
tianjin | Joined since 2014-06-12

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2017-11-21 11:27 | Report Abuse

Cheers! I had a few good rounds of accumulation during the dips last few days .
When people run , you walk to collect what those panicky ppl throw at cheap sale price .


2017-11-20 19:02 | Report Abuse

The rm390 will go into Pmetal's shares premium account , not for Mamakspecial to "cheong ah ...." hahahaha ...


2017-11-16 20:07 | Report Abuse

When the going gets tough , the tough will get going !
There are opportunity in every crisis , this is what the Chinese always believe .
Dato Tan Chin Nam , the Patriarch/Chieftain of IGB Group teach me a valuable lesson " when people walk , you must run but when they are running then you walk slowly to see clearly all opportunity left by those who run !


2017-11-14 19:51 | Report Abuse

Today MSCI Malaysia officially announced inclusion of Pmetal into MSCI Malaysia( Morgan Stanley Composite Index ) , not to forget Pmetal has been earmarked for another index addition , that's our very own FBMKLCI which will be announced by end November . Cheers to all !


2017-11-14 15:39 | Report Abuse

Macam ayam belanda !!!! Pasar malam fortune teller , just like turkey.......


2017-11-12 22:34 | Report Abuse

@Telus , yes I do remember . He must have "melted" in Pmetal's melting pot by now . Cheers!


2017-11-11 18:58 | Report Abuse

As of 10/11 ( Friday ) closing @ 4.91 , Pmetal's market capitalization stand @ RM 18.393billion .


2017-11-11 12:25 | Report Abuse

Cheers n have a wonderful weekend .


2017-11-11 11:08 | Report Abuse

Happy morning Telus n Pmetal's genuine investors , the foresight , corporate strategy and commitment of a CEO is UTMOST IMPORTANT to the growth and success of a company .
Salute to Tan Sri Paul Koon n his management team .


2017-11-10 19:03 | Report Abuse

Smell pun sudah tahu kan ! " siapa yang makan cabai , dia yang Rasa pedasnya ! " macam monyek terkena tempoyak! Hahahaha


2017-11-10 18:19 | Report Abuse

Telus, ini semua speculators ( kaki cari makan ). Selepas dia beli Pmetal , dia sembayang sampai nenek moyang minta kasi harga naik , the moment they sold , dia punya mulut terus busuk . Sembayang syaitan minta Pmetal hatch teruk . This is their bad intention , like the Malay saying " ada niat jahat "
You can straight away identified a few of this kaki busuk even one lady also same behaviour.


2017-11-10 17:57 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha , pasar malam fortune teller , might as well tell us what price it will dip ? Can ah ???


2017-11-09 11:27 | Report Abuse

Panic ??? Hahaha ! Only speculators/contra players will be panicky . To blame others for a selling decision is most inane and pathetic !


2017-11-03 10:21 | Report Abuse

Cheers to you happy123 , I m really feeling happy123 for you . If you were to be too figure centric , short sighted in investment and have no confident in Pmetal's management , I don't think you will not hold it till this date . Proud of you to be Pmetal's long term shareholder .
@wikioon , you certainly did your home work well before investing in Pmetal . Cheers to you too .


2017-11-02 18:56 | Report Abuse

Mr. Yeo , perhaps you are trying to exhibit that you're a learned intellectual and a savvy investment guru but you received a cultural shock from my opinion to Mr. Telus and it must have impacted your intellectual ego , too bad if it's so .
I am sure every participant in an open forum anticipate positive and negative perception when we put forward our view points .
Let us be realistic on our investment decision , that is no 3rd party should be responsible for your own investment ! Thus , I always practice my investment is my decision .
I am not an active forum participant or a business/investment expert or intellectual therefore , I am not an ego seeker nor I am a religion fanatic , a diehard sports club fans or an Apple loyal . I am just a humble small little investor who understand a little bit of investment golden rules like never listen to any person who ask what to buy and what to sell , always uphold the principle of "my money , my decision" , "The Art of investment is to realize profit " and many more .
Mr. Yeo , I respect your above comments with my open hearts and it's your democratic forum rights to do so . You have a wonderful evening .


2017-11-02 16:35 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow could be a bigger surprise !!!


2017-11-02 15:34 | Report Abuse

Telus, I don't think you owe anyone any explanation regarding Tan Sri Paul Koon's excellent management and dedication in Pmetal , kita semua genuine investors not speculators and we have rewarded handsomely on RoI/RoE ( return of investment / return on equity ) , tomorrow will be the 1st anniversary of BI n Share split which was ex @ 1.53 ( 1 share after BI n split = 2.8 shares ) , base on current price of 4.85 ( at the time of writing ) , I m enjoying a whooping 217% net return . If you think Pmetal is not suitable for you , don't touch ! Go for your beloved counter . Telus , Kita tahu Sama tahu dan Kita tak payah beri dia tahu apa sebab good management n good team . Kita percaya Pmetal boleh dan tetap boleh! It's your money and it's your investment decision , just like an old saying " one man's meat is another man's poison "
Cheers Pmetal boleh dan tetap boleh!


2017-11-01 09:55 | Report Abuse

The money is yours and the investment decision is also yours , to sell , to buy or to hold is up to you . Pmetal boleh dan tetap boleh !


2017-11-01 09:39 | Report Abuse

Telus , happy123 & kevin 008 cheers ! Pmetal boleh , akan datang lagi boleh !


2017-10-30 18:20 | Report Abuse

What if merger only involve IWcity n Ekovest without IWH in the picture ? Will you be still bullish ???


2017-10-27 23:23 | Report Abuse

Finally Brent crude is trading @ above USD 60 , the highest since Q2 2015.


2017-10-27 12:04 | Report Abuse

@happy 123 , I can remember a quote " The art of investment is to realize profit " I am happy for you n congratulations . Cheers and have a wonderful weekend.


2017-10-27 11:35 | Report Abuse

S&P rating report was posted in this forum on 25/10, plz read and digest in details . Cheers to Pmetal boleh and tetap boleh!


2017-10-27 11:30 | Report Abuse

If you were to read the S&P rating report on Pmetal Aluminum Holding Bhd.which carry a BB rating , it cleary stated that Pmetal's production cost ( inclusive of all overhead ) stand at USD 1400pmt and energy cost is USD 100 pmt lower than any competitors . I would like to present a scenario and forecast Pmetal's profit projection, ( this is my personal opinion ) . I increased Pmetal's production to USD 1500 with average selling price @ USD 2000 ( full year FY 17 ) thus , the net profit is USD 500 per mt .
Base annual production of 760k mt , net profit = usd 380mil x 4.20 ( usd 1 = rm 4.20 ) = rm 1.596b , this is just figure from basic aluminium production , Pmetal have another 160k mt extrusion capacity which are value-added products come with higher profit margin .
The decision to invest or divest in Pmetal is yours !


2017-10-26 16:35 | Report Abuse

Next Friday 03/11 will be 1st anniversary for Pmetal BI & share split ( 2.8 : 1 ) which was ex @ 4.29 . Looks like we are revisiting 4.29 anytime from tomorrow . Cheers to all - Pmetal boleh dan tetap boleh !


2017-10-24 19:57 | Report Abuse

@kevin88 thanks a lot for the posted info . Keep up the good job , ignored those who tell your info are slow or late . Cheers to all


2017-10-24 07:17 | Report Abuse

Bizfuneng , Pmetal's Q3FY17 QR not necessarily to be announce on 27/10. As per Bursa / SC regulatory compliance , every public listed entity are given 60 days upon maturity of current quarter to officially announce QR ,thus, QR can be anytime within the stipulated 60 days period .


2017-10-23 20:24 | Report Abuse

Telus , Q3FY17 result definitely "kuat dan luar biasa" I m looking at 2.25billion revenue with 8.5 - 9.25% net margin ( rm 190 - 210 mil ) another record Q result . Q3FY16 was reported on 28/10/16 thus , Q3FY17 announcement can anytime from now or before end November . Cheers to Pmetal .