
shirley1 | Joined since 2012-07-25

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2012-12-20 09:00 | Report Abuse

Yalor uncle, you must be rich and lonely in foreign country there, no one to talk to. When I'm free I write some jokes in my new page, not sad story huh.. smile while you still have teeth :). free cyber talk soon, limited cyberspace seats.. cheers


2012-12-18 08:45 | Report Abuse

feel kkchongz is good and knowledgeable. but huh next time you have company to list, better dont engage him cuz he will tell the company real value. instead of sell 10m he will sell at 2m... jus kidding..


2012-12-18 06:45 | Report Abuse

fine ok. not sure the details. but looking at ys shareholder list, quite impressed general lee convincing power. :)


2012-12-17 23:05 | Report Abuse

Frank, he did not cabut la jus that he did not visit i3 anymore, i presume.. he is real, you can visit his FB, or find his e-mail in most of his lessons in his blog in i3, if u wish to find him.. I guess. anyway, he is not a bad guy la ...


2012-12-16 17:57 | Report Abuse

why ys like KNM so much ? is it a family business ?

News & Blogs

2012-12-14 18:57 | Report Abuse

Karenng, you are kind and good heart person :)

We may not know each other even we live in real world with diff culture and diff thinking, not to say cyberspace la. So what is real ? Does uncle teacher mean some fake in real world is real ? Let face the real world and not always living in the past.

Seriously, it is good to dream big but not talk big, I still don't believe lor he is willing to help newbies without fees, recruiting students say recruiting la why long story ? what is there to be shame off !!

Sorry huh, I'm jus barking... If we wish to learn to see things objectively, normally we look for some facts, guess this is one of the way we control our emo :)

News & Blogs

2012-12-14 07:44 | Report Abuse

Datuk, you are not a trader, guess you got money ppl one haha.. anyway thanks for sharing.

let continue to talk a bit of nonsense... is human cruel ?

When I was working in Manila, me and my friend use to walk back to hotel, on the way we will see a father with his daughter (think around 4 years old), think they don't have home and hang around that area, me and my friend will normally pass some coins to them, got around 40 peso. Frankly speaking, we did not pity the father (look like can work type), but human is still human, we pity his daughter, do not know whether she have eaten dinner..

Cuz of work, me and my friend hav been to many countries, we do see some kids pee or shit in public in certain country. But if I ask my kid to pee or shit at longkang beside the street in public, my kid will insist "NO" and find him a toilet. Guess it is how we are educated and depend on the country culture, maybe no right or wrong.

So are we emo and are we human... haha

to be continued....


2012-12-13 06:57 | Report Abuse

Namo is here !! Maybe he sense there is a race here soon. vroom, vroom...

News & Blogs

2012-12-12 13:01 | Report Abuse

At youtube, search for Rusell Peters - beating your kids. good video.

His father say to him "somebody going to get hurt", rusell know is him but why is his father still give him hope saying "somebody"

See how asian teach their kids.


News & Blogs

2012-12-11 14:13 | Report Abuse

I so sorry, I'm learning, even with one reader or no reader, I continue to write..

Math is definitely important, cuz we need to learn to compute or calculate. Teacher definitely contributed a lot to the society, teach the know how and teach how to pass exam. example, exam question, If 1k make 1 mil, 500 make how much and 100 make how much? So, 500 will make 500k and 100 will make 100k.

But huh, after we started working, some of us find the answer is not so correct !! cuz the answer can be any amount or even negative. Notice quite a number of the analysis ending with question mark "?" or "THINK", is it cuz he not sure and expecting some answers or feedbacks ? and claimed that can help ppl to profit.

Sorry huh, jus puzzle why someone claimed to be caring and sincere in sharing doing this?

Time for lunch..

News & Blogs

2012-12-11 07:14 | Report Abuse

Sometime my son use to ask me bout his primary school math homework, then i mah teach him lor, my son will say "teacher say not like that one", i explain to him again got other way, he start crying and say, "teacher say must follow one otherwise teacher will scold one",

sometime i really very mad teaching my son do homework. but still concerns bout him, i pay money to send my son to tuition center to do homework. any parents experience this?

In work place sometime we also hear this, he said one, she said one, my boss said one, my management said one and bla bla.. cannot blame ppl ler, maybe we are educated like tat since we are kids..

one thing good bout it, our kids learn to be discipline, respect the elderly, and parents. so i still respect teacher.

So so busy, some jokers schedule the meeting in early morning, need to rush for it... write when got time...

News & Blogs

2012-12-10 09:46 | Report Abuse

I can be wrong, without punt and luck i think it is quite impossible, obviuosly teacher never teach punt, luck can teach one meh, maybe drop a bit already cut loss ... 1k capital to punt maybe not enuf.. i was a gambler once upon a time.

News & Blogs

2012-12-10 08:59 | Report Abuse

Sathya, if you said that i will not dispute one, i respect your view. like u you said need a lot of luck and god help. there's always lucky person in the world even sport toto ppl can kena. Having said that, u did not profit anything from what you said for ur kind sharing.

y'know i heard my friend said. His buddy made 700,000 in one day, he admit is luck. Reason, a dealer key in wrong for sell then need to buy back a lot. and is not using 1k capital.

News & Blogs

2012-12-10 07:09 | Report Abuse

Buy sport toto, within 10 years there are few millionaire created. The chances is higher and more realistic. Haha

If this is jus marketing strategy, probably ppl will read and forget. If write from heart, claimed he know life or the world, it will give ppl impression he is dishonest or something like a con man, and lose his reputation.. If I'm him, I will ask someone else to do the course marketing. after all he is a teacher.. pls dont pretend know marketing after read few books.. Hahaha

If I irritate someone, sorry to be sarcastic .. skip reading and jus treat as barking, don't be dumb..

News & Blogs

2012-12-10 00:12 | Report Abuse

1k to hit 1 mil in 10 years, need around 100% per annum compounding. cannot make mistake within the 10 years, to increase the chances, better dont hav any bear run during the 10 years period. bear run come it can easily wipe off 10 to 20 % of ur portfolio values or even more.

Even veteran dare not to commit this, not to say someone who is novice. If can hit I guess is purely luck and gamble, guess not using skills you learn. But ur name definitely in investment history book.

Hope don't mind I say this, the maintenance cost for monitoring for 10 years could be more than 1k. the subscription you pay if you are paying customer. if after 10 years cannot hit, opps.. sorry I did not promise you, it is at ur own risk :)

For those wish to try, actually no harm trying ... and good luck.

News & Blogs

2012-12-09 20:11 | Report Abuse

If anyone feel stupid or like no IQ one. I think we skip la.. no point wasting time..

need to rush for something, write when free on the cyberspace..

News & Blogs

2012-12-09 20:02 | Report Abuse

Anyone in the market for more than 10 years, base on guts feel.. is it achievable ? mind share ?

I'm in market less than 10 years.

News & Blogs

2012-12-09 19:56 | Report Abuse

To achieve 1 mil in 10 years using 1k capital. Base on one of mr teh writing he said is possible. He ask THINK and he is open-minded to accept ideas.

jus take note this, cuz do not want to say cannot without supporting facts. If can, seriously wish to find out how.. If I understand the article wrongly. please do correct me.

News & Blogs

2012-12-09 15:30 | Report Abuse

KC can be Zhuge Liang too. :) and most ppl prefer to learn smart, i believe we have a lot of smart ppl in this forum.

think Sima Yi plant the tree and his sons enjoy the fruits haha

y'know, to my surprise one of my friend choose Liu Bei's son Liu Shan, known to be stupid. think he is a smart guy too, enyoy life and have no worry. hahaha

News & Blogs

2012-12-09 11:00 | Report Abuse

im not a trader and im not in software too :)

Let me tell you a real joke.

So, we mah have periodic meeting with my paymaster lor, there is one guy bring up something in the meeting, telling having some problems and need to brainstorm how to solve them. You know what reply he get from the paymaster. after that, the whole room in silent.

“You idiot, I pay you money and give you car. You telling me problems and brainstorm with you. You want me to pull back your car or not ? or I work for you and you pay me, I tell you how to solve ?”

I think it is true you know, sometime because we don’t have time or don’t have expertise in certain areas. that why, we pay money to professional to teach us how to do, and give us the answer. It is not we tell the professional how to do and think together.

News & Blogs

2012-12-09 09:42 | Report Abuse

Gumbo, ok.. i respect your privacy as you do not wish to discuss your identify and life here.

Some ppl may think you are not real. It is true that we can't write to please everyone, but some teachers would expect others change to write
something that please everyone or minimally write something that please him. otherwise you are "barking". hahaha

i'm sorry i can't change my writing style to please everyone or just one person. let blah blah on what a teacher think is cyberspace, real and freedom.

busy, write later..

News & Blogs

2012-12-08 21:32 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2012-12-08 19:30 | Report Abuse

Yes, I like reading for pleasure and knowledge. :)

I like watch 3 kingdom, which character u want to be in the 3 kingdom ?

News & Blogs

2012-12-08 18:24 | Report Abuse

Ggecko, ok.. you are rite.. that why I say politic is sensitive. I never like politic, unfortunately I work in a very politic company, I have no choice but deal with things diplomatically.

To me, politic is one of the most dirty thing in the world. If some the successful businessman against the politician, maybe they are digging their own grave, I can be wrong. Being together with politician does not mean must have "corruption", can it be relationship management making ur business run easier..

If someone dislike any govt, need not use bad words to describe them.. be civilized

Guess "corruption" has existed for how long.. how many hundred years ago ? Why is it still there today ? Will you believe someone will come up and totally eliminate this ? Serious, I have no answer, and I never pretend I know politics.

To me, as long the govt can do good to the country and rakyat, I will vote for them.

News & Blogs

2012-12-08 17:00 | Report Abuse

Ya ya, so far he is still consistent on charity. I think he like charity and sincere on this. :)

But huh, better don't write politics, once he write, maybe all the bad words come out, maybe he does not know what is politics, don't tell us he go bersih shout BN, BN... Hahaha

News & Blogs

2012-12-08 13:47 | Report Abuse

Base on his blog, he is nuetral on BN and opposition. Understand he attended the bersih rally and wanted write something on that ... hahaha. I think we skip, politic is too sensitive..

Really really need to go.

News & Blogs

2012-12-08 13:33 | Report Abuse

Ggecko, ok. no problem. ya, it is a norm ppl agree and disagree. jus feel certain info he give is a bit misleading and nothing personal against him.

Let continue with his blog.. well, we are not saying he is bad huh, probably jus rephrase what he wrote from his blog which he claimed write from his heart and real.

Let talk real... I share the same view like some of the forum member, I don't think he can achieve this yet.

Sixth, can train millionaire trader, don't mind if ask, does he had one million already, remember reading he is still working towards the first million. if a trader does not have one million, dare to trade one million? I salute his guts. or he use other ppl money to risk. or over sell himself.

His political view say already you will laugh.. i got read some of his blog related to this. like say cut ear later on change mind dont want to cut.. i notice he use fxxx, you can see how much he hate certain group. well, i think politic is not always bad one. not to say country la office also got mah. haha

have to go again..

News & Blogs

2012-12-08 07:30 | Report Abuse

Please note this is not a personal attack, so pls do not ask me to come out and shake hand.

Jus giving my view only huh, I'm not send by anyone to this forum to salvage the newbies huh. cuz I believe they are above the age where they are able to judge and make their own decision. whether is wrong or right is a learning process.

Fifth, I believe he is a good math teacher, I also believe he can teach TA like reading diagrams, candle, line and etc. but I do not believe he know the corporate world well, serious meh a teacher teach in classroom talk as if in real corporate or business world for long long time like know the CEO or businessman very well. However, I believe can find out by reading, attend seminars, i3 or from friends.

he say he is leading an e-tartle group, his trading group and etc la. he form this group is to share information, sharing is caring (need $$ to join or not? Haha). Then he call his customers or friends as his followers and his trading group ? serious, he has some experience guys in the group, did he charge them (or those are his business partner) while he getting info and learn at the same time. haha.

Need to go wet market, busy family day..

News & Blogs

2012-12-07 20:01 | Report Abuse

And I personally do not know cpteh

News & Blogs

2012-12-07 20:00 | Report Abuse

Read his blog. I commented on some of his thread.

Can I write more if ok with you because I also feel his information a bit misleading?

News & Blogs

2012-12-07 19:53 | Report Abuse

Ggecko, im sorry and i do not mean to be rude.

Canu63, i totally agreed. So, if we do not know a person, like cpteh may not know some of the forum members here, he dislike ppl disagree, is it ok to call ppl "dogs barking". Let be objective and have some mature thinking. If he is right, why afraid ppl challenge.

Busy, we write bout leadership he so call when free..

News & Blogs

2012-12-07 17:38 | Report Abuse

I always feel nothing wrong what he write, you feel something wrong I write? Ppl need to be educated correctly. pls be gentlement, don't discuss sex here. I'm not interested in ur sex life. This is not a prono site.

News & Blogs

2012-12-07 17:20 | Report Abuse

Shit, traffic jam.. maybe I should buy KFC for dinner.. sorry huh if I irritate telling this... maybe I should write bout leadership for a trading group next time..

News & Blogs

2012-12-07 16:57 | Report Abuse

Jpleow, beside hypocrite, pen is mightier than sword, jus puzzle why someone want to kill himself using his own pen. yet standing firm this is the principle. By the way I'm learning too huh. I may say something wrong too, pls do so to correct.. Let continue and be educated together..

Fourth, base on what I read from your articles look like you feel something wrong with the world because not all agreeable with you, you feel you are here to salvage the world. You see huh.. if we cannot change the world, we must learn to adapt to it. let someone that have the ability to change.. believe it there is ppl having this capability. like that huh, it will make you happier and make money at the same time. What make you think all ppl will listen to you? did you have a deprived childhood or something tough you experience when young that you have this character? Mind share, since you already share your personal life..

Need to rush home to cook, continue when free..

News & Blogs

2012-12-07 07:38 | Report Abuse

third, actually no one can stop you from posting your blog in this forum except the admin. you dislike noise but you acknowledge to the noise and dont know how to filter the noise. you said you want to go, then you come back, many many times. look like you a salesman selling courses more than teaching. You have given ppl the impression that you maintain no stance, indecisive, emotional (base on ur writing hantam ppl back or mention name), look like teach hate .. which I guess is dangerous in doing trading. seriously, your are the mentor to students? But you are honest, real and telling the truth..

Have to rush for work, write later..

News & Blogs

2012-12-06 23:10 | Report Abuse

your good friends won't tell you this maybe they don't want to hurt you or they are fake. I have analyzed some of your writings as you said you write from your heart. I can be sarcastic and hope you don't mind.. cuz I believe that's life, anyone wish to correct pls do so.

second, keep your ego at home, while you still staying in small house, driving old car or bike.once you are billionaire or a lot lot of money liao, stay in bukit tunku, having driver to drive you in Mercedes, take out your ego and show then.. whatever you said chances ppl will believe liao, in this case we measure success by money, if measure success by happiness why come this forum? Not the right place.

To be continue.. Good night.

News & Blogs

2012-12-06 22:15 | Report Abuse

Mr Teh, have you wonder why you under attack or under the spotlight despite what you said is correct or wrong ? seriously, you want to be successful and never figure out why ? Haha you indeed have some good friends surrounding you ..

Guess first one is you are a teacher, a teacher teach, we are in cyberspace, we don't expect all to know each other.

Seriously, only a few disagreeable with you.. Haha. Guys please raise your hand if find some the writings are educational..

We don't bark in public forum, like we don't shout in library, it is a common sense. jus kidding no hard feeling.. I am busy, will write more during weekend.. I love writing.. please support me next time if I write book.

News & Blogs

2012-12-06 21:15 | Report Abuse

When he see me come home, he bark to welcome me home. When he see stranger, good or bad guy, he will bark too.

News & Blogs

2012-12-06 21:12 | Report Abuse

I have a poodle, he will bark if he does know the person, the person can be a good guy or a bad guy.


2012-12-04 13:51 | Report Abuse

Kcchongnz, thank you.


2012-12-04 09:58 | Report Abuse

Gark, i like your answer and believe you are someone dont just base on mathematics. haha. one can be expert in mathematics or math teacher. guess what make some of the business owner successful is they see things differently, can predict the future, maybe with some luck and something that cannot be quantified. Unfortunately, I can’t do that yet :(


2012-12-04 08:34 | Report Abuse

Kcchongnz, im learning, hope im not asking something stupid, something sometime i don't quite understand bout the intrinsic value, reason notice some using the cashflow to project, and some using the growth rate & PE to project. in your view which way is more reliable ? company with low PE may not necessary be good, cuz some may say this type of company not growing or maybe some other reasons.

News & Blogs

2012-12-04 07:47 | Report Abuse

Albert, there is something jus out of curiosity I ask. Is the cohort group his stock watch group that paying money or his friends with same interest? If paying, I thought this group should be his customers, isn't it.. seriously there are ppl willing to pay money to be his followers beside pay money to learn trading ?

Not bad ler his Spsetia went up, but I think he is still losing money in TM now 5.46 because he bought at a higher price haha. maybe he already cut-loss again.


2012-12-02 01:18 | Report Abuse

Still scare scare, how come no one challenge the ang-mo estimated TP ? don't tell us the ang-mo don't know what is PE!!

Very funny one sometime, my company also got employ ang-mo, whenever we no confident to convince the local customers, my boss sure use the ang-mo theory, bring the ang-mo together to see customer, you know the ang-mo just show face only and it can change the behavior of the customer. haha.

maybe later some stock watch group will pop up and say got doji ding dong bell (learn from cat) haha


2012-12-01 17:32 | Report Abuse

The ang-mo estimate TP 3.3, 3.35, 3.5 ... very high huh ..


2012-12-01 17:17 | Report Abuse

yeah.. reaching rm3 soon. but PE still high, can reach meh? I'm still holding the 1000shares I kena :(


2012-11-23 08:03 | Report Abuse

can one..

see u can use the "one" to emphasize.. haha jus kidding, anyway teach ur kids to use proper english in exam. :)

Announcements & Events

2012-11-22 21:21 | Report Abuse

Ya, probably, but surprisingly, the company still delivering results all this while, something I think it still depend on the person that run the company. :)


2012-11-22 21:09 | Report Abuse

A mix of English with local favor, jus end the can with something, the meaning will be diff,

Can hah or can meh = are you sure ?
Can la = yes
Can ler = yes, of course
Can lor = yes, I think so

News & Blogs

2012-11-22 07:47 | Report Abuse

KC, no la, just doing it for fun.. haha. it's nice sharing and learning great guru philosophy.

That article is bout WB investment philosophy, guess he also believe no wrong if ppl have other ways :)