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2022-10-25 20:16 | Report Abuse

二十大 進行時,紐約時報 發文諷刺,謝謝你,習近平 。與此同時,中國社會各種災難正在不斷醞釀


267K subscribers

67,924 views Oct 21, 2022

二十大 進行時,紐約時報 發文諷刺,謝謝你,習近平 。與此同時,中國社會各種災難正在不斷醞釀

紐時發文感謝習近平 給中共一記耳光
北京「四通橋」事件升級 彭立發恐遭重判引關注
喊話北京 台國安局長:武力攻台沒有贏的可能
反了!封城封區正在中國上演 民怒砸核酸處
不惜代價堅持清零 上海斥巨資大規模擴建方艙醫院

News & Blogs

2022-10-25 20:08 | Report Abuse


公子沈 Mr. Shen


News & Blogs

2022-10-14 15:30 | Report Abuse

Made in China: 37 Bridges collapsed in 5 years | Ancient China | Quality | moral issues


China Observer
187K subscribers

Many people think that "made in china" stands for inferior quality, so let's dig deeper for the causes.

In the five years from 2007 to 2012, a total of 37 bridges collapsed in China, including 13 bridges under construction, which killed 182 people and injured 177, an average of 7.4 "deadly bridges" per year.

In 2008, it was found that many infants were suffering from kidney stones after consuming Sanlu milk powder, which was found to contain melamine and cyanuric acid. According to china’s Ministry of Health, "By the end of December 2008, a cumulative total of 296,000 children with kidney stones caused by consumption of Sanlu milk powder had been reported nationwide, and 52,898 were hospitalized and treated. The Sanlu incident caused an international outcry and 27 countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and Italy, immediately announced a ban on the import of Chinese dairy products and related products.

Ancient buildings are strong and can last long, but nowadays in China buildings are like tofu.
Shanghai Tower Failed

News & Blogs

2022-10-14 15:25 | Report Abuse



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News & Blogs

2022-08-22 21:20 | Report Abuse

Gravitas: Why factories in China are shutting down
Chinese authorities are being forced to close factories. But this time - it is not because of the pandemic. A new crisis could derail China's economy. Palki Sharma tells you about it.

6.72M subscribers


News & Blogs

2022-08-22 21:19 | Report Abuse

China’s Economic Collapse Just Got Worse

China is experiencing an economic downturn as they lower interest rates, spending decreases, and property values decline - here's what this means for everyone watching - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan


News & Blogs

2022-07-28 15:45 | Report Abuse

高福突遭免職原因不簡單;美千億法案出爐 目標抗共【希望之聲TV-國際風雲】


News & Blogs

2022-07-20 21:31 | Report Abuse

李克強榮枯指數走跌 中國經濟不妙? 萬年靈藥房地產不靈!爛尾樓呆帳危機動搖國本?銀行湧現倒閉危機 中國金融體系將崩盤。220720


255K subscribers
主持人: 張宏林
時事議題:李克強榮枯指數走跌? 中國經濟不妙!
全球經濟震盪 中國經濟懸崖邊緣 房地產炸彈隨時爆
中國經濟數據長期美化 華爾街被騙了?真實數據病入膏肓
銀行擠兌 存款被清零?銀行資金卡房產 現金短缺釀巨繳房貸潮
外資撤出千億 中國金融體系將崩盤 中央財政沉重將淪紙老虎

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 20:14 | Report Abuse




2022-07-18 16:51 | Report Abuse

PUTIN SHOCKED! Putin's New Ukraine Nightmare Ukrainian Paratroopers Are Killing Russia’s Tanks


Ozillo News
1.52M subscribers
The leading news of the day; PUTIN SHOCKED! Putin's New Ukraine Nightmare Ukrainian Paratroopers Are Killing Russia’s Tanks

Ukrainian paratroopers have been credited with knocking down Russian tanks using man-portable rocket launchers for the second time in as many months. Images provided by the Ukrainian military earlier this week alleged to show airborne forces using American-made FGM-148 Javelin missiles to hit a pair of Russian tanks - most likely in the Donbas area of Eastern Ukraine.

"Soldiers of the 80th Separate Assault Brigade of the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine used a Javelin anti-aircraft missile system to destroy two new Russian T-90 'Vladimir' tanks," said the Command of the Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 16:45 | Report Abuse

习近平连任三大关卡,经济金融房地产环环失误,二十大大局难定;用你的钱建你的房,烂尾风险你来扛!中国商品房预售制种恶果;布莱尔:西方主导时代将告终,中国崛起 | 热点


0:51 习近平能否连任,三大原因显示大局未定
6:45 前英相布莱尔:西方主导时代将告终,中国崛起
9:43 用你的钱建你的房,烂尾风险你来扛!中国商品房预售制种恶果
14:54 河南银行弊案警钟:中国债务炸弹即将引爆
18:48 网红炫富坑爹!疑出动直升机拍片,警方调查

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-07-18 16:38 | Report Abuse

中國房市風暴擴大 爛尾樓狂增!房企融資釀「泡沫化危機」習近平憂銀行倒閉潮?-劉寶傑 姚惠珍 吳子嘉 黃世聰


(00:00:00)中國經濟要出大問題!「房企毒瘤」比金融風暴更可怕 恐有銀行倒閉!?
(00:10:00)張藝謀急售無錫豪宅登熱搜名導也要「潤」? 中國現「史詩房市泡沫」難題!?
(00:19:53)習清零政策讓房地產市場大衰退? 中國房市全面腰斬…經濟火車頭翻車!?

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 11:58 | Report Abuse

上海全區淪陷,全面封城在即?爛尾樓風暴,啟動國有化進程?回答網友提問(政論天下第745集 20220717)天亮時分


News & Blogs

2022-07-18 11:57 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-07-18 11:55 | Report Abuse

China's GDP grew only 0.4% in the second quarter


News & Blogs

2022-07-18 11:54 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-07-16 16:10 | Report Abuse

China's Financial Crisis is Approaching | Precursors to the Collapse of China’s Financial


China Observer
181K subscribers

The uproar over the disappearance of about 6 billion USD worth of deposits of more than 400,000 depositors in several village banks in Henan has lasted for more than two months, and depositors are still unable to take out their deposits. Thousands of Henan village bank victims from all over the country gathered in front of the People's Bank of China in Zhengzhou, Henan, in the early hours of July 10 to protest.
On July 11, in view of the pressure from various parties, the Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau and the Henan Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau issued an announcement stating that the principal of the customers in four involved village banks will be advanced in batches.
On July 6, two village banks in Hebei announced their dissolution and whose business and property were acquired by Zhangjiakou Bank.
Recently, the Bank of Nanjing, which has total assets of 1.75 trillion yuan, has been in trouble again.
In addition, the debt crisis in the real estate industry has gradually spread to the financial industry.
Once the financial crisis breaks out in banks, people's deposits will disappear or cannot be withdrawn at will. The banks and the government collude with each other in the name of maintaining order, which has already led to public discontent. As more and more crises break out in the property market, local institutions, and eventually the entire financial system, it will surely shake the rule of the Chinese Communist Party.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 15:42 | Report Abuse

習近平到新疆笑裏藏三刀 ,停貸潮蔓延全國,金融危機引爆政治危機 韭菜這次能贏鐮刀


News & Blogs

2022-07-16 15:41 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2022-07-14 12:41 | Report Abuse

"Whenever China visits your country, a new high speed train is built." Like a Robbin Hood robbed the poor & give to the rich...hahahahaha

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 12:37 | Report Abuse

Just like millions of China chinese became American...hehehehehe

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 12:37 | Report Abuse

No la... they prefer to be AMERICAN..hahahaha

News & Blogs

2022-07-07 13:55 | Report Abuse

China's High Speed Railway DEBT CRISIS: The Cause Of The Next Global Recession


Ben - Mr. Business

China's high speed railway system will unfortunately be the country's downfall, and will plunge global economies into deep recessions. China's high speed railways systems necessitated huge amounts of debt, to the tune of $850 billion. And with a decline in travel to-and-fro smaller provincial towns, small municipality governments in China are not able to bear the huge debt burden and looming interest payments.

Just over a decade ago, in 2009, China’s first long-distance high-speed rail (HSR) service covered the 968 kilometers between Wuhan and Guangzhou at an average speed of around 350 kilometers per hour. The feat was recognized as the Communist Party of China’s “debt-fueled” response to the global financial crisis. It was a sort of a “Railway Keynesianism,” where China re-engineered its railway infrastructure to drive the demand for concrete and steel and create millions of jobs. In the decade that followed, China’s HSR network spanned over a track length of 38,000 kilometers, the highest in the world. Bagging a share of 26 percent of the country’s total railway network, HSR today connects almost every major city in China, with travel time just a couple of hours more than air travel, but with the comfort that only trains can provide.

In the mad rush to gain the rich economic dividends that the HSR delivered on several profitable lines, especially the Beijing-Shanghai and Beijing-Guangzhou lines, provincial governments across the country have blindly tried to emulate the feat. However, most of such provincial construction has ignored the low- to zero- potential of the expensive routes to attract similar volumes of passenger traffic and are running at high idle capacity. Most new HSR lines in China have witnessed a sharp decline in their “transportation density”. Measured in passenger-kilometers, it is an indicator that projects the line’s operating efficiency in terms of annual average transport volume per kilometer. For example, while the 1,318-kilometer Beijing-Shanghai HSR corridor’s transportation density was 48 million passenger-kilometers in 2015 and continues to be high, the 1,776-kilometer Lanzhou-Urumqi line has only 2.3 million passenger-kilometers of transportation density. China’s overall transportation density of HSR was 17 million passenger-kilometers in 2015, while it was 34 million passenger-kilometers for Japan’s Shinkansen in the same year.

HSR construction costs nearly three times more than a conventional rail line. Given the absence of freight tariffs, its operational viability is hinged solely on passenger fares to cover the capital expenditure and operating costs. The craze for HSR has made China neglect the construction of conventional systems, adversely affecting the balance of the country’s logistics mix. As a result, rail has consistently trailed road and water freight transport for the past several years. This has led to growing investments in polluting freight road trucks and trailers, offsetting the environmental gains resulting from HSR. But for the China Rail Corporation (CRC) that owns the HSR network, that is the least of its worries.

In the past few years, mega borrowings by provincial governments to monetize its HSR lines have created a debt trap, which is now pinching the coffers of the state-owned CRC. CRC’s financial woes started nearly four years ago when more than 60 percent of the HSR operators each lost a minimum of US $100 million in 2018. That year, the least profitable operator in Chengdu reported net loss of US $1.8 billion. In the same year, transport economists in China had predicted an impending debt crisis for the country’s HSR that was dependent on “unsustainable government subsidies with many lines incapable of repaying the interest on their debt, let alone principal”, and were caught in a vicious cycle of “raising new debt to pay off old debt”. Consequently, since 2015, CRC’s interest payments have been significantly higher than its operating profits, shrinking its bottom line.

Four years later, in March 2021, China’s State Council, the highest organ of state power, has waved a red flag to curtail investments in HSR to prevent the slide into a deepening debt trap. The new guidelines have stopped the construction of new HSR corridors, primarily on underutilized routes that are operating at less than 80 percent of prescribed capacity. For China, which has seen the length of its high-speed railway network increase by 91 percent between 2015 and 2020, the new guidelines indicate that the country’s pursuit for speed has come at a high price.

News & Blogs

2022-07-07 13:41 | Report Abuse

China's High Speed Railway DEBT CRISIS: The Cause Of The Next Global Recession


Ben - Mr. Business

China's high speed railway system will unfortunately be the country's downfall, and will plunge global economies into deep recessions. China's high speed railways systems necessitated huge amounts of debt, to the tune of $850 billion. And with a decline in travel to-and-fro smaller provincial towns, small municipality governments in China are not able to bear the huge debt burden and looming interest payments.

Just over a decade ago, in 2009, China’s first long-distance high-speed rail (HSR) service covered the 968 kilometers between Wuhan and Guangzhou at an average speed of around 350 kilometers per hour. The feat was recognized as the Communist Party of China’s “debt-fueled” response to the global financial crisis. It was a sort of a “Railway Keynesianism,” where China re-engineered its railway infrastructure to drive the demand for concrete and steel and create millions of jobs. In the decade that followed, China’s HSR network spanned over a track length of 38,000 kilometers, the highest in the world. Bagging a share of 26 percent of the country’s total railway network, HSR today connects almost every major city in China, with travel time just a couple of hours more than air travel, but with the comfort that only trains can provide.

In the mad rush to gain the rich economic dividends that the HSR delivered on several profitable lines, especially the Beijing-Shanghai and Beijing-Guangzhou lines, provincial governments across the country have blindly tried to emulate the feat. However, most of such provincial construction has ignored the low- to zero- potential of the expensive routes to attract similar volumes of passenger traffic and are running at high idle capacity. Most new HSR lines in China have witnessed a sharp decline in their “transportation density”. Measured in passenger-kilometers, it is an indicator that projects the line’s operating efficiency in terms of annual average transport volume per kilometer. For example, while the 1,318-kilometer Beijing-Shanghai HSR corridor’s transportation density was 48 million passenger-kilometers in 2015 and continues to be high, the 1,776-kilometer Lanzhou-Urumqi line has only 2.3 million passenger-kilometers of transportation density. China’s overall transportation density of HSR was 17 million passenger-kilometers in 2015, while it was 34 million passenger-kilometers for Japan’s Shinkansen in the same year.

HSR construction costs nearly three times more than a conventional rail line. Given the absence of freight tariffs, its operational viability is hinged solely on passenger fares to cover the capital expenditure and operating costs. The craze for HSR has made China neglect the construction of conventional systems, adversely affecting the balance of the country’s logistics mix. As a result, rail has consistently trailed road and water freight transport for the past several years. This has led to growing investments in polluting freight road trucks and trailers, offsetting the environmental gains resulting from HSR. But for the China Rail Corporation (CRC) that owns the HSR network, that is the least of its worries.

In the past few years, mega borrowings by provincial governments to monetize its HSR lines have created a debt trap, which is now pinching the coffers of the state-owned CRC. CRC’s financial woes started nearly four years ago when more than 60 percent of the HSR operators each lost a minimum of US $100 million in 2018. That year, the least profitable operator in Chengdu reported net loss of US $1.8 billion. In the same year, transport economists in China had predicted an impending debt crisis for the country’s HSR that was dependent on “unsustainable government subsidies with many lines incapable of repaying the interest on their debt, let alone principal”, and were caught in a vicious cycle of “raising new debt to pay off old debt”. Consequently, since 2015, CRC’s interest payments have been significantly higher than its operating profits, shrinking its bottom line.

Four years later, in March 2021, China’s State Council, the highest organ of state power, has waved a red flag to curtail investments in HSR to prevent the slide into a deepening debt trap. The new guidelines have stopped the construction of new HSR corridors, primarily on underutilized routes that are operating at less than 80 percent of prescribed capacity. For China, which has seen the length of its high-speed railway network increase by 91 percent between 2015 and 2020, the new guidelines indicate that the country’s pursuit for speed has come at a high price.

News & Blogs

2022-07-07 13:39 | Report Abuse

Laos gets a HSR and Its debt to China is 45% of its GDP/Beijing's dream in Southeast Asia


China Insights
220K subscribers

With the cost of $5.9 billion USD, the HSR took six years to complete. It is a crucial "One Belt, One Road" project for Beijing. What will it bring to China, Laos, and South East Asia? Will it bring wealth or debt?
It looks like Beijing will continue to push forward with its high-speed railroad to Southeast Asia.
But amidst the grave economic downturn in China, Beijing will have to face the question of whether this will trigger a financial crisis of its own in turn.

News & Blogs

2022-07-07 13:10 | Report Abuse

China spends almost 1% of its GDP on all rail. It seems hard to believe that high speed rail by itself is a profitable dollar per dollar investment, given that a lot of the economic benefits of rail seem to be cargo on slow rail. It could be true, but with costs that high, it seems like alternative investments could be worth a higher ROI.

Overbuilding is definitely a sign of inefficiency though (unless you're going to argue that every mile they build is worth it dollar per dollar), especially since they clearly know that these new lines are going to be unprofitable. Some of the new lines definitely smell like politics and prestige projects.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-06-25 21:42 | Report Abuse


00:00 本期内容摘要
01:21 窮國被一帶一路榨乾沒錢還貸款,美學者:中共掉入自己挖的債務陷阱
04:06 「這些銀行會大量覆滅」?中小銀行的危機正式爆發
05:20 中國22城首輪土地拍賣成交額下降52.7%
06:32 知名投資人:美聯儲玩真的,明年利率將升破5%
07:40 前房地產業者談推高大陸房價黑手
10:56 河北邯鄲要求復工前購買3000元防疫機,並說網民理解
12:04 數百名碩博士的錢去哪了? 「屬實是把高學歷的羊騙進來殺」


News & Blogs

2022-06-25 18:00 | Report Abuse

Gravitas: Angry depositors in China protest for their money

For almost two months, thousands of desperate depositors in China have been struggling to recover their savings. 4 banks suddenly suspended cash withdrawals. Palki Sharma tells you about the latest bank runs in China.


News & Blogs

2022-06-25 17:58 | Report Abuse

History will judge China CCP very harshly .... Now high unemployment, financial difficulty, There are people in China find difficulty in withdrawing their money from banks.

News & Blogs

2022-06-22 17:07 | Report Abuse

"Chart don't lie" Ha..Ha...Ha...Ha....

Of course ma... why ? Because the Chart is based on HISTORY data... the things that already happen... So how could the chart lie.... hahaha...

Even a low IQ people with a understanding of what is chart is about will also know that.

News & Blogs

2022-06-22 16:50 | Report Abuse

Already told you all please be long term investor...

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2022-06-16 21:24 | Report Abuse

Why Not SELL EVERYTHING NOW If We Believe Markets Will Crash And BUY Back Again In Future?


News & Blogs

2022-06-14 13:56 | Report Abuse

Amid economic slowdown, China is 'weaker than anytime' in recent memory • FRANCE 24 English

China Foreign Minister Wang Yi holds a meeting with counterparts from 10 Pacific island nations in Fiji on Monday, midway through a diplomatic tour of the region where China's ambitions for wider security ties has caused concern among US allies. For more analysis, joining FRANCE 24 is Jean-François di Meglio, President of the Asia Center.


News & Blogs

2022-06-14 13:42 | Report Abuse



本集節目美東 2/25 製作
0:00 時政自媒體在YT上要避免很多禁忌 還涉及“立場”問題
2:32 唐山打人案中的流氓 有政法委書記的“兒子”
3:27 公檢法如何上位 思考:中共喜歡好人多、順民多、壞人多?
8:27 三個原因讓公檢法成為黑道保護傘 陸媒點名唐山官場
10:20 保護你吃燒烤!中共警察開始下派各地燒烤攤盯防
11:50 唐山事件或致官員落馬 各種暴力事件頻發 防不勝防
13:32 上千港人齊集倫敦 紀念“612立法會事件”三週年

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 13:30 | Report Abuse

A land where people with wealth & connection got special treatment. Make sure you don't go against them. Pray a lot so that this special privilege people don't come to disturb or bully you. Once you are targeted .... bye bye

News & Blogs

2022-06-07 17:31 | Report Abuse

習近平驚曝中共軍魂魂不附體;習清零被放棄?北京防疫變調;沒習李批示,四川強震被淡化;曝俄曾積極加入北約,脫亞入歐是國家目標;拜登支持率再走低 向通脹宣戰;尷尬!

01:09 習近平驚曝:中共軍魂魂不附體
03:47 習近平 「清零」嚴控被放棄?北京防疫變調了!
06:11 不見習李批示 官媒淡化四川強震有因
08:58 尷尬…俄外長欲訪塞爾維亞 遭3國封鎖領空
10:01 中國的危險鄰國 俄羅斯曾積極加入北約決策小組 「脫亞入歐」是國家長期目標
12:44 美國中期選舉:拜登支持率走低 向通脹宣戰以圖挽回頹勢


News & Blogs

2022-06-07 17:27 | Report Abuse

北頓涅茨克爭奪進入肉搏巷戰 烏軍挖壕溝應戰…俄軍大殺器派不上用場!?-劉寶傑

News & Blogs

2022-06-07 17:25 | Report Abuse

Ziaklansky who is that... hahaha can't even spell a person name correct. Blindly follow China CCP & Russia fake media propaganda.

News & Blogs

2022-06-07 17:22 | Report Abuse

Ha..Ha... what a joke. Trying to twist & turn. Please check your fact la...

News & Blogs

2022-04-28 13:35 | Report Abuse


00:00 我們都需要真相
2:55 燕郊1陽全封城 通勤族被截中途
6:50 暗示疫情將擴大?朝陽區樓棟封門
10:39 北京闢謠不缺糧 冰箱冰櫃賣斷貨
14:07市民備戰備荒 儲存多少為宜?
16:52 徹夜舉家逃W 北京驚現「難民」
23:13 上海不缺物資 基層太多彎彎繞?




News & Blogs

2022-04-24 10:41 | Report Abuse

Wall Street Week - Full Show 04/22/2022
Bloomberg Markets and Finance
1.23M subscribers

On this edition of Wall Street Week, Rick Rieder, BlackRock CIO of Global Fixed Income & Barbara Ann Bernard, Wincrest Capital Founder, CEO & CIO wrap up a rough week in the markets. Anne Finucane, Bank of America Europe Chairman talks about Russia's impact on the quest for zero emissions. Plus, Steve Rattner, Willett Advisors Chairman and CEO reacts to U.S. Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen's latest remarks on the economy, China and more.


News & Blogs

2022-04-02 13:47 | Report Abuse

Ya Good company does not means that the company's shres price will be increased in short term...right ???

News & Blogs

2022-04-02 13:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo yo yo...shares inestment is not like going to Casino in Genting...
Shares investment is Long TERM if you wants short term & excitement please go to Genting Laa...