
supersaiyan3 | Joined since 2014-11-12

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2020-09-13 23:28 | Report Abuse

Look at the bright side, now is a practical drill to avoid zombie virus.

Happy to be part of the coming Malaysian 1st.

Soon, we will surpass Singapore in many ways. Nowadays, maybe a lot of people see the political arena as chaotic, but in fact it is democracy in action.

News & Blogs

2020-09-13 01:12 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2020-09-13 01:09 | Report Abuse

I think the working condition is acceptable. Just build some more toilets.

News & Blogs

2020-09-13 00:50 | Report Abuse





2020-09-11 23:25 | Report Abuse

High level of automation surprises me. Gogogo, TG.


2020-09-11 21:28 | Report Abuse

Next year listing at HK.

Wow wow wow.


2020-09-11 21:13 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri says end of month / early next month overtake Maybank. Wow wow wow


2020-09-11 20:27 | Report Abuse

DickyMe, you anti-rich people huh? Farking loser.


2020-09-11 18:28 | Report Abuse

Not a bit of worry. ASP still going up, those who said glove is over is brainless.

When ASP flat or dropping, maybe they can say that.

Guys, well done! Monday got more limit can push up more.


2020-09-11 18:22 | Report Abuse

COVID19, bankrupt MQ. Like!


2020-09-11 11:25 | Report Abuse

today tg and sx combined trading value must be over 2b. Amazing.


2020-09-11 10:48 | Report Abuse



2020-09-11 10:48 | Report Abuse



2020-09-11 05:27 | Report Abuse

Need to switch some accounts to Affin bank oh! Small but decent reports.

JN88, Ikan bilis united, nice one.

Europe outbreak again, France and Spain has more than 10k case again. Support glove to save lives.

News & Blogs

2020-09-10 16:10 | Report Abuse

Buy, buy, buy! No more bullet already.

I hope my other stocks' QR is good, then I will sell others and buy more TG.


2020-09-10 14:49 | Report Abuse

Some people like uncle doesn't have money to topup, margin call so they sell and buy back, sell and buy back, sell and buy back....keke


2020-09-10 14:47 | Report Abuse

I think the drop is over. Sad I didn't buy enough. I think the whole thing is engineered when brokerage house force sell due to right issue, negative spiral happened then.


2020-09-10 10:45 | Report Abuse

Jangan takut. 22.14 coming to save us. Keke


2020-09-10 10:16 | Report Abuse

My rank in the stockpick contest goes up again. Finally positive. Lol!


2020-09-10 10:14 | Report Abuse

Dirt cheap, dropped 1/2 in 2 weeks? Where is 22.14 saviour? Or it is weak holder??


2020-09-10 09:52 | Report Abuse

China group not likely lah, money difficult to come out, they are short of foreign currency.

Parksafe changed name, don't know what happen??

News & Blogs

2020-09-10 09:45 | Report Abuse

Bull valuation RM20.40, bear valuation RM5.4. Next week MQ will switch to Bull again.

News & Blogs

2020-09-10 09:39 | Report Abuse

Amazing! Despite all the good news, MQ managed to downgrade.

0 mark


2020-09-09 20:29 | Report Abuse

JBond007, yup.

I learned the following,

1. Boss is like Trump (in fact most of us are like that), he thinks share price reflects his success. So, just relax.

2. CIMB did a diagram reflects blended ASP is rising 373% between feb 20 - dec 20. Sky high valuations. But their forecast still the same as 3 months ago, maybe they will update it once QR is out.

3. Now we know for nitrile Sep + 20%, Oct + 20% and Nov + 10%. However, raw material price increases as well. I agree to some smart traders that raw material shortage will prolong price hike for nitrile glove for a longer period of time.

4. I am very happy to see smart and truthful investors like freetospeak, pB, gloveHARIcut, etc. Enjoy the journey.

News & Blogs

2020-09-09 20:16 | Report Abuse

Hi, GloveHARIcut,

I noticed the following,

1. CIMB haven't update their forecast yet, maybe after the QR.

2. In this report, blended ASP +373% from Feb to Dec 20. If the analyst incorporate this into their forecast, then even CITI's valuations look cheap.

3. 1.3b profit before tax, 1.1b after tax.

Sky is the limit.

News & Blogs

2020-09-09 10:20 | Report Abuse

Today huge volume, smart money starts coming back.

Buy buy buy.

Apa takut. If lose, double up again.

News & Blogs

2020-09-07 18:31 | Report Abuse

Philip, there is a big problem in your assumption. If you think Supermax double its profit every quarter, then in a year it will be 16 times growth, one way to value it will be 1600 times PE. That will be roughly RM1000.00 Per share. If you do a DDM, NPV, etc whatever 201 stuff you will get "infinity" as an answer.

I am quite sure nobody think Supermax worth RM1000, yet.

Supermax only need RM800m next QR, then slowly towards RM1b profit. At 20 times PE, assuming 4b net profit per annum, that will be 80b market cap. That will make Supermax worth slightly more than RM30.

(At RM2 a share, if Supermax make 4b profit, that would be PE of 1.4?? Possible, but not probable. )

Choivo, I got Supermax and glove fairly early too. What i mean is to advice you to do the calculation just as you did with Airasia. Don't jump into conclusion without working it through.

Let the numbers speak. Kossan, Harta still talking about USD30-40 ASP, Supermax is aiming USD280 now. Kneel to figures.

Remember bitcoin? Monopoly money can worth USD30k.

My guess is a half year pandemic will consume 2 years production of glove. It looks like it will go on for another 9 months at least, that will create excess demand for another 4 years at least.


2020-09-07 16:12 | Report Abuse

kens88, don't worry, its only because of the right issues, a lot of supporters of supermax and topglove faced margin calls as 1/2 to 2/3 value of their stocks taken away.

Tomorrow we shall push back.


News & Blogs

2020-09-07 16:02 | Report Abuse

I disagree, based on:

1. HY is a trap (or collateral damage, it was never the intend of the owner to make money from goreng?), the owner from China make up the numbers, get loan, and reporting bad numbers even since. Evidence by top directors + CEO resigned (immediately after something goes wrong). JAKS (in JAKS, the owner never say they can make so much money, only KYY+ talk about their ambition), SENDAI got net cash?

Bear in mind i said similar thing about HY even before the rise. I hate to earn dirty money like that.

2. I think you are making a mistake without study in depth on the company, the technology, the pandemic, etc (or maybe you did? kindly share your insight). We may defer in opinion/conclusion but at least you study on the company first. I mean, don't talk about sentiment only, in the longer term, its always about the company.

3. Nobody knows about the future, who knows if somebody crash a plane into it tomorrow. However, based on available information, Supermax will do superbly over the next 12 months at least, it is equally risky to invest in the recovery.

4. Even after this pandemic, other disease may come. This is not a one-off event, the transmission is just amazingly fast, and therapy is so difficult. In the future, to prevent such event from happening, worldwide precautionary measure is pushing the glove industry to grow superfast year after year.

You know? China always has weird diseases, swine fever, h5n1 and we Malaysia as a country (and the rest of the world), never allow to import any livestock or uncook meat etc from China, because they will always have outbreak, forever. Only this time this pandemic is so strong due to its manmade nature. They may make more because it looks like they are winning the war.


2020-09-06 23:28 | Report Abuse

Its hard to say. 1. Warisan says many things but in fact everything still the same, eg, say no more slot machines but actually its still everywhere. We cannot hide the fact that PH candidates are very weak at getting the government to function. 2. Sahfie did an exceptional job in stopping China flight earliest though. 3. Sahfie appointment of key officer is controversial, ate so much money still can be appointed. 4. Based on observation, Perikatan is on the lead.

A lot of people think our politic is getting more chaotic, but in fact this is what we want it to be, let them compete......

News & Blogs

2020-09-04 16:56 | Report Abuse

Nice one, well written.

Calvin also so supportive, bravo!!!!

That's pretty much what i predicted. I think Glove will continue to rise for 4 years.


2020-09-04 12:06 | Report Abuse

I got both TG and Supermax. This morning suddenly got margin call, forced to sell off all remaining holdings. I guess some of you are like me.

Another dirty trick of brokerage house.

Can’t wait to buy back.


2020-09-04 09:31 | Report Abuse

Yup. TG Gogogo!

Frankly, shares available for sale only 1/3 of Outstanding or market cap, sure demand is stronger than supply.


2020-09-03 18:37 | Report Abuse

Nvm Supermaxian, they need to learn. Even stockraider can learn slowly.

I was in doubt also, but when I did the maths myself, I am convinced. Supermax next QR will earn 30c post BI and this is a highly likely event. It may be affected by strong myr a little bit and slightly higher material cost but the general trend is there.

This pandemic is a very serious event. Unlike SARS or MERS or AIDS, it is extremely hard to contain, you talk to your friend for 5 minutes you catch it. (I have no doubt it is being engineered. ). (Probably out of good heart though, they want to know is it possible to cure AIDS through another virus. ). (Don’t be surprise AIDS is defeated after this).

So for another 2-4 years, it is very good for glove producers. First, supermax and topglove! Because they are keen to increase prices. Next will be kossan and harta. Steady, folks.

News & Blogs

2020-09-02 10:34 | Report Abuse




News & Blogs

2020-09-01 18:41 | Report Abuse

More people will swing to Muyhiddin then.

News & Blogs

2020-09-01 01:03 | Report Abuse

Tesla is great, now Neuralink blowyourbrain.

So far, Elon Musk is the greatest human ever live.

News & Blogs

2020-09-01 01:01 | Report Abuse

Glove will soon have a rerating, 100 times PE coming.

Supermax coming 4 quarters make RM2.50 a share, 100 times PE = RM250.00??

Topglove coming 4 quarters make RM2.50 a share, 100 times PE = RM250.00??

News & Blogs

2020-08-31 07:19 | Report Abuse

One other thing, what Airasia has been doing is actually not true innovation, semi-innovation maybe?? They incorporate available technologies into new application which is destructive (rather than disruptive, because they are selling cheap) to the industry.

Isn't it a negative-sum game in every industry Airasia enters?

I used to think Airasia is disruptive, however I change my view after Airasia gets irrational by wanted to kill MAS once and for all in 2018-19. (You can't kill a competitor, a company only dies when the owners are giving up).

A wise shoe salesman (謝家華)once said, if there is only one crazy player (keen on price competition) in the industry/on the table, the whole industry is doomed.

News & Blogs

2020-08-31 07:06 | Report Abuse

Finally I finished reading it, sort of.

Its a wonderful piece, you should publish it. Hire an editor and put in some pictures, get comments from TF, title is good enough.


2020-08-31 00:52 | Report Abuse

Black_Panther, 對,內射飛彈打到樹林裡,還敢搞疫苗。



News & Blogs

2020-08-31 00:33 | Report Abuse

Hi, Choivo, sorry, can't finish reading it.

1. TF bankrupt every other business he had, next on the line is AAX, and he will be left with Airasia.

This makes TF a speculator, not an entrepreneur. This is against everything we read about him.

2. What Airasia has been doing it wrongly: a. Airasia treat all subsidiaries as colony. Colonization and force planting/flying has proven failure. b. Failed hedging strategy, Airasia buy very little oil futures contract when oil price is low and buy a lot when oil price is high. They are trying to speculate rather than hedge and they speculate extremely noob. c. they have stopped/slowed innovation, expenditures keep rising as a percentage of revenue. d. they reacted too slow to COVID-19, say inflight preventive measures or switch fast to cargo?

3. Airasia has portray itself as a competitive company, in fact it is not. Airasia was doing well in Malaysia because MAS is weak. In every other markets, Airasia can barely make money.

4. In Airline industry, you buy a ticket because you trust the company, so you pay premium to its ticket, Airasia has no trust premium. Why would people want to join franchise to sell cheap? That's also the reason most subsidiaries failed.

5. In management, if you let an Accountant runs the company, that's what will happen. (I think accountant cannot comprehend big matrix in their brain, too many attributes....)


2020-08-29 11:12 | Report Abuse

Supermax is not HY.

1. HY China is the worst of a polluter. The boss is evil 人大代表。Since Xi in power, HY China has been facing problems, instructed to shut down operation from time to time.

2. So they came to MY. Reported (makeup?) great numbers, get the loan, then reported worse and worse figures even since.

3. Reputable directors resigned instantly, follow by CEOs, good people left one by one.

4. Therefore HY is best described as a "trap".

On the other hand, Supermax is owned by boss with good reputation, capable management and smart shareholders.

Even one day Supermax ends its supersurge, it won't collapse like HY because Supermax will still able to make some genuine profit.


2020-08-28 16:57 | Report Abuse

Kossan also not bad.


2020-08-28 16:56 | Report Abuse

Say 90m volume, value will be 2b? Geng!! Definitely FF


2020-08-28 16:52 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett is older and 1000 times richer than KYY. Keke.


2020-08-28 16:52 | Report Abuse

Uncle Warren's BH?


2020-08-28 16:51 | Report Abuse

39m 4:50pm. Geng!!!