
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2022-09-07 16:39 | Report Abuse

0.77 hit. Make or lose, get the hell out of there.


2022-09-07 15:28 | Report Abuse

Lari la pang.
This is slow motion gostan.
Drop to 0.50++ , no rebound one.
Sideways hegeh2 there for 6 months.

Dump it n deploy yr capital somewhere else.


2022-09-07 12:32 | Report Abuse

This is a SHOOTING STAR CANDLE, babe. A MARKET TOP GOSTAN SIGNAL. Will drop around 20 cents the next few trading days.



2022-09-07 10:17 | Report Abuse

Scenario 3: when it return to retest breakout point 0.675, the retest fails, i.e. it drops lower than 0.675. Then you run for yr life. Game over, it will go below 0.60.


2022-09-07 10:14 | Report Abuse

Ascending triangle breakout at 0.675. A bullish signal.

Triangle bottom at 0.58.
Tp = 0.675 + (0.675 - 0.58) = 0.77

Now at 0.72/0.725.

Scenario 1: It will return to test 0.675 breakout point b4 moving to 0.77.

Scenario 2: It will move up to 0.77.

Bcause overall market sentiment is not good, I opt for scenario 1.


2022-09-07 10:01 | Report Abuse

0.185 support line broken n now acting as resistance.

Today more or less unchanged, tommorow lower.


2022-09-06 11:07 | Report Abuse

Bubble burst. Next trading range 0.135 - 0.185 for 1 - 2 yrs.

At 0.20 its bad but not the worst to escape n lick yr wound.


2022-09-06 11:00 | Report Abuse

Dropped 50 cents 5.30 - 4.80.
Now consolidating a few days.
As soon as tomolo will drop another 50 cents to 4.30.

Well on its way back to 4.00.

A dead cat bounce. Sell/stay away.


2022-09-05 10:52 | Report Abuse

Its over. Pls abort any plan to enter at any price.

It was a DEAD CAT BOUNCE 4.00 to 6.00.
Will return to 4.00 as its MACD will stage a dead cross in a day or two.


2022-09-02 10:33 | Report Abuse

Tp revised to 4.50.
Triangle base is actually at 5.29, not 5.20.


2022-09-02 10:20 | Report Abuse

There is a DESCENDING TRIANGLE PATTERN from 24/8 to 01/9.

This descending triangle broke down below its base this morning.

Triangle top = 6.08
Triangle base = 5.20
Triangle height = 6.08 - 5.20 = 0.88

A descending triangle pattern is a bearish pattern. A break below its base would take it to a drop below the base equivalent to the height of the triangle.

In this case, it will go to:
Tp = 5.20 - 0.88 = 4.32

At 4.96 now it will zig zag its way there in 1 to 3 days for a further 0.64 drop.

Verdict: SELL


2022-09-01 11:10 | Report Abuse

Before you didnt know. Now you know. End of covid failed to lift the share price. This is where you should salvage whatever you can salvage n bail out.

When it does not rebound, it will go lower. Covid has caused structural damage to the business.


2022-09-01 11:03 | Report Abuse

Escape lar. Salvage whatever you can salvage. It will be a long dark cold winter for glove sector. This kind of downtrend will see no rebound. Its a psychology of a downtrend, as it does not rebound, more n more people will give up on it n bail out. Price will break new low n new low again n again. The longer the industry stays in doldrum, the lower the share price goes. Not surprised if it goes half price from here to 40 cents in months to come.


2022-08-30 11:49 | Report Abuse

0.78. Previous low point 0.77.
1 cent to the floor.
All escaping before this floor gives way.
A bad QR after 5.00 pm will break the floor and cause a free fall towards 0.63..


2022-08-26 20:23 | Report Abuse

I want to teach you, you dont want to listen.

Highly successful people in stock market, they dont buy n sell 2, 3 times a week. They buy n sell 2, 3 times per year.

Go into investable stocks, not highly speculative casino gambling stocks like agmo.

Eventhough you go for true investing, i.e. buy to own, entry point is very important. Like i went in into topglove for rm4.5mil investing, i got out at 4.6% loss. When it goes down another leg lower later, i will go in again for 2nd attempt. After entry, should the price doing hegeh2 above my cost and never go down 5% below it, then i can hold on to it.

Carl Icahn, a successful investor in certain stock, only successful to find entry point on his 3rd attempt. He bought, down, he let go. He bought again, down again he let go again. Third time he bought, price holding n later moved up. He then held on to it some 18 months until the trend changed.

Ok boys. You want to change or you want to stick on your losing ways? Statistically, every 100 people doing active trading, 95 will lose money over time. If you are good like me, falling into the 5% (must be very good at cutting losses), you will make some money but not that super duper a lot, until you change your ways from active speculation to true investing.


2022-08-26 17:11 | Report Abuse

All these newly listed sfp, cnergenz, lgms, agmo are SPECULATIVE CASINO PLAYS only. Operator inside, all gamblers in passing the shares to each other.

If you want to invest like me, you buy n you go away not checking the price for 3 months, next time you check its half price. Bcause they are all driven by flavor of the day speculative sentiment, not supported by fundamentals.


2022-08-26 16:59 | Report Abuse

Ipo 0.27. A week later you go n buy 0.955. What were you thinking?

Revenues 5.65mil per qtr or less 2mil per month. This is a very small company.

All you know that 0.955 today is already the all time bubble high.

This is a taik company. Sooner or later yr ass will be on fire.

Jump in n out gambling like paktua is a foolish endeavour. All gamblers K.O. one.

Grow up!


2022-08-26 16:37 | Report Abuse

How pang? Kena dy. Backside pain or not?

I also dont know ma. I agak2 only. Thats why i dont trade anymore.
I hv moved on to true investing nowadays.

I dont touch this one. Revenues very small. Operator play2 only lar.


2022-08-26 16:31 | Report Abuse

Still dont want to lari?
I told u chart says 4.58.
Monday drop 70 cents.
You hv 15 mins to escape..


2022-08-26 12:49 | Report Abuse

Melabur, jangan berjudi di pasaran.
Invest, dont gamble in stock market.


2022-08-26 12:46 | Report Abuse

Hoi paktua. Tidor lagi ka?
Mana boleh active tikam saham, trading, punting keluar masuk, beli jual, beli jual saham.

Mesti rugi punya. Untung 50 sen, rugi seringgit. Lama2 sure K.O. punya.

Itu pun tak reti ka? Haiya..


2022-08-26 12:42 | Report Abuse

Pang. Operator tried to push 10.45 am - 11.00 am, but tak lepas.

From 11.05 am - 12.30 pm he was selling back shares on hand by controlling the trades in tight range.

After lunch, he will continue for a while until he releases all his shares.

Whenever that happens, price will then fall.

So you better escape together with him. Jgn tunggu lama2.


2022-08-26 11:58 | Report Abuse

After market close today, qr out. Sink into the red. Monday free fall. You better run before 4.45 pm today.


2022-08-26 11:20 | Report Abuse

OTB came out from hiding oredy? He did not cut loss earlier but sure sold at some loss too soon otw up dy. Just diam2.

Sell now. Bad news:

BEARISH BREAKDOWN at 5.58 of a pennant formation.

Pennant height at base on 24/8 = 6.08 - 5.08 = 1.00

Target = 5.58 - 1.00 = 4.58.



2022-08-26 08:52 | Report Abuse

Hu hu i got it wrong in short term but i will get it right in longer term. 0.70++ is the final resting place bcause this thing is a bubble.


2022-08-26 08:49 | Report Abuse

I told u dy not to get involved yesterday. Now no buyers in buy queues. You better cut queue n dump to those little buyers a few seconds b4 opening bell. This thing will crash when sabah state govt suspend their license.


2022-08-25 10:31 | Report Abuse

Walk away. Dont get involved if you dont want pain. Someone trying to force it to move up. One cant force a share price to move up if it does not want to. It does not work that way. Disaster coming.


2022-08-25 09:51 | Report Abuse

1. Sell 1.00
2. 1.01 is the 16 march 2022 low acting as a stiff major resistance.
3. Imbalance of buyers n sellers volume in order queues where more people are eager to sell on strength.
4. Failure to take out this 1.01 resistance wud expose it vulnerable to come down n break its 0.81 low. Downside is huge from here.
5. It must unfold its full downtrend technical move from 1.49 to 0.55 before it can move higher than 1.03 and higher than 1.49.
6. In other words, it will slaughter you all first before making a bullish sustained uptrend.

Verdict: SELL !


2022-08-24 15:41 | Report Abuse

0.55 coming believe it or not. Its technical n its magical.


2022-08-24 15:40 | Report Abuse

Todays tp = 0.915.
After lunch 0.955 to 0.995, a 4 cent gain.
A break below 0.955 will take it to a 4 cent drop below 0.955 = 0.915

Thats how it is. Believe it or not, it will happen. Its MAGIC.


2022-08-24 15:12 | Report Abuse

Stock market 101. If it does not move up on good news, it wont stay there. It will come down.

I told you a thousand times that chart target is clearly at 0.55.

Chart knows what you dont know. My guess is big crash otw in new york n else where. The Dow n Nasdaq will crash below recent low. Other markets will follow, including bursa.

You know what they say. Receding tide will bring down all boats, big n small. Good results will not matter.


2022-08-24 13:33 | Report Abuse

Bankrupt soon. Pandemic over, still not making money. You better run, salvage whatever you can salvage.


2022-08-24 13:19 | Report Abuse

IT'S A 2-DAY QUICK GORENG GAMBLING GAME and it will be over by end of today.

Some people make money, some people lose money, some people make n then lose money.

If you r naive enough to go in n hold it long term, you will lose 1.00 - 2.00 a piece.


2022-08-24 10:26 | Report Abuse

I told u. If u bought at 5.95, you will lose more than 1.00 a piece.

Now its "you jump out, i jump out mode". The earlier you jumo out the better.

Red soon. Than deeper n deeper red until 5.00. Then 5.00 also break. Then blood bath.


2022-08-24 10:21 | Report Abuse

Mabel TAIK losing everything..

Masterchef has abandoned ship.
He will emerge later in a brand new ship.


2022-08-24 09:25 | Report Abuse

An Operator took advantage of yesterdays good sentiment on oil n gas to push HY all day long.

Now he is controlling the trades in a small range to unload n distribute his yesterdays acquired shares.

Once he is done, price will turn red n drop to 5.00 n below 5.00.

If you go in now, you will lose more than 1.00 a piece.

Manipulator at work. Beware!


2022-08-24 09:09 | Report Abuse

JIBBY JAIL RALLY is over. You better run now b4 it drops below 1.07 low.


2022-08-23 07:52 | Report Abuse

Jeng, jeng jeng...
I told you..

Nasdaq down 320 pts. I told u nasdaq rebound over n otw down.

Cut all queues 4 seconds before 9 oclock n dump to buyers. Escape, run for your life. I told u since 1.20/1.23 that it wud form a head n shoulder pattern n go back to 0.70++.

Now i see at 0.90/1.02 for a few days b4 heading to 0.70++ in the first week of september.


2022-08-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

So how? Kena con dy.
You shud know con men at work when you see one.

As i said b4 all these are operator play only.
They did left pocket to right pocket 0.94 - 0.97 sparing trades to release shares in between.

I told u all these tech superbulls wannabe cnergen, sfptech, agmo n lgms will fall back to square 1.

Escape while the losses are still small now.
Bcause US Nasdaq tech rebound us over n its on its way down oredy.

You shud know by now that i am good, very good.


2022-08-22 16:20 | Report Abuse

Recent low 1.61. Only 7 cents away. Dont play2. Tomolo once this 1.61 break, it will do a FREE FALL..


2022-08-22 16:05 | Report Abuse

I told you its a HEAD & SHOULDER PATTERN.

It will hit 0.70 by first week of september.

I told you US Nasdaq technical rebound not sustainable. Nasdaq rebound over n its on its way down.

All this sfptech, agmo, lgms & cnergen will come down.

Remember i asked you to sell at 1.20/1.23. At 1.10 now its not too late to escape. Bcause as i said its on its way back to square 1 at 0.70.

You should know by now that i am good, very good.


2022-08-19 16:16 | Report Abuse

Negative qr => selldown 10 - 15 cents.

Removed fr composite index constituents => selldown another 10 - 15 cents.

Another bad qr => another 10 - 15 cents drop.

Ladder step drops ahead. Bottom no where to be seen. No light at end of tunnel..


2022-08-19 16:11 | Report Abuse

My benchmark is harta. When it sinks below 1.00 only can consider buying tg. Long dark winter for glovy gloves.


2022-08-19 16:04 | Report Abuse

Looks like somebody big is cutting losses. Must be bad negative qr coming.

Not surprised if losses in next 3 qtrs.

Tp 0.42 i will enter again.


2022-08-19 15:49 | Report Abuse

Dont get tricked by qr.
Get out now at breakeven or 1 - 2 cents loss rather than 10 cents loss. Bcause it will retreat to 0.95.

If it was good it wud not stagnant. It wud hv uptrending intraday.



2022-08-19 15:17 | Report Abuse

I told u dy.

All who jumped onboard sfptech, agmo n cnergen n mmsv thinking 2020 tech superbull will return will suffer heavy losses.

As they are psychologically trapped when prices retreat and fall back down.

Not too late to escape!


2022-08-19 15:15 | Report Abuse

I told u dy.

All who jumped onboard sfptech, agmo n cnergen n mmsv thinking 2020 tech superbull will return will suffer heavy losses.

As they are psychologically trapped when prices retreat and fall back down.

Not too late to escape!


2022-08-19 15:14 | Report Abuse

I told u dy.

All who jumped onboard sfptech, agmo n cnergen n mmsv thinking 2020 tech superbull will return will suffer heavy losses.

As they are psychologically trapped when prices retreat and fall back down.

Not too late to escape!


2022-08-19 11:43 | Report Abuse

This afternoon gostan a little.
Next week ALL stocks will GOSTAN A LOT.



2022-08-19 11:29 | Report Abuse

REBOUND OVER at 0.93/0.935.
This is its 50 DAY MVG AVERAGE n stopping any further up move.

By END OF THE MONTH it will CRASH BELOW 0.81 because this 50 day mvg avg will stage a DEAD CROSS below its 400 day mvg avg. They are now firmly on a direct collision course.

Technicals can see the future what you cannot see. Stay away.