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2021-06-08 15:41 | Report Abuse

No one is tougher than our friend here who have the extra ordinary patient and took all sort of nonsense and names calling for the past 9 months and here we are now. The only price action fact divided the strong gloves supporter and the rest. He could just right the wrong and bash all of us. What else you still want to comment about him? Unbelievable and Kudos to him until this juncture !


2021-06-08 15:27 | Report Abuse

Don't be hostile. It's just choices of words when the current facts backed someone heavily. Perhaps it's payback time after series of hurling and insulting each others for so long here. Should go after all who uttered far even worse languages and profanities related to family and females and not just single out one or two here.


2021-06-08 12:35 | Report Abuse

Swindled by someone who are in the same boat same paper losses are still alright but the one who still made profits leaving the rest with massive paper losses are totally unacceptable !


2021-06-08 12:32 | Report Abuse

Took your message wrongly. That's right , swindled by someone during the few peaks when many commenters put the enormous effort to stop many from doing so.


2021-06-08 11:48 | Report Abuse

But one thing to make sure that it's not affecting your life if you have invested the wrong stock. You would know better than anyone here. If yes, you ought to do something. Let go and move to another sector or other stock because you wouldn't know how low it can go and vice versa. The choice is yours. You don't like it now and let it go and can always make a comeback. The message is for those trapped badly up there.


2021-06-08 11:36 | Report Abuse

If waited another day, it would have saved at least 4% just a single day. Facts don't lie and no one here is trying to sabotage anyone investments. The big boys way. Accept what it is and re-group and re-strategies your long or short term investments if you started have the little feelings with some fair comments here. Otherwise just let it be. 10-20% paper loss still can make some decisions but 40-70% it's not that easy anymore. I am still hoping for a decent rebound but obviously there are obstacles out there like pointed out by the commenters here. Let's see another day.


2021-06-08 09:43 | Report Abuse

This is perfect storm. Good fight brave soldiers and let's see today being the 10th T cycle. A day later makes lots of difference. Respect the commenters here. The facts and it's all matters.


2021-06-07 16:37 | Report Abuse

The whole idea is to get the best price at the right time regardless it's fundamental, long and short term or trading. Buy and invest all you want but just make sure do not buy at the high side but maximizing your targeted return within the shortest period of time. Give credit for those who have been calling not to chase from 9-4 and 5-6 in this room. That is facts. What's next in couple of weeks and months. No one will know but you should able to pick up from both side stories by now.


2021-06-06 11:37 | Report Abuse

There is no short investors here. Perhaps one or two shorted the market or the special group out there. Here mainly traders and investors waiting for the right timing to buy and sell, again and again before it considered safe for long term one day. That's why we are here to exchange ideas and factual. Bursa is heavily regulated short selling and it's not like Wall Street open short selling investment. Only those who are qualified will opt to short the stock and pay for special fees. Shares borrowing are capped up to 4% of the selected stocks. If they open up for everyone and there is no longer any restrictions, I am sure Supermax will be trading at sub zero by now.

Having said that shorties are the biggest winner by far this year because share price tumbled from the peak closed to 70%. 2-10 years later ? No idea. Let's talk about next week first. Hopefully it will stage a proper rebound after the long series of selling down. We can only share Tuesday marked the 10th T cycle downtrend and the same when this stock start running from 4 above to 6 for 10th days T consecutively. Again it's just hope and nobody will know better than the big boys. If any brave soldiers out there have taken some positions last Friday, please ensure your defence trading system is executed to avoid massive potential pouring. Stop loss. The whole idea is to grab the 20-30 cents from the big boys first. The only news can bring some positive momentum if TG can produce miracle number this time around. Hopefully the big boys would take this trading route. GL !


2021-06-06 10:45 | Report Abuse

Need to be clear here. No one said long term is not a good strategy. But it has to be the right timing or at least a more proper company. It's just someone comparing a trapped long term investment is noble and proper than gambling and short term. Just merely 8 months and not even 2 weeks ago, whatever you call your long term or strategic investments, it's already suffering 20-70% capital loss. What kind of long term investment was that? Yeah right just hold for 50 years investment and earn some dividends will be good enough. Forget about your initial capital depreciation for the time being. Would you like the idea when a banker or portfolio manager offer this kind of explanation to you? All these own presumptions guaranteed old age return? Even now our investments are struggling like nobody business. Don't talk about 1-2 years later. If anyone think you are doing alright here and proud with your long term strategy. So let it be. That's so weird.

Just saying perhaps our time is going to happen one day but as at current facts it's disaster ! Just admit we have invested a little bit earlier and it's bad decision. That's all. If you really aim for long term solid dividends, it has to be TG and others. What's the earth name that you chose Supermax? The historical peanut dividends? How can you justify that. If we have nothing to offer at this moment, silent is golden, accept it or find another topic. That's what we should do. Otherwise many newbies or innocent newcomers thought this is the real investment concept. Many had led to this state because of the wrong illustrations and over confident statement. Yes there are really innocent in stock market. Or else how would they contribute to our gain ?


2021-06-05 16:33 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately the price is telling you something. You cannot run away from profits and losses which is due to price action. Justifing own body and legs are long term investments but mind and soul behaving like gamblers here. It's the same. Ilustration out of context and modified according to self personal interest and own pursuits. Conflicted statement and action.


2021-06-05 14:59 | Report Abuse

There is no such thing long term or short term and trading. If you are really a serious long term investor, you wouldn't make the grave mistake by ignoring the stock trading behaviour and no long term fund prominent managers holding the portfolio. There are a few heavyweight stocks which fit the criteria and not just only Supermax in gloves sector alone. The long term definition emerged when you have bought at the very high side and there was no other options for the time being. And if you happened bought at a very low price and pro claimed long term investor, we have no idea what we're you thinking why you didn't cash out during one of the few peaks 12,10,8 and even 6 ! So stop justifying the long term, short or contra player in order to cover your wrong investment decision and weaknesses. This long term statement only and shall exist in this room when the price recovered back to 6 or 8 and if you are still holding on for long term. That's only make sense and one will respect your investments principle. This is not your moment yet by making this self denial comments.


2021-06-05 14:35 | Report Abuse

The same goes to self centric and heavily one sided promoters here. Just because you have invested, you are only posting one sided news but closed and shut your ears on the negatives and potential setbacks. You made strong statements day and night and you better make sure the price act accordingly or else get ready for some lecturing session. All these damages already done. It's still alright if you are wrong from the very beginning but keep denying your failure and faults is really the next level. There is no such thing noble writers or good person selling only one way ideas and want everyone to make a good return here. It's all about personal interest and one person loss is another gain. There's no middle man here. The one who was encouraged to do the work but he got the bashing day night. The one who asked to support the share price day and night was the one who lost the most end of the day. Read and digest both good and bad news. The stock market always work the other way round.


2021-06-05 11:34 | Report Abuse

One of the many culprits who contributed to this state and led many innocents got trapped. Sub conciously and selectively posted all positive facts but disregarded the potential negative factual, literally none. Still many glorifying all these noble writers or believers. Speechless.


2021-06-05 10:57 | Report Abuse

3 potential factors gloves sector or this company will not back to peak again no matter how solid is their coming QRs. They got the few best opportunities but not happening. It's not easy for those bought at the peak now. Track the gloves company historical trend before and after every outbreaks. This pandemic is one of the longest and most damaging. Perhaps it will be translated the same going forward. Just catch the few solid technical in between if you are still keen. You got all the numbers and facts in this room but end of the day it's the share price movement matters. Having said all those many have given the wrong illustrations and it's just all presumptions without basis. Stop hoping the share price appreciation by justifying more new cases or deteriorating Covid-19. The world health are improving in a steady pace. That's the most significant facts that we ever wanted.


2021-06-04 16:36 | Report Abuse

The storm is still great until today. Mercenaries who tried to support also hanging on with the driftwood. Let's see another day and don't let this affecting the long weekends and holiday. Stay safe first is most important.


2021-06-04 16:01 | Report Abuse

It's okay brave soldiers mission but make sure put small stop loss. Never let your loss swing. Another forte to go. And see it can crumble easily too.


2021-06-04 15:49 | Report Abuse

Weathering the storm and same time strong waves. No land can be seen till now. Take care and GL !


2021-06-04 11:50 | Report Abuse

We shall see what the big boys game. Here we come super brave soldiers and let's attack one day earlier. Remember to put stop loss no matter what. GL !


2021-06-04 11:10 | Report Abuse

Let's study the TG QR closely. What is everyone expectation? As usual and make more profits I supposed. Just imagine if the result this time around below market expectation ? That gonna be the first ever chain reaction and gloomy sign for gloves industry. What would be the potential impact and domino effects like ? Just weigh all these pro and cons before you act.


2021-06-04 10:51 | Report Abuse

All the signs are pointing down and heavily suggesting downtrend. So don't carry away first and perhaps just sneak in between the downtrend like the big boys and hopefully can hit 5-8% technical recovery. Let's see the price stay above 4 for sometime before you decide for long term or any firm investment plan. Just remember to stop loss if you want to avoid the massive waves one day and decided to play along this range.


2021-06-04 09:53 | Report Abuse

That's a small confident how they welcomed the exclusion news. It was digested when the rumors flying around for sometime. At least no big bashing today and until this moment. In any case please put small stop loss just in case the waves are imminent and can't be avoided. If not hopefully smooth sailing to 20-30 grounds.


2021-06-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

Hopefully it will come back again..We shall see and GL !


2021-06-04 09:39 | Report Abuse

Haha these big boys ! Know you gonna do this..Well done again for those super brave soldiers !


2021-06-04 09:23 | Report Abuse

Negative news should be buy on and after news if you plan to buy some. Perhaps it already digested up to certain degree before the official announcement. 3.97 range is the confident level and of course lower than that is much better. The other potential setback CBP lead to potential consfication since US market is Supermax main target, it can create more damages. But again it might or might not..GL !


2021-06-04 09:06 | Report Abuse

No problem buddy. Since some names mentioned here. As long you don't lose big money. Our experience is meant to help anyone who are relying some good info here before decide further on your investment and trading. Obviously many sub conscious one sided promoters have created the damages. It's not just make money from the market but how you make from the others. The right way ? Just to accumulate more merits in life. Money is not everything. Now let's observe very closely if you have no positions and much easier to decide for now. I like this level and perhaps today or Tuesday it's time to enter some positions but with small stop loss if you insist. End of the day must sell no matter how much you want to earn. Let's observe a little longer more.


2021-06-03 22:27 | Report Abuse

That's why sell even 10-20 cents profits until you see the light in the tunnel. Now let's wait for tomorrow or Tuesday if there is some good opportunity for much lower price entry. Keep observing..


2021-06-03 16:28 | Report Abuse

Even the PH you guys guessed so accurately. My bad. It's Tuesday. Kudos !


2021-06-03 16:23 | Report Abuse

3.97 again. My guess it's either tmrw or Monday. Just make sure you put small stop loss if you insist. GL !


2021-06-03 12:36 | Report Abuse

Who said gamblers did not lose money ? They lost all the time if they are not careful but at least didn't grumbling and blaming day and night here. Lost and practice silent is golden sometimes. 4.00 is approaching as expected and let's see if this gonna back to 3.97 again. This is first confident level earlier. Don't let the big boys win all.


2021-06-03 11:21 | Report Abuse

And we don't think our sharing harm any proper traders or investors who care to read here. We made the little statement always in advance and the price came back where it is. Those who made strong statements during the peak especially 5-6 and even higher 4, what did you really contribute judging from the current share price now ? Please be truthful to yourself and give credits to those who saw something that you refused to acknowledge and saved some from investing at the high side. Don't complicate gambling and long term investments in stock market. You bought an investment for initial long term purpose and when the share price appreciated five folds the next day and you cashed out , you say this is gambling ? Seriously? It's all about when you hit your TP matters.


2021-06-03 11:11 | Report Abuse

Regardless how good and potential a company is , the significant fact remained that the big boys are not in it. That sum up the whole thing about Supermax current situation being the top 4. We need solid big boys to own a little share there. That's the basic requirements if you insist for long term investments. How can we missed that ?


2021-06-03 10:54 | Report Abuse

Harta is losing momentum. Keep observing closely and do not let the investigation news dampening the current sentiment.


2021-06-03 10:51 | Report Abuse

Should have sold above 6 and spent more time to read dude instead of posting algorithm messages for no reasons here. Any good ? Many have shared in advance but some still keep looking at one side. Those who have no existing investments can make decision alot easier. That's the reason Selling is important even at 4.17-.418. Nothing personal, it's strictly business with luck and little experience.


2021-06-02 22:33 | Report Abuse

Read and digest both sides and think wisely what futures lies ahead and potential further growth for this stock and others too. Which one is forward or stagnant. Post pandemic effect or recurring more likely? The historical of these stocks prices when each outbreaks started and settled down. Any potential roadblocks and news coming along. Is this one of the bottom or it will re test 3.76 one day ? If you have decided but still very uncertain always put a small stop loss to avoid huge disappointment. Sometimes take a small bite and let go 20-40 cents in order to see the price stabilised first before taking off again. Do your own risks calculation and think again. So many innocents investors and traders here guided blindly and only looked at one side. Time to change the way of investing if you kept incurring losses.


2021-06-02 16:01 | Report Abuse

Follow example like our friend here. He threw his frustration on the company and stake holders and not the commenters here. That's only proper long term investor attitude and not like the others. Blame it on the rain for so long.


2021-06-02 15:24 | Report Abuse

Should have sold 6 above dude. ..


2021-06-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

If you do long term, short term and including gambling with the proper way and ethic and able to make a living and your family is happy with your decent returns, not addicted and pawn your wealth and hurting others, there is nothing wrong with it. Differentiate the gambler attitude and not just the word. Long term investment but pawn all your goods and make a mess in your family because of some investments. That is no good.


2021-06-02 15:04 | Report Abuse

Got to be fair to many other commenters here. They asked to sell above 6 or perhaps 7 or 8. If not 5 and also higher 4. Stopped many from buying at the peak when the signs was clearly on the potential downtrend. Perhaps today is just another short technical and the direction is still not certain yet. Don't frust out on these group of people but on the stock and company and most importantly the one who made bold statements here and during the press conference when the sentiment is heading gradual south. Question them in the AGM what have they done and done enough to protect the genuine investors investments and hard earned money. That should be the right approach. Still it's investors and traders fault for being careless and naive if you happened to adopt the wrong advice and strategy here. Now lets focus and perhaps wait for another 2-3 T cycle before it's safe to enter for genuine rebound. Of course no one stopped anyone from investing. Just be sure what you are investing. GL !


2021-06-02 12:15 | Report Abuse

Once you identified the few bottoms by luck, right timing or crazy moment with some good and real investors sharing here, average once and for all and cash out when it start to rebound in a fiery mode. Sell all and don't look back. 100 K potential losses and stop everything at 30% loss. You will gonna survive throughout the forest at least. If you think there's no more hope or whatsoever reasons move to another new stock new chapter and new life. New things and new hope. GL !


2021-06-02 12:05 | Report Abuse

That should be the spirit and it's not okay and no fear when you are trapped at one of the peak. Nonetheless do not despair. Keep an eyes and they will fight back when the second and last defences start feeling the heat. Probably they are still very comfortable because the 3rd and 4th are still fighting for them for nothing. That's exactly what happened to some recovery stocks.


2021-06-02 10:59 | Report Abuse

Ancient kingdom battlefield started with a few level of defence. The first one traitors from the other side, second defence paid militia and mercenaries, 3rd defence villagers and ordinary citizens, 4th Generals and soldiers and lastly the King himself and all the royal bloods. So which level you are and you are aiming ? Think about it. Everyone have a choice here.


2021-06-02 10:14 | Report Abuse

Stop saying anyhing if you are not following closely dude. What you said was wrong and it's not okay with trapped investments more than 50%. Hope you are really learning or if not. Don't be proud with your action now. Because it's not okay ! Pick up a few things here. Silent is golden sometimes dude.


2021-06-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

Well done those who cashed out 4.17-4.18. That's 3-5% return in just a single day. As long don't lose money. Let it be. This is not the right time to call for mid term investment because of so many new and potential negative news. Let the purple storm pass through first. Just must have position this week. Well some of you done it. Brave soldiers !


2021-06-02 09:48 | Report Abuse

Mild technical rebound and that's how it works. But someone can always go against the odd and who knows tmrw is gonna be totally different. Just take 10-20 cents first if you got it at the right time. Earn the returns first.


2021-06-02 09:44 | Report Abuse

Those Super brave soldiers and take whatever you can first. Let's watch closely again.


2021-06-02 09:40 | Report Abuse

10-20 cents first and selling is everything. For this moment.


2021-06-02 09:36 | Report Abuse

Missed it and hopefully someone got it. GL and Congrats !


2021-06-01 14:35 | Report Abuse

Need to correct the definition of crisis. There is no crisis and urgency on gloves sector or this stock at this moment but more on consolidating and correction after hitting the peak for many months due to supply and demand or whatever you chose to believe. Crisis is where something really bad strike out of a sudden and it hit across all the sectors without mercy like last year pandemic, PanE, Asian currency, Tech Bubble, Subprime. Right now Bursa is back to normal state but certain sectors are softening. Exercise your investment with extra care what is the next wave in front of us.


2021-06-01 14:13 | Report Abuse

Brave soldiers. Kindly abort your plan first if you have not done anything yet. Just observe closely again...