
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2022-08-19 09:54 | Report Abuse

Ipo 0.26. Market 0.81.
Revenues 5.6 mil per qtr or 1.86 mil per month. Mamak restaurant also can get more than this.

Its a one BIG BUBBLE.
Once burst, half price to 0.40..


2022-08-18 22:05 | Report Abuse

I tell u now what u oredy know. Org lama sure know one.

All these are operator game.

1st day ipo operator from insider who got shares at ipo price conned people by doing churning trades left pocket trading with right pocket to offload their shares at 0.68/0.70. Thereafter price slide down everyday until 0.46. In trading world 0.70 to 0.56 drop is a disaster. To 0.46 is a major disaster. All kena tipu.

Then nasdaq in US ada reverse course. Then so called tech stocks started to gain peoples interest. This one started to move up with low volume.

Then an operator, different than 1st day listing operator, moved in to play goreng. Goreng is they control the game bidding higher n higher n support n absorb selling. It works when more n more people jump into the game. You jump in, i jump in mode.

Up to certain level at their choosing or after they having difficulty to play it higher, they will control the trades to distribute or unload. This is where they are very good at. To con people thinking that it will climb higher. Looks like they r buying, when actually they are nett selling.

Once they r done, as price falls, they are no longer supporting it. Until such level, at their choosing, if they decide to play it one more time.

As this speculative hot stock will remain hot for a while, meaning people like to jump in n out at different levels for quite a while, they will play this pump n dump game more than once.

Until such time, when they try to play it, people no longer want to play, then that would be the last time they play. Price will then go down sharply b4 drifting lower n lower back to square 1.

The naives one who are late to escape or who look to fundamentals or to hold it long term will get burnt kaw2 or suffer massive paper loss forever.

Because the chances for this once hot stock to become hot again is very slim.


2022-08-18 20:27 | Report Abuse

Hello paktua bodo. You quoted me there at 0.68/0.70. After that 0.70 it went down to 0.46 ???? Go back n look the chart. Brain not working ka?

Aiya banyak bodo la ini olang.
Mana bole tikam saham. Untong 1 ringgit, rugi 2 ringgit. Itu pun tak tau ka. Thats why 95% of traders or punters or kaki tikam saham rugi the worldover.

Puloh2 tahun ada some saham naik gila2 every now n then you still rugi ma. Because....you cannot tikam saham. Your losses will outpace yr gains by 100 miles. That basic oso dont know ka??

Hai ya.....


2022-08-18 17:58 | Report Abuse

Hutang to sabah state not paid.
Permit cancelled 1 more month.
Oil platforms will stay idle, production nosedive, naturally share price will nose dive.

You go in now, you offering yr head for slaughter..


2022-08-18 17:11 | Report Abuse

Next week break 1.05 based on what? Syok2 feeling tembak2 only?

Operator positioning?

What to speak, speak with reasons lar. So that people dont call you bodo..


2022-08-18 17:07 | Report Abuse

Bodo + kelentong.
I never touched cnergen b4.
Only today play 2x.


2022-08-18 16:54 | Report Abuse

While operator was trying to get out they kena bom by cut loss panic selling.

They push up again for them to get out tommorow morning. Bcause still they got some shares on hand when they tried the unsuccessful limit up attempt.

Tomolo morning they will stabilise n get out. Once done, it will drop, no rebound.

Itu saja. Ini pump n dump manipulation money game only lar!


2022-08-18 16:32 | Report Abuse

Jual 0.95 tadi la bodo


2022-08-18 16:31 | Report Abuse

Bodo x 100 paktua


2022-08-18 16:27 | Report Abuse

Hu hu hu... kena dy
All running for their life..
Told u dy..


2022-08-18 16:21 | Report Abuse

All this goreng only lar paktua.
Pump n dump play.
People join the fray, on lar. Always some people will get burnt one. Just a matter of time.

Operator con game. Boleh la tumpang sekaki small lot. Got profit, take. Got losses, quickly lock in. Dont hegeh2 to hold it n looking at fundamentals of company. You will kena burnt kaw2 one.


2022-08-18 16:16 | Report Abuse

This is whats happening folks. Only trained eyes can see this:

Operator moved in after lunch to make it limit up, but not successful.

Now they are getting out at off high. Stabilise n release mode 0.92/0.94.

With them gone, tommorow will drop bedebuk 10 - 12 cents like nangka busuk.

So get out now b4 tommorows drop.


2022-08-18 16:08 | Report Abuse

How to go up when chart tp is 0.55?
Bcause oil is coming down n it is reacting to future drop in income. Thats why it has dropped so much from 1.50 peak. Understand?


2022-08-18 15:49 | Report Abuse

Habis game over...time to cut loss n escape slaughtering..


2022-08-18 15:47 | Report Abuse

Lembik dy. Lari la.
Kena bom soon..


2022-08-18 15:35 | Report Abuse

How to go up when it is on top of mountain. Dont believe me ka?

When on top mountain, moving forward is coming down la.

Get out. You will thank me later.


2022-08-18 15:22 | Report Abuse

See money take money dont be greedy.
When music still on, take money. You dont get max is ok as long as you dont lose when the music stops..


2022-08-18 15:12 | Report Abuse

Scenario 2: it will go up to match 0.95 todays high n drop for a double top.

This is taking shape. Make or lose, get out now! Sekali jatuh can pecah perut one..


2022-08-18 14:58 | Report Abuse

Tinggi. Gayat...


2022-08-18 14:56 | Report Abuse

Sold all 0.955. Good luck. I chicken out first.


2022-08-18 14:52 | Report Abuse

Sold half 0.95..


2022-08-18 14:17 | Report Abuse

Hoi charles! This is not about financial lah. This is about GORENG..


2022-08-18 14:16 | Report Abuse

This is my predicted dance move:

Hit 0.95 down to 0.89.
Will move past 0.95 to 0.95 + (0.95 - 0.89) = 1.01.

From 1.01 will pull back to 0.96. Late trade will take it to limit up 1.02 n stays limit up until closing.

We' ll see. Cut loss point once 0.885 done. Bcause support is at 0.89. Dump at 0.88/0.885 without hesitation.


2022-08-18 13:28 | Report Abuse

Seronok engkau arr paktua. Saham ni seronok tu kena berpada2.

Scenario 1: it will come down to break 0.89 n continue down n game over.

Scenario 2: it will go up to match 0.95 todays high n drop for a double top.

Scenario 3: it will go up past 0.95 n cuit 1.00 a few lots n drop, game over.

Scenario 4: it will close at limit up today at 1.02 with ribu2 buyers. Tomolo it will jump to 1.12 thereabout before operator does a distribution in a range.

See, many possible dance moves. So tango to the music. Whatever you do, get out b4 the music stops.


2022-08-18 12:31 | Report Abuse

Bought bacj 0.90 bcause 0.89 support did not break. Limit up afternoon, fingers crossed.


2022-08-18 12:05 | Report Abuse

Sold 0.925. Danger!


2022-08-18 11:58 | Report Abuse

Oh boy! Limit up within sight...


2022-08-17 13:05 | Report Abuse


Grandmaster says if your cost at 1.08 n market at 1.20, you do not set a cut loss. As price coming down, you take your smaller profit before turning to a loss.

If after you buy, price is ding dong ding dong around yr cost, set a cut loss point at 5 - 7% below yr cost. At 1.08 cost, cut loss point at 1.00 - 1.03. Once hit, dump it no matter what. Never hesitate. It is to prevent an unexpected disaster.

Trade no more than 30% of yr available cash. Because every 10 traders, 9 lose money. Yr chances of winning is only 10% over time.

Im not into sfp. Just visiting. I hv also out from topglove with 4.7% loss. Now i goyang kaki with 100% cash.


2022-08-17 12:42 | Report Abuse


My take: This is the peak. Technically it is a Head n Shoulder pattern in progress. First drop to 0.95 - 1.02 moving sideways for a while. Next drop to 0.75 to sleep n die there forever.

Because: Tech stocks US Nasdaq bounce is not sustainable. Its a bear trap bounce. Evident from its chart.

This is 2022 not 2020. History will not repeat. For example, Greatec dropped from 7.50 to 3.50 but only bounced 50 cents.


2022-08-17 12:27 | Report Abuse

How to go up. Harta habis, tambah, habis, tambah at 1.70. 100 lorry loads behind the bush waiting to sell..


2022-08-17 10:46 | Report Abuse

1.67 wall broken on harta.
1 by 1 of those walls will break.
Once yesterdays 1.61 wall break, it will do a free fall. No where to run, no where to hide.

Tg will then go down to test recent low of 0.77.


2022-08-17 10:40 | Report Abuse

Still here?
Operator is heading for the door, with 1 foot out oredy. Game over soon.

You better pack yr bag n leave as well before the exodus, stampede n panic to leave.


2022-08-17 10:17 | Report Abuse

Its not fundamentals ular. Its trading sentiment for glove sector. Harta setting the pace now. Others follow harta. There is a direct correlation, bid per bid.


2022-08-17 10:14 | Report Abuse

Some looking at big numbers for my loss in tg.

Its 4.7%. Anything less than 7% loss per trade falls within a very good risk management strategy. Understand now?


2022-08-17 10:06 | Report Abuse

You dont only watch tg. You watch tg n harta. The action is in harta. Tg will follow.

I told u epf is raping this harta everyday. Drop rm1.00 n they r still selling like crazy. Why? Bcause they expect it to go lower. Dont fight epf. They can unload more than sharks n bankers combined can handle.


2022-08-16 19:00 | Report Abuse

Added short term punt ok la.
If long term, you better run la.

It moved in a sideways channel for 2 months which lòoked like bottoming out, but it broke down outside this channel.

If you are not scared, you better be. Market knows ahead what you dont know. It could very well be first this crash, and next year come worldwide recession. Everything would go half price from here.


2022-08-16 11:19 | Report Abuse

Epf everyday rogol hartalega.
Now rogol again.
Thats why i cabut from topglove.


2022-08-16 09:51 | Report Abuse

SOLD ALL 0.8377 lost 3.8 cents a piece because... harta fails to rebound. I dont like the way harta behaving.


2022-08-15 16:19 | Report Abuse

Went to add money.
Bought 20,000 lots at 0.785.

Finally. After 22 months of downtrend, all glove counters hit a WHITEWASH today. Its the VOLUME that gave it away. Its a WHITEWASH VOLUME.

I see you same time next year at double the price..


2022-08-12 16:59 | Report Abuse

Selling hero manyak action selling at THE VERY BOTTOM.

0.855. From 9.60 still u dont want to buy. What r u thinking.


2022-08-12 16:25 | Report Abuse

Lelong lelong lelong...once in a lifetime opportunity..


2022-08-12 14:52 | Report Abuse

I do serious investing here. They sold too many gloves at height of pandemic. They selling too little gloves now because they sold too many before. Later they will sell more as customers stock run out.

Swung too much to upside, now swing too much to downside. Later will return to higher equilibrium level. In other words GRAB DURING THIS CHEAP TIME.


2022-08-12 14:48 | Report Abuse

Harta and kossan climbing dy off their days lows..


2022-08-12 14:46 | Report Abuse

Bought 10,000 lots 0.865.
Investing is not that difficult. When people say its going to the moon, you sell. When people say its end of the world for glove, you buy and keep.


2022-08-11 16:56 | Report Abuse

Sold 1.13....just kidding.
I no longer play in the overbought trap zone.
1st you get trapped. Then yr balls get slaughtered.

Bye2. Dont lose too much money arr...this is just a game...con man game...latecomers will get slaughtered..


2022-08-11 15:54 | Report Abuse

Take this SERIOUSLY if you want to make BIG MONEY:

=> A Nov21 - Apr22 Descending Triangle Breakdown Tp = 0.915

=> Post this Descending Triangle Recovery Tp = 1.93

=> Descending Triangle formation = 6 months. Breakdown to tp = 6 months. Recovery hit target = 6 months from now.

=> You will make 1.00 a piece, more than double current price.

Since 500 yrs ago there is something magical about market technicals, yet to be explained by science.

Whatever oversupply or undersupply or deccrease or increase in current and future product demand, all are built into market technicals.


2022-08-11 15:16 | Report Abuse

Today is market hit peak day 1.17 and reverse.

While it doing ding dong ding dong off high, make or lose, you get out. Early birds will suffer much less pain.

Bcause it will start its descend soon with lower lows all the way to 0.71.

As usual, i am 100 steps ahead of you.

Dont sayang2. Just dump it. Remember this day that i hv warned you!


2022-08-11 12:20 | Report Abuse

And those who think glove sector will go lower will miss the big boat. 50 - 70% profit there. Its a REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY.


2022-08-11 12:15 | Report Abuse

This is not 2020/2021 pang.
Tech stock plays were over since jan 2022.

Tech stock want to be thinking the old days of 2020/2021 will return will pay a heavy price


2022-08-11 12:12 | Report Abuse

As a friend i ask u please escape now 1.05/1.06.

It will settle around 80++ cents. After some months it will go back to its shithole at 60++ cents n die there with little volume.

I see 100 steps ahead of you