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2021-07-11 11:41 | Report Abuse

Just check out the World Covid-19 statistics. Shouldn't simply speculate as only SEA is going through the possible deadly final wave as expected because there wasn't proper control at the first place. Gloves prices are still trading at the lowest and only small technical rebound last Friday. Let the price stabilize further and also clear some potential setbacks. August - September is old vaccines clearance and potential new version might be be rolling out soon. Just digest and check all the news and do not caught off guard for now. Take the opportunity if there is continuous sharp rebound with high volume.


2021-07-10 15:19 | Report Abuse

Finally many have emerged after a long time. Great to see this room energy again. Remember humble pie is the lesson here...


2021-07-08 17:44 | Report Abuse

It's a price gap catching up time. It always does after some time. Invest and trade cautiously.


2021-07-08 12:39 | Report Abuse

Anyone can flag comments and it's the room moderator or administrator obligation to review and decide to remove the post. They ought to understand on what basis some comments were being removed rampantly and not others. The violation should be algorithm or bot messages, obscenities, advertising similar services, very sensitive comments touching on race, religion and national security. Current and potential positive and negative facts/ news about the stocks must be treated equally because Bursa is allowing short selling with some condition and up to a certain percentage. Buyer and short-sellers view. Whereas personal attack and taunting are very subjective and both parties contributed to this forum.

Selectively and rampant removal will only lead to this room and website integrity and questionable reputation and motive. Whoever is doing this must be able to differentiate clearly because end of the day it will subject to audit findings and etc. But again who cares if everyone is not playing by the rules anymore. That's why this room is super active compared to others.


2021-07-08 11:59 | Report Abuse

Don't have to listen so much to ordinary commenters like us here. Read and have fun. That's all. Stop flagging too. Anyone who made strong buy and sell comments and cost you an investment fortune of more than 10 % but still trying to convince and justify about the share performance at each level, you can just skip and look for a better one. Even it happened, it's just pure luck and if not, you will be in deep trouble. Be alert just in case Supermax and TG are closing up the price gap. It used to be RM 1 or 80 cents apart. Protect your own investment at all costs and at the same time eyeing for low entry price opportunities.


2021-07-08 10:03 | Report Abuse

Finally I have a chance to read all. Not too sure the purpose of removing in big block but investors and traders should able to digest both side news. This happened during one of the peak also. Overall market is weak and value still within above average. Internal politicking and uncertainty hindering genuine foreign fund managers and big players to acquire some stakes for the time being. Good news Euro cup stadiums packed again. Just observe closely and hopefully the signs will be more clearer.


2021-07-07 13:22 | Report Abuse

Room moderator should remove those foul mouth language and extremely vulgar wording comments especially touching on someone's family and ladies but not across the board. Bot messages too. Who is judging that these are not proper commenters? Everyone should be entitled to express themselves freely here. This is stock investment room and either buy and sell comments will cost someone a fortune directly and indirectly. If you can't digest and accept some comments here, you shouldn't come in. No one is playing by the rules now and it's a new level of ego battle since last year. The price direction is the determining factor when both sides are arguing their points and refused to compromise. Silent is golden when the current facts didn't favour your strong and overconfident statements earlier. Tone down and no point going against the tide and factual. And I am hoping it will come around one day.


2021-07-06 15:13 | Report Abuse

Well need to correct the fact and situation. A crisis is formed from the sudden reactions from investors which out of control for a short period of time. Gloves sector price long depreciation was due to forward-looking market expectation and driven by obvious signs and numbers normalization after it hit the peak. There is no urgency and crisis on the gloves companies right now apart of the market and public perception due to supply and demand purely. Simple and straightforward case.

The gloves sudden demand started last year March and it triggered a new wave and competition across the nations. Along the way, there come some obstacles such as COVID-19 is under control, CBP and fierce competitions among others, and high expectations subsided after the short-term hypes. The only question remains now how low it will go and only our investments considered worthwhile in order to see some genuine real technical appreciation in line with market perception and meeting its latest quarterly profits results and forecast numbers. Or unless if you really think there will be another pandemic and worldwide lockdown? There are facts and signs out there by now. As such make your investments decisions wisely.


2021-07-05 11:54 | Report Abuse

The TP downgrade is one of the impacts too. Fund houses and insti players have to make some decisions if they want to go against the reputable research houses direction. And if this is one of the fundamentals risk they have to consider real carefully. There are investing guidelines for big players. If no and who are the current players and going forward market then. Please digest all these aspects apart from some of the existing positive developments.


2021-07-05 11:28 | Report Abuse

Local boys way. It's quite steep too. Obviously there are so many obstacles and hurdles need to be cleared first. Fall back to other options and observe closely on the volume and special news ahead. Unpredictable and uncertainty in front. Hopefully no one chased higher above 3.50 last week. TG gap and many more potential setbacks. The stock needs to slow down first.


2021-07-04 11:52 | Report Abuse

Still I am rooting for the new batch of investors and players that hopefully this level is safe and soon it will take off for real technical so that some can make a bit decent profits in this difficult time. But again there are signs and obstacles the stock or company have to clear first. So far euro cup stadiums were not packed anymore compared to early rounds. GL and keep aiming your own entry price and contingency plan.


2021-07-04 11:26 | Report Abuse

No. Freedom of speech or opinion comes with heavy responsibility. We are entitled to say anything but with limitation when our predictions fail big time. We ought to stop and stay away when our price predictions and comments have directly or indirectly cost others heavy losses in investment. This is not supermarket but stock market room. Everyone is trying to boast and show off their investment and trading skills and experiences but end of the day you have to respect the current share price. It's telling us how good you are. Anyone who make positive or negative comments, it's implying the stock and company up down behaviour. 2-10% off from your original and initial price comments are still acceptable but 20-75% and you are still trying to convince others to buy but without remorseful or guilt feeling, you are officially acting like a scammer or crook here ! Vice versa if your predictions indirectly stopped others to make a decent profit. Yes right we are the rightfull investors but that doesn't warrant us to simply share and don't hold any accountability. If the room operator didn't bother to supervise our comments, others commenters must do this on the room behalf. Play by the rules here otherwise you are just another sore loser. Make neutral and not strong arrogant one sided comment if you don't want to be bash when the time comes. But again who cares because every person have different level of dignity and pride here.


2021-07-02 17:17 | Report Abuse

Investors ought to careful with potential news like these. This is something many have forewarned much earlier. Fund houses and institutional funds have obligations to meet certain investments criteria before investing into stocks or companies with some restrictions and potential setback. They can't just brush the news away. This includes they have to reduce their stakes so that it won't be backfired in the event the news is reliable and proven to be real one day. Just digest every piece of information here.


2021-07-02 10:25 | Report Abuse

Hopefully it fluctuates between 3.23-3.61 with low volume. Possible margin call started on certain gloves today. Apart of being cheap, low PE and delta variants spreading claimed by some here. It's equally important to take note on the overall market volume, potential CBP impact and Supermax used to have RM1.00 gap vs TG. Fund managers must fulfill certain criteria before they are allow to invest certain stocks with restrictions. Of course COVID-19 is finally over one day. Please digest carefully before decide what's next Any potential spike is still worth to consider until the signs are obvious.


2021-07-01 12:05 | Report Abuse

200% Wuhan Lab and wet market !


2021-07-01 11:10 | Report Abuse

That's the price to pay when you invested in gloves heavily. Life can turn upside down and positive perspectives changed into negative. Totally make sense and can't really help because it's hard-earned money invested. It takes a different skills completely for some investors and traders to win this highly speculative battle and gloves stocks. Just hope for the best now..


2021-07-01 10:32 | Report Abuse

Thanks my friend. Not really and many commenters like you are equally good and knowledgeable here. We are here to compliment the missing parts only. The real guys are out there. Hopefully can tap in and following the flow. Its a lot easier just to say buy for long term investment and waiting for the day and don't hold any accountability when things turned ugly. However it's equally excited to spot the sentiment and some entry price by luck. No one is better than the big boys..


2021-07-01 10:20 | Report Abuse

As expected this level. 3.23-3.27 if only daring and insist but make sure escape plan 3-4%. Hopefully idle and slow trading in between 3.23-3.61. Else forget about it or only enter when potential one final setback or news. Nothing much to lose for new investor or traders without heavy position. GL and protect your investment at all cost..


2021-06-30 16:18 | Report Abuse

We ought to respect the lady and female for now because she made the right call.


2021-06-30 16:03 | Report Abuse

Local boys standard. No mercy and brutal. Hope it still stays above 3.38 and if not probably will be volatile heading down again.


2021-06-30 11:05 | Report Abuse

Glad to know my friend. I am into common sense and overall market and stock volume. Share more to assist the newbies or anyone who want to try something new in this room.


2021-06-30 11:03 | Report Abuse

Always remember to SELL if you happened to buy at the lowest price. The whole objective is to make some decent profits and that's all matter. This is not a straight forward stock and only sophisticated traders and investors will able to compete with the big and local boys. Like I said, there is no mercy by local boys. They grab everything.


2021-06-30 10:58 | Report Abuse

Some local boys are not following the rules. Too many occasions of sudden spike will only prolong the proper technical recovery. It's not helping the situation either. Nevertheless hopefully it will close above 3.38 today in order to see any potential short technical. Or else let it slow down and idle for weeks before making a comeback. It takes time to heal.


2021-06-30 09:54 | Report Abuse

Local boys trading and PDT. Sustainable ability is not easy. In another word everyone is too cautious in this challenging market. You don't grab, someone will grab. The value must return first.


2021-06-30 09:50 | Report Abuse

Well done those who managed to cash out 4.53 above ! Seizing the sudden spike opportunity... Overall market is still weak. Let's observe again...


2021-06-29 15:51 | Report Abuse

Everyone should make some decent profits. But now let's clear the sudden spike first if it's just temporary or real technical recovery accumulation. It failed prematurely 3 times earlier. Local boys trading have no mercy and unpredictable compared to the big boys. Still the same 20-40 cents target or still wait below 3.30 or 3.61 above.


2021-06-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

Congrats those who predicted and bought at 3.31 ! 20 cents is not bad..


2021-06-29 12:29 | Report Abuse

A gambler who average down is the worst among the investing categories. This is double sword risking your total investment if the price remain stagnant or lower. Although the averaging price sounds consoling but in reality your investment capital is increased and paper losses ballooned compare to your initial investment amount. In another word don't average down if you have no clue what is going on or if the price can still go even lower. Unless you can spot each lowest level for averaging. As now it's disastrous based on the current price and factual since 9 months back. Not too sure about what's next. We shall wait and see..


2021-06-29 12:08 | Report Abuse

There is nothing wrong with the stock performance. Anyone can buy or sell as long as there are profits to make or don't want to lose big. It's some unpleasant and ridiculous comments that trigger the response and harsh reaction. If you feel excited, react and make quick comments just because of few cents movement, you are officially a gambler. A hardcore type perhaps. Investors won't do this frequently.


2021-06-28 23:55 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 world bell curve is showing the overall actual sentiment. Euro cup packed stadiums are telling you how confident the organizers or hosts handling the potential outbreak if any. Bear in mind a total of 11 countries hosting this main tournament. Overall Bursa value was low for the past few days. Any changes in Bursa or government policy just to accommodate investors, certain sectors and segments will be temporary and it won't last long. Local problem still persist and investors confidence are going down fast. Therefore seize the opportunity if there is a spike from nowhere. Or perhaps let the stock price stabilize first for a little while with low volume before heading for real technical recovery if there is one day. If insist probably 3.23-3.27 first level with escape plan. GL !


2021-06-27 13:01 | Report Abuse

Make the record straight here. I can see gloves doubters didn't make nasty comments across the board here but just to selective few who made strong comments repeatedly and also refused to play by the rules in this room. Instead of humble pie but there are some really amazing investors. Old flames and grudges since the beginning and falling of gloves era. This stock and gloves sector will not get the blessing and approval ever because every numbers and achievements are deriving from the pandemic and on-going crisis. It's gloves glory versus mankind wishes ! Just telling the truth...I am sure this argument only happening in this room and other gloves stocks but not so much about the rest. Now let's regroup and beat the big boys and local PDT. 20-30 cents is no joke if anyone can do it ! Please share more negative or positive news in advance if any.


2021-06-27 12:01 | Report Abuse

New or existing investors and traders without expensive positions can make decision easily this time around. Just remember whatever price you buy must sell if you are comfortable with the return. 20-30 cent or higher always make sense right now until it stabilize at certain level. Aiming for lower price and technical rebound is no brainer. But one thing for sure don't simply follow those who have failed dozens times about their predictions and what makes them so confident this time? Even it did, it's all by luck. Every investors needs this. You make bold statements and get ready for backlash if it didn't happen and got worse. That's the rules you play in this room. Take the heat like others. Or else silent is golden until your moment shines..


2021-06-26 20:47 | Report Abuse

So happening on weekend. It's nothing to do with RSS or anyone or anything. Just too many don't really understand what stock market really is. It range from amateur and inexperience up to sophisticated and prudent investors and traders. Should ask Bursa to create another secondary market. One is for the serious and understood the risks investors and the other for those newbies and limited knowledge about stock market. That should able to address the issues. Look at the exchanging of opinions earlier. Amazing.....


2021-06-25 14:10 | Report Abuse

You should able to differentiate the proper commenters here by now. Just one click you should able to find out. Don't mess with the IB commenter. Now let's regroup and focus on your investment or trading plan. Hope it comes around soon.


2021-06-25 13:47 | Report Abuse

There is no right or wrong here. Many have made strong statements repeatedly and others challenged to prove and bring this to another level. It's okay to show or just simply ignore. End of the day it's our decision and choice. Just remember that this room has attracted serious commenters and very experienced investors or traders am sure. Even newbies are looking for proper leads to make a living in the stock market. Help them. So don't take it too seriously because it's just some investments and points argument. Health is everything for now.


2021-06-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

Said enough earlier. Got to be fair to many commenters here. Just read and digest yourself. Big bang and noises everywhere when promoting to others to buy, defend and support the share price and company but when selling and cashing out. It was done in silent, discreet and quietly manner.


2021-06-25 11:50 | Report Abuse

Let's be clear here. 2020 wasn't a good year for gloves. Only those who were very fortunate bought early and it lasted several months only until August and September onwards it went hardwired. It carried forward until now 2021. It was a disaster among other stocks.


2021-06-25 11:16 | Report Abuse

The man have fallen ill for some time. Let him recuperating first and before start running a short distance. In another word let the price stabilize and volume shrunk to a normal day low before it decides what is next. Unless breaking news from nowhere. Observe first...


2021-06-25 10:41 | Report Abuse

Let it stabilize first and wait for another 2 days. This looks quite similar to last Friday's performance. Every 10-20 cents bargain for this level is steep. Therefore observe closely if there's any latest news or the selling still not completed yet. If insist 3.23-3.26 or above 3.61. GL !


2021-06-24 22:20 | Report Abuse

Yes my friend it's not on ready basis and need solid reason why sbb need to be initiated at the first place.


2021-06-24 22:11 | Report Abuse

And to regularise the company shareholding in the market requirement by Bursa. As such sbb it not meant to be abused just like that. Having said that this is not any big story because it's just for temporary price stabilization. If you happened to invest or buy just before any potential sbb. Run and cash out !


2021-06-24 21:55 | Report Abuse

Chances for sbb is likely higher only if there are foreign funds or solid big boys invested especially EPF or KWAP. Stake holders and company need to provide comfort and support because funds managers want some commitment. That also depending if they foresee handsome dividends in the pipe line or if the owner own big bulk of the shares directly. There is correlation in between.


2021-06-24 16:46 | Report Abuse

Don't simply average and let the tide settle down first. If you really insist perhaps can look at 3.23-3.26 and or any latest negative or breaking news and only consider. Or let it be until it's back above 3.61. Still have to get ready with the escape plan no matter what. Let's ambush the local boys.


2021-06-24 15:09 | Report Abuse

Hopefully many have picked up useful experiences and clues for the past 10 months in this room. This stock has given all the impossibilities and possibilities at least what is stock market is all about. One of the strategies was the bonus issued at the peak and made the price looks cheap to attract unfortunate investors.


2021-06-24 10:09 | Report Abuse

Expected the share price to fall. That's why we asked brave soldiers to sell and stop at 3.79-3.80 and instead of buying. Do not say selling is the not the right thing to do. It depends on which level. Otherwise you won't be incurring extra 12% paper losses by now. Discipline and experience trader or gambler are superior than any amateur and inexperience long term investors. Protect your capital at all cost. What is bank annual interest and you must not lose double than that just in few days. Apply specific skills in different circumstances in stock market. Understand the stock behaviour first whether it's highly speculative or quite based. Change your investments strategy from time to time.


2021-06-23 15:43 | Report Abuse

In order to stage a real technical recovery, share price have to go through the painful ordeal. Remain calm, digest early and keep eyeing for breaking news or latest setback if any. Set your plan in advance and make your move if signal is out. Only those who dare in the downtrend and uncertainty stock. It's not necessary but super necessary when you are confident enough.


2021-06-22 19:50 | Report Abuse

Just few clicks on Google and check the WHO bell curve and you will know the current status. There are thousands of different medical opinions and experts write up out there. It fits everyone purposes and personal interest. The place that I residing is zero case and just merely 13% vaccinated. Just do our part and all will be safe and sound.


2021-06-22 13:30 | Report Abuse

Finally it breaks 3.61 and let it stay there for sometime. Perhaps start eyeing for negative or breaking news before you decide the next entry price for any hopeful rebound or a proper technical recovery. Those brave lucky soldiers who stopped 3.79-3.80 at least can reload again. Still expecting the CBP news if that is going to happen and only check the landing price then. Hopefully local boys favor new local investors this time around.


2021-06-21 15:31 | Report Abuse

Just know how to SELL even you managed to get a very good price. 20-30 cents is always the right decision for now. Until some positive news brewing again and you can still decide what is next for you. Don't have to always chase in between and even if you missed it, can always re consider above 4 if that is really happening. The whole objective is not to be trapped so that you can make better decision when you don't have any expensive outstanding investments dealing with a long downtrend stock. This level is quite tricky. Below 3.61 is really solid second new low since the month of April. Let's observe the local boys direction and next few days closing closely.


2021-06-21 14:50 | Report Abuse

Short lived as expected and see if this can hold above 3.62 yet again...