
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2020-12-29 13:08 | Report Abuse

Chart does not lie. Sep 10 close was 6.10. Any close below this 6.10 today would be DEADLY because it would target June 5 support at 4.44.

The math is straightforward simple. Market is seeing ahead of time that windfall demands are normalizing. When there is no more wind, price will fall. End of the windfall is within sight.


2020-12-29 10:23 | Report Abuse

Buy only. Dont sell. Where can you find a tech stock under 20 cents. Soon you will see TechnaX battery inside Elon Musk cars.


2020-12-28 10:39 | Report Abuse

This is capacitors, electric batteries & aerospace. A coke business will be completely sold in a few more months. A major transformation from coke to technology. A once in a lifetime opportunity to buy a technology company under 20 cents. Buy & keep under mattress for a few years.


2020-12-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

Buy to own a few years. Do not trade it. This is a tech stock in the making.


2020-12-21 16:07 | Report Abuse

Pang. This is a TECHNOLOGY STOCK IN THE MAKING. Profit margin is 40% of revenue. Buy n hold for a few years.


2020-12-17 16:59 | Report Abuse

Lubang jubo paktua terus pedih luka berdarah.

Invest responsibly. Do not speculate. No vaccine here. Vaccine will be provided free by the govt for 70% of population. Its only worth 10 cents.


2020-12-16 20:44 | Report Abuse

Follow kyy to holland land. Kyy has been desperately trying to defend the indefensible. The math is straight forward simple. But the emotion has clouded his judgement. Market is forward looking. It is factoring the future now. It is looking beyond the coming few qtrs of superb profit. What is waiting ahead is vaccine will crush covid-19 n by the same token super normal demand for gloves. That is why the share price has dropped some 40% from the peak of 12.20. That is why share price did not react to stellar eps. Market is factoring the negative outlook now.


2020-12-16 16:31 | Report Abuse

Pak tua in hospital. Lubang jubo luka berdarah.

Insvest responsibly. Do not speculate in zero fundamental companies. Do not try to make money in a hurry.


2020-12-16 11:53 | Report Abuse

Ala untung ka? 0.94 resistance broke n it jumped to 1.47, a technical jump. Now this 0.94 gave way to the downside. SUPER BEARISH POSTURE now. Next support at 0.775.

Do not speculate. Invest responsibly. Buy to own in companies with real business, revenues n profit. This bintai is only worth only 10 cents. In due time sooner or later it will grab yr underwear when you least expected.


2020-12-15 15:05 | Report Abuse

0.94 major support breakdown. Run for yr life.


2020-12-15 09:22 | Report Abuse

EVERYTHING WILL FALL TODAY. The US markets made a MAJOR REVERSAL last night from strong positive to strong negative intraday. GET OUT OF STOCKS TODAY & STAY OUT.


2020-12-15 09:21 | Report Abuse

EVERYTHING WILL FALL TODAY. The US markets made a MAJOR REVERSAL last night from strong positive to strong negative intraday. GET OUT OF STOCKS TODAY & STAY OUT.


2020-12-15 09:20 | Report Abuse

EVERYTHING WILL FALL TODAY. The US markets made a MAJOR REVERSAL last night from strong positive to strong negative intraday. GET OUT OF STOCKS TODAY & STAY OUT.


2020-12-15 09:20 | Report Abuse

EVERYTHING WILL FALL TODAY. The US markets made a MAJOR REVERSAL last night from strong positive to strong negative intraday. GET OUT OF STOCKS TODAY & STAY OUT.


2020-12-14 22:49 | Report Abuse

"US begins nationwide roll out of covid-19 vaccine". This is december; not even january. This is exactly what i said months ago. Stupid OTB lost the bet.

Big dumping of glove stocks everyday now, led by epf.


2020-12-14 22:48 | Report Abuse

"US begins nationwide roll out of covid-19 vaccine". This is december; not even january. This is exactly what i said months ago. Stupid OTB lost the bet.

Big dumping of glove stocks everyday now, led by epf.


2020-12-14 15:55 | Report Abuse

This is not the real fall. The big one coming tomorrow when it falls below 0.94 in the first few mins. Escape now.


2020-12-14 15:53 | Report Abuse

This is not the real fall. The big ones coming tomorrow n the next day. Dump it.


2020-12-14 15:52 | Report Abuse

This is not the real fall. The big ones coming tomorrow n the next day. Dump it.


2020-12-14 15:46 | Report Abuse

Bearish engulfing close in the making. Get out or get stuck. Going back to 0.31.


2020-12-14 15:11 | Report Abuse

Tut tut selling land to pay trading losses. Busy at land office.

Told you oredy. Invest responsibly. Do not speculate.

Hype only. MOU only. No vaccine. Why pay when gomen giving it free to 70% of population? You got brain or not arr?

This 10 cent shit is making its way back to its shithole. If you dont want more trouble, more than you can emotionally handle, dump it now.


2020-12-14 15:02 | Report Abuse

Running out of money ma. Revenues down by more than 90%. Almost all planes are grounded. They must beg money from you at 0.35 rights issue. Rights is imminent as they will burn all money by feb. If you go in now, you will lose half of your money when it returns to 0.50 after rights.


2020-12-14 14:53 | Report Abuse

Charles T. Market is forward looking. It is factoring in major loss of demand way way over the coming qtrs of good results.


2020-12-14 14:50 | Report Abuse

Top glove has broken down to a new low lower than 10 sep close of 6.45. When it breaks down to a new low, it will go down much lower.

Supermax being a side kick to top glove, will dive down in tandem. This is where you salvage whatever you can salvage and exit your position.


2020-12-14 14:47 | Report Abuse

This is new low lower than 6.45 closing low on 10 sep. When it breaks to a new low, it will go down much lower. This is where you salvage whatever you can salvage and exit your position.


2020-12-14 10:48 | Report Abuse

Let real sifu here teach you a thing or two about stock market. Overconfidence can kill you. At some point you have to admit your mistake and get out. Admit your mistake early when you see market has been moving against you. Do not wait until you lose rm64mil before you decide to get out, and do not to try to reason why market has not done what you have so confidently thought it would do.


2020-12-14 09:31 | Report Abuse



(12.20 - 7.24)/12.20 × 100% = 40%


You buy ON THE WAY UP, NOT ON THE WAY DOWN hoping for it to move back up. You move AGAINST THE TIDE, YOU R DEAD.


2020-12-11 16:33 | Report Abuse

It has a name. It is called a BEARISH ENGULFING move where price direction changed from uptrend to downtrend.


2020-12-11 16:12 | Report Abuse

There were times that whales n big boys lost hundreds of millions or few billions fell into market trap n tricked out by markets. When these gloves hv already dropped 30 - 40% from peak they pouring in crazy money thinking that it is good bargain. The time for stupid whales n big boys to lose big money is here once again. Simple math. Vaccine will kill covid like they killed polio. The future for gloves is one of huge loss of demand.


2020-12-11 16:02 | Report Abuse

This jubocom valued v development at 50pe equivalent to 0.40 jubo shares. This is absurd valuation which means jubo shares are worth less than 0.40 a piece. Insiders bought a lot at 0.15 to 0.20 for more than a year. They can keep on selling their jubo shares to all you stupid jubos to 0.30 n still make good money.


2020-12-09 16:57 | Report Abuse

A FAILED REVERSAL will cause a lot of pain until yr shit come out. It will go lower than todays low of 0.965.


2020-12-09 16:56 | Report Abuse

A FAILED REVERSAL will cause a lot of pain. It will go lower than todays low of 1.33.


2020-12-09 15:12 | Report Abuse

Its called a massive SHOOTING STAR. Gear change from forward to reverse. Moving backward in coming days. Jump off train now if u dont want to get stuck in here. After rights issue, you would get slaughtered to half price.


2020-12-09 11:13 | Report Abuse

Solution chart says it has already crashed. Now technical rebound in midway of crash. Solution will drop 0.40++ tomorrow. Bintai will drop 0.30++. Dump it all n stay away from all these con stocks.


2020-12-09 11:06 | Report Abuse

Syok2 unloading ahead of rights issue. Stay away.


2020-12-08 12:01 | Report Abuse

This is only n r&r pit stop. Solution otw back to 1.00. Bintai otw back 0.80. There are times that you just take the losses on the chin n just let it go. And that time is now. This is expected if you like to indulge in speculative stocks with zero fundamentals. Once it becomes clear no money coming in, it will go back to 10 cents down to the shithole it came from. Invest responsibly. Do not speculate.


2020-12-08 11:17 | Report Abuse

Solution moved from 0.10 to 2.00 n now in the midst of a CRASH OFF a PARABOLIC CURVE. This type of crash typically takes 3 days to complete. A big one today. A small one tomolo n followed by another big one the day after n will take Solution to around 1.10. Therefore bintai will drop a lot more from here. Its THE BURST OF A BUBBLE.


2020-12-08 09:54 | Report Abuse

Limit down in the making for Solution sometime today. It will kill bintai.


2020-12-07 18:15 | Report Abuse

Invest responsibily. Do not speculate. Do not try to make money in a hurry. Do not abuse the stock market. If you managed to escape today, one of these days you sure kena kaw2. These are all MOUs. No vaccine. No money. People lost underwear because of MOU. Just a matter of time free fall coming, when you least expected. If you want to be in the small 5% group who are successful in stock market, do not speculate.


2020-12-07 16:16 | Report Abuse

Still syok2 dreaming. Yongtai taik already drop. Myeg taik already drop. This bintai taik will drop lar.


2020-12-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

Yong tai is crashing. Bin tai is crashing. Myeg tai is crashing. All these vaccine tai taik with zero vaccine income will crash big time n take yr underwear down with them. BIG BUBBLES.


2020-12-07 11:53 | Report Abuse

A technical move only. A 10 cent shit wrapped in scented paper is still a 10 cent shit. It will end in tears.


2020-12-07 11:42 | Report Abuse

4 more cents to go b4 the u-turn.

26 aug high 0.94
10 sep bottom 0.40

Breakout target above 0.94 = 0.94 + (0.94 - 0.40) = 1.48


2020-11-29 19:06 | Report Abuse

Many have given up but some people are still at it for over 20 years trying to be successful in something that has a 90 - 95% failure rate but still failing. This is THE BIG PICTURE and THE BRUTAL REALITY of STOCK MARKET that your brokers dont tell you.

Whatever you make in Vivo, you will lose it somewhere else.


2020-11-29 11:49 | Report Abuse

Here's the ROOT CAUSE of the PROBLEM. The hindsight of PAST PRICE MOVEMENTS tricks your brain into thinking that it is possible to make big money which is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than when you come face to face with it in REAL TIME LIVE PRESENT MOMENT situation.

Thats why its 90 - 95% FAILURE RATE and thats why its WORLDWIDE. If you were to go to trade on DIFFERENT PLANET, the outcome would be THE SAME. Its the INHERENT NATURAL OUTCOME when HUMAN BRAIN MEETS the STOCK MARKET.



2020-11-29 11:29 | Report Abuse

I bought repco at 3.60 n sold at 4.10.
And bought again at 82.50 (rm82,500 a lot) n sold at 88.00. Then just watched it cruised up 50 cents a day all the way to 140.00 ++.

But as per ACTUAL STATISTICS by ACTUAL RESEARCH, 90 - 95% people who try to make money in stock market WORLDWIDE, end up LOSING MONEY.

Butoh or no butoh, thats the HARD FACT & REALITY.


2020-11-27 23:13 | Report Abuse

There is an old but very famous joke about the stock market. If you have lost some money in the stock market and feel bad about it, don't worry. Ask somebody you know about their losses in the stock market, and you will feel better that you lost less money.

While this joke has been doing rounds for several decades now since the RENONG & IDRIS time and is still quite relevant because there is absolutely no shortage of people who lose money in stock markets. According to popular estimates, as much as 90 - 95% of people lose their money in stock markets, and this includes both new and seasoned investors.

If anyone claims he or she makes millions from stock market, there is 90 - 95% chance that he or she is lying.


2020-11-27 20:30 | Report Abuse

A DEAD PENNY STOCK returning in disguise. If you can read operator's intent then go for it but be prepared to lose everything. Sooner or later it will crash for good n STAY DEAD AGAIN.


2020-11-26 09:16 | Report Abuse

Cut loss at 0.70. The son of a bitch is churning volume to unload his 20 cent shares.