
sharemarket21 | Joined since 2020-08-17

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2021-12-12 20:29 | Report Abuse

Not only you are naive in stock market, overall knowledge is shallow. Don't simply speculate if you know nothing about modern revolution.


2021-12-10 11:54 | Report Abuse

Fund managers and big boys are taking a long deserve break after long chaotic Covid-19 market for 2 years. The lowest ever Bursa value recorded yesterday for months. Hibernating price range and should there be a spike from local players, cash out anytime you can. There ain't bird anymore but chicken here...


2021-12-10 00:04 | Report Abuse

As expected fund managers long break honeymoon. Bursa 1.58 B the lowest value by far. Profit taking is done and most likely visiting 0.43 range promptly.


2021-12-09 23:23 | Report Abuse

Hoping for the worse and the worst got you first. The process will never get old and it's always effective. Welcome to the K factor stock market..


2021-12-07 13:56 | Report Abuse

Local traders and big players will be more prudent next year onwards. Stamp duty 0.15 and capping will be removed. Bargain hunting and lower stock price shall persists...


2021-12-06 12:27 | Report Abuse

Last year vaccines discovery was the clear signal. Then Delta Variant and now Omicron. Any similarities? We just need a good promoter to sell the news in the most vulnerable month and time. Now look at the damage. Not convincing? Nimble all you can and hopefully next year is harvesting time and not now or months later. The roasted and still roasting one please stay aside. Let the new group and less exposure investors take over.


2021-12-06 12:10 | Report Abuse

Windows dressing is approaching, lo and behold as fund managers and big boys are leaving for long waited holiday break since the last travelling restriction. Focus on your target price and not tenure. There is no such thing long or short term unless your target price is far reaching. Be patient for a little while and let's see how this folds.


2021-12-06 11:02 | Report Abuse

Yeah it's you Joker ! You like to post on others comment right and calling names. Told you to stay in the dustbin but stubborn. And now official grounded. Sweet ! Haha.


2021-12-06 10:55 | Report Abuse

Can bash the 'thing' all you want since it's been restricted in the dustbin for a while. Told you to sell but kept scamming until roasterated. Yes not roasting or roasted. Hah. Sweet..


2021-12-06 10:48 | Report Abuse

Many have missed out the 60 cents run. It's all about selling in any volatile stock. Bursa is going through imminent correction and this only expedite the process. The actual battlefield will be next year. Windows dressing this month too. Fund managers are leaving for long holiday in an aggressive manner after the long restriction. There is nothing special about new virus and someone need a hot topic to do worldwide stock clearance and vice versa. Or else who have supported the share price. What have changed ? Nothing literarily...


2021-12-04 22:51 | Report Abuse

Nothing surprising. Dustbin is where it should belongs. Hah. I3 forum is back to compliant for some times already.


2021-12-04 11:23 | Report Abuse

Just stay in the dustbin. Why pop up again ? Asked to sell 86432 and 2.1 but keep scamming until ownself roasterated. Told you K factor following you. Hah. Sweet….


2021-12-02 14:52 | Report Abuse

Let go for first 0.43 or below unless you can't wait any longer. Just don't do the unnecessary layers for the opportunists if you are not sure. Buy lower if it's possible and have escape plan if uncertainty still persist.


2021-12-02 13:32 | Report Abuse

That is exactly we meant sectoral play and commodities linked companies challenges. Co relation and any stock can disrupt another stock momentum. Let's be a bit patient and focus on your target price.


2021-12-01 10:55 | Report Abuse

Hah. When you start to see many old faces and including the long gone opportunists or scammers pumping one or two message here to trap the innocents, we ought to know that's the sign to jump out. Public room still effective for a reason. Glad many did and if not, let's work harder for next harvesting...


2021-12-01 09:49 | Report Abuse

Should have sold and grabbed some profits. Great opportunity for another 50 cents when all the negative news still surrounded this company and have not cleared. Funds short visit. Now let's see when this gonna lands first.


2021-11-30 17:11 | Report Abuse

Now it's even more meaningful those who sold 2.1 and above. Right decision and money in the pocket first. Passing by funds and whacked one round from the peak. Hah..


2021-11-30 13:42 | Report Abuse

No problem my friend. Let's make a bit from the big fellas even just tiny volume.


2021-11-30 13:30 | Report Abuse

Perhaps you don't do anything between this range unless you are hoping for just 2-3 cents. Look for anything .43 and below or above .51. Otherwise just let it be this round. Stock heavily relied on commodities fluctuation and volume is no where to be seen now. Earmarking time. Anchovies will not be spared with tiny volume. Supporting might have turned resistance. Trade and invest wisely. Hard earned money.


2021-11-30 11:10 | Report Abuse

There you go. Look at this stock swing from the lowest and discounted more than 30 cents from the short peak. It shattered new confidence and remains borderline now. Just trade and invest wisely. Protect your hard earned money.


2021-11-30 09:13 | Report Abuse

Not sure who cashed out or above 2.20 and 2.30. You are the man ! Good job and sweet...


2021-11-29 23:59 | Report Abuse

Hah. Just because of a few cents lower below 50 cents, all sorts of skills and methods applying now to convince others. This is public coffee shop room with freedom of speech. Bash all you want so long no cussing and obscene and vulgar words. Room regulations. Everyone wants to make some decent profits on other mercy. Let's not let the big boys take all and of course a few here too. Be patient hoping for a few cents lower.


2021-11-29 17:12 | Report Abuse

Another great day for newbies and newcomers! Make your plan and cash out if its good enough for this fantastic rebound. Don't caught off guard.


2021-11-29 17:07 | Report Abuse

Just keep reminding ourselves to buy lower than many in the room. Don't get excited and don't do the brick cementing for others to cash in your losses just in case. Be patient and if can wait for another 3-4 cents more and if not do your own calculation if you are happy with this level. Commodities speculation will determine the price further. The idea is to get the 15-20% quick return first. All the best !


2021-11-29 10:41 | Report Abuse

Hah Whatever. how we know scammer also can be roasterated. 86432..Hah..


2021-11-29 10:15 | Report Abuse

Preparing to cash out if there money to be made and don't becoming high level supporter. Take first and make it safe in your hands. Newbies and for those who have made the daring move. 20-30% just for few days is sweet. Track the short Bursa value flow closely as well.


2021-11-29 09:22 | Report Abuse

20% is approaching but asses the latest development. Good luck..


2021-11-28 14:45 | Report Abuse

The share price is trading below 50 cent and not 80. Still need compliments? Of course some want it to be continued and why must change when the method is effective to earn from the sillies. Just continue to do check and balance although sounds harsh as long as no cursing and throwing lots of vulgarity and inappropriate language in this room. Public forum entitlements. Value, sentiment and sectoral factors in play. Don't let the big boys take all. This stock has been earmarked for a reason.


2021-11-27 16:21 | Report Abuse

Must able to accept harsh criticism in public forum. I3 is back to compliant for some time. There is always some truth between the fine lines. And that is how it works in stock market and investors made from other investors. Some still love Najib no matter what he did. Facts won't lie. Share price movement too. Now let's crack the steel code.


2021-11-27 10:36 | Report Abuse

It's 1.85..hah..roasted or roasting Whatever....


2021-11-27 10:29 | Report Abuse

Haha. Whatever. It's not 8 now but 1.85. Told you so but continue scamming. Long time didn't bash you also. But since you pop out from dustbin. Just a gentle a reminder. Hah..


2021-11-27 09:45 | Report Abuse

Still don't know what hit you?? It's K factor..hah


2021-11-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

Hah. Still scamming everyone and until your own self. Just stay in the dustbin. Should have sold 86432. Hah..


2021-11-27 00:43 | Report Abuse

Stay focus for another 10-15% discount hopefully. And plan for 20-30% return then. Your unfortunate loss is someone gain. Vice versa. No free lunch in the stock market world. Must be quicker than any free public promoters and don't simply do bricks laying investment. Just remember to follow only half way and ruin everything along the way. The big boys are doing this and so does the smaller one as well. Need more regular check and balance and disruption.


2021-11-26 16:13 | Report Abuse

Hah whatever dude. Should have sold at 2. K factor...The process begins again..


2021-11-26 14:56 | Report Abuse

Track the hot money and Bursa value closely. 2B now.


2021-11-26 14:48 | Report Abuse

Well done to those daring especially the newcomers. Plan further to grab some decent profits a long the way. Just don't become the bricks layer for others.


2021-11-26 13:16 | Report Abuse

Expected....Just trade cautiously.


2021-11-25 16:50 | Report Abuse

The way it holding on to 0.50 above with low volume can be a sign for further downside. The supporting can turn resistance anytime when steel futures swing again and accumulation is completed.


2021-11-25 15:42 | Report Abuse

There are a few good bears we can consider based from their track record in this room. First not sure where is this Glovefinish now. Must give credit to MM second. His horrible comments put off many investors and traders. Well at least it saved many innocents. Ought to know buying comments are not holy saint but the one who have predicted the share price direction are the real heroes here.


2021-11-25 14:29 | Report Abuse

Just accept humble pie and why is so difficult to acknowledge your own failure ? Life is so simple and straight forward. Wrong must accept and why keep resisting ? How much is your ego ? Now it cost a lot more than that.


2021-11-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

This is long overdue, that is why Malaysia public forum standard. Others have long suspend the IP address and users who curse vulgar words and obscenities languages. Here some crooked room operators can still ganged up for your donations. From 6 and not long 3.60. What is the impact? 2 bucks if you have not sold any or silly buying at that time.


2021-11-25 09:52 | Report Abuse

Be sensible my friend. Top up means ? Only for newbies and those have little exposure would be the best opportunity now. No one knows how shallow this muddy river is. There are lots of uncertainties. Just don't simply follow the roasted asking to average down.


2021-11-25 09:39 | Report Abuse

Perhaps some silly innocent are contributing until you guys on board. Check and balance. Save some who care to read commenters. You saved many and that's why cut loss at 2 and 1.93. Hah


2021-11-25 09:24 | Report Abuse

Now officially this room is free from abuse. That's exactly proper public forum is all about. Company production will be affected and why so concern about the share price if it's long term investment. All sort of nonsense conspiracies from call warrants until this. Just focus and let's wait for the best lowest entry price. Every negative news might create some good opportunities.


2021-11-24 00:14 | Report Abuse

Able to predict this stock accurately is like single handed down the whole sector. What else need to prove ? Disastrous stock price but it's all alright if you have cashed out early days. Congrats to those who have escaped several opportunities and perhaps waiting for the right timing to buy back now. It ain't over yet until the fat lad said so.. Welcome to the K factor stock market.


2021-11-23 11:21 | Report Abuse

And when you think 1.70 is the lowest and supporting level. The next thing you discover is far below your imagination. TG is giving in and next level might be following through. Some newbies shouting grab all 1.70 earlier ?? Soon it will becoming resistance. Hah..


2021-11-22 12:56 | Report Abuse

900 M value. The process of cleaning up and bearish are imminent before the funds start flowing in again. 15th election theme will kick start right after. Invest and trade wisely.


2021-11-22 09:53 | Report Abuse

Those who scammed buying higher price each level are spared but the one who are bearish and predicted the price direction accurately are being bashed ? Really ? Just because you are buying doesn't mean you are right. When all your fantasies theories and amateurish factual failed miserably, you should know this is k factor. No point swearing and cursing all day night. Now move over roasters and let the newbies take over already. Hah.


2021-11-20 12:12 | Report Abuse

NP my friend my personal view stands due to lack of participation of retailers and hot money in the Bursa. This stock price movement pattern is not in tandem for long term criteria because it fully depending on the global futures steel price. We can't do long term goal in commodities related stock in the unfortunate Covid-19 situation. And volume dissapear when it matters. Long term stocks that can withheld the pressure should be like Genm , PBB, Financial related stocks. Only a few % correction from the recent peak. Too much volatility can be a real concern. It disregard the fundamental and basis of a company. My personal view another 20-30% but still depending on the current development. Track the 20 years global steel price historical movement and where is this standing now.