innocent readers. Now Icon8888 so desperate until his clone IDs are like mad dogs barking, making vulgar posts which just shows their lack of education and poor upbringing when young. It also proves how effective CNP V2 is. Readers need to make one post to expose Icon8888 using CNP V2 and Icon8888 will be forced to make 10 nasty posts using his clone IDs. Soon they will get tired and we get periods of peace again. Good wins against evil again!


2017-10-10 13:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh, i thought will fly, people say limit up even. Lucky i follow its big picture and so buying this for longer term.


2017-10-10 09:32 | Report Abuse

Good call BWC. Thanks
Intend to hold for longer term.


2017-10-10 09:06 | Report Abuse

Wah, AA forum so peaceful for a few days already. Never happened before. Maybe at last this time CNP V2 has managed to sweep away Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs for good. Even if these crooks come back, these peaceful periods are becoming more regular and getting longer each time and it shows CNP V2 is effective to expose and keep Icon8888 and his clone IDs busy so that they can't easily cheat innocent readers here anymore. Hopefully, they soon get tired and leave innocent investors alone and all of us can at last share honest views on AA to benefit one another. Congrats AA forum!


2017-10-10 08:58 | Report Abuse

BWC, can still buy ah?


2017-10-10 08:56 | Report Abuse

BWC in FGV? Let me go and check it out too!


2017-10-09 20:36 | Report Abuse

BWC you are back! Great. Yah forum so peaceful already. All these crooks appear together and then suddenly they all disappear, so quiet. No way can be coincidental, so clear to readers that all these are clone IDs used by Icon8888 to gang up to support his dishonest calls here. Still want to deny ah? :-D


2017-10-09 07:56 | Report Abuse

Wah this is really new record! This whole weekend only 6 posts on AA forum, i made 2 and others made 4. This is such a big difference from previous weekends where there were about 30 posts on the AA forum, mainly nasty comments by Icon8888 using his many clone IDs - see old post by BWC below.

CNP V2 really so effective at exposing the dishonest Icon8888 and now has chased away many of his clone IDs he was hiding behind. They will still try to troll this forum but it will not work for long and they will get tired because when any good readers make 1 post to expose Icon8888, his clone IDs will be forced to desperately make 10 posts to defend and support Icon8888's dishonest calls on this forum. This will keep Icon8888 and his clone IDs busy and soon AA forum will be peaceful and safer again like how this weekend was. Good win against evil again! :-D

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Sep 25, 2017 08:37 AM | Report Abuse
There were about 30 posts over the weekend and richardlee and BWC made only 2 post each, The balance about 26 posts were from fake IDs used by Icon8888, vulgar people so their posts often have vulgar words,

Easy job with CNP V2 but Icon8888 and fake IDs forced to work hard so that makes sure they are too busy and cannot gang up to cheat innocent readers. richardlee, really hero, he one person can handle all of these crooks by himself. Keep up the good work. Congrats AA forum! Hehe


2017-10-08 09:40 | Report Abuse

Wah this is new record! Yesterday (Sat) only 2 posts on AA forum, one of which was mine - on Sat usually can get about 20 posts previously - see old post by BWC below. CNP V2 really so effective at exposing the dishonest actions by Icon8888 and chase away his many clone IDs. They can try to troll this forum but it will not work and they will get tired soon, AA forum will be peaceful and safer again like now. Happy Weekend AA forum!

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Sep 24, 2017 08:51 PM | Report Abuse
There were about 20 posts yesterday (Sat) and richardlee and BWC made one post each, The other about 18 posts yesterday were from fake IDs used by Icon8888, vulgar people so their posts often have vulgar words, Easy job with CNP V2 but Icon8888 and fake IDs forced to work hard so that makes sure they are too busy and cannot gang up to cheat innocent readers. richarldee, really hero, he one person can handle all of these crooks by himself. Keep up the good work. Congrats AA forum! Hehe


2017-10-07 16:48 | Report Abuse

Haha. Yesterday got about 30 posts, i only had to make 2 - 3 posts using CNP V2, Investo made 2. The rest were nasty comments made by clone IDs being used by Icon8888. This shows each of my posts makes Icon8888 and his gang of fake IDs so nervous and desperate that they have to flood this forum. This will keep them busy and soon they will get tired. Then AA forum get safer and more peaceful. Good wins against evil again!


2017-10-06 17:09 | Report Abuse

Investo! Long time no see.
Yah, i think BWC believes i am hero, left me to handle these crooks by myself. Sigh.
Actually, with CNP V2, no problem, easy job.
Most important is Icon8888 is exposed and CNP V2 will keep his clone IDs too busy to cheat and will also regularly remind readers to be careful not to fall into traps. Job done.


2017-10-06 11:22 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone/fake IDs to complain, tell lies and make childish personal attacks when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-10-06 08:14 | Report Abuse

Haha. Let me see. Yesterday got about 30 posts. i only had to make 3 using CNP V2, the balance all were nasty posts by Icon8888 using his clone IDs. This shows my 1 post using CNP V2 need the big attention of 10 nasty posts by Icon8888 using his clone IDs. Wah, that proves how desperate Icon8888 is. This will keep them busy and when they get tired AA forum get safer and more peaceful. Good wins against evil again!


2017-10-05 21:20 | Report Abuse

Peaceful again, with CNP V2 it is so easy to deal with Icon8888 who is hiding behind his many clone IDs in this forum. Thanks Investo for teaching me this very good method.


2017-10-05 20:06 | Report Abuse

Said before already, at 8.00 a lot in the price already. Cyclical stocks should sell when PE low and buy when PE high.


2017-10-05 20:05 | Report Abuse

Good longer term stock. Near term got ding dong risks.


2017-10-05 16:27 | Report Abuse

Wah forum so peaceful. Good for forum and safer for readers. I know soon BWC will congratulate me and sure say i am hero, one person can handle so many crooks on this forum etc etc,

But I am not hero lah. The hero is CNP V2 which makes it so easy. Usually i make one post, Icon8888 forced to make 20 nasty posts using his clone IDs. Also, these are small timers only, you notice that i don't bother mentioning their names in my posts even. CNP V2 is so effective that Icon8888 and his clone IDs are so desperate that their posts now are mainly offensive comments, some with vulgar words even. Just consider them mad dogs barking only,

Most important is that Icon8888 is now exposed and so cannot gang up to cheat readers so easily anymore. Happy for AA forum!


2017-10-05 14:49 | Report Abuse

Haha. These clone IDs being used by Icon8888 giving so many excuses why they keep coming back to this forum. As in real life, talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words. Just ask yourself, if Icon8888 and his gang really has a FB group on AA that is so useful and informative, would they be busy making money there or would they be busy wasting their time coming back to this forum to make nasty posts? Can easily see through their lies la, readers not stupid.

Their action proves their FB group on AA is just a scam. That is why Icon8888 and his fake IDs keep coming back to this forum to say things to lure innocent readers to their FB group. They even use fake IDs to pretend to ask to join the FB group. Check out their comment histories - none of them has a track record on AA like a genuine AA investors would have, almost all their posts are nasty comments to troll other readers. Their intentions are clear. Let readers and admin decide.


2017-10-05 10:08 | Report Abuse

This morning got 14 posts, i only have to make 1 using CNP V2. Icon8888 and his clone IDs look very desperate forced to make so many nasty posts. Yahoo! good win against evil again.


2017-10-04 21:46 | Report Abuse

Coming down again? Lucky with this stock i err on cautious side. No earnings turnaround no talk.


2017-10-04 21:45 | Report Abuse

Ding dong at 0.26 for a while but better here than at 0.225 previously. Not bad already considering market more uncertain recently.


2017-10-04 20:28 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 now downgraded already, last time whole day he would be making dishonest calls on AA and used his clone IDs to support his calls. Now that his scam has been exposed, all he can do is use his clone IDs to post nasty comments, like mad dogs barking..Like that no need to worry already because Icon8888 no longer can so easily cheat innocent readers. Congrats AA forum and the 1m silent readers here!!

So i very free already, regular reminders using CNP V2 to be careful will be enough to make sure forum safer. I started posting in other stock forum already. Learning more investment, i still newbie. :-D


2017-10-04 17:00 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone/fake IDs to complain, tell lies and make childish personal attacks when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-10-04 07:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh the lies are laughable. Ok to disagree on views if constructive but the criticism sounds very personal la. Need to make personal insults like calling @calvintaneng kiddo, stupid etc if really just don't agree with his facts meh? It is exactly this type of attitude that caused people like BWC and Investo to fight back against Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs.

Many people here make even more outrageous comments like sure win, insiders buying now, sure will crash today etc - most have been wrong repeatedly - but no one seem to criticize those comments? Why? Must be posted by own gang la, readers not stupid. Stop this dishonest behavior and let everyone freely comment without harassment as long as the comments meet I3 regulations.


2017-10-03 08:15 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh the lies are laughable. Ok to disagree on views if constructive but the criticism sounds very personal la. Need to make personal insults like calling people kiddo, stupid etc if really just don't agree with his facts meh? It is exactly this type of attitude that caused people like BWC and Investo to fight back against Icon8888 and his gang of clone IDs.

Many people here make even more outrageous comments like sure win, insiders buying now, sure will crash etc but no one seem to criticize those comments? Readers not stupid la. Stop this dishonest behavior and let everyone freely comment without harassment as long as the comments meet I3 regulations.


2017-10-02 16:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh why more people arguing?
I agree with BWC, Everyone is welcomed as long as their views are what they really believe and the posts are civil. Stop harassing people la. This is public forum.


2017-10-02 12:58 | Report Abuse

Haha, once BWC say forum peaceful, Icon8888 rush to use his clone IDs to post nasty comments. So predictable. With CNP V2, really so easy to keep them so busy until they got less time to cheat innocent readers here.

Icon8888 should not use his clone/fake IDs to complain and tell lies when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-10-01 17:18 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone/fake IDs to complain and tell lies when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-09-29 15:46 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone/fake IDs to complain and tell lies when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show


2017-09-29 14:30 | Report Abuse

Got any proof or as usual just lying? Such blatant lies a bit desperate isn't it? Icon8888 and clone IDs argue also must cheat?


2017-09-29 13:35 | Report Abuse

BWC, you are right again! You suggested today is a good day for AA to rise further and so far in the morning session it closed at morning high, up 4 sen! I know big picture is powerful but every time i see it in action i am still impressed and amazed. Thanks for sharing. Those who are good seldom wants to share - your trades on AA and other stocks over more than 1 year is given in your comment history, proven track record. Lucky AA forum got you.

Posted by BuyWithConviction > Sep 29, 2017 09:02 AM | Report Abuse
Hoping for the best today for AA. The last few days when markets uncertain, AA still managed to rise a bit even, that shows strength. Now market could be stabilizing, so today is a good day for AA to rise further, I hope.

As usual, just sharing views, no crystal ball and can be wrong. So it is best to do own research. do not fall for traps on this forum and do not blindly following anyone's calls. Keep eye on big picture and Happy Investing! Hehe


2017-09-29 10:30 | Report Abuse

Good la, at least Icon8888 and his fake IDs now confessed they were bad using vulgar words, now want to change. Everyone will try to forgive them for behaving so badly.

But much more important is next step, they must stop their dishonest ways to make money here. Learn like Investo to make good money using big picture. If they ask nicely i think Investo might be willing to teach them a bit.

Posted by mancingbursa > Sep 29, 2017 08:51 AM | Report Abuse
Seem we all already upgrade our comment without vulgar and nasty words. Well done :)


2017-09-29 08:45 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 should not use his clone/fake IDs to complain when other people expose his dishonest acts or when other readers attack him back. He should instead be happy since he is getting exactly what he wished for.

Icon8888 has admitted he purposely provokes Investo and BWC and said he is happy with all the fighting - proven by his old comment below.

Posted by Icon8888 > Mar 14, 2017 08:40 AM | Report Abuse
Great, my tactic is working. Every now and then I will provoke BWC and investo. They get all worked up and came out spamming and bitching. I sit down coolly to watch show