
risktransformer | Joined since 2016-08-24

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Moderate

risktransformer means I take on risk whenever I assessed that I can transform holding a risky asset in some ways to make it less risky.





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2019-01-31 18:44 | Report Abuse

i3lurker, thanks for your feedback...... & thanks again for your other additional info. Hope your analysis about the SPANRG-WA and mother share is correct.

i3lurker: risk
on hindsight 26 sen looks like a good buy now......

it did NOT look like a good buy early this morning though but thats how the share market behaves!!!
31/01/2019 18:28


2019-01-31 16:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo..... kalau kiri kanan bom, orang di tengah2 mati habis lor!


2019-01-31 16:40 | Report Abuse

Eh Tongkarat, u bom itu 26 sen punya tembok atau itu 26.5 sen punya tembok?


2019-01-31 16:31 | Report Abuse

Come on.... hantam itu 26.5 sen punya tembok kuat2, kasi pecah sebelum 4: 45 p.m. !!


2019-01-31 15:05 | Report Abuse

Cost averaging down strategy should only b applied to stocks of companies with turn-around strategies being carried out (like Sapura) and with improving commercial environment (like O&G). It should not be blindly applied to any kind of stock (especially like SUMATEC).


2019-01-31 14:54 | Report Abuse

Shareview123 gave three preconditions for using his strategy..... I think SUMATEC has problem with his preconditions no. 1 & 3. SUMATEC looks like it is going to bankrupt very soon!


2019-01-31 14:45 | Report Abuse

SUMATEC is the real shitty counter.


2019-01-31 14:02 | Report Abuse

Agree with Shareview123.... plus:

4) better & stronger balance sheet after RI & OMV deal;
5) improving QR due to less interest payment after paring down debts;
6) increasing CAPEX of oil producing countries (end of down cycle).


2019-01-31 13:12 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker, thanks for the info. I don't have Big Money like the IBs, so I can't do what they r doing. I bought at 28 sen more than 2 weeks ago bcoz that was "almost certain price" then; I just bought again at 26 sen bcoz it looks like a reasonably good price. Whether it will go below 23 sen next week or not, nobody can b really 100% sure at this point. But I have to admit that going below 23 sen is a real possibility...... that's y I am never all-in at any price (have to reserve more bullets for lower price).


2019-01-31 12:44 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker, now the transaction buy is 54% @ 26.5 sen. We will wait & see later whether the 26 sen support can hold or not. My guess is today will close at 27 sen (just like yesterday). I want to emphasize that this is just a guess.... so those buy or sell do it at your own risk.


2019-01-31 12:26 | Report Abuse

MM78, good reasoning! I'm not sure how u calculate the 10% ex-warrant value but here is my calculation:

Warrant + exercise price = 10 sen (now) + 49 sen = 59 sen.

Your recent entry @ 26 sen = 26/59 = 44% of ex-warrant value.

Anyway, 26 sen is 13.3% discount from the RI price of 30 sen.

MM78: Risktransformer , yes indeed I did the same with Armada , bought at 17 sens when there were plenty of negative talks then. gambling move against the panic crowd. I guess 10 % ( ex warrants values) below RI price of SapNrg is not too bad a move and am prepared to take up more shpuld it goes down.
31/01/2019 12:05


2019-01-31 12:09 | Report Abuse

@MM78, that's y I said u maid a good move. The road block at 26.5 sen was broken briefly & now back but with a thinner wall of 17.9 million shares (will break again). Good luck to u!

MM78: Now buying support rise up to 63 millions + , good signs
31/01/2019 11:49

MM78: at 26 sens I mean
31/01/2019 11:49


2019-01-31 11:58 | Report Abuse

If panic like chicken.... will b food for buaya & sharks.

seposer: aiyp kasi havoc sikit pun sudah panic
31/01/2019 11:53


2019-01-31 11:53 | Report Abuse

MM78, a lot of negative talk here bcoz a lot of sharks, shark's macai, penghianat, buaya & biawak.... all hoping to feed on chicken & pigs. They mostly focus on sharks' agenda. Sorry to note your high entry price..... hope u can get out of this mess. There should b good news after CNY (next month).


2019-01-31 11:35 | Report Abuse

Looks like a good move!

MM78: I dint subscribe to the RI , today bought at RM0.26 , keeps my finger crossed.
31/01/2019 11:28


2019-01-31 10:10 | Report Abuse

CNY coming..... sharks need to slaughter as many chicken & pigs as possible (make sure enough supply for CNY).


2019-01-30 19:47 | Report Abuse

At that time (last year), EPF was famously known as the Big Whale..... killing many sharks & ikan bilis with its daily multi-million shares selling (its daily selling extended for around 8 months). Now (after KWAP exited).... the 3 underwriting IBs seem likely to exert downward pressure on daily basis.


2019-01-30 19:35 | Report Abuse

Last year Sapura dropped kaw kaw bcoz EPF kept selling till it ceased to be substantial shareholder. Now Sapura dropped kaw kaw again bcoz KWAP kept selling until it ceased to b substantial shareholder. Who will be next to ceased..... ?



2019-01-30 17:26 | Report Abuse

Hehehe..... grab driver only.


2019-01-30 16:54 | Report Abuse

Close at 27 sen.... aiseh, today no win no lose leh!


2019-01-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

Hahaha!! If u Q buy big & kena executed but Q sell big not successful.... then tomorrow suddenly delisted = BIG LOSS in SUMATEC.


2019-01-30 16:47 | Report Abuse

Agree with dragonslayer..... better keep the reason to yourself, no need to ask people why.


2019-01-30 16:41 | Report Abuse

SUMATEC everyday up 0.005 & down 0.005..... can easily win 100% & lose 100%.... in the end no win no lose, only lose the commission.

DonaldTrumpMalaysia: BUY SUMATEC LIMIT UP 100%
30/01/2019 16:35


2019-01-30 16:31 | Report Abuse

He asked people dun buy but he quietly bought at 0.280 to 0.300 a few weeks ago.... I think he hasn't cut win yet (no announcement from him).


2019-01-30 16:25 | Report Abuse

Aiya.... ini kapal Sapura macam transformer punya..... boleh tukar jadi submarine (jangan bimbang.... tak kan mati lemas).


2019-01-29 10:45 | Report Abuse

Agree with rogers123.


2019-01-28 09:25 | Report Abuse

Hahaha!! This morning sharks & operators move caught everyone by surprise!!!


2019-01-25 15:50 | Report Abuse

In out is good if u can make money but most people in out & lose money (too bad for them).


2019-01-25 15:45 | Report Abuse

Anything that can make money legally is good.


2019-01-25 15:42 | Report Abuse

Hehehe..... for me, I am happy when the price go up & I am also happy when the price go down. I work both ways.


2019-01-25 15:20 | Report Abuse

1.03, exactly as predicted by rr88!


2019-01-25 12:59 | Report Abuse

Hehehe..... rr88, thanks for the predictions!


2019-01-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

More like paralysis at 28 - 28.5 sen!


2019-01-25 10:54 | Report Abuse

@Abu Abu, long term investment in FGV has proven to b a great disaster! Look at its 5 years historical price chart..... if a long term investor were to buy FGV b4 2013 at RM5.50 and held it for 5 years till now (current price is RM1.07); the price has dropped 80.5% (what a great loss)!

Abu Abu: can invest long term only this FGV
short term could ruin life
25/01/2019 10:42


2019-01-25 10:14 | Report Abuse

Resistance at 1.18 & support at 0.770 -----> there's approximately a 10% upside risk (gain) & a 27% downside risk (loss); hence the reward-to-risk ratio is terribly unfavorable. FYI, I've sold all yesterday (I'll forgo the potential 10% profit to avoid the potential 27% loss).

There r other reasons not to hold on: the RSI currently at 83.67% indicates overbought or overpriced (it will tend to drop soon). Also, there r only 4.5 days of trading left b4 CNY (holiday of Feb 1, half day on Feb 4, holidays on Feb 5 & 6). People will tend to sell off during these 4.5 trading days b4 CNY. Good luck to those still holding on! Decide (buy/sell) at your own risk (profit/loss).


2019-01-24 16:00 | Report Abuse

I think it will fall below 97 sen.


2019-01-23 17:26 | Report Abuse

Not so fast come back to 80 sen..... I think tomorrow can up some more a few cents la.


2019-01-23 10:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Tongkarat tak da nyanyi sana FGV forum kah..... itu Victor Yong banyak cakap lah (makin dia cakap makin mahu turun harga leh).


2019-01-23 10:38 | Report Abuse

Anyway, the 1.85 billion RI shares can only b sold on Jan 29 onward (now not listed yet).


2019-01-23 10:33 | Report Abuse

@GoodBoy, I think they r defending 28 sen & attacking 28.5 sen.

GoodBoy: The 3 operators hv 1.85 billion shares to sell lar ... Not sure what are their strategies ... maybe keep selling at lower price ... maybe selling at 0.280/0.285 ... maybe push up a bit to 0.30 n sell ... maybe push all the way up to above 0.50 or 0.60 n sel all the way down ... hahaha ...
23/01/2019 09:29


2019-01-23 09:21 | Report Abuse

Looks like 28 sen is building up to become "unlimited" demand.


2019-01-18 17:12 | Report Abuse

U r usually wrong more often than right..... what kind of "help" r u offering?


2019-01-18 17:05 | Report Abuse

At least ada sikit last minute action loh.


2019-01-18 17:01 | Report Abuse

From the strong buying today (on Friday.... despite weekend ahead), it is likely next week will move up instead of down loh.


2019-01-18 16:30 | Report Abuse

Hari ini takda last hour action...... harap ada last minute action.


2019-01-18 16:14 | Report Abuse

Wei.... macam ada last hour action leh.


2019-01-18 16:08 | Report Abuse

Tongkarat tak boleh kena pukul kuat.... nanti bocor loh.