
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2020-11-24 17:45 | Report Abuse

Just bought lar charles @ 0.875.


2020-11-24 16:45 | Report Abuse

Buy lar. Sentiment only. Tomolo price freeze, market rebound. Limited supply at 0.855.
When sentiment reverses people will be chasing at 1.50.


2020-11-24 14:01 | Report Abuse

Buy n buy only. Do not sell. After this whitewash, it will embark on a new uptrend n will take out 2.05. Bcause it has new business with rm2.56 bil gdv.


2020-11-24 11:21 | Report Abuse

At 2.00 i asked u not to buy, you screwed me.

Now at 0.875, i am asking you to buy.


2020-11-24 10:39 | Report Abuse

Buy! Sellers tired of selling oredy. Buy n keep. Sell 3 days b4 cny.


2020-11-24 10:13 | Report Abuse

Buy! Panic selling. Reversal in afternoon. 3.00 by cny.


2020-11-24 09:09 | Report Abuse

Buy !!! 2.56 bil gdv. Undervalued.


2020-11-21 11:57 | Report Abuse

And if you indulge in active trading of goreng stocks, you should know by now that it doesnt work. Sometimes you win small, sometimes you lose small. Sometimes you win big, sometimes you lose big.

You need to buy n part own these companies, not own them for a few minutes, a few hours or a few days.


2020-11-21 11:37 | Report Abuse

1. Its a goreng stock
2. After UMA, the goreng gang will stop goreng as bursa is tracking the fake buy n sell orders
3. In order to stop goreng, the gang need to clear shares on hand, pack their bag n leave.
4. How do they do this? They do some yo-yo up n down trades in the red zone.
5. Once they are gone it will drop quickly towards 1.00 - 1.12 where it all started.
6. Based on huge vol friday, it will take a few hours for them to do the exit trick.
7. So get out in stages monday morning at some loss. Dont get emotional with the loss. Bcause whats coming the following few days would be much worse.


2020-11-20 17:26 | Report Abuse

Why polio gone? Bcause its vaccine efficacy rate is 90%.

Why covid-19 will be gone? Bcause its vaccine efficacy rate is 95%.

What happens when covid-19 is gone? Hospital loads will return to normal.

What happens to demand for medical gloves then? It will plunge big time. Market will be flooded with cheap gloves that people dont want.

The inevitable post covid world will come n the inevitable supermx share price crash will come.

The real question is whether you will get stuck or manage to escape. Or you will lose some n escape or this market will trick you into losing a lot.

Got it boys n girls?


2020-11-20 17:18 | Report Abuse

Why polio gone? Bcause its vaccine efficacy rate is 90%.

Why covid-19 will be gone? Bcause its vaccine efficacy rate is 95%.

What happens when covid-19 is gone? Hospital loads will return to normal.

What happens to demand for medical gloves then? It will plunge big time. Market will be flooded with cheap gloves that people dont want.

So rather than wasting rm800mil at 7.50 doing share buy back, which they will lose rm320mil when share price stabilises post covid-19 at 4.50, better use that rm320mil to pay dividend lor.

But because they are stupid, they will continue to go against the tide and continue to pour money doing sbb and face the inevitable post covid world.

Got it? Boys n girls.


2020-11-20 08:15 | Report Abuse

Ever heard of polio, measles? Did you know the vaccines for these hv 90 - 95% efficacy rate? Now that you know, you better run away far far away from all glove stocks. You are in big trouble but you dont know it yet.


2020-11-20 08:14 | Report Abuse

Hello RHB kok math. For every 1 glove demand increase from vaccine application, there will be 100,000 glove demand lost from vaccine wiping out this virus. The future is very bleak.

Ever heard of polio, measles? Did you know the vaccines for these hv 90 - 95% efficacy rate? Now that you know, you better run away far far away from all glove stocks.


2020-11-20 08:03 | Report Abuse

Hello RHB kok math. For every 1 glove demand increase from vaccine application, there will be 100,000 glove demand lost from vaccine wiping out this virus. The future is very bleak.


2020-11-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

You see it been moving up. Up n up. So you buy bcause it has moved up a lot n sure it will move up a lot more. When u syok2 buying it reverses course. Ok you can pick up. Only small loss. Then it keeps on dropping that you would never imagine possible when you bought, until you shit in yr pants. This is how you will lose money in this Vivo.


2020-11-19 11:53 | Report Abuse

Dead cat bounce 0.17 - 20 completed. Next leg will be 0.17 - 0.12. Get out if dont want butt to get burned.


2020-11-19 11:33 | Report Abuse

It has a name. It is called a FAILED BREAKOUT. As in any failed breakout, the DOWNSIDE THAT FOLLOWED WILL BE FURIOUS.


2020-11-19 10:55 | Report Abuse

Be careful. 2 cents from disaster. Once it drops below 1.95, all hell will break loose.


2020-11-19 10:16 | Report Abuse

It wont be that easy. Price just cannot move up in a straight line like that. Sooner or later it will reverse course sharply n cause you to lose a lot. Stay away.


2020-11-18 17:05 | Report Abuse

Dont try to buy it 0.19. Dont try to make money. You should be in damage control mode rather than money making mode. Super danger. Should top glove n supermx break new low, even 0.16 wont be able to stop it until 0.12. Those bought at 0.24 will see it evaporate 50% just in matter of days. Then u all can go fuk that old man.


2020-11-18 16:22 | Report Abuse

After 1st tranches of share buy back, it bounced up. After these 2nd tranches of buy back, it will fall lar, stupid. History wont repeat itself. Its the rule of probability. If hv low IQ, dont play stocks lar. Go fly kite.


2020-11-18 16:16 | Report Abuse

Mayday mayday. We are going down tomorrow. After this brief deadcat bounce, we are going down. And we ll take stupid kyy n otb n share buy back manager n their followers down with us. Mayday mayday.


2020-11-18 16:14 | Report Abuse

Mayday mayday. We are going down tomorrow. After this brief deadcat bounce, we are going down. And we ll take stupid kyy n otb n their followers down with us. Mayday mayday.


2020-11-18 16:03 | Report Abuse

Still dont believe me arr. I asked you to dump it since 0.24. Dump lar 0.19. This is a 7 cent shit trading at 0.19.


2020-11-18 14:57 | Report Abuse

Backhole no pain yet? Bend over n let this market poke yr backhole some more. Index staged a DOUBLE TOP yesterday n will drop 100 pts from here.


2020-11-18 12:26 | Report Abuse

Escape this carnage lar. Its otw to 0.16 then will rebound to 0.20. After 0.20 it will go to 0.12.


2020-11-18 11:12 | Report Abuse

First the japan subsidiary went bankrupt. Money out, no money in. Same thing for AA. Money out no money in. It will vomit blood in a few months time. Those jumping in now looking for big trouble. Stay away.


2020-11-18 10:57 | Report Abuse

Now is your BEST PLACE TO ESCAPE. MAJOR TECHNICAL BREAKDOWN, dropped to 7.00 n staging a TECHNICAL DEAD CAT BOUNCE now 8.00 - 8.30.



2020-11-18 10:28 | Report Abuse

I told u oredy the uptrend line was broken. Now already in downtrend n this is only midpoint of downtrend. Its heading for 0.16/0.17.


2020-11-18 10:14 | Report Abuse


There is this TRIANGLE FORMATION formed from 29 june 2020 to current timeframe.

There was a MAJOR BREAKDOWN of this formation THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY when the price fell below this triangle at 7.72.

Mid body triangle height = 9.42 - 6.40 = 3.02

Breakdown TP = 7.72 - 3.02 = 4.70

This is its ultimate target in a few months after these ding dong ding dong trading hu-ha.


2020-11-18 10:06 | Report Abuse


There is this triangle pattern formation formed from 29 june 2020 to current timeframe.

There was a MAJOR BREAKDOWN of this formation THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY when the price fell below this triangle at 8.62.

Triangle mid body height = 11.28 - 6.10 = 5.18

Breakdown TP = 8.62 - 5.18:= 3.44

This is its ultimate target in a few months after these ding dong ding dong trading hu-ha.


2020-11-18 08:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-11-18 08:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-11-17 11:34 | Report Abuse

BIG DROP with BIG VOLUME. It will head lower in a few days to break previous low of 6.11 n stage a FREE FALL below that. Todays 2 hr volume has already exceeded daily volume for the past week. SELL !!!


2020-11-17 10:53 | Report Abuse

If you connect all the low points for the last 10 days to form a trendline, well, this line has been broken this morning. Once this happens, it will head lower to 0.16. Get out!

You should anticipate that top glove will head lower than its lowest point of 6.11 by end of the week. As 2/3 of its workforce are under lock down for 3 weeks. It will drag down supermax and AT down with it. Sell!


2020-11-16 15:16 | Report Abuse

How to go up when supermx n top glove dropping like stones?? Dont fight the market. It is turning negative on gloves. Get out b4 it burns yr balls n tits.


2020-11-16 12:09 | Report Abuse

It will drop below 0.235 afternoon n form a major bearish engulfing reversal n head for 0.17 in a few days. By hook or crook, escape now.


2020-11-16 11:44 | Report Abuse

Dump lar. Dont sayang2. Everything will go down in afternoon. It will stage a major reversal n will hit 0.17 by friday.


2020-11-16 11:25 | Report Abuse

DUMP lar. Supermx n top glove are in trouble. They will take AT down with them.


2020-11-16 09:11 | Report Abuse

16 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-16 09:11 | Report Abuse

16 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-16 09:10 | Report Abuse

16 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-16 09:10 | Report Abuse

16 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-16 09:10 | Report Abuse

16 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-16 09:09 | Report Abuse

16 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-15 19:19 | Report Abuse

15 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-15 19:18 | Report Abuse

Volume is clearly goreng volume. Try short term goreng luck ok lar but dont get caught losing underwear over a long term. Only a fool would proceed to set up glove manufacturing lines when scientists have just discovered vaccines.


2020-11-15 06:34 | Report Abuse

15 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-15 06:34 | Report Abuse

15 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.



2020-11-15 06:33 | Report Abuse

15 Nov 2021. Covid-19 is more or less gone. Only pockets of sporadic cases are detected in the world nowadays. During the peak of the pandemic a year ago, glove makers were enjoying bumper profit and massive 10 to 15 folds run up in their share prices within just a few months.

Looking back with amusement now, other companies which businesses have got nothing to do with glove or healthcare jumped onto the glove or vaccine mania bandwagon. Companies like those in express bus or shoe making businesses. Some set up new glove manufacturing factories while others just to hype up their share prices. It did work. Share prices of these companies ballooned and bubbled up to even more impressive – 30 folds in some cases.

The top glove companies even resorted to spending tens or hundreds of millions to execute share buy back programme to support the share prices at elevated levels.

Now after Covid-19 is gone, the bubble burst. Share prices lost more than 80% of their peak values.

Newly set up glove factories are running at losses while others just idling and some even have expressed their intention to shut down. All the hypes disappeared and these companies go on with their business. Construction cum vaccine company has returned to become only construction company. And the list goes on.

Share buy back programmes proved to be ill-fated move as these companies would have better disbursed those windfall profit as bumper dividends rather than went on share buy back sprees.
