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2021-11-01 13:47 | Report Abuse

Pinky & Johnzhang. It could be a good news if like that since TAAN got many subsidiaries involving in palm oil plantation business.


2021-11-01 13:45 | Report Abuse

If i were the operators, i also wanted to game over la. Hí hí hí


2021-11-01 13:42 | Report Abuse

Anyway, it wouldn't have a big impact to TAAn. Max additional tax bill (prosperity tax 9% plus 1.5% levy) is 10% of the estimate net profit of 300 million in 2022.


2021-11-01 13:39 | Report Abuse

I hope it would be up to companies level too. Hahaha


2021-11-01 13:29 | Report Abuse

Temporary game over to short term traders... They would come back the game again in less than a month... Hahaha


2021-11-01 13:23 | Report Abuse

Windfall tax could be applied up to group level. Overseas sources of income may not be included in windfall tax bracket.


2021-11-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

As usual, big buy queue means down. Need to fill up the buy queue first .. Haha


2021-11-01 10:03 | Report Abuse

With the same reckoning, better change to loss making plantation companies ie Harlen, NPC & TDM. These companies don't have any impact from the windfall tax.. Hahaha


2021-11-01 09:16 | Report Abuse

Johnzhang. It would be impacted temporary by the overall weak market sentiments. People would let it lapse few days later.


2021-11-01 08:51 | Report Abuse

With the CPO price 4500, TAAn would manage to make 300 million net profit.What is the impact of 2.6 million against 300 million net profit?


2021-11-01 08:44 | Report Abuse

Hit hard for add 1.5%? Let say TAAN produce CPO about 350,000mt per annual and average price of CPO is 4500 per mt. Net additional tax is 2.625 million after deduction of increased in RM 500 threshold. ( 350,000 x [4500-3500-500]x 1.5%). Am i right?


2021-10-31 15:15 | Report Abuse

Luckyboy88. I don't know the pricing structure of cements in Sarawak. Cement is a control item in Malaysia but CMSB managed to fetch 18% (2ndQtr 21) Net profit margins before tax whereas the players in West Malaysia are suffering losses or break-even.


2021-10-31 09:17 | Report Abuse

LTA. Do you have any news about Cement price increase in Sarawak from this month onwards?


2021-10-31 09:14 | Report Abuse

Jenny. 聽說從今天開始Sarawak cement售價漲. 有沒有這回事?


2021-10-30 21:01 | Report Abuse

I used to presume that the Investment in Securities carried high risks due to lacking of sufficient information. In fact, it's actually not that complicated after finding out the information from the Annual Audited Accounts.


2021-10-30 20:38 | Report Abuse

Investments in Derivative Assets ( Sacofa warrants ) RM 97 million as at 30 Jun 21
Purchase Costs in 2015 - RM 35 million
Fair value now - RM 97 million

Annual Audited Accounts 2020 (Note 30):
The determination of the fair value of derivative financial assets that are linked to and
must be settled by delivery of unquoted equity instruments is subjective and involves
significant judgement and uncertainties due to the use of assumptions and certain
unobservable inputs. The Group’s and the Company’s investment in warrants were valued
using the Binomial approach and is sensitive to data inputs including stock price, strike
price, risk-free rate and volatility.

On 23 October 2015, the Group and the Company acquired 18,444,697 warrants of SACOFA Sdn.
Bhd. (“SACOFA”) for a purchase consideration of RM35,413,818 representing a warrant price of
RM1.92 each. The original expiry date of the warrants was 25 January 2020 but was extended to 25January 2022. Each warrant entitles its holder to subscribe for one new SACOFA ordinary share at an exercise price of RM1.50 at any time during the exercise period.


2021-10-30 20:37 | Report Abuse

Investments in investment securities (Money Market Funds Level 1 ) RM 154 million as at 30 Jun 21
Level 1 - Quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

Investments in investment securities (Income Debt securities Level 2 )RM 255 million as at 30 Jun 21
Annual Audited Accounts 2020 (Note 43 v):
At the end of the reporting date, the Group’s investment securities portfolio mainly
invested in government bonds and AAA rated bonds. The maximum exposure to
credit risk is represented by the carrying amounts in the statement of financial

There is no history of default on these bonds and there is no indication that these
bonds may default. The Group is of the view that the loss allowance is not material
and hence, it is not provided for.


2021-10-30 20:33 | Report Abuse

Redeemable preference shares (Level 3) RM 23.4 million as at 30 Jun 21

Annual Audited Accounts 2020 (Note 22 ii):
Ownership interests 26.7% in COPE-KPF Opportunities 1 Sdn. Bhd. and COPE Opportunities 2 Sdn. Bhd. are held through redeemable preference shares vide respective shareholders’ agreements.


2021-10-30 13:27 | Report Abuse

Jenny. 多謝了.有人還以為MPAS是一間空當當的廠呢!


2021-10-30 13:11 | Report Abuse

MPA還有請員工喔! 我還以為前任的GMD在六月份講爽而已。

News & Blogs

2021-10-30 13:02 | Report Abuse

CMSB get involve in the Sarawak construction business through JV 49% ownership in SEDC & PPES (Sarawak government arms). Moreover, CMSB's Cements segment is highly related to the construction activities in Sarawak.


2021-10-30 12:52 | Report Abuse

CMSB get most of the construction contracts in Sarawak through JV in SEDC & PPES which are the Sarawak government arms. Cements business is automatically dependent on the construction jobs progress in Sarawak.


2021-10-30 12:47 | Report Abuse

CMSB koyang kaki earning money most of the time. They don't need to do spend time managing the associates ie, Sacofa, OM Sarawak, Kenaga & KKB


2021-10-30 00:29 | Report Abuse

Windfall tax is obviously targeted big corporations making billion profits in Banking, Telco, Gloves and Oil & Gas (Pchem & Petgas) and Tenaga.


2021-10-29 23:13 | Report Abuse

Forensic audit investigations may expose, or confirm, various kinds of illegal activities. Normally, instead of a normal audit, a forensic audit is used if there is a possibility that the evidence gathered would be used in court.

The forensic audit process is similar to a traditional financial audit — planning, gathering evidence, and writing a report — with the additional step of a possible appearance in court. The lawyers on both sides offer evidence that the crime is either discovered or disproved, which decides the harm sustained. They explain their conclusions to the defendant should the case go to trial before the judge.


2021-10-29 23:06 | Report Abuse

Whistle blowing ---> Reviewed by the BOD ---> Reported the authorities (police) ---> Engaged KPMG MRC to do independent review in May 21---> Independent review report is ready in August 21 ---> Forensic audit has been carrying out from August 21 until now ---> Authority brings the case to the court later.


2021-10-29 22:46 | Report Abuse

Police and forensic auditors are now gathering evidences to charge people to the court. That's why it takes longer time.

Extracted announcement in April 21:
* Dato Sri Mahmud has agreed to the Board’s request and we have informed the authorities accordingly. *


2021-10-29 22:39 | Report Abuse

We refer to the Company's announcement dated 5 May 2021 and the query from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad dated 6 May 2021 ("Query") in relation to the same.

The Company wishes to provide the following additional information pursuant to the Query:

1. Duties of the Group Chief Financial Officer ("GCFO") will be taken over by our General Manager, Group Finance - Madam Tan Mei Fung who has been with the CMSB Group for 24 years and has the requisite experience and knowledge to assume the role in the interim.

2. Concerns have been expressed to the Board on substantial investment and contract losses which have been accounted for and reported in our audited financial statements for 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020. The nature of these transactions will be subject to review by an external consultant to be appointed by the Company.

3. CMSB is working on the appointment of an external consultant to undertake the investigation. The Terms of Reference ("TOR") are being drafted and expected to be completed within this week.

4. As stated under item 3 above the TOR are being finalised and the schedule for completion will be agreed with the external consultant to be appointed by middle of May 2021. The more important task of the external consultant, is to review whether there were sufficient effective controls and risk mitigation measures in place to ensure that there are no future recurrences.

5. None. As stated under item 2 above, these are historical losses which have been accounted for and reported in our audited financial statements for 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020.

This announcement is dated 6 May 2021.


2021-10-29 22:37 | Report Abuse

KPMG MRC completed its reports at the end of August 21. Investigators are checking the contracts of losses and written off that happened in the previous year. It is now Investigators (most likely forensic audit team and Prosecutor ) continue their tasks of gathering evidences in charging previous managements to the court.

CMSB reported to the police of the allegations in April 21.

We refer to the Company's announcements on 5 May 2021, 3 June 2021, 8 June 2021 and 2 August 2021 on the suspension of Mr Syed Hizam Alsagoff, the Group Chief Financial Officer of the Company and appointment of KPMG Management & Risk Consulting Sdn Bhd ("KPMG MRC") as the independent consultant to review the financial management of certain investment and contracts. Whilst KPMG MRC has completed its reports, the legal investigations of the said investments and contracts are still ongoing. The Company expects the complete results of the review to be announced by the end of October 2021.

The Board of Directors of Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad dated May 6, 2021
CMS Deputy Group Chairman agrees to Board request to stay on
The Board of Directors of Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad (“CMS” or “the Group”) has passed a resolution requesting Deputy Group Chairman Dato Sri Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib to continue his service with the Group and not to take leave of absence as announced on Thursday April 22, 2021.
Dato Sri Mahmud had on April 22 tendered his request for leave of absence in relation to reports lodged with the relevant authorities following whistle-blower allegations.
While the Board is grateful for his gesture of seeking leave of absence, we have reviewed the situation and resolved that there is no need for him to do so.

Dato Sri Mahmud has agreed to the Board’s request and we have informed the authorities accordingly.

The Board also wishes to announce that the Board is completely satisfied that the allegations of conflict of interest made against Dato Sri Mahmud and Karl Vink, former CMS chief information officer, in relation to the award of the contract by CMS I-Systems Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of CMS, to Vienna Advantage GmbH are without any basis whatsoever.


2021-10-29 20:07 | Report Abuse

Windfall tax does not have much impact to mid company like CMSB since its PBT max 250 million in 2022.


2021-10-29 20:04 | Report Abuse

The additional 9% windfall tax would be around 9 million provided Canone is able to achieve PBT 200 million in 2022. Minimal impact to mid company.


2021-10-29 19:58 | Report Abuse

The additional 9% windfall tax would be around 27 million if TAAn is able to achieve PBT 400 million in 2022. Hahaha


2021-10-29 19:42 | Report Abuse

Budget 2022 good to TAAn?

The threshold for companies in Sabah and Sarawak, the largest palm oil producing states, will be increased to 3,500 ringgit from 3,000 ringgit, he said.


2021-10-29 19:07 | Report Abuse

Extended another month for investigator.. No hurry.

We refer to the Company's announcement on 30 August 2021 on the on-going legal investigations on the Group Chief Financial Officer following a review into the financial management of certain past investment and contracts. The investigators have requested for more time to complete their work and the Company has agreed to it. The Company expects the complete results of the review to be announced by the end of November 2021.


2021-10-29 16:35 | Report Abuse

Heavy buying volume and price down & vice versa... Same pattern.. Hahaha


2021-10-29 16:29 | Report Abuse



2021-10-29 15:10 | Report Abuse

MPA 這個項目已經延遲了兩三年. 如果明年能正式開始營運就已經算不錯了.


2021-10-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

Heavy buying volume and price down & vice versa... Same pattern.. Hahaha


2021-10-29 12:35 | Report Abuse

Thoroughly cleaning... soaking, rinse out, and removing.


2021-10-29 12:30 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Calvin 882. Uptrend remains intact.


2021-10-26 13:31 | Report Abuse

Luckyboy88. Not the first time bickering with him judging from the way of his responses in this forum. I know who he is. Hahaha


2021-10-25 21:06 | Report Abuse

SD has replied to Bursa queries today and nothing to update SIR status since EY hasn't completed yet... So SD share resume trading tomorrow?


2021-10-25 20:54 | Report Abuse

Today, SD replied to Bursa queries only. SD has not issued any status update in its announcement like the heading of the announcement:

Serba Dinamik Holdings Berhad - Status Update on the Special Independent Reviewer



2021-10-25 20:46 | Report Abuse

All parties are playing 'tai zhi' drag more time for Karem. Lol


2021-10-25 20:38 | Report Abuse

Bursa and SC don't have any details SIR from EY yet...the SIR is solely provided to SD's independent directors. Status Update is done by SD in announcing to the public according to the listing requirements. Bursa and SC know nuts. Hahaha

a) has provided that no work products will be distributed to any parties including the regulators before and/or after the status update;


2021-10-25 20:28 | Report Abuse

What is 'after the status update? Very very deep...

a) has provided that no work products will be distributed to any parties including the regulators before and/or after the status update;


2021-10-25 19:59 | Report Abuse

We refer to the announcement dated 22 October 2021 with regards to the notice given by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") to the Company.

The Company had on 25 October 2021 written a reply to Bursa Securities. Below are the salient points from our letter to Bursa Securities:

1) There were no documents or copy of any documents that fit the description of “Factual Findings Update as at 30 September 2021” given to the Independent Non-Executive Directors as at 22 October 2021.

2) The terms of engagement between Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn. Bhd. and the Company dated 2 July 2021:-

a) has provided that no work products will be distributed to any parties including the regulators before and/or after the status update;

b) prohibits any quoting or references to any report, any portion, summary or abstract thereof.

3) Any documents or report from Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn. Bhd. does not fall within paragraph 9.03 and 9.35A of the MMLR.

Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn. Bhd. is still in the midst of performing the Special Independent Review.

This announcement is dated 25 October 2021


2021-10-25 19:58 | Report Abuse

Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn. Bhd. is still in the midst of performing the Special Independent Review.



2021-10-25 19:39 | Report Abuse

Announcement of unfavourable SIR would cause all stakeholders of SD diarrhea. Suspension at closing market price 35 cents is much better option.