
strategisst | Joined since 2014-08-08

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2014-08-31 20:40 | Report Abuse

VictorV, hahaha..... you are very smart my brother.... I LIKE!


2014-08-31 20:39 | Report Abuse

Read everything and fully understand about the Company.... do your own research and think before you make your comment....


2014-08-31 20:35 | Report Abuse

@happytradingz, yes FMs and Institutios would look into all ratios including BUT not limited to EPS only. Why dont you look at 1Q 2014 EPS and compare it with 2Q 2014 EPS? Is it on increasing side? We always look for progression not regression. Believe me, forthcoming 3Q 2014 is going to be very much better.....


2014-08-31 20:27 | Report Abuse

Agreed.... they created doubts and when you are in doubt you would act hastily.... see what happened last Friday ......


2014-08-31 19:41 | Report Abuse

@ozzie75, we have to remain vigilant and I have emphasised on these several times. The authenticity of such statements are questionable. You know, nowadays people can simply reproduce, cut. paste and then AMEND as whatever they like to suit their ill-purpose.

The regulatory authorities eg SC and the BODs of Sumatec are trust-worthy personnel... not this hooha I DO IT.... Do not be misguided by evil....


2014-08-31 19:28 | Report Abuse

@slick, bro... sorry for my late reply.... price wise, you really have to determine yourself on the price that is most comfortable to you....

Again.... Willing Buyer = Price = Willing Seller.. that is the Equilibrium for each and every price...


2014-08-31 13:39 | Report Abuse

For every tick of the price movement there must be an equilibrum or price match ie willing buyer and willing seller matching on that every single price. So, please if you are not a willing buyer then do not buy. Similarly, if you are not a willing seller then do not sell.

As for me, I am not a willing seller until such time the price is right for me to become a willing seller.

At present, i am still within a willing buyer mode....

So.... you decide yourself...... are you willing buyer OR you willing seller???

Ada faham?....


2014-08-30 18:35 | Report Abuse

Looiks, Aiyo Captain... I already explained from day 1 I use that name maa... The single 's' account does not allow me access for no apparent reason so I have to create new one with double 's' to maintain my identity here .... hehe


2014-08-30 18:28 | Report Abuse

stonenut, takpa.... nanti Tuhan balas balik pada orang yang berniat jahat...


2014-08-30 18:26 | Report Abuse

woman_x, Sumatec has already scheduled their BODs meeting date and the QR must be approved by the BODs before submission to Bursa.... that is required under MBLR and Corporate Governance not like sdn bhd company....


2014-08-30 18:13 | Report Abuse

@Sang-Jero, bro...if you read down the line under 'Window Period'. I have stated there that you could sell your PAL and under the example above you could sell your 50,000 OR.

Anything you are not sure, just ask me.... onli dont ask inggilish ....hehe


2014-08-30 17:38 | Report Abuse

@dd128, sorry bro for my late reply... now, coming back to 'OR' ...

Once the Proposal has been approved by all the relevant and required parties, the announcement to that effect woul be made by the Corporate Advisor (CA) and in Sumatec case is M&A Securities. Apart from the price of the Rights and the ratio of the Rights, please take note of the Ex-date and the Lodgement-date.

Ex-date is the cut-off date meaning that whoever buy the shares on that date and onwards then he is not entitled to the RI. The opening market price on Ex-date would be the TERP as we have discussed before.

Lodgement-date is to ensure that the shares have already lodged into your CDS Account. Based on that the Shar Registrar would calculate to determine your entitlement to the RI.

Assuming that everything is in order... meaning that the shares bought before the Ex-date have been fully paid and the status of the shares are 'free' in your CDS Account ( because the requirement would change if the shares bought were not fully paid and subject to Forced-sell by brokers ) then the Share Registrar would issue Provisional Allotment Letter (PAL) to you.

For simplicity (not that Siti Nurhaliza brand ya), let say you have 100,000 Suma shares. Since the RI ratio is 1:2 (1 new share + 1 free warrant for every two existing shares) then your entitlement would be reflected on the PAL with 50,000 Rights shares + 50,000 Free warrants.

During this 'Window Period' between you received the PAL and the submission of your PAL together with full payment, Bursa would create a special code named Ordinary Rights (OR) as a platform for you to trade your PAL (based on your entitlement). Bursa provides you with an oppurtunity to sell your rights if you suddenly decided not to exercise your rights OR if you want to acquire more rights then you could buy that OR from the market.

That is why I did not comment on your calculation on not taking up your RI because you could make money by selling your PAL.

Vely soly la bro... my Inggilish lebel kampung onli .... hehee... hopefully you ala understanding lor....

@ogre, bro... I hope you pun ala baca ini stoly arr....


2014-08-30 11:31 | Report Abuse

See you all later.... need to go to khenduri kahwin makan prongkol .... hehe


2014-08-30 11:28 | Report Abuse

dd128, stay vigilant then you would be successful .... keep on monitoring and make an informed decision ....


2014-08-30 11:17 | Report Abuse

this is not English essay competition! Mind yourself! Yours even poorer!


2014-08-30 11:11 | Report Abuse

dd128, apart from direct subscription of RI, you could also buy OR to eligible to subscribe the rights. People who do not wish to subscribe could sell their OR during that very limited period as OR is tradeable on Bursa...


2014-08-30 11:06 | Report Abuse

dd128, You got it right bro on the TERP.... as the movement of price doring the pre and post rights would depend on the market forces and sentiments prevailing during that period...

Remember... once institutions and Foreign Funds are in... then we are subject to their plans and strategy as well..... sometimes it could be volatile ....


2014-08-30 10:58 | Report Abuse

woman_x, It is not my usual self or my intention to be in forum for so long. Sumatec has completed its regularisation plan and being uplifted from PN17 status come Tuesday next week. In fact, I do not make any comments at all on my other investments.

The reason I stay commenting on this forum since day one is to highlight to all that Sumatec is a turn-around stock that could gives a very good return in the long run... provid that you could keep on monitoring it's progress... I guess I have done that and I would leave with a happy kind of feeling....


2014-08-30 10:44 | Report Abuse

All holders would be taken care of .... You could go back and read all the circulars to shareders and warant holders during the last time RI exercise and you could see how the WA holders' interest being taken care by Suma ....


2014-08-30 10:40 | Report Abuse

Shahrul, not yet.... you wait and see first... do not act hastily.... be patient


2014-08-30 10:15 | Report Abuse

ozzie75, hehe .... I Like ! .... where do you intend to sit? I would prefer in the middle .... not too far and not too behind ... haha


2014-08-30 10:13 | Report Abuse

woman_x, we are already shareholders of Sumatec...


2014-08-30 10:07 | Report Abuse

VictorV, do you remember that there was one time OTB pleaded to us in Suma to help him to chase away hantu hantu that haunted him?.... what a joke.... haha


2014-08-30 10:02 | Report Abuse

All this while we have said many many times to be patient and tungguuu and now we could smell our labour of patience already... and there is more to come ....


2014-08-30 09:56 | Report Abuse

kwl8888, application was made together with the submission of the Q2 report and Bursa acted immediately upon receipt.... Powerful Suma to obtain it on immediate basis.... very powerful indeed ...


2014-08-30 09:52 | Report Abuse

Next Tuesday, we are going to ride on our new train to continue with our journey... A brand new automated train.....


2014-08-30 09:39 | Report Abuse

woman_x, of course we have noted that... if you care to read all the previous comments made by the forumers ...


2014-08-30 08:52 | Report Abuse

... This is not fact... until it has happened next week only then it became fact. I am sharing this info with everyone of you so that you could decide yourselves..... Most of my colleagues ( CIOs, FMs etc ) have sounded that most Institutions and a large number of FOREIGN FUNDS are lining up to get hold of Sumatec.......

Think and decide yourself ..... as for me, I have been invested in Suma since last year and years to come....

All the best to all of us ...... :)


2014-08-30 07:45 | Report Abuse

... If you have any doubt then just stay away... no need to bother us since we know our own investment in Suma....


2014-08-29 22:37 | Report Abuse

ozzie75... holding well?...what is that you are holding?... hehe


2014-08-29 22:13 | Report Abuse

VictorV, bro.... all this jokers like to talk rubbish.... I rather talk to my cat... haha


2014-08-29 10:29 | Report Abuse

You have to think like a Private Equity or Venture Capital in this situation.... Sumatec is just like a start-up....BUT has shown a very good progression.....still high risk but with potentially a very high return..... the decision is yours...


2014-08-29 10:07 | Report Abuse

.... Pease check again and again on the last PP exercise... what was the INDICATIVE price and what was the ACTUAL subscription price???.....

Can it happen to the INDICATIVE rights price???... think think think ...


2014-08-29 09:39 | Report Abuse

..... hmmmm... ramai yang mengikut perasaan..... dan bukan akal fikiran........


2014-08-29 09:38 | Report Abuse

@Sang-Jero, bro..... RI would not be that soon, most probably Feb/March 2015.... you have got it right on your calculation... just exclude the warrant since it is the bonus... :)


2014-08-29 03:08 | Report Abuse

very tired reading all the comments/views/rubbish/nonsense etc..... really burnt my midnite oil....

@ogre, sorry bro.... i will get back to you letter ...

@Sang-Jero, bro... kalau tak take-up RI tak entitle to the free warrant. Warrant is a sweetener to entice the shareholders to take up the RI....


2014-08-29 02:59 | Report Abuse

It is very unfortunate that Sumatec decided to make 2 unrelated announcements on the very same day after the market closed. Strategically (being a Strategist) it was not a good or unwise moved. First thing should come out first which is the Q2 announcement. The Multiple Proposals announcement could be delayed at least by the end of next week.

No one could deny that Q2 has shown profit and that profit is much higher than the Q1's profit. As such, Sumatec is eligible to apply for the upliftment of PN17 status and normally the application is submitted together with Q2 report to Bursa simultaneously. Personally, I opine that there is no justifiable reason for bursa to reject its application.

We have to bear in mind that Sumatec has just completed its regularisation in Dec 2013. We could likened it just like a new company or to make it simpler, just like a fresh graduate entering into a jobs market. Obviously as a new employee, one is subject to a probationary period of at least 6 months. If one's perform well then one should be confirmed as a permanent staff. The same goes with Sumatec... 6 months is equivalent to 2 consecutive quarters... there you are - Sumatec qualify with flying colours!

Surely you could not expect the new and fresh employee to peform wonders and met all the datelines, no hic-cup, no mistake etc etc... and the same goes with Sumatec as well. It is just a second quarter result or half-year performance and there is another 6 months for Sumatec to perform until it's financial year end.... the bottom-line is improving result from quarter to quarter!

The rest has already been explained in great length by our friend hhakim and dd128 and others as well.....

@stargazer1, it is still within the zone.... we are on the right track....


2014-08-28 17:34 | Report Abuse

... tak ada hari ni pun takpa.... sebab.... Esok Masih Ada.... so... Menanti Hari Esok... kecuali... Tiada Esok Bagimu ..... hehee


2014-08-28 17:24 | Report Abuse

CU, yes.... 3 Abdul.... hehe... evergreen ... :)


2014-08-28 17:17 | Report Abuse

CU, why?.... any specific reason for that question?....


2014-08-28 17:08 | Report Abuse

... kalu marah.... nanti kena jual ....


2014-08-28 15:37 | Report Abuse

dd128, yeap bro.... one step at a time... down sabar... up happy... :)


2014-08-28 15:33 | Report Abuse

Yk John, it is a very long journey ....


2014-08-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

CU, on RI matters ....


2014-08-28 15:24 | Report Abuse

goldfish, if not today then it must be tomorrow ......


2014-08-28 15:21 | Report Abuse

CU, did you read my reply to you last nite?....


2014-08-28 14:06 | Report Abuse

.... ishh ishh ishh ...... cobaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn


2014-08-28 00:51 | Report Abuse

dd128, hahaha.... i like it bro..... good nite....


2014-08-28 00:44 | Report Abuse

CU, generally speaking, the price would be determined by market forces. However, once the company has made an announcement on the corporate exercise involving RI, the market would react to factor in the value to reflect the pricing of the rights.

Once all approval has been obtained ie shareholders, regulatory etc and the price of the Rights has been ascribed by the company then the market price would reflect what is being termed as Cum-Rights Price.

Upon the closing date of the rights, the market price would automatically reflects what is termed Ex-Rigts Price and this price is normally lower than the preceeding day Market Price. In actual fact, there is no reduction of price because that price is supposed to be Theoritical Ex-Rights Price (TERP).

I would explain further in the event Sumatec comes up with RI with actual data to make you understand better.....


2014-08-28 00:21 | Report Abuse

ozzie75, you can have a deferred normal transaction... pay 10% deposit and the balanced upon fulfillment of conditions precedent... hehee