
sheldon | Joined since 2013-10-31

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Risk Profile Moderate

Always looking for the best yields





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2023-05-10 12:52 | Report Abuse

The miserly 4 sen dividend is not enough to excite and maintain an erection


2023-05-02 12:38 | Report Abuse

Let's hear Sanusi's WORKABLE ideas to generate revenue not harebrained ones that produces only excuses as to why it failed after costing a bomb


2023-04-28 16:23 | Report Abuse

The govt should nurture this goose that lays golden eggs instead of listening to certain religious quarters who claim that it's evil yet willing to turn a blind eye to egregious corruption.

If it's evil, the solution is simple - don't play the game & don't enjoy the revenue generated.


2023-04-27 04:14 | Report Abuse

Strange - Despite high NTA, low PE & high Dividend yield, the price is low. Some kind of twilight zone happening here!

Any views as to how we will perform in Q1?
A. Loss
B. < 50m profit
C. 50-100m profit
D. > 100m profit

Come on let's have some fun counting the chickens before they hatch!


2023-03-14 09:40 | Report Abuse

Just when I think it cannot get any lower!
100% track record of losing every deal but what the heck, it's part of the game.


2023-03-07 06:49 | Report Abuse

Anything in excess is bad. Eating in excess is bad because it leads to diabetes, heart problems, weight problems etc but are we going to ban food?

Excess spending on consumer goods like cars and clothes will lead to bankruptcy and family violence and breakdown but are we going to ban vendors from selling and people from buying?

Also you should understand economics. Having a lot of money in your bank account will not help the economy grow. You've to spend it - get it circulating & that transforms into GDP. I hope you're not planning on a career in our Ministry of Finance because your views are shallow and will indeed destroy this country.

BTW you keep picking on Australia. It's a well-run country without your advice. In fact a lot of Malaysians (Malays, Chinese & others) want to get into Australia. Nobody's fighting to get into Afghanistan & Yemen where gambling's absent - are you?


2023-02-28 17:03 | Report Abuse

A lot of Short Selling yet the price did not come down


2023-02-28 13:30 | Report Abuse

Good123 - insaflah Afghanistan has even more losses per capita or was it Yemen, yet both these countries have no gambling.

So maybe gambling is good for the economy!


2023-02-28 10:06 | Report Abuse

The next time I attend Amway AGM, I'll kiss the feet of the board, management and the ABOs - for carefully navigating this Co to a more than decent profit despite all the threats and headwinds - inflation, supply chain issues and fake products -to mention a few.


2023-02-26 22:50 | Report Abuse

Barring unforseen circumstances - If it drops to 15, I'd sell every other asset including the kitchen sink and park all my money here, sit back and wait


2023-02-20 16:08 | Report Abuse

i3lurker - I'm somewhat like you. I have a conscience. That's why I don't touch Genting. It could wipe out fortunes in a matter of minutes.

However Sports Toto is a different kettle of fish. It's gives the lower rung of society an excitement of sorts for a small sum. A chance for them to strike it big for as little as a ringgit. What can anyone get for 1 ringgit these days? Nobody's forcing. The Co afterall pays a massive yearly amount (close to 800m) to the Fed Govt in the form of gaming taxes. The name of Sports Toto predecessor "Social Welfare" aptly sums up its role.

So go ahead and invest without guilt. There's a fine line between investment and betting. I've lost a lot (and made a lot) betting on stocks (or is it investing?)


2023-01-30 14:03 | Report Abuse

I sold some pref but still have some bullets left.


2023-01-18 10:29 | Report Abuse

What's spiking the share price?
Expectations of great performance going forward?


2023-01-17 12:24 | Report Abuse

The rise of Amway I believe is consonant with the fall of USD against MYR. The MYR has been bashed down by politicians and I'm of the opinion that they have managed very well to continue paying dividends quarterly - kudos to the management!

I too raised a valid question at the AGM regarding its hedging policies. They were reticent in their response.

I wondered why? But I've since figured it out & fully understand why. They probably can't explain without looking bad. Believe me - it's in the interest of shareholders.


2023-01-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

I think a significant spike in earnings will come from the increased yields of debt instruments - fixed deposits, new purchases of bonds etc. As wsb indicated, it's positive for all insurance companies.


2023-01-13 10:45 | Report Abuse

I think you meant cum div price


2023-01-12 11:54 | Report Abuse

I'm not done yet. Hoping to swoop in if and when there's a bigger than expected drop. Only issue is that investors have to wait a year to reap the gains. The lack of trading liquidity makes this a boring stock to trade.


2023-01-11 14:43 | Report Abuse

I've sold my entire stake.
I reasoned that it must be an irrational exuberance for fantastic dividends that has pushed its share price to such heights.


2023-01-11 13:52 | Report Abuse

Just received the dividend. Must celebrate!


2023-01-11 13:48 | Report Abuse

Is online betting permissible for S.Toto, Magnum & DaMaCai?
I thought the govt does not allow it


2023-01-03 05:13 | Report Abuse

Crack spreads have leaped more than doubled - will we see some significant jump in Petron shares? Let's see how this unfolds on the price.


2022-12-22 09:48 | Report Abuse

One can manufacture profits with creative accounting and dubious accounting standards. I've invested in some companies that have massive reserves accumulated over years of profitability. Shareholders however suffer with share price stunted and microscopic dividends.
Dividends is proof of real and not just paper profits.
Generous dividends is proof of real and large profits!
Kudos to the management of Allianz!!


2022-12-14 09:50 | Report Abuse

Magic show taking place in the market now - it's called levitation


2022-12-12 10:38 | Report Abuse

In the past, the final dividend hovered around 40-45 sen.

They've rightfully raised dividends in line with inflation and I belief wised up to the idea that this Co has the capacity to pay handsome dividends to compensate for the shortfall in market price due to lack of trading liquidity. Co being cash rich is good for shareholders but better if the shareholders themselves are cash rich. No strain on the cash flow or reserves to BK in appeasing shareholders but massive goodwill is generated. I hope other cash & reserve-rich companies like Petron can draw lessons from BK.


2022-12-09 20:43 | Report Abuse

I'm rich! I'm rich!


2022-12-07 10:47 | Report Abuse

Dividend announcement imminent - either today or tomorrow.
Hopefully generous. Need to fatten my pocket money.


2022-12-05 22:53 | Report Abuse

I like it very much when management buys back shares - less dividends to pay, better ROE and EPS.


2022-11-30 11:07 | Report Abuse

My take ... Crack spread certainly has a bearing on the fortunes of Petron, given that it has a refiner.

The spread plunged considerably in early July and was in negative territory albeit only for fleeting moments. However that is a one-size-fits-all generic curve.

Specifically for Petron, it appeared worst to have generated a negative gross profit.


2022-11-26 05:46 | Report Abuse

Performance is down with continued losses. However the Public Relations is very good to dress up the losses to look like profit. Cerita banyak goreng saja.


2022-11-22 09:20 | Report Abuse

Well done management!


2022-10-25 12:36 | Report Abuse

Fellow academicians/analysts/investors - Hazard a guess as to the quarterly EPS or profit?


2022-10-21 10:59 | Report Abuse

Come December - dividend announcement - the bigger of the 2 yearly dividend announcements - get ready to fill up your bank account


2022-10-19 10:11 | Report Abuse

Don't you guys find this rampant issuance of options, the latest being for 19.1m shares disturbing?


2022-10-02 13:35 | Report Abuse

A dividend play as market expecting a high dividend announcement come Jan.


2022-09-29 15:41 | Report Abuse

Wow!! Kudos to the management. Great performance. Love the dividends!!!


2022-09-26 10:46 | Report Abuse

Urgh! Should've taken the next bus


2022-09-22 10:04 | Report Abuse

Come on - get on the bus!


2022-09-13 20:51 | Report Abuse

@sheldon, I don't want to get into this discussion too much as I don't hold the stock, however I'm bored this afternoon and saw your comment about BK not having any exposure to foreign debt.

I have to correct your statement, BK does have foreign loans , such as USD, GBP, AUD, JPY, EURO. and RMB.

Noted I stand corrected tq. However note 35 of the Ann Rpt only mentioned rather vaguely sketchily ... "The aggregate outstanding nominal value of the Ringgit Sukuk and Non-Ringgit Sukuk issued under the 2nd Programme shall not exceed RM1.6 billion (or its equivalent in foreign currencies)."


2022-09-13 15:20 | Report Abuse


I said before n saying again...

FYI I've combed through the accounts & I did not come across any FX borrowings


2022-09-09 15:28 | Report Abuse

1 share for every 120. So if you've 1000 shares, then you'll get 1000/120 = 8 shares


2022-09-08 13:33 | Report Abuse

Looks like it's fast becoming a penny stock. I bought for me and my poor sister. What should I tell her?

Their sales team are bums. The only thing of value in this company is the insurance license.


2022-09-07 10:06 | Report Abuse

Heng Yuan should take precaution. Make sure that the chairs are bolted to the floor or else it would bring back memories of MICA AGM


2022-08-29 10:25 | Report Abuse

Fellow investors, don't you think that whilst rise in interest rates may be bad in terms of fair value, the new cash flows form coupons, dividends & premiums will be able to invest at higher yields?

So rise in interest rates is a boon to the insurance companies.

Comments welcome


4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Yada yada blah blah blah.
Intellectuals, please tell us the bottom line.
Is the market for Petron shares on Mon 29 Aug going to ...
A. rise up like superbull
B. bounce up & down a little around where it is
C. drop despite all the huffing & puffing of a great EPS ?


2022-08-02 13:31 | Report Abuse

An odd day for me. A day of mixed emotions. I'm firing away on 2 engines - Petron & Canone but some strong headwinds with B.Kawan!!


2022-07-02 12:52 | Report Abuse

Market spooked because our big brother sold-off a big chunk of shares??


2022-08-16 12:50 | Report Abuse

This counter is toxic waste in my portfolio. The bottom seems bottomless.


2022-08-12 17:09 | Report Abuse

Short sellers (4.58m) exacerbated the fall. Picked up some not at the lowest price. Despite that I'll be waiting when they decide to square their position.