
soon9913 | Joined since 2011-12-14

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2017-02-12 14:50 | Report Abuse

He feel sad for his uncles but still need to talk facts here ..


2017-02-12 14:47 | Report Abuse

U r right bro stockraider.


2017-02-12 14:31 | Report Abuse

Sayakamiyuki, r u holding any bjc shares now ? If not r u buying soon ?


2017-02-12 09:55 | Report Abuse

Bro, there is no free lunch in the world. U want to get higher return but refuse to take more risk . Better keep the money in d bank.
There is also risk if u keep the money under your bed, maybe eaten by ants, maybe stolen, maybe and maybe ..


2017-02-12 09:42 | Report Abuse

The possibility of right issue is very low, selling overseas assets at China and Canada, huge capital expenditure on Kyoto 4seasons already completed .

If u r so worries, better sell and keep the money in d bank.. haha


2017-02-11 21:37 | Report Abuse

In my opinion, BJC is trading at huge discount of its NTA, and also the business prospect is good.
If u have no confidence better sell it so u can have good sleep at night.


2017-02-11 21:34 | Report Abuse

But ask yourself BJC at this price 40cents is considered overvalued ?


2017-02-11 21:33 | Report Abuse

Vietlott is only operating 7 months . Robin already said it shall be break-even by 12 months of operations.
If u are contra players and not really have cash to hold for at least a few months, better sell..


2017-02-10 20:18 | Report Abuse

This is to shiok BJC brothers here
- the football betting needs to buy ticket over a physical counter. Who has many betting counters at Vietnam ?
- it is win win situation if using vietlott counters as to fully utilised the existing sunk costs and higher profit share to the government ;
- this is not a money matter to open many betting counters, as this is only 5 years pilot license, new comer requires to fork out huge capital expenditure to open counters and yet not sure will get renewal license after 5years later;
- although new comers willing to fork out huge cash to open betting counters, they need a long time to open 2.1K counters like vietlott, it is just time consuming and the government might not want to wait....


2017-02-10 17:35 | Report Abuse

8 February, 2017
On 24 January 2017, the Government issued Decree No. 06/2017/ND-CP, which for the first time legalizes international soccer betting in addition to horse racing betting and greyhound racing betting (Betting Decree).
Some key features:
Betting business is treated as a conditional business sector the satisfaction of which is evidenced by a certificate of satisfaction of betting business conditions (Betting Business License).
An entity can only do horse racing betting, greyhound racing betting once they have received an investment registration certificate (which, for a foreign invested company also serves as a certificate of incorporation) and a certificate for satisfaction of business conditions. The investment registration certificate will only be granted for horse racing betting projects with minimum investment capital of VND1,000 billion (~USD45.9 million). For greyhound betting projects, the minimum investment capital is VND300 billion (~USD13.7 million).
Investment registration certificate will only be granted to 01 (one) international soccer betting pilot project with minimum investment capital of VND1,000 billion (~USD45.9 million). The international soccer betting pilot entity will operate within 5 years from the issuance of the Betting Business License.
The Ministry of Finance will grant the Betting Business License to entities with adequate financial resources, business plans and an appropriate betting and racing bylaws.
Enterprises doing horse racing and greyhound racing business must be in the form of a limited liability company or a joint stock company.
A Betting Business License’s term is maximum 10 years for horse and greyhound racing betting business and 5 years for international soccer betting business from its issuance date but still within the lifespan of the Investment Registration Certificate.
The maximum bet is VND1 million (~USD50) a day and the minimum bet is VND10,000 (~US 50 cents). These limits could be adjusted for each period.
Players must be 21 years old and over and not being objected in writing by parents, spouses, biological children and/or themselves to bet.
There should be no more than three horse/ greyhound races in a week at each location.
The minimum rebate shall be 65% of the revenues from selling wagering tickets.
Wagering tickets will be distributed via terminal equipment and telephone (fixed and mobile ones), excluding via Internet or internet-based applications on telephone. However, distribution of wagering tickets via telephone will only be implemented 01 (one) year after implementing the terminal equipment distribution method. In order to bet via telephone, players must have a registered account with the betting business entity. Payment of rebate must be via the players’ registered account and the bank account of the betting business entity opened at a lawful credit institution in Vietnam.
The Betting Decree will take effect from 31st March 2017


2017-02-10 17:23 | Report Abuse

I search online but couldn't get more news about the betting license tender timeline.
But the decree lifted banned betting football/ racing will take effect by 31.3.17.
It would be a bonus if BJC could win it.


2017-02-10 10:41 | Report Abuse

high vol than WC


2017-02-09 15:10 | Report Abuse

If u don't look good at this counter and don't vest any interest in this counter . But why u r here if u think is not a good counter ?.. damn funny.........


2017-02-08 15:21 | Report Abuse

Good if happen as I really not buy enough at that price. I wish I could go back and buy more.


2017-02-08 10:47 | Report Abuse

then capital investment is not an issue as BJC close one eye also can do it . haha


2017-02-08 10:47 | Report Abuse

as per Mr Google, 1000000000000 Vietnamese Dong equals
44230000.000000 US Dollar

which is USD44.23mil = RM200mil


2017-02-08 10:44 | Report Abuse

yjinnvy, I copied for the news. I'm confused too as too many zero.. .....


2017-02-08 10:23 | Report Abuse

what is the reason for the music to stop if
- Company turnaround from red to black;
- Selling overseas assets and hold cash
- soon to be cash cow assets - Vietlott


2017-02-08 09:56 | Report Abuse

but the requirement does not spell the timeframe to spend this capital, over 5 years should be fine.


2017-02-08 09:54 | Report Abuse

is a heavy investment based on the current financial of BJC


2017-02-08 09:53 | Report Abuse

one of the requirements for the football betting license
-Investment registration certificate will only be granted to 01 (one) international soccer betting pilot project with minimum investment capital of VND1,000 billion (~USD459 million). The international soccer betting pilot entity will operate within 5 years from the issuance of the Betting Business License.
- USD459mil is about RM2bi..


2017-02-07 10:20 | Report Abuse

hippoisback 英文不明白

hippo, give me your wechat ID, I explain to you


2017-02-06 22:14 | Report Abuse

Currently awaiting the Vietnam government open for tender the football betting license .


2017-02-06 17:51 | Report Abuse

everyday up 0.05cents also not bad. :)


2017-02-05 14:18 | Report Abuse

Dear Fren, Buy at your own risk, do your homework, and don't follow blindly.


2017-02-05 12:25 | Report Abuse

Ommani, this is yesterday news from the star..


2017-02-05 11:20 | Report Abuse

If this round BJC got the football and also racing, the share price shall be limit up a few times in coming week?... ('',)


2017-02-05 11:18 | Report Abuse

Last time rumours bjc got Malaysia football gambling licence and the share price shot up to RM1


2017-02-05 11:17 | Report Abuse

Although we are still not sure who will get the football/ racing licence. But BJC should have high chance get this due to government related and more than 2K terminals throughout Vietnam and the number is increasing every month.


2017-02-04 20:37 | Report Abuse

I prefer burger king ..


2017-02-04 16:11 | Report Abuse

Is McDonald under BJC...?


2017-02-04 09:54 | Report Abuse

Thanks hippo. Can share d reason u bought BJC?


2017-02-04 00:40 | Report Abuse

Hippo, how do u the jackpot sales for Jan17 is RM50MIL?.. announcement not made yet


2017-02-03 19:31 | Report Abuse

The top prize at this small island is much higher than the top prize (USD5++K) at Vietnam.
Vietnam is a such big and high grow country and only time can tell u the potential.


2017-02-03 19:26 | Report Abuse

(新加坡3日訊)新年財氣旺!昨晚多多第一組獎金無人贏,以致下週一頭獎累積至700萬(2170萬令吉),加上下週五送出1200萬多多紅包大獎,總獎金料將突破2000萬(6200萬令吉)! 自1月23日開彩的多多頭獎由一人獨贏494萬(1531萬令吉)后,之后的多多頭獎已連續三期無人中,包括昨晚的多多開彩。昨晚博彩第一組獎金高達584萬6641元(1812萬令吉),開彩的號碼是11、20、21、29、37、48以及額外號碼23。為此,下期2月6日的累積獎金將如雪球般滾至700萬元。由于正逢農曆新年期間,相信會吸引許多字迷紛紛下注,希望受到財神爺眷顧,過個大肥年。 改制后的多多制度,首獎倘若連續3期沒有得主,獎金就會以流程獎金(Cascade)方式在第4次開彩時發出,而若是仍沒有人贏得首獎,獎金也不會再進一步累積,而是被二獎得主領走。 

另外,下週五(10日)也是萬眾期待的1200萬(3720萬令吉)紅包多多的開彩日,因此下兩期加起來的多多第一組獎金相信料衝破2000萬大關,預計接下來一周全島投注站將掀起下注熱出現人龍。紅包多多將從下週一傍晚6時10分后開放下注。 紅包多多大獎將在下週五晚上9時30分,于新加坡博彩公司位于密駝路210號的總部開彩。根據博彩公司網站資料,全島投注站將在下週五紅包多多開彩日延長營業時間至晚上9時,方便公眾下注。此外,全島的授權投注站也將在2月8日和9日,將營業時間延長至晚上8時。


2017-02-03 16:07 | Report Abuse

I'm happy if today closed at 40cents. Whole week up !!


2017-02-03 13:42 | Report Abuse

Plenty good news coming up, sales of overseas assets and bring back foreign currency cash to reduce debts, right timing selling overseas assets due to MYR is weakening. Bj auto Philippines and U mobile plan listing this year, vietlott shall start contribute small profit this year , Kyoto 4 seasons start operation with average USD1k per night, VMart (Conway) fast expanding at China, +++


2017-02-02 16:36 | Report Abuse

don't b greedy.. 1 day 1 cent is good enough :)


2017-01-31 23:03 | Report Abuse

Hold for another few months should give u impressive return.


2017-01-30 10:30 | Report Abuse

Where u got the shareholding info ? Misleading info


2017-01-29 15:58 | Report Abuse

VT already mentioned that Vietlott is not greedy and only targeting 30% of the market share equivalent to USD1b.
But the lottery market in Vietnam is fast growing business unlike lottery market in Malaysia is saturated.


2017-01-29 15:48 | Report Abuse

They have received partial proceeds from disposal of China assets, and on the midst of finalize the disposal of Canada quota shares. Their cash flow and balance sheet will be better after receiving the sales proceeds.

Not too worries about vietlott, if vietlott is not doing why the local operators keep filing complaint to the local authority .


2017-01-25 14:59 | Report Abuse

I'm not sure if Vietnam tax rate on gambling sector is higher than Malaysia..


2017-01-25 14:57 | Report Abuse

hippo, why u think the profit margin is only 2 %?

based on lott Malaysia, it should be around 10%.