
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2024-01-22 11:03 | Report Abuse

Breakout 0.35!
To 0.35 peak
Gostan to 0.29
Next peak = 0.35 + (0.35 - 0.29) = 0.41
Huat ah!


2024-01-22 10:42 | Report Abuse

Oh boy! Double bottom at 3.50.
Tango to the music.
Bought rm800k.

Peak 3.90
Double bottom 3.50.
Tp = 3.90 + (3.90 - 3.50) = 4.30
Huat arr !


2024-01-19 09:09 | Report Abuse

Sellers MABUK!
Sell yr house, sell yr car, sell yr wife n BUY like no tomolo!!!!!!!


2024-01-18 12:01 | Report Abuse

It is going to drop below its 3.44 neckline.
Ytl has already dropped below its 2.20 neckline.



2024-01-18 11:19 | Report Abuse

Another 0.20 - 1.10 big giant bubble to get hit. LD soon, tommorow.


2024-01-18 10:47 | Report Abuse

3.62/3.63. A drop from here will not be shallow. Beware.

Longer term you will be holding a conman bag near the top. Dont be so smart arr.


2024-01-18 10:42 | Report Abuse

Rest r&r. Tommorow will continue to 0.30. Because last qtr there was NO PROFIT. A no profit company will stabilise around IPO price.


2024-01-18 10:26 | Report Abuse

A close below 3.64 today would form a bearish engulfing posture. Know what u r doing.


2024-01-18 10:24 | Report Abuse

900,000++ lots wants to escape fr scib.
127,000++ lots wants to escape fr rapid.
When these monsters are released fr the gate tommorow, the carnage on leform will resume.


2024-01-18 09:39 | Report Abuse

Yesterday you saw some 30,000 lots blocking at 3.70 n price traded 3.70 - 3.78. Todays he is gone.

The conman was selling to escape.
Learn something from it!


2024-01-17 21:33 | Report Abuse

You think i know ka? I also dont know ma. I dont know, you dont know.

But this is the real deal. The truth nothing but the truth:

1. I thought I saw a POLE & FLAG breakout formation. Pole height = 3.44 - 2.60 = 0.84. Pole & flag breakout target = the same pole height above the breakout point = 3.44 + 0.84 = 4.28. Happy now?

2. At 3.88 - 3.90 after the breakout, I noticed the RSI = 95%. I said to myself it needed to do a pullback some 20 cents before resuming its journey to 4.28. It did just that. But the pullback was too much to 3.49 because it concided with shares crashing left and right to LD.

3. Now you see the pullback fr 3.90 to 3.50 was 40 cents. A breakout above 3.90 would take it to 3.90 + 0.40 = 4.30. This is a general rule of pullback and breakout. This 4.30 is close to 4.28 the pole n flag breakout target I mentioned earlier. Now you should be super happy ehh?

4. But recent high flyers shares are crashing left and right. This one too considered as a recent high flyer having jump from 2.60 past 3.90 in 10 trading days or so. So will this flowery technical setup be derailed by the current red blood bloody market condition?

The next question you should ask is if I still hv a position here??


2024-01-17 20:04 | Report Abuse

The old crooks used to push market 30% in a day which cause bursa regulator to zoom in on them n interfere.

Nowadays modern crooks do it slowly in slow motion. Push up 1 to 3 cents every 2 to 3 days.

Ha ha ha.....

Once burst, it will go back to Square 1.

Got 2 Square 1 here:
If you r lucky 0.20 to 0.30.
If not lucky 0.10 to 0.20.

That how it is. No matter how much you want to talk it up to make you feel good, you will suffer.

Because its a chart pattern. Slowly2 up to form a bubble in months n then crash just in a few days. It happens for the past 100 yrs in markets.

Next time when trade speculative stocks, know to exit b4 you go in. Get out no more than 7% below cost, no matter what.


2024-01-17 19:46 | Report Abuse

Share price crashed for SCIB, Mersec, Leform, Rapid, Imaspro, YNH.

Bursa Malaysia issued UMA Unusual Market Activity query to these companies.

Sleeping bursa. Either sleeping, or useless. Because these crashes are perfectly usual, not unusual. What was unusual that the share prices hv been RIGGED upwards by some crooks leading to the crash.

Do your job. Study and analize which accounts were involved. It is against the law to rig markets. Catch them and send them to jail.


2024-01-17 17:27 | Report Abuse

Earnings 2.4 cents per share only.
Conman bubble burst to settle at 50 cents thereabout.


2024-01-17 17:20 | Report Abuse

This guy has been doing this for a decade. Whoever he is.
Earnings is 1.4 cents per share.
Share price will settle at below 1.00.
SC tidor ka? Catch him and send him to jail.
I dont know who arr....but this crook has been inflating this stock in slow motion low volume for 10 years. Then he got too greedy instead of 1.00 to 5.00, he did it to 30.00.


2024-01-17 16:25 | Report Abuse

Boleh ka? Injured bull. Kaki sudah patah. Hegeh2 x boleh lari.


2024-01-17 15:33 | Report Abuse

Wah got big ball buyer wants to fight a bursting bubble ka? MANA BOLEH
You cant fight it. Its technical. At 0.30 n below only can fight.


2024-01-17 15:20 | Report Abuse

When you see Rapid at LD with 72,000 lots sellers, you should avoid Imaspro. Bcause Rapid will drop a lot more with that kind of sellers. When Rapid goes half price, Imaspro will follow.


2024-01-17 14:35 | Report Abuse

Those who went against me at 0.85 - 0.90 you will shi t blood, vomit blood bcause this moved in synch with Leform otw up. Now Leform is below its square 1. Square 1 for mersec is 0.30. You looking at 0.25 now.


2024-01-17 14:29 | Report Abuse

Got 3,389 lots BRAINLESS buyers for 0.535 against 439,000 lots sellers.


2024-01-17 13:05 | Report Abuse

Paktua klentong klentang, brp kena SCIB? Tak campak pagi tadi 0.84? Kembong2 kembong 6 bulan, pecah 6 hari pergi balik asal. Biasa la. Sebab tu bila rugi sikit, jgn sayang2. Campak je, walau pun baru beli 10 min.

Org puteh kata "if you are not willing to take in small losses, one of these days you will be hit by MOTHER OF ALL LOSSES".


2024-01-17 12:43 | Report Abuse

Hello kawan. Tidor ka?
You see arr, yesterdays low at LD was 0.585. Now just b4 lunch break it is on the verge of breaking this low. Once break it will go much lower la. So dont watch the market like watching a wall arr.


2024-01-17 12:38 | Report Abuse

Bought 3.53 sold 3.72.
So not wrong all the times.

I called a crash on scable, scib, leform and mersec 3,4 days b4 it happened.
Right or wrong? You tell me.

Now, ytl, ytlpower will follow. Big drop coming. Wait.


2024-01-17 12:33 | Report Abuse

It will go down to 3.06 n rebound to 3.28 n will move sideways 3.00 to 3.30. You will not see 3.70 again in yr life time.


2024-01-17 12:08 | Report Abuse

They block at 3.70 bcause they want to sell, not bcause they are buying. Understand? This i know what you dont know. They r clearing their position.

You see all recent big gainers undergoing severe correction.

3.90 to 3.70 is not a correction for a movement from 2.60 to 3.90.

The only reason it does not give way is because a operator holding it for him to get out.

In a day or two, kaboom !! to 3.00 - 3.10..


2024-01-17 11:54 | Report Abuse

So i am a reverse indicator?
So who is right now?
You or me?

I told u last qtr they didnt make any profit making it a bubble.

Value is around 0.40++ where it will go to stabilise. Now at 0.64, still a long way to go - DOWN.


2024-01-17 11:48 | Report Abuse

Its technicals la kawan.
Bubble slowly inflated until it bursts.
6 month old bubble bursts in just 3 days.
Normal la. It happens again n again.

When a rock being traded as a diamond, it crashes back to value of a rock. People escaping because the real value is very low.

Now its 200 day mvg avg is at 0.49.
Now at 0.535 there are 376,000 lots selling.
Its a gone conlusion that this 200 day mvg avg will be smashed so easily when it trades again friday. Tommorow cant go lower bcause price is freezed at 0.535 min bcause of 2 consecutive days of LD.

Once the 200 day mvg avg broken, it will eventually target 0.205. It wont go there in a straight line but that would be its final destination.


2024-01-17 10:52 | Report Abuse

Operator is getting out from his bad position. That is all that there is to it. Once they escape, it will fall like a stone. That is why you dont see similar movement in ytl.


2024-01-17 10:36 | Report Abuse



2024-01-17 10:23 | Report Abuse

Sell. Market conditions hv changed.
All recent high flyers being hit hard.
The carnage in ytlpower being delayed.
Tp 3.06. Run b4 the crash.


2024-01-17 09:41 | Report Abuse

Sold 3.72. See money take money dont be greedy. Market correction across the board.


2024-01-16 16:20 | Report Abuse

Buy. Tp 4.30.
My turn to buy. Bought 3.51- 3.55.


2024-01-16 16:05 | Report Abuse

Hu hu lubang jubo berdarah la. Told u dy.


2024-01-16 15:41 | Report Abuse

I told u dy. This bubble now bursting big time..


2024-01-16 15:37 | Report Abuse

Ho ho ho....paktua kote terbakar..
Aku nasihat, degil, bodoh sombong..


2024-01-16 15:33 | Report Abuse

I told u dy LD.
This thing ONE BIG GIANT BUBBLE from 0.12 to 1.20. Bubble has burst.
Tommorow another LD at 0.535..


2024-01-16 13:05 | Report Abuse

Go to sleep for 6 months.
When you wake up, its 4 cents.
Because it is a one big con.
Sri Lanka country much worse than us trying to revive this company?
Taib mahmud n son would hv injected capital into this company if can revive, no need Sri Lanka company. Common sense.

Sell/stay away


2024-01-16 12:28 | Report Abuse

Drop below cost quickly cut loss.
Dont try to be a hero in a bursting big giant bubble arr..


2024-01-16 12:23 | Report Abuse

One by one lar bubble bursts.
First Rapid
Then Scable


Habis...yr underwear will disappear


2024-01-16 11:19 | Report Abuse

Bubble burst. Dont try to be a hero.
This thing is worth 12 cents only.
Cutloss / dont touch


2024-01-16 11:07 | Report Abuse

LD 0.835
Tomolo LD again 0.535


2024-01-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

You buy 1.13 something that is worth 0.12. Brain caput or what.


2024-01-16 09:56 | Report Abuse

LD lar.
0.12 => 1.20 without any change in fundamentals


2024-01-12 22:30 | Report Abuse

You can see from the trend.
It is a 2 year old MARKET RIGGING that has burst.

The same trend for all 3 Rapid, Imaspro and YNH.

Market rigging is buying and selling between a few gang members of the same gang, one member places the sell bid higher, another member buys it and place it to sell even higher, and another gang member buys it, and they repeat the cycle slowly and distribute it at bubble prices, until it all came crashing down this week. A fake house of card finally collapsed.

Some crooks are behind it. Not difficult for SC to investigate because daily volume for the 2 yrs were low.

See which same accounts repeatedly buying and selling for the past 2 yrs.

Bring them to court, fine them and send them to jail.


2024-01-12 15:51 | Report Abuse

You think it will go up 20 cents monday to 3.84 but instead it drops 20 cents to 3.44. Normal lar stock market. It screws you every now n then.

Then at 3.44 you still hoping for it to rebound to 3.64 yr cost. But then it drops another 20 cents to 3.24.

Then it screws you big time when it goes down another 20 cents to 3.04.

Normal lar stock market. When you syok2 over confident like right now, that the time it traps you big time.



2024-01-12 15:19 | Report Abuse

RSI 94%. How to go up?
This move has caused tp to go lower to 3.02. Sell.


2024-01-12 11:21 | Report Abuse

Crash lar.
To 0.80 n gostan intraday to 0.725.
Target 0.80 + (0.80 - 0.725) = 0.875
Completed now.

Next crash in the tune of 20 cents a day and will stabilise at half price than 0.875 = 0.44 thereabout.

Simply bcause last qtr there was NO PROFIT making it a ONE GIANT BIG BUBBLE.


2024-01-11 15:35 | Report Abuse

Be careful....RAPID SYNERGY EFFECT could hit high flying highly speculative stocks when least expected..