
tt101 | Joined since 2014-04-30

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2015-05-30 08:11 | Report Abuse

Be a pioneer, you will be the winner.
Be a follower, you might be the loser.


2015-05-14 14:43 | Report Abuse

44.5 ai lai liao


2015-05-14 09:54 | Report Abuse

what happen to cucu, bjtoto, start moving.....


2015-05-14 09:40 | Report Abuse

bjcorp is climbing up, climbing up


2015-05-12 10:13 | Report Abuse

play ball? hhaha! no goal for each game too....stay cool.....


2015-04-28 16:35 | Report Abuse

shake harder, otherwise not much can collected


2015-04-21 09:51 | Report Abuse

Actually dividend policies is only part of the counter to be considered for their investing.
In my view point, I more prefer they are using the fund for growing up the company. The Management is hired to manage the Company, if they are able to use the dividend declaration fund to generate better return to shareholders, why not giving them a good support? If they really make it, the return will reflect in the share price as well.


2015-04-21 09:14 | Report Abuse

The funding is not a small amount. It tied with term and condition with the lender. It is not like our small change, now we are happy to keep it in right pocket and than next second we also can shift it to left pocket.

If in current situation, you have a potential project with annual return > 5%,
while the existing borrowing is 5% interest cost, will you consider to pay off loan or
keep the loan and make a move to the new project?

All decision are still falling between the risk taking and return expectation.


2015-04-17 17:51 | Report Abuse

bjcorp : Ifcamsc Ratio is 43 : 5.4

Bjcorp up 1 sen means, total value up 43 million.
Ifca up 10 sen, total value up 54 million.

the less issued shares, the price will more sensitive to move compared to large issue shares. It apply to upward and downward trend.

If you are a speculator, better play in small counter. The return will be huge and at the same time the risk is also high.

Today a paper loss or paper gain doesn't mean you has been tagged as loser or winner.
Only at the time you totally quit from the shares market, you only can considered as loser or winner.

At the moment, if you still hold the shares of Bjcorp, don't frustrated of the negative comments. When the timing is right, it will be your turn. If you think this counter is hopeless, try to get out in the best price level. Treat the loss as a learning fee. Happy gaming.


2015-04-07 12:05 | Report Abuse

chrischan, go ahead. If i am wrong i will admit it.


2015-04-07 08:41 | Report Abuse

cyphua, LD is a convertible loan, exercise price RM1.00.
Means when converted, the debt less RM1.00 and paid up will up RM1.00 in each unit done.

BJ Warrant, the exercised will up the paid up for RM1.00 too as RM1.00 cash need to put in.

After the completion, if fully exercised, NTA only diluted by
RM0.60 x (1- (4.1)/(5.5))

New NTA will be RM1.447


2015-04-06 09:38 | Report Abuse

the price up or down is not only caused by the GST, still affected by some other factors.
understand or not our dear friend?


2015-04-06 09:35 | Report Abuse

tell you a funny story.

day before 31 March 2015, people make a long q in hypermarket to sweep all kind of goods to keep in their store. People trust to the self call accountant, price won't drop. The Hypermarket boss also take the opportunity, price keep in normal level, 1 sen discount also takle.

All racks are almost empty on 31 March 2015. Hypermarket boss and all people are happy.

Say item A sold RM1-00 on the last few days before GST.

time tit tot tit tot passed.

Since people already kept item A as stock, nobody inquire and purchase in the following 1 to 2 months.

Businessman still is a businessman, they need goods move to make its cash move.


Offer lol, 10% off, Item A now with new price tag RM0-90. What will happen?

Those who buy this item must have GST le.

See the calculation, RM0-90 x 1.06 = RM0-954.

Ow why the price with GST is more cheaper? @*$#@!#%*


2015-04-06 09:15 | Report Abuse

go and check the new auto price, up or down?
price up why, price down why? hahaha, self claim accountant but don't know the real impact.
which level accountant? may be pluto accountant is much differ.....


2015-04-04 09:29 | Report Abuse

Yes Calvin, gambler >>>> KLSE



2015-04-03 11:22 | Report Abuse

don't fight with the tycoon, just follow will do.


2015-04-03 11:21 | Report Abuse

or let the project move with turbo engine.....


2015-04-03 11:19 | Report Abuse

must have a big project in behind.

this round, external fund might not no need to jack up the price....
they already accumulated the fund for this project....unless, really giant project......

with dividend or not is not a big issue....if the share price can give you higher return or the future prospect is so bright, get dividend and put in fd? or reinvest ....


2015-04-03 10:58 | Report Abuse

this is call exciting.


2015-04-03 10:29 | Report Abuse

moderate speed, more safe.....


2015-04-02 13:53 | Report Abuse



2015-04-02 12:45 | Report Abuse

caused by 1+3; those goreng kaki have to cabut.
tomorrow have another scenery.
The day sold, now should consider to buy them back, wait for next wave......maybe this evening, more exciting...or no more chance?!.....


2015-04-02 10:31 | Report Abuse

if the ship is over loaded with gold bar? should support or change the captain?


2015-04-01 10:15 | Report Abuse

actually a lot of sources yet update its latest financial position especially the hard copy type [newspaper]. They will only use the whole year report or audited report as input data. At the moment, only 3 quarters compiled. Still need some time to let the market realized the current result.


2015-03-30 14:52 | Report Abuse

i mean getting the highest & lowest


2015-03-30 14:51 | Report Abuse

but how to make the right timing?


2015-03-30 11:19 | Report Abuse

price up secret remain shhhh....

it only will up during the big boss nap hour........

shhh.... don't wake him up in future.


2015-03-30 11:17 | Report Abuse

Big bosses is same move with we all.
you buy he will buy
you sell than he will sell together


the issue is

he had many staff to input the order and
in hand have so much qty can sell and
so much cash can use for buying in.

at last

how can we use kancil to race with his Ferarri?
have getting some peanut you should satisfy, right?


2015-03-30 10:02 | Report Abuse

business is not 1 + 1 = 2,
share market, really not 1 + 1 = 2.

NTA up 32.06Sen, (1.6730 - 1.3524) @ +23.7060%
Share Price just up +-3.00 Sen, 0.47 compared to 0.43 (31/12/2014) @ +6.9767%

If before announcement of qtr report is considered undervalue,
after realizing the profit with report, more undervalue.....

market not much feel towards the 1billion profit or the financial report? Or do not trust the management team holding the solid cash.....

Conclution : Malaysia's current share market is st still the same compared with 90s share market. Share market is not an investment portfolio, it is more speculate or gambling game.


2015-03-30 09:38 | Report Abuse

the gap of best sell qty and best buy qty is now getting closer.


2015-03-28 11:07 | Report Abuse

secret of price up still remain shhh....


2015-03-28 11:03 | Report Abuse

the day gua punya sultan just make profit 4.5 billion from the joint venture with China Developer. So, ada orang kuat le. Tuanku never and say again never sell title "Datuk" for getting income. Baginda takut nanti lontaran batu, silap silap kena "Datuk" dan pantulan batu tu juga akan kena lagi lain "Datuk"....hebat sekali


2015-03-28 10:53 | Report Abuse

NTA is Net tangible asset, so what do you think?
if included, haha, you are extract the wrong figure mah.


2015-03-28 10:09 | Report Abuse

takpa takpa, mana tau gua punya sultan nanti sokong, itu sudah jadi lain ow.....


2015-03-28 10:08 | Report Abuse

itulah, semua mau cabut, siapa akan sokong? boleh kekal harga sudah banyak bagus lol....


2015-03-27 17:20 | Report Abuse



2015-03-27 14:25 | Report Abuse

Vin Tan,
My belief is Businessman alone is not enough to run a biz for our current biz environment. It must have a work team + clear mission to able generate a super synergy outcome. This work team must include an accountant in it.


2015-03-27 14:08 | Report Abuse

Oh Thanks God. Time finally coming.

Must be a big surprise. Good or Bad, you should feel.


2015-03-27 12:24 | Report Abuse

okay okay chris

at first, i am admit i don't know the gst impact to bj corp. You are great but i am not stupid.



i am not the pic of their account dept, i don't have full information.
i do not want to give the misled comment.

Bjcorp business is too wide, it could fall in all kind of supply, could be zero rated supply, could be exempt supply or std rated supply or even mixed supply. Even you know that business is fall in which category, you still need to know the portion before determine that is gst expenses or just their gst input tax. As a chartered accountant, you are more aware of all these facts.

If say you are completely have those info, it doesn't mean you are able to determine their fate.
Business is not 1+1=2.
In the bad economy time, have people success and make good profit and even in good economy time also have people declare bankruptcy.

you mentioned and mentioned gst bring bad impact to bjcorp. may be right and might be wrong.
this is depend on its management how to handle it.

The risk in Chinese call 危机. You are Chinese and I expect you can read it and understand it. Why Chinese word put the dangerous and opportunity together? think about it?

Furthermore, with the gst implementation, if you need to have a place to sleep, you still need to walk into hotel during your travel time. Do not tell me only Bj Group hotels have the gst and not for others. You also have to consider with the devaluation of MYR, it will bringing in more foreigner and tourists to Malaysia. The result sometime is not as what you predict.

Good or bad is not decided by you or me. I hope everybody get the benefit for all our move.



2015-03-27 10:20 | Report Abuse

The tax expect, chartered accountant, Chrischan, is the announcement given by bj and highlighted again by hng33 showing the correct understanding? please give your professional comment.


2015-03-26 15:01 | Report Abuse



2015-03-26 12:55 | Report Abuse

the share market price is predict the coming company performance. not the current situation. it is future prospect. if you think the coming qtr the company able to generate 10sen/share for you, i think you will say i don;t mind to pay a bit premium for the current price, so the overall price will up. Contrary, the coming qtr will do badly, you will say i don;t mind to dispose off with a bit discount, so price will drop.

why price up up during economy bad time? because the bad time high possible means the end of the bad, U turn of the direction is happen.


2015-03-26 09:47 | Report Abuse

Just FYI, Calvin, accounting profit =/= taxable profit.

The meaning here in revaluation, if the value is up, you get profit in accounting but this profit is not subject to tax yet until its dispose time.

Revalue did not bring in any cash. It is just a numeric change in the report. So if you expect a cash dividend must provided the company have sufficient of cash. In this point, your promote counter have the cash, so it is possible to get lucrative special dividend but still subject to the willingness of main shareholder.


2015-03-26 08:29 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, the revaluation of an asset [property] does not affect taxable profit in the period of the revaluation, consequently, no tax have to pay if the value is up. It is only need to take in when the time the asset is dispose.

Revaluation of a property does not affect its quit rent or assessment fee too. The authority has its own valuation before finalized the rent or fee charged.

A revaluation will incur extra valuation fee and once exercise, in a certain period, it need to revalue again. If not to meet certain purpose, management will prefer not to do anything on it.
It could explained that they keep it as secret weapon and only will be used when only condition require such as to getting new funding, to increase the paid up capital or to benefit the decision maker.


2015-03-26 07:59 | Report Abuse

Berjaya Foundation Day - to rebuilt the positive image.....


2015-03-24 17:30 | Report Abuse

This does not mean all input item is eligible in the input tax claim, there are some criteria need to meet. You must also aware about the BLOCK INPUT TAX.

No Joke really no joke.

tt101 is tt101
no other name used in i3.
24/03/2015 17:20

Please read proper, don't read half tell half