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2014-12-17 14:24 | Report Abuse

And he sold at 2.05 awaiting 1.90. ....


2014-12-17 14:23 | Report Abuse

There was a funny man who said DEIA will be completed in 2013. OOpppps.....hahahaha


2014-12-17 14:22 | Report Abuse

Looks like somebody sold at 2.05....


2014-12-17 08:24 | Report Abuse

Ok for the rogue loser, I recommend sell at 2.05. Otherwise you will be in BIG trouble. Don't say I didn't warn u.


2014-12-16 23:03 | Report Abuse

Hv said EnO is for followers...look like we found the rogue loser


2014-12-16 22:48 | Report Abuse

Aiya the Burger getting anxiety...need


2014-12-13 22:05 | Report Abuse

Is oil price drop a natural disaster? One similar to recession or economic failure? The answer is NO, and while recession as I have always said is a technical measurement, oil price and the likes of gold is not. In my previous comment, I highlighted that oil price drop per barrel measurement is NOT a disaster and it is going to help many sectors aligned to using it as day to day operation indirectly or directly..
Now that was my earlier comment and I am following up to say that the concern truly lies on the nation income from oil of RM110 billion. Imagine for 110B each quarter we are talking approx 27B. And with the recent downfall of oil at 30% approx from the prolong situation, 30% should apply fairly.
With 30%, it is fair to say 9 billion was lost in that quarter however if this prolong another quarter, it could spell more than 9B for next quarter and aggregate for 2Q may come up to more than 18B. Let's say for now the closing is a 100B revenue from Petronas vs 110B while CPO contributing between 80B would also drop to 72B ie another loss of 8B. My numbers are conservative to illustrate a total lost of close to 20B.
How much is GST suppose to rake in? Between 20 to 40B depending on who you talk to. If the numbers above contributed by CPO and Oil is worst than 20B, we will be in for a rough ride....a very rough ride. That being said, we are talking about the govt of the day. Imagine this, ppl use to say "No money no talk" it will soon be just that. GST cannot rake in fast enough.

BUT BUT!!! That does not mean the NGOs must suffer further. GST is their only pre empted commitment to the Govt of the day. Anything more will be opportunity for the market. Example, to cover the 20B lost or more, more lands may be sold, especially now that land price is escalating. The French embassy land is a good example. More may come. This is as I said an opportunity for cash rich developer to buy in and strategise their development plan.

Remember business goes on!! A lot of what our govt effort which failed example transportation, rehabilitation, etc are made to work by independent NGOs. Example, drug rehabilitation for inmates have been very successful by churches half way home and the failure of our taxi systems are being worked on over and above the failed leasing and licensing practice in today's taxi system which are mostly controlled by certain Govt party in issuing license. What this means is the NGOs are using the failed system by the govt which they cannot change and putting in a system that ensures efficiency. This today we see in MyTeksi, EasyTaxi and Uber. Hence what we are saying here is a failure of one party may be an opportunity for another.

So think and think hard what I have said. Long ago I have also said with GST, price of things will go up before the implementation of the tax and we are seeing that everywhere now. And similarly the above comments will definitely be a opportunity for the right businesses and opportunist to reap maximum from the downside of the commodity failure.

Have a long and winding thought!!!


2014-12-13 11:45 | Report Abuse

Are we really worried about oil price slump? Really?
In truth, we should be worried about Malaysia and not oil price. When oil price is down, many sectors actually benefit from it. For example, airlines can now hedge their oil in stages with larger volume, and transportation businesses can ensure at least one quarter of profit in financial performance if they capitalise the oil price drop and those companies involved in or heavilly dependent on oil indirectly will also benefit. In addition, alternative oil and/or enegrgy may have its day coming into this situation.
So in short, not all are BAD in this oil slump. What really we want to express when KLCI and majority of the sectors in Bursa are not performing is actually an expression of concern about Malaysia. We are concern because
1. When US was performing due to various indicator of economics in the last 3 weeks, KLCI was dropping
2. When oil price dip again, KLCI and all the sector it carried with it responded southwards
3.1MDB concern
4. Leadership concern.....
5. CPO price drop and unstable

So really,! think again, is oil the actual problem for Malaysia? We know that economically and globally its picking up better than any time in the last 5 years. And this problem as shared presented much of an oppotunity to most business if Malaysia can regulate its petrol price with a mechanism that actually reflect the global oil price. Example, oil price goes down 10 to 20% but our mechanism only allow price to go down 4cents. Pls calculate the % of 4cents against rm2.30.

I would worry the correct thing and not oil as my reason, and similarly the sectors should also embrace this especially those with foreign access to oil at this point.

Have a thought!!!


2014-12-08 20:18 | Report Abuse

For those who remember this write up I did sometime back in 2013 about the transportation and infrastructure. One being the backbone infrastructure from South to North and the second being the transportation within the northern side. Today the term in Penang is referred to as PMTP. With the blueprint for that in the run and STP2 60acres in Gurney as part of the deal, the master plan is set to move.
If the recent valuation by AMMB is anything to go by, the additonal RM250 psf on top of the earlier RM250 Psf, the valuation will start the great ball of fire rolling in Penang coupled with the PMTP and Masterplan and couple with the confirm 60acres on Gurney for the STP2 agreement to ensure the transportation Masterplan can start moving and succeed.
For those who can see how the 3 links to mainland namely the first bridge, the PSB and underwater tunnel will extend the Mainland to the heritage Island and similarly the Island to the number of mega projects on Mainland.


2014-12-08 17:53 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha! Could it have been announced at a better time. 5th received 8th evening only announced. :)
Congrat AM, TT, ....

News & Blogs

2014-12-06 17:19 | Report Abuse

This is heavy heavy stuff. NAV at 9.47/shr and profit from development not even factored in. If Penang moves faster and more efficiently/effectively than Iskandar on Developement and Transportation (which I believe they will) money may transfer . Their PTMP and PDP has been in plan since 2008 and is something to look out for and much has been put into the planning


2014-12-06 11:36 | Report Abuse

As I have explained before, I really do not like Public Bank as a transacting bank for me simply because they are so bloody rigid. Then again, during this coming rough 2015, they may yet be the safest bank. Even HSBC my main transacting bank has to take a back seat.
Now coming back to precaution, OPEC can hold our balls anytime, and if TPPA is signed in full, US will hold our balls too. We have been exposed to the OPEC strenght when it come to putting us on our knees. So think again


2014-12-06 11:24 | Report Abuse

Looks like the property bandwagon is heating up BIG TIME. Remember i used the word hedge, actually the hedge is not on the property asset but the Landbank itself. After all if the country management and inflation doesn't look up, the land banks will soar as it is now. So the BIG question is, do you think our govt of the day can arrest the inflation ? Think fuel, think ringgit exchange, think think tank, think policies that have so far been successful....any?
If you can see Malaysia out of inflation with the coming GST, then bet Malaysia, bet banks/financial Instituition, bet ringgit...if not , YOU SHOULD BETTER BET SOMETHING TANGIBLE THAT YOU CAN HOLD AND SEE A PAPER WITH YOUR NAME. if you say banks, do you know what is the investment the bank is doing behind? If you still insist bank, I would say Public Bank is a close bet


2014-11-28 12:28 | Report Abuse

Some worry abt warrant reserve....we should worry abt getting this out of the way for a double take instead of over technical play. While I respected the only question that came fr the floor, I also hope thing move quickly. The double take will allow the price to fluctuate two times and allow you to play the game twice and profit twice also.


2014-11-28 12:03 | Report Abuse

Collect when down!! This message is for EnO players only. Those not in this game avoid at all cost.


2014-11-28 10:46 | Report Abuse

Tan5995 must be the seconder for resolution 1? The fear of the MTn is allayed. We only need to focus on warrants and Bonus. Mid Jan 2015 should complete as proposed. This means now till end of December will be interesting. !!


2014-11-27 20:01 | Report Abuse

They have got to have a chairman, what will you get fighting tooth and nail to vote him out? The exercise here is to protest and make known, otherwise take legal. Doesn't matter whether black scholes or binomial or trinomial assessment of the offered price but the argument here should be the same. After all you are taking over the other (ie Pjdev) in the same exercise to merge with OSK prop as one. The price quote should be consistent.

This is what I know, in the litigation case involving Michael Chow vs Sime and second SC, on E&O over the the premium offer at rm2.30 sold to Sime by Terry, I heard the case was weighted towards Michael as the 60% premium could create precedence which can cause chaos in future deal sellling (block selling) involving management. Even if you ask me dabbling at 32 % ownership to avoid MGO can be challenge.

So coming back to PJdev, the pembangkang must come up with a good argument, and that argument should begin with the same fact that OLH want this company to build a new legacy business. If 20% growth for 2015, then be it that the current undervalue of the stock should be sold closer to the valuation if he believes 20% growth for 2015. Got it??


2014-11-27 17:17 | Report Abuse

Aiya ketua pembangkang must learn from Anwar Ibrahim. Today two also lose face.


2014-11-27 16:05 | Report Abuse

Foo San Kan should be sacked for such boo boo. OLH got the message alrite no face saving at the unceremonious session. And they didn't mention the ketua pembangkang of the minority shareholder who led the walkout in the news. So sad....

Now is the time to push and redeem. How?
When a terrorist has shown his face, he has nothing to lose. Similarly when a predator in the animal kingdom is injured by humans, he cannot be left to lurk and lick his wounds as he will attack again. Got it?

In this case,it's all or nothing!! Nothing means 1.60 and 60cents respectively for mother and warrant. For those who bought early, will lose big.

I m sure the tiger has seen the ketua pembangkang who has led this minority and will also weigh his choice. Either ketua slay tiger or tiger will weight opportunity to attack back. The continuous attack will ensure tiger stay wounded with no time to recover and mount another attack because tiger has not time and need business coming together ASAP.

Have a thought! Tiger slayer here has to do a dragon slay....this means bigger job quickly before the tiger becomes the dragon and slaughter all. If that happens, blame ketua pembangkang for starting something he didn't end


2014-11-27 15:27 | Report Abuse

See you all at Bukit Kiara tomorrow. Be there of be square.!


2014-11-26 21:31 | Report Abuse

Now we have L&G, GOB, and a few other Property developer who did well in the latest financial report while the banks on the other hand seem to be be on the opposite spectrum. The only measurement we don't have is the official report on consumer/property buyer.
So if upstream loans are stuck, it is understandable that The cash rich developers may be more resourceful to obtain finances apart from their own thru private placement, rights, and other debt notes to raise funds however normally these funds are raised specific in tandem with a launch. Because by doing so, the developer can anticipate the launch and the completion.
The launch is important because of two things.....the real take up rate and the completion date. Why? Because the real take up rate would mean the buyers that have secured their loan and % would be very key. This is so because the developer cannot start work with 50% or even 60% or 70% take up. Remember that developer will invoice base on progressive completion. Hence if a project is 10% billed, they have 90% unbilled. Imagine if the take up rate is 60% and the developer starts work, the second progressive payment will only cover 60% and the developer has to bond the 40% balance.

Hence they will always have to wait for the take up rate to be sufficient before they start. However by waiting, this may affect the completion date. This is why, in you SnP, the date is always stretch longer than what is promise. Example 36 mths is promise but in SnP a d loan it probably 40 mths or 45 mths etc.

So we now understand the unbilled right? But how does it explain that these buyers are able to secure the loans or do they? With DIBS previously, the best way to play it was to take maximum loan ie 90%. Those who take 90% loans are not the poor but in contrary. This is because most of the hses or condo are a million and above these days. This means only the rich can afford to secure a 90% loan as their monthly repayment will be very high. The trick here is to play DIBS against Lock in period. The bank loans normally have a lock in period say 2 years or 3 years? And the DIBS will be for the duration starting when the loan is dispersed to the developer by the bank however the developer bears the interest. So if you take 90% loan, the loan will kick in very soon and the developer will start bearing the interest (with DIBS) right? Assuming completion is 3 years and lock down for 3 years, you pay basically 10% until handover. The trick here is the rich will par down immediately after the hand over (which coincide with the expiry of the lock down period) or even pay off the property and get the MOT and Power of Attorney transferred straight away.

In these cases, the developer also takes a risk and hence it is always good to ensure you buy from a reputable developers to avoid abandon projects especially in this climate.

Now that DIBS is no longer in play, developers offer furthe discount to the 7+3% or 8+3 % and so on and some even offer to pay MOT or 3rd tier discount. We are seeing more take up even when loans are hard to comeby however these will soon saturate as the earlier perceived good properties are all taken up and the buyer left will soon be very selective unless the banks open up or other means of loans are provided.

If Banks are cornered, developers are cornered, the economy will fail and we cannot afford that. I believe under Zeti, something will soon be done before the check mate.


2014-11-26 20:27 | Report Abuse

No surprise here. Now the wait begins on the bonus. Low Gay Teck is pausing too long to deliver the flow of the message and intensity.


2014-05-07 12:21 | Report Abuse

I told you earlier Yoda Master OTB's Jedi Council is getting stronger. This also I predicted correctly. May the force be with him. I am no longer contributing here...just came to say HI from beautiful Monterrey. Good Luck! And remember This tagline my Singaporean fren keep saying to me here "Money No Enough" CHEERS


2014-05-04 11:22 | Report Abuse

So beautiful in Monterrey ........bro SaturnRevolution...good job. Don't forget to write and share on Trops, Uem and Ecoworld connection and the same man who played the fiddle for Trops.


2014-05-04 11:18 | Report Abuse



2014-04-18 12:31 | Report Abuse

Amateur looks only at PE to pick stocks. And we know who the amateur is.


2014-04-18 11:54 | Report Abuse

10 -15 delayed 2 days


2014-03-13 22:18 | Report Abuse

Soon have to day bye bye


2014-03-13 22:18 | Report Abuse

Hehehehe looks like I have a proxy giving out flags......


2014-03-13 22:15 | Report Abuse

Wonderful......two boat together picked up by Sattelite,,,,,


2014-03-13 22:10 | Report Abuse

Beautiful....such is Hishamuddin......


2014-03-13 22:08 | Report Abuse

Let's see the data coincide from both parties......


2014-03-13 22:04 | Report Abuse

Rolls Royce and Boeing are in town


2014-03-13 22:03 | Report Abuse

We don't have that......


2014-03-13 21:43 | Report Abuse

Times they don't come back at peace with themselves......go go.....


2014-03-13 21:42 | Report Abuse

Some have to go on that journey a few they are lost


2014-03-13 21:29 | Report Abuse

Hafiz.....bless u and wish u well on ur journey.....


2014-03-13 21:29 | Report Abuse

The one who cross the road....and to the bridge shall bring along......u shall be the one....


2014-03-13 21:26 | Report Abuse

False prayer and deviation is already predicted for the 21 st century......he shall be


2014-03-13 21:24 | Report Abuse

Penang Bridge will soon call open and u shall be.....go go....


2014-03-13 21:23 | Report Abuse



2014-03-13 21:23 | Report Abuse

For my frens in Trops.....0101000011001000110101....... Soon


2014-03-13 21:22 | Report Abuse

This one is the binocular shaman......coconut and carpet rule....soon soon Jakim will be after them and this one


2014-03-13 21:19 | Report Abuse

They are in the wrong side's a fine line.....devil works in mysterious way.....soon soon playing the wrong game.....