
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2023-06-15 16:56 | Report Abuse

Mati berdiri..


2023-06-15 16:56 | Report Abuse

Sapport 0.64 pecah babe.
Habislah kau org.
Jeng jeng jeng...


2023-06-15 16:46 | Report Abuse

Normal lar as usual bojed BS after the event.

Belon sudah pancit daa..


2023-06-15 14:42 | Report Abuse

I always 99% right. Yr brain is too small to see it.

You base on gut feeling.

I base on method.

I teach you. Go back to 28 June 2021, ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO. Lowest that day was 0.45. This is where it would trap yr balls and slaughter your neck.

Of course you dont stay there until the very end if you value yr balls and yr neck.

RSI nearly 98%. Many people lose their pants naively go in at this sky high RSI.

Stay away. You go in to pick up the last few pieces if this fruit, YOU WILL DIE !


2023-06-15 11:28 | Report Abuse

40.5 finish, add, finish, sellers add.
Rsi at 97.8% in cloud 9.
Vacuum of buyers below 0.385.
Be careful arr...slam dunk at any moment..


2023-06-15 09:04 | Report Abuse

RSI 97.8%
Whenever you see RSI at this level, some people will lose their underwear soon.


2023-06-14 15:08 | Report Abuse

Pump transformer kaput. Repair also still kaput. Then announced. Share price dove down free falling. This is not on the shelf item like gula and gandum. It is called a long lead item. Long time to arrive after order - 4 to 6 months. Idling hegeh2 no production. Share price will get worse b4 it gets better.

0.415 bottom
Rebound top now 0.45/0.455.
Will retest 0.415 and break.


2023-06-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

This is rr88 chain of thoughts at the moment:

A Restructuring Plan conceived during distressed time, bad time is good during distressed, bad time.

When the distress is gone, time turns better, business starting to look good again, then one tends to tweak the Recovery Plan to suit latest development.

Should sifu thinks what will happen, will actually happen, you are looking at 0.70 - 0.90 and lose HALF OF YOUR MONEY here.


Use the brain on top of yr neck, not the one between yr legs arr...

rr88 will no longer trade AAX. Moving on to less risky trades..


2023-06-13 17:13 | Report Abuse

Lurker brain is too small, unable to comprehend what rr88 advice was.


2023-06-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

POSTED BY rr88 4 DAYS AGO. rr88 said 1.96 plus minus 2 cents actually:

This is the correct chart readings:

02 june bottom 1.66
Next day rebound top 1.81
The following day double bottom 1.66

Today it has moved past 1.81 previous rebound top.

It will go to 1.81 + (1.81 - 1.66) = 1.96

This is its pattern:

1.66 => 1.81 => 1.66 => 1.81 => on its way to 1.96


2023-06-13 17:03 | Report Abuse

1.81 only ka?
What happened? He he....
Ans: Because I told u it wud go 1.95 only. Actual = it went to 1.94, stopped by 1.95.

Now I say it will go to 1.53.
You wait n see, then you know how good i am. That is if you have not realised it that i am good, very good.


2023-06-09 17:01 | Report Abuse

You see. 4k in pocket. All shares released. No stress, no headache. Clean mind, stress free to start new trading week next week.

Learn from master, learn from sifu!


2023-06-09 16:59 | Report Abuse

Thats all folks!
Come back monday, dont be late.
Big money for you.


2023-06-09 16:57 | Report Abuse

Monday buy on weakness early morning, provided it does not move up to hit 1.95 firsr, bcause 1.95 is the technical target.


2023-06-09 16:53 | Report Abuse

You see or not series of 2211 lots withdrawn on both sides of buy n sell bids?

Because....same people keyed in buy n sell bids...


2023-06-09 16:49 | Report Abuse

JQuest. Bought 1.95 never sold when it fell to 1.66? You think you r smart.

Take sifu advice: "if you are not willing to take in small losses, one of these days you will be hit by mother of all losses".


2023-06-09 16:43 | Report Abuse

Ok la. 4k profit. Enough for my ciggarettes for 1 year.

Close position for the day, the week.
Next week new day new week.

Pros dont hold shares over the weekend.


2023-06-09 16:41 | Report Abuse

Sold 200 lots 1.91.
Sold all.


2023-06-09 16:37 | Report Abuse

Sold 300 lots 1.90


2023-06-09 16:33 | Report Abuse

Time running out. Sold 500 lots 1.91.


2023-06-09 16:19 | Report Abuse

Ascending triangle pattern has formed 1.85 - 1.90 intraday afternoon session. It will jump to 1.94/1.95 b4 market close.


2023-06-09 15:59 | Report Abuse

Added 500 lots 1.90 averaging up.
Cost 1.86 for 1,000 lots.


2023-06-09 15:30 | Report Abuse

Either after 4.00 pm today or latest monday b4 lunch 1.96.

Bought 500 lots 1.82 after it reclaimed 1.81 this morning.

Already in que to sell 1.95. Standing instruction que. Will match today or monday.

Cut loss if it falls below 1.81.


2023-06-09 14:24 | Report Abuse

Sifu grandmaster got it wrong. When wrong, sifu admit it.

This is the correct chart readings:

02 june bottom 1.66
Next day rebound top 1.81
The following day double bottom 1.66

Today it has moved past 1.81 previous rebound top.

It will go to 1.81 + (1.81 - 1.66) = 1.96

This is its pattern:

1.66 => 1.81 => 1.66 => 1.81 => on its way to 1.96


2023-06-08 10:11 | Report Abuse

10,261 lots in an hour.
I could take all that volume with 2 clicks of a button..


2023-06-07 16:26 | Report Abuse

Repair dy but not successful. Idling there with no production for 4 months. Its going down.


2023-06-07 09:25 | Report Abuse

2,559 lots in 25 mins.
Operator has quietly packed his bag n gone.

Master's rule of thumb: when volume gone, run to the hills. bcause tsunami coming.


2023-06-07 09:21 | Report Abuse

1. Semiconductor industry has just entered downcycle worldwide. This can be seen from reduced earnings in the past 6 months.

2. Qtrly profit = rm3mil. Total shares = 532 mil. Annualised eps = (3/532) × 4 = 2.26 cents/share.

3. At 18 pe for downcycle target, tp = 18 x 2.26 = 0.41. Current price = 0.76. Downside = - ve 40%.

Verdict: Sell/cut loss/stay away


2023-06-06 10:41 | Report Abuse

Eatcoconut. I told u the key is in technical signals n chart patterns.

For those dont know or not aware:
Fridays candle 1.71 - 1.78.
Todays candle so far 1.80 - 1.71.

Market is weak today. There is a chance it will close below 1.71. Say 1.69.

Than todays candle of 1.80 - 1.69 wud completely engulf fridays candle of 1.71 - 1.78.

This is called a BEARISH ENGULFING candle with 99% reliability.

Main directional thrust wud then be lower below last low of 1.66.


I go back to sleep now in my swiss alps airbnb. Just want to see n hv a feel whether my decision to come to swiss alps n stay out of the market for a couple of months was correct or not.


2023-06-06 10:31 | Report Abuse

Investor could easily lose much more money than traders. Investors also must know when to cut loss. Someone bought sapnrg from mokhzani at 1.50 for over rm500 mil. Now its worth 0.035.


2023-06-06 10:20 | Report Abuse

Buying oil n gas equipment is not like buying gula n gandum off the shelf. It will take months. They call these items long lead equipment. Must order long ahead b4 you need them. Below 0.40 lar.


2023-06-02 12:29 | Report Abuse

Index peak 1499.
Index last valley 1373
Current index 1378

Index will break 1373 in a day or two and head to 1373 - (1499 - 1373) = 1250 there about in 2 - 3 months.

Most trades now are up a few cents, then dropping back.

Everything will go down 20 - 40% in the next 2 - 3 months.

I am taking a break from this market 2 months or so.

Sell in may n go away thing is in progress, is that you do not realize it.

I do because I AM THE SIFU GRANDMASTER. There are times to play n times not to play.

Going to SWISS ALPS for a couple of months.



2023-06-01 19:43 | Report Abuse

Busy2 talking kok, share price has moved from 0.40 to 2.00. He he..

Watch price movements and make money. Leave kok talking to kok talkers.


2023-05-25 14:56 | Report Abuse

The technical picture has changed from bearish to BULLISH.

The massive shooting star candle on 22 may has been neutralised to form a BULLISH ASCENDING TRIANGLE pattern.

Triangle height = 0.205 - 0.155 = 0.05 (22 may candle).

Breakout point = 0.205
Target = 0.205 + 0.05 = 0.255

Breakout either this evening or latest some time tommorow.



2023-05-23 11:46 | Report Abuse

You want to play stock but you hv no clue what is a SHOOTING STAR CANDLE is all about.

It is a long tail upside down candle. It happened here yesterday.

It says " hello people, i am making a uturn and will head to the opposite direction in next 2 to 7 days".


2023-05-23 11:40 | Report Abuse

Got big gold mine, but.....no gold there.
Thats why lost $5mil last qtr.

Later will stabilise 0.06 - 0.08 before going to zero and close shop.


2023-05-23 09:37 | Report Abuse

Yesterday was a SHOOTING STAR top reversal candle. It means direction change to GOSTAN. Today completing a U-turn. After uturn, will go gostan everyday all the way to break 0.095 last bottom to find new bottom. If you sell now at 0.16, you will save your self half of upcoming headache. If you bought at 0.20 yesterday top, you will lose more than half yr money.

You know what they say, if you are not willing to take in small losses, one of these days you will be hit by MOTHER OF ALL LOSSES.


2023-05-19 12:49 | Report Abuse

Same like Senheng lar. Suport2, and then drift lower n lose 30% of value n sleeping there sideways.

0.7 x 0.66 = 0.46, this is where its sleeping bag is waiting.

Sell/stay clear


2023-05-19 12:39 | Report Abuse

Lembu bodo. Buka kandang, terus masuk longkang.


2023-05-16 10:30 | Report Abuse

Still here? Willing victims?

AutocountIng victims.

They whoever they are, from day 1, are looking for victims to lock in easy money at huge profit.

Now pretending to buy but actually are selling. They are happy to take > 100% profit [(0.685 - 0.33)/0.33 = 108%].

Even at 60% profit later they will still be happy2 to sell to you. 1.6 x 0.33 = 0.53.


2023-05-10 16:32 | Report Abuse

Already on its way back to 0.25. Last chance to get out at small damage. Once operator unloads remaining shares on hand, it will hit LD. Fundamentals = zero.


2023-05-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

I told u. Now 0.505 rock bottom support broken, its on its way back to become penny stock again to move sideways for 1 yr. Salvage whatever you can salvage now.


2023-05-08 14:30 | Report Abuse

Simple fact plain for all to see.


Fact 1: New manufacturers from china jumped on bandwagon; existing manufacrers there expanded due to lucrative profit during the pandemic.

Fact 2: China manufacturers costs are cheaper.

Fact 3: Post pandemic, china manufacturers captured a sizeable chunk of malaysian manufacturers market share in the world, causing a permanent loss of market share to malaysian manufacturers.

For ularsawa who bought at 3.00 and above and has since gone crazy, accept it and dont be in denial mode like top glove big boss, that YOU HAVE BEEN BURNT FOR GOOD.


2023-05-03 16:25 | Report Abuse

I told u at 0.70 - 1.10 this thing was a mirrage n would go down. Didnt believe me.

Now its a tripple whammy.
Whammy 1: semicond businesses worldwide starting downturn. business not good.

Whammy 2: oil price at usd74 n heading lower as businesses slow down worldwide.

Whammy 3: At 0.51 it is on the verge of major techical chart breakdown of nov 2022 low of 0.505.

Tp 0.33. Sell/cut loss/stay away !


2023-05-03 12:29 | Report Abuse

1. Today a broken intraday descending triangle will take it to close at 0.825 thereabout.

2. Tonight the fed will cut interest rate again in the US. New york will sell off again causing weak sentiment again in bursa on friday. Tomolo market close for wesak.

3. Friday it will break last bottom of 0.815. This wud be significant causing big move lower.

4. It either will stop around a 0.96 broken flag target of 0.73, or keep going to 0.58 being a symmetrical inversion of its move from 0.815 to 1.05 close previously. 0.815 - (1.05 - 0.815) = 0.58.

Whatever it is, it will sink much deeper than current price of 0.845.


2023-05-03 09:08 | Report Abuse

RED RED DAY all day long across the board. Tomolo no market.

As i said yesterday. A flag pattern has broken down at 0.96. It is a downtrend continuation pattern with tp at 0.73.

I asked you to sell at 0.96/0.97 yesterday. Today i still asking you to sell/cut loss/stay away.


2023-05-02 10:10 | Report Abuse

Bear trap bounce.
Sell in May n go away.
1st tp 0.51. 2nd tp 0.41.
Will stabilise around 0.45 n move sideways with little volume for a year.

If b4 it moving sideways at 0.30. Now its sideways at 0.45.

At 0.55 to 0.65, you will get stuck n lose money.

Bcause business wise, NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

Continue to stay sway. Its a trap.


2023-05-02 09:48 | Report Abuse

After 45 mins of trade:

1. Its MACD has staged a DEAD CROSS. Bearish.

2. There is a flag pattern formed. It is on the verge of breakdown of this flag pattern at 0.96. The breakdown would take it to 0.73.

Sell, buy back later at 0.70 - 0.75.
Stay away.


2023-04-28 16:59 | Report Abuse

Like this la kawan. Market has turned super quiet. Move to sideline.

You dont buy into a quiet market hoping for buying frenzy to happen.

You wait for buying n selling frenzy to take place first, with good momentum, then you jump in lar.

It does not matter where it happens. At current level 0.90++, or later at 1.00++, 0.80++, 0.70++, 0.60++ or even LD zone 0.50++.

Good luck. Im out of here.

Tut tut
Today made some rm1,000 pocket money in 2 transactions here.

Adios for now. When got GORENG ACTION, I' ll be back.


2023-04-28 16:40 | Report Abuse

Are you a pro traders?
If you are, then close yr position ahead of the weekend.

Either you bought at 1.02, 1.01, 1.00, 0.995, 0.99, 0.985, 0.98, 0.975, 0.97, 0.965, 0.96, 0.955 or 0.95, dump to buyers at 0.97/0.965 by 4.44 pm.

And take the small loss or small profit like a pro.