
supersaiyan3 | Joined since 2014-11-12

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2022-11-05 01:03 | Report Abuse

Imago steady, dwitara sold out, rimba hills shouldn't be a problem, LikasVue good project but I guess more like 70-80% take up rate.

Times square carpark maybe slightly less congested, notably lately karamunsing most if not all ground carpark is charging RM10, so neighbouring karamunsing capital should be slightly better off.

News & Blogs

2022-10-26 10:00 | Report Abuse

So these people believe it make sense to collapse? lol


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2022-10-26 00:39 | Report Abuse

Dont get me wrong. Keep writing!

Everything KYY wrote about has collapsed. Now CCP has gone, only Xi's Party. Next is Xi? lol


2022-10-22 01:43 | Report Abuse

still got hope mah?

eh......i think most of the good projects have been handed over, but bottom line still look very ugly.

now says 2b future benefit, but that's not profit! just income loh.

the btr looks like progressive income, but cost so high may be lost loh. Now say expected lower income for btr so adjustment caused the losses.

I can't understand loh. If Q3 eg new block etc handover should make 50m, how come become -50m after adjustment? so -100m adjustment. That means btr actually is loss-making?

obviously they hide the adjustment figure (if anyone knows, please correct me).

But now its the worst already. Can't get lower unless Putin drop a nuke.....should starts making profit from now on, maybe back to 35-40c like that.....

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2022-07-30 12:38 | Report Abuse

and information not updated at all.......

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2022-07-30 12:37 | Report Abuse slow, where have you been?

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2022-07-06 05:55 | Report Abuse

China is very near to bankrupt...they could avoid bank runs by messing with people's cellphones but economy inevitably collapsing. Now 90% of SME dead, 80% of big corporation in trouble, we shall witness the biggest collapse of an economy.

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2022-06-11 00:03 | Report Abuse

I am sure US will be fine. KYY in a spiral difficult to escape.

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2022-04-21 06:34 | Report Abuse

Calvin, I would say most of the plantation companies do not know what they doing. They have no idea what efficiency mean.

Years ago, I looked at TSH, they say they are using new clones (A, B mixed with clones), that is going to be 50% more productive. The production figures just doesn't add up. (I have some A, B, C, D, but that's not relevant lah). I would say they are slightly better off but not up to 50%.

Its a simple multiplier effect. If you have a big tree that have more leaves and higher percentage of female branches, plus bigger bunches, then you have more yield.

Most companies just do not care, they just have too little ffb and let half of them rot on the tree. (because they do not maintain the roads and plan properly, its difficult to harvest by then).

If you are in west malaysia or sarawak, the soil is so poor and hardly any fruits to be seen.

Its annoying to see people just divide the land area.....

come one, its 2022, learn efficiency.

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News & Blogs

2022-03-11 16:13 | Report Abuse

Its cheap because its poorly managed. That's all.

HS can have net margin of 30-50% which is amazing. Sadly they do not want to grow, its like this CK LAU??? can live forever.

KYY on the other hand gamble like no tomorrow.


2022-03-06 12:29 | Report Abuse

Now market reckons the Russia invasion will have long lasting effects on everything. Now market perceives a 18 months war. That will make food and energy really expensive, consumables etc will struggle to maintain (the food /energy portion will expand and money for others will be less.)

We have too many micro problems that the policymakers don't know what to do from macro........

Sad, hang on.


2022-03-06 12:25 | Report Abuse

If you know business, I mean not in the goreng mode only, if gold price increases, Tomei will tell you??yes, the inventory worth more. but we need more money to purchase (new stock). "

Oil price up, petrol station will tell you, yes, we make a windfall, but we need more money to buy new stock and our margin is fixed at (rate not percentage).

CPO prices up, so oil palm estate will tell you, yes, prices go up, but we are short on labour and production reduced. Now CPO got a push because of the war and not shortage, so that's a real gain. Of course fertilizer and many other things (pesticides and herbicides etc) has gone up and will continue to go up.

In a situation like this (business has actually being more difficult while raw material price hike?, normally professional will just long/short the futures contract rather than bet on stock. OTB has made some success in his earlier tricks but the market has became smarter, people realised that stock price eventually collapses.

Its difficult to find the greater fools nowadays ( I am sure OTB realised that now).


2022-03-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Poor OTB, huhu.

OTB needs to learn that as everything progress, people improved. Obviously OTB has became proud and learn slower than many people.

As many have noticed, he went in (glove for example?half year later than most people. So, i think gemfinder got a point, OTB often lead newbies to Holland.

KYY is worse, newbies also dont believe him. lol


2022-03-01 08:44 | Report Abuse

Next is recovery of China.


2022-03-01 08:44 | Report Abuse

Russia is trashed. Cheers!


2022-02-24 10:30 | Report Abuse

Wonder why it stick with such a small plantation though.


2022-02-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

This is a truly amazing company! 50% NP margin while others struggle with 20%.

10 times PE is cheap, it should be at least 30 times PE with such quality of the management.


2022-02-09 20:14 | Report Abuse

LongTermInvestor8, well said. Only that i don't like their surimi product. Otherwise everything nice.


2022-02-09 12:40 | Report Abuse

fun managers back to work....too

News & Blogs

2022-02-08 01:05 | Report Abuse

Many noobs still do not understand China is already bankrupt technically.

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2022-02-04 12:52 | Report Abuse



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2022-02-01 01:12 | Report Abuse




2022-01-24 09:06 | Report Abuse

So EPF and others should have aware of such thing these few weeks....


2022-01-24 08:55 | Report Abuse

The loan to GHK happens 10 years ago, 350 m USD, say around 1/3 is collected, then still 260m USD hangus? That's 1b .....

News & Blogs

2022-01-14 11:28 | Report Abuse

(unrelated somehow)
My pro friend yesterday said his boss can make RM500 per acre of oil palm.

All of Calvin's favoured company just can't show that.

I guess HSPLANT is the only one with 30% net margin.

News & Blogs

2022-01-03 22:30 | Report Abuse

For those still think China is doing well, they still live in 2017.

When I read Paul Krugman's "The Myth of Asia's Miracle" 25 years ago, I disbelieve so. But he was right. Figures and science doesn't lie. Now, Paul Krugman is saying China has reached the bubble burst moment, highly probable that he is right again. China will be like Japan and not like Lehman brothers.

Figure doesn't lie. When Opium war happened, China was the world's largest economy. So what? Now no.2 also doesn't mean a thing, and they are fucing poor compare to before. China's printed money is 220b yuan, its more than the combine of US, EU, UK and Japan. And (noob) people still talks about US printing money. (QE is not printing money, but that's opinion).

Malaysia debt is 65% GDP, US 100% and China is anyway between 280 to 800%. Local counties has been defaulting bonds (that's unimaginable under an open system) and Xi already said won't be responsible to any of it.

When Xi took over in 2013, China had 4 trillion USD reserve, now net amount left with 600b USD. Highly likely they are "borrowing" from HK reserve already.

Figure doesn't lie, go FC. Hopeless "little pink"

News & Blogs

2022-01-03 22:10 | Report Abuse

Yes, definitely.

There are only three possibilities:

1. Primary student Xi invaded Taiwan and face multiple international sanctions, China goes back to 70s. Saving the world from Global warming though because Chinaman will be riding bicycle again.

2. The babaru burst, then China will be like Japan, no growth for 30 years (because their problems such as deficit, ageing population, SOE, local debts etc are much more severe).

3. The open-minded leaders of China had enough, overthrown Xi and regain international trust.

We would like to hope for option no. 3, but Chinese care about own family only, hard to see how no.3 happen.

You know German had the same issues 100 years ago, that's why it happens twice (WWI and WWII), China had Mao they correct it, then there is Xi. So that's a structural problem which is hard to avoid.

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 16:50 | Report Abuse

Here are my picks:

GENM 10%
QL 10%
MI 10%

Thanks, Mr. Tan and crew.

News & Blogs

2021-12-31 16:10 | Report Abuse

Glove or anything is good or bad depends on Omicron, is it saviour or the demon?

News & Blogs

2021-12-15 16:35 | Report Abuse

Mr KYY has "downsize" into ikan bilis due to multiple mis-speculation?!!

News & Blogs

2021-12-14 05:24 | Report Abuse

eh, she should be ok now. Good luck.

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News & Blogs

2021-11-23 17:29 | Report Abuse

This Mr. KYY can tahan this type of market? Or lose another 90%?

Its a matter of time before Mr. KYY becomes a pure blogger. Lol

News & Blogs

2021-11-21 00:33 | Report Abuse

Now US is offering Taiwan free weapons, stop your lies KYY.

News & Blogs

2021-11-21 00:31 | Report Abuse

This KYY is getting sicker and sicker. Go to invest in China lah, China is perfect for axxhole like KYY.

News & Blogs

2021-11-21 00:30 | Report Abuse

Why doesn’t US want Taiwan to be concurred by China?

Because of human rights, international law etc lah. Dumbaxx

News & Blogs

2024-01-09 20:32 | Report Abuse

Will palm oil price fall?

1. As I repeatedly explained to Calvin, CPO increased doesn't mean corporate profit increase. Labour shortage, production challenges etc pushes up cost and lower yield.

2. Next problem will be even more expensive fertilizer. Fertilizer is more expensive than feed and will be in shortage soon enough. No fertilizer, no oil palm.

3. Maybe those strong players like HSP and IOI can be considered. Others susah sikit.

Next is getah play??

News & Blogs

2021-10-23 10:31 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2021-10-20 00:55 | Report Abuse

I would choose efficiency. HSPLANT, IOI and QL.

Average oil palm companies are just too naive.

HSPLANT has very high margin, I would think they have less problems with labour and expensive fertilizer.

IOI always most efficient, just that their performance depends on price of cooking oil more than CPO.

QL's estates in Kalimantan, I guess they have less problems with labour.

News & Blogs

2021-10-19 13:14 | Report Abuse

This KYY thinking is noob. Nothing to discuss about.

Sad after 500 years Chinese still relying on importing technologies, what has happen in their mindset? Whenever the west had their back China will be strong, whenever they turned away, China will be broke, again and again.


2021-10-06 00:31 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2021-09-18 09:37 | Report Abuse




2021-09-17 21:31 | Report Abuse

Despite only 3 million NP, everything seems to be on the right track. That's why the last minute push??

Comments on EcoWorld International’s performance in 3Q 2021 “We continued to see steady improvement in sales in Australia and the UK in 3Q 2021. Although Yarra One in Melbourne experienced some rescission, sales in West Village, Parramatta picked up substantially. On a net basis, sales of our Australian projects jumped from A$0.5 million in 2Q 2021 to A$16 million in 3Q 2021 on the back of buoyant local demand.
In the UK, our sales grew by 5% in 3Q 2021 compared to 2Q 2021,” said Dato’ Teow Leong Seng, President & CEO of EcoWorld International. Teow noted that demand from foreign and local buyers in London remained stable despite the introduction of an additional 2% stamp duty for foreign buyers in April 2021 and expiry of stamp duty holiday in June 2021. Riding on the steady sales momentum, EcoWorld International launched the second phase of Block A03 (marketed as The Modern) in Embassy Gardens in June 2021. Comprising 153 private residential units, this represents the final phase of block A03 as well as the last remaining private residential units in the entire Embassy Gardens development. The second phase of Block A03 is targeted for completion in early FY2022. As a result, sales of units in this block will translate into significant cash inflows for the group in the next few months.
“FY2021 has undoubtedly been challenging as new waves of infection swept through the Group’s main geographical markets of London, Sydney and Melbourne. Demand was also soft due to continued border closures. However, as we approach the end of this financial year and as the remaining lock-downs begin to be eased in tandem with rising vaccination rates, we are optimistic that market conditions will steadily improve,” said Teow. “Early indications of improving fundamentals can be seen in the house prices in Inner London which were 2.5% higher than one year ago as at June 2021. We also believe that demand for residential property in London, a major employment centre, has room for further recovery, as more workers return to offices. Some anecdotal signs of stronger demand for residential property in London can be seen in the rental rate growth which turned positive in the second quarter of 2021 for the first time since before the pandemic” he continued.
House prices in Sydney and Melbourne similarly rose by 5% in the 12 months to July 2021. While the price growth momentum and property transaction volume may be affected by reintroduction of lockdown measures recently, low interest rates and lack of advertised supply could provide support to property prices. With regards to construction, supply chain disruption and labour shortages are causing delays and driving cost pressures in the UK construction industry. However, construction progress of the Group’s 4 active projects in London are still largely on track.
The Build-to-Rent (BtR) developments in Barking Wharf and Kew Bridge are expected to be completed in 2021, while the Open Market Sales (OMS) units in the first phase of Embassy Gardens Block A03 are scheduled to commence handover in the current financial year. The OMS units in Millbrook Park Phase 2, Kew Bridge, Oxbow Phase 3B and Third & Caird are expected to be completed by FY2022.
All these upcoming completions will generate substantial cash inflow for the Group following handover of properties sold to customers.


2021-09-03 12:44 | Report Abuse

Its so cheap compare to Ecoworld. Sure ecoworld is doing better before, but future sure UK better than MY.


2021-09-03 12:43 | Report Abuse

Good long term play. 3 more weeks to QR. Gogogo!!!