
sheldon | Joined since 2013-10-31

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2016-04-15 11:11 | Report Abuse

Looks like much ado about nothing - a mere distraction. Well I hope things will normalise with a regular dividend stream. To make up for the dearth of dividends, perhaps the shareholders should be rewarded with a nice bumper quantum. In exchange, the board and management will gain some shareholder goodwill.

But knowing Can One culture, KJ will be stingy with dividends. They want to take their money to their graves.


2016-04-14 23:57 | Report Abuse

EPF continues swallowing gobs of Digi providing much needed assurance.

No matter how convinced you are about a stock to the extent you keep accumulating it, there will doubts in your mind if a respected institution keeps dumping it - which in reality could be due to a host of reasons other than it the stock being overvalued.


2016-04-13 22:56 | Report Abuse

EPF has bought back 5m shares - a significant relief from the recent sell-off spate


2016-04-12 15:09 | Report Abuse

who's willing to go in at 4.73?


2016-04-11 22:43 | Report Abuse

2016 year-to-date EPF's stake in Digi fell from 13.98% to 12.09% but its stake in Maxis rose from 6.80% to 7.70%. hmmm... makes one wonder what's going on. Noted though some postulations by Wow123, Clarence etc


2016-04-11 16:06 | Report Abuse

Maxis price taking a real beating but Digi seems to recover a bit


2016-04-09 15:55 | Report Abuse

Managed to buy some at 4.77. The whole idea is to lower my average cost.

I'm not particularly crazy about this stock ever since the maternity thing. It feels more like a cooperative than a profit-maximising company. In fact the management should announce the impact on the bottom lines so that investors can make an informed decision on this hair-brained idea.


2016-04-08 09:14 | Report Abuse

Look at the announcement titled "Others".
Note that dividend is only contingent upon approval at the AGM by shareholders.


2016-04-07 09:52 | Report Abuse

I heard from BFM this morning that Digi plans to give effective next month 6 months paid maternity leave.

I wonder what's the impact on the bottom lines on this insane policy, knowing very well that many have intentions to breed like rabbits. Hmmm ... let's target 10 kids so that I'll have 5 years paid maternity plus annual leave and not to forget great medical care.

Maybe that's why the share price tanked a little at yesterday's closing.


2016-04-07 09:43 | Report Abuse

It appears from the 2015 Annual Report that no revaluation of properties was done since there's no revaluation reserves created.

If you recall (look up this chat about a year ago) Retnam commented that at the AGM, it was stated by the senior management that if a revaluation was done then, the NTA per share would increase by approximately 50+ sen.


2016-04-05 22:00 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Juni - uncertainty will keep investors on the sidelines as it's akin to placing a bet on whether it'll be heads or tails.

It also bestows tremendous powers to the decision makers who decide price-sensitive info.


2016-04-04 10:48 | Report Abuse

The relentless selling of Digi & buying of Maxis by EPF continues unabated


2016-04-03 22:09 | Report Abuse

He also hopes for some transparency in the bidding ... but it's an alien concept over here


2016-04-01 12:09 | Report Abuse

You are absolutely right!

I pointed out to the person that the proposal is in fact out-of-date & the price should be revised upwards as the company in the mean time had made some good gains.

I asked why isn't EPF demanding for higher pay out. That person responded that they could wait - as a small token they declared some dividends albeit pittance.

They are playing a waiting game but it's a balancing act. If they make too much profit, declare puny dividends & keep the share price low then another bidder with deep pockets might appear for this undervalued stock.


2016-03-31 23:01 | Report Abuse

I just had a conversation with the person involved in the Aspire deal and I'd like to share the following facts:

1. EPF will not budge from 3.30
2. EPF is funding the entire deal and they are pinning their hopes on the evil Mr Chee to take this company to greater heights
3. It requires a 75% majority
4. Can-One can vote as a party who supposedly has no interest in the deal
5. It's possible that they are hoping that the shareholders will grow weary and give up

Comments anyone?


2016-03-31 12:11 | Report Abuse

It's stagnant. That's one of the impact of high dividend payout.


2016-03-31 10:56 | Report Abuse

Perhaps another bidder?

Btw shareholders will have to wait until they are old & grey before they can receive the pathetic dividend on 30 Jun. KJ need not pay out of profit from operations but from returns from money market placement.


2016-03-30 16:28 | Report Abuse

I've just started eating chunks of P&O shares - looking forward to the facts, rumours, gossips & inferences on this company.


2016-03-28 22:54 | Report Abuse

Makes no difference - The cake was just sliced into smaller pieces. 1 cake cost $10 therefore 1 quarter of a cake is $2.50 & one tenth = $1 and so on


2016-03-28 17:27 | Report Abuse

Angie - yes digi was worth about 30 at one time. Then they had a stock split - 1 share split into 10 to ensure more liquidity i.e. encourage more trades. Your friend told you a true story - kisah benar.


2016-03-26 16:45 | Report Abuse

Maybe to return AK the favor of lending 2b?


2016-03-25 23:08 | Report Abuse

EPF has been literally dumping Digi but picking up chunks of Maxis ... anyone knows why?


2016-03-25 22:00 | Report Abuse

Called off is better than trying to rip off the minority shareholders by buying shares for a song. Then at least they can focus on the business instead of the wheeling & dealing. E.g. There won't be maneuvers like ensuring that share price does not rise too much.

If a company has got a good business model which is tried and tested and operations are profitable, then efficient market hypothesis dictates that the price will rise concomitantly. Rational investors are not going to pass up a good bargain.


2016-03-24 17:14 | Report Abuse

Looks like we got whacked!


2016-03-23 23:33 | Report Abuse

WTF are the authorities doing? They are trying to wear the minority shareholders down. The only way out of this ridiculous predicament is that a white knight with a better deal comes along.

I guess the next best thing to do is to raid the larder - makan cukup2 at the AGM, collect the door gift & make some noise.


2016-03-22 10:00 | Report Abuse

Can One can accept but the See brothers & other rational minority shareholders with ability to hold will not accept. Is it enough to block the deal?


2016-03-22 09:48 | Report Abuse

I heard in the BFM channel today about government cracking down on illegal gaming - that's a good start perhaps long overdue. I hope it just does not remain an announcement with no follow-up.


2016-03-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

Another question - If Can-one is not regarded a party with vested interest (which although in the opinion of most if not all, it's otherwise) then can its vote tip the balance and allow Aspire to acquire KJ for a song?


2016-03-20 12:16 | Report Abuse

A noteworthy point is that Can-one has large borrowings to pare down so they need a good dividend pay out from KJ.


2016-03-20 11:49 | Report Abuse

23 Mar is D-day - the question in everyone's mind is whether there'll be another postponement.


2016-03-19 04:57 | Report Abuse

The EPS of Magnum is lower than Toto - that's why the price is low & the dividend likewise


2016-03-18 22:40 | Report Abuse

No good news Angie except if the govt takes note that the excessive sin taxes & GST is slowly killing this goose that has been laying the golden eggs all these years by driving the punters towards illegal gaming.


2016-03-18 22:33 | Report Abuse

The Govt has no money so thinking short term, it raises the sin taxes on tobacco. Consumers buy smuggled cigarettes - for which the dumb govt cannot collect taxes but benefits certain individuals. So BAT closed down its local factory & put 230+ people out of work. Govt also raised alcohol taxes & same story.

Are they going to raise gaming taxes despite the current exorbitant gaming taxes & GST Toto pays & drive punters to play illegal or are they going to treat the goose that lays the golden eggs with well-earned respect & at least remove the GST?


2016-03-17 14:11 | Report Abuse

maybe someone is supporting it & ensuring that it will close not below 3.39


2016-03-15 11:13 | Report Abuse

I think that those with vested interest i.e. EPF & Canone are not allowed to vote on this deal. But then they can always pull the Sime Darby stunt.


2016-03-13 13:02 | Report Abuse

Based on the papers, the current price is the year high - some hope on the horizon


2016-03-11 22:50 | Report Abuse

Would they not ultimately require shareholders' approval?


2016-03-11 11:24 | Report Abuse

5 sen is within striking distance unless the performance deteriorates significantly


2016-03-10 09:45 | Report Abuse

Aha did not see the silver lining before on this Bangla issue - thanks ampabella


2016-03-09 21:39 | Report Abuse

Eventually EPF should demand some tangible outcome. I can't imagine that they can be so patient for so long what with the pathetic dividends after a long period of absence of dividends.

Let's go to the AGM, get the door gifts, eat the food & make some noise to rattle the snooty, pretentious, coat-wearing board. They should tolerate our tirades and brickbats to justify their fees.


2016-03-09 21:31 | Report Abuse

Don't hope for 3. The Co is scrapping the bottom of the barrel just to pay dividends. With GST eating up the bottom lines to feed the desperate government, the price will remain moribund.


2016-03-09 21:27 | Report Abuse

Yippee! more share buybacks


2016-03-09 16:28 | Report Abuse

Maxis shares got a boost in the form of personal commitment from their CEO when he personally bought >360k of shares @ 6.33


2016-03-09 16:25 | Report Abuse

MissElizaClarke - Digi announced payment on 25 Mar


2016-03-02 10:08 | Report Abuse

Maybe EPF is selling so that ASB can pick up large chunks at low prices?


2016-02-29 14:03 | Report Abuse

Aiyo! even TVT is disposing off at a low price!


2016-02-27 09:27 | Report Abuse

This stock help me neutralise the massive losses I've incurred in other stocks. TQ Aji !!!


2016-02-27 09:24 | Report Abuse

But at the same time, Amanah Saham Bumiputra has been swallowing big chunks of Digi


2016-02-27 08:58 | Report Abuse

Maybe EPF knows something that we don't?