
smallkid91 | Joined since 2020-06-09

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2020-07-15 14:11 | Report Abuse

@gooshenNo1fan yeah. Profit taking is always encouraged. Thats winning the game :)

Go have some happy hour with your wife lots of discounts for fine dining/hotels around.


2020-07-15 13:54 | Report Abuse

@Bisonbull only if the world is collapsing/financial meltdown

Btw put warrants have low liquidity... from past experience, during ganjeong time operator will widen the spread/remove buy/sell queues haha.

Also i think there's no put warrants in the money right now.. so there's that..

You can short stocks next year. Theres also inverse etf, leaving some money to average down. Depending on your portfolio size, you might want to combine several financial tools to use to limit your exposure..

Anyway.. word of caution.. its often harder to be a bear.. need to fight against government, stimulus, tax breaks and some idiots on forum spreading fake insider news that brings the stock to moon and tear your puts to pieces.


2020-07-15 13:01 | Report Abuse

@insidershark AFAIK... Malaysia's tech more on manufacturing, which countries like vietnam is putting pressure on. :X


2020-07-15 12:38 | Report Abuse

Bisonbull.. you got it wrong... H ones are put warrants.... Rm5 - current price...

(Exercise price - mother stock price) / ratio reflects the actual value of the warrants.. take klci put warrants if you want.. but it has a lot of banks, o&g exposure, pmetal which are inverse pandemic.

Need all those stocks to crash.. without short selling, will be tough. Usually 7-10pts for 1cent gain.


2020-07-14 23:31 | Report Abuse

@sdnbhd just to add on.. afaik.. the humid weather in malaysia not suited for long term parkings. Long range planes might be moved elsewhere like cathay is looking into.


2020-07-14 18:24 | Report Abuse

:O i sold.. what have i done..

Goodluck and congrats to all of the diamond hands here. You guys deserve it.


2020-07-14 16:22 | Report Abuse

We'll welcome glove stock holders with open arms


2020-07-14 13:42 | Report Abuse

@coronacomment top of my head will be Funds derisking from growth stocks to utilities. Earnings are coming up, potential bloodbath soon :x


2020-07-14 10:36 | Report Abuse

Omg ... reversal..



Kidding. Just messing with you guys on my coffee break. Have a great day ahead!


2020-07-14 04:09 | Report Abuse

California closing back again :x so rally continues tomorrow?


2020-07-14 00:04 | Report Abuse

@mabel haha. No worries, i actually envy you for being familiar with airasia trading patterns and took on risk to capitalize on it. Secretly cursing those sweet gains that you got

@maf1964 as a fisherman.. remember epf's pocket is deeper. You may not be able to average down like they do..

Also directors have to work now that mco is truly over.. dont kacau them :P

@all on serbdk
Not sure if anyone has the same experience or line of thought.. Looking at all the piled up work and increased meetings due to wfh.... I no longer have much time to catch up on stocks... Will just opt to systematically buy my favorite stocks each month or two. (Not gloves =p)


2020-07-13 23:29 | Report Abuse

Anyway for warrants holder.... Might wan to switch some to mother stocks..

I view bursa's limit down amendment as a negative news.. (due to the fact that they are entertaining it) just incase a bear market starts, you limit your exposure.


2020-07-13 19:25 | Report Abuse

If Rm7 i will consider taking margin... Live off dividend rest of my life.. :P


2020-07-10 20:49 | Report Abuse

@kong73 but retailers all like to buy near to resistance sell near to support trend lines =P

this is the way =p


2020-07-10 17:58 | Report Abuse

@zen_2k haha yeah..
cutloss go airasia. Den get unloaded at airasia cutloss join serbadk. The vicious cycle done right :p

Wait for paycheck, buy long term fav ang moh stocks. Keep some for klci and goreng emergencies. Rinse and repeat :p

Or buy options den tell wife this month got mco paycut :p

So which one is you all crazy fellas on serbadk :P


2020-07-10 17:01 | Report Abuse

Use flight ticket prices to gauge airlines loading factor.. not looking good at the moment.. hope you guys took the parachute earlier.


2020-07-10 16:54 | Report Abuse

@8dragon.. most of us already went to airasia and came back d. :P WFH culture has changed MNC.. AFAIK.. Corporate travels not coming back anytime soon... (Mabel's gonna rebute this, but fortunately this is serbadk thread :p)


2020-07-10 16:15 | Report Abuse

Index funds sell off lor.. due to global sentiment. You can see all retailers favourite going up :P

Dividend yield 4.4% now. Not good compared to glove stocks for retailers :p


2020-07-10 14:58 | Report Abuse

Ya show starts in the evenings. Mid day dr lim at meetings.... Need him to drive manufacturing expansion also..


2020-07-10 14:52 | Report Abuse

Gogo papa lim. Take us to the moon!


2020-07-10 14:28 | Report Abuse

@dickyme Yeah. UNITEN scholarships also.. met a couple of very bright graduates over the years.

Support support. Also dividend dividend. With the low lending rate, its possible to see uptakes of new projects for expansion also.. (which is rare in utilities play)

Im sure as hell not chasing tenaga when its 13.5/14 next year


2020-07-10 13:53 | Report Abuse

Utilities is inverse of growth stock. When people chase growth stocks, they might trim holdings on dividend stocks.. This is when the appeal for dividend investors grows.

If you're into dividend play there's avago formerly broadcomm on nasdaq also. Short term headwinds due to penang plant shutdown during mco and exposure to commercial electronics (iot) instead of consumer based electronics which everyone is buying.


2020-07-10 12:46 | Report Abuse

Hahaha lanesra wrong counter. please go support topglov. We need you there also :P


2020-07-10 12:44 | Report Abuse

Shit.. so many fisherman gathering here..

Remember to spread the queues further apart just incase this year's dividend is reduced.

Soon the folks that park their money at reits may look here d. Last few safe havens remaining :P


2020-07-10 02:16 | Report Abuse

@mabel i'm glad to hear that.

Nasdaq tech stocks also flying to the moon. Dont need to take on additional risk from airasia la =p join the dark side.


2020-07-09 23:53 | Report Abuse

Jeffrey not so soon. This wan is more like safe haven for folks to divest pull from fd and put into parking. Most of us have a day job, cannot monitor stock prices every minute so we set long term buy/sell queue.

Since you've bought in. You can try queue low den sell at high to maximize your gains if you plan to fish for some kopi duit.

Be patient. Eazy profit when it goes closes to dividend period next year. Go nasdaq and chase tech stocks if you're chasing for growth.

Bear note: klci is at resistance & earnings season is coming. may electric usage dropped by 20% we might see more movement downwards first..


2020-07-09 14:45 | Report Abuse

@investor88 in bursa it means PN17- Promising News 17

Thats why soaring today =p


2020-07-09 14:42 | Report Abuse

Bring us to the moon papa karim


2020-07-09 02:19 | Report Abuse

@Daily8 welcome to the air asia bear gang recruit :p you finally turned dark lol. Klci/nasdaq/shanghai opportunities aplenty.

We can always come back later and ride with the gang when its uptrend again.


2020-07-08 22:55 | Report Abuse

@joyvest.. until you extrapolate to june :x
If really have to go in, i recommend to do it in stages


2020-07-08 22:02 | Report Abuse

@Mabel Not true. Some investors loves to be part of a turn around company.

The challenge is to Stay profitable..


I agree. Different investor has different fetishes =p For myself, nothing beats the feeling of buying puts and watch it print earlier in June. Then... losing all the gains in the july stock rally. =p Sounds about right..


2020-07-08 21:15 | Report Abuse

Lol this forum toxic betul.. :p It's ok if other folks wan to invest and support airasia as they recall all the fond memories eating santan meals at airasia.. so many mean beans pouring salts on people's wound.

Good luck brave airasia warriors. Take a nice bath, reread the financials, extrapolate.. look into other counters, make a strategy before market opens tomorrow.


2020-07-08 20:01 | Report Abuse

I saw with my own eyes, 60k support block gone in a second. Ran immediately. :P

Those participating in hit and run tomorrow, goodluck to you guys..


2020-07-08 15:52 | Report Abuse

So guys... Topglov on the next dip? =P


2020-07-08 15:44 | Report Abuse

Airasia hedge fuel price at the wrong time. So it will lose its cost competitiveness against malindo, firefly, malaysia airlines for a while.

Santan also impacted.

Can invest la. But as a fisherman i believe can get it at a much lower price.


2020-07-08 15:36 | Report Abuse

@Sinkalan replied you above d. 50% flight resumption. I took back my statement. Thanks.


2020-07-08 15:35 | Report Abuse

Im a fisherman im also running :p
When 60k lots gone in 2second, you run first lol


2020-07-08 15:32 | Report Abuse

Kambing korban.. runnnn n


2020-07-08 15:19 | Report Abuse

Im correcting my statement. 70% resumption in july is wrong. Probably year end or next year.


2020-07-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

@yazid.. retailers not afraid because there's no short selling. Else i believe 40cents possible :p


2020-07-08 15:02 | Report Abuse

Next shareholder meeting to propose airasia provide staffs with gloves from harta/topglov/supermx. :P


2020-07-08 14:55 | Report Abuse

Pisang goreng in action.


2020-07-08 14:47 | Report Abuse

Feels like hertz. Get ready bois


2020-07-08 13:33 | Report Abuse

July rally means utilities dropping like flies :p good for fishermans while we unload other stocks onto the next bag holders :p

@mabel. I hope u are saving some bullets for the potential august/sept DIPs during the earnings season.


2020-07-08 00:51 | Report Abuse

No short selling no worries? :P

Airasia heading to be goreng counter d.. at least you bunch are saner than folks that jump into permaju.. goodluck


2020-07-08 00:47 | Report Abuse

Wah mabel... How much funds you have.. at this rate you might as well buy the index fund...


2020-07-07 01:49 | Report Abuse

If it opens high, cut loss and move on.
If it dips too low at opening just hold on to it for couple of months.. theres a good fighting chance that revenue will recover next year or 2022 and you'll be rewarded handsomely.

Anyway there's no short selling right now. So i doubt it'll be that bad. Those that are bearish like myself have long dumped our holdings holdings and waiting to collect low.

Who knows it might just rally upwards :/ god knows whats happening to the market these days :p

If you're panic, chant after me... Buy low, sell high, buy low, sell high. I shall not be tempted to reallocate to glove stocks now :p goodluck bursa warriors!


2020-07-05 14:16 | Report Abuse

Shh jokers2020 ruining our cheat codes to make money


2020-07-04 10:56 | Report Abuse

I see meow meow meow, need to top up more serbaD next week.

This logic seems about right :P

Klci heading towards it's resistance. Hopefully it'll be a breakout leaded by our glove stocks.