
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2015-04-07 16:50 | Report Abuse

The shorties also erode confidence, which is the driver of the share price, in the stock. If sudden sell down for no reason, it will be hard for the share price to recover, if at all. Therefore Teo Seng management must support its price if it wants Teo Seng to be blue chip stock.


2015-04-07 16:44 | Report Abuse

If 1.8, I will be really happy collecting. But once the buyer syndicate collected enough, the price will rise so they can make. The danger are the shorties who will sell down the price rapidly. But if they cannot sell down > 5 sens in a day, it will be hard for them to make good money.


2015-04-07 16:08 | Report Abuse

Look at the volume and the queue. Buyers/syndicate collecting between 1.95 and 2.


2015-04-07 15:15 | Report Abuse

It's a good fundamental uptrending stock. Every 5-10 sen drop or more, grab!


2015-04-06 19:49 | Report Abuse

The wolves are not that many now. They know that they cannot now sell down enough to make it worth their efforts and risk.


2015-04-06 19:26 | Report Abuse

Yeah, break today. While I watch when the slide will end before I add position.


2015-04-03 16:49 | Report Abuse

Not if the buyers at RM2 is enough to absorb.


2015-04-03 16:24 | Report Abuse

Selling by the Friday punters have begun.


2015-04-03 15:48 | Report Abuse

Someone/group supporting the price now at 2. If they persist, the wolves will go elsewhere since they can't sell-down the price.


2015-04-03 11:16 | Report Abuse

No, I am not a wolf, just an investor still on the steep learning curve.


2015-04-03 10:49 | Report Abuse

They also go for high cap stocks too. E.g. Genting Bhd recently. Backed by their syndicates and or brokers. They have the liquidity and can short the stock. The only ways to stop them are that fluctuations is not more than say, 5 sens per day. Their modus operadi is to sell down 10 sens or more in a few minutes to a day to deflate confidence in the stock. Then they buy back slowly when the stock drifts down to their TP and when no one else is interested to buy. They raid good under-valued stocks like Teo Seng especially after they have risen in price and especially after good dividends/bonus issues are announced BUT before ex-date! They know that the price will rise back later because the stock is undervalued.


2015-04-02 16:55 | Report Abuse

They choose good under-valued stocks to raid because they know that the price would rise back in value after the sell-down and after they buy back at a lower price. So when they raid and cause a sell-down, hold on to your stock and add position if you can.


2015-04-02 16:45 | Report Abuse

But the wolves will try to bring the price down so that they can collect on the cheap. KLSE is not well-regulated and not liquid enough. So the wolves can make fortunes by raiding good stocks that are rising in value. They are allowed to short (likely illegally) the stock by their brokers. They say shorting is only for a day, but who knows?! Sometimes they are backed by the stocks' insiders, especially if there is not counter intervention by the management. Some of the commentators here may be one of them!


2015-04-02 16:19 | Report Abuse

Let's just say I have confidence in Teo Seng even if the wolves win a round or two. It's still way better than money in FD. Also SGD is rising against RM, So lots of forex gain besides it being a growth stock! But if Teo Seng robustly support the share price against the wolves it will surely reach its TP fast!


2015-04-02 15:55 | Report Abuse

It's got to price manipulation by some syndicate wolves - stock market up, one of the best growth stocks in the Bursa down!


2015-04-02 15:16 | Report Abuse

Wolves desperately blocking at 2.16 and 2.20 hoping the price will collapse? Unlikely. More likely they will be caught short and have to cover their shorts!


2015-04-02 15:11 | Report Abuse

The recent sell downs before the price support has made the stock volatile. It shouldn't be so if KSL intervened earlier. Investors still cautious...


2015-04-02 12:18 | Report Abuse

KSL's land is low cost. GST no problem.


2015-04-02 11:57 | Report Abuse

Price appears to be supported. The shorting wolves better run before the bulls charge again and trample them!


2015-04-01 17:04 | Report Abuse

Good point. And SGD rising against RM.


2015-04-01 16:52 | Report Abuse

Only competition can pressure lower price.


2015-04-01 16:45 | Report Abuse

A few wolves just been trampled into the dust! The rest of the wolves - run now or suffer the same fate! The bulls are beginning to charge!


2015-04-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

Remember Warren Buffet's question.


2015-04-01 15:38 | Report Abuse

Teo Seng's management should start a share support buy back fast before the wolves play havoc with its share price and sap confidence in Teo Seng!


2015-04-01 15:31 | Report Abuse

It's the wolves trying to press down to collect.


2015-04-01 15:26 | Report Abuse

Someone dumped 200K at 1.99 but the market immediately rebounded to stay above 2!


2015-04-01 12:01 | Report Abuse

Bulls building up for the push to 2.20 and beyond? Any wolves still around should get out of the!


2015-04-01 11:35 | Report Abuse

In the absence of price support by Teo Seng's management, the wolves of bursa are going to try to push down the price so that they can collect. Just ask yourselves Warren Buffet's question: Is this company going to make lots of money? If the answer is yes, rest your case and hold on to your shares. Add position if you can if the wolves push down the price. From the analyst's view, Teo Seng is going to make lots of money. It's an up-trending stock and the price will reflect that eventually.


2015-03-31 17:05 | Report Abuse

A very strong finish. Likely too late for the shorting wolves to escape the bulls tomorrow. They will likely be trampled into the financial dust if they have not sold today! Bro stkoay, your darling was becoming more beautiful by the minute today!


2015-03-31 16:04 | Report Abuse

The bulls should trample down the wolves now and get their revenge for the previous unjustified sell-downs!


2015-03-31 16:01 | Report Abuse

Here come the wolves. They think that they have a clear path to 2.07 after 2.14!


2015-03-31 11:58 | Report Abuse

If I am one of those wolves, I would sell now and slink off somewhere else where the pickings are not so hazardous. If the bulls start charging now, the wolves will be trampled into the financial dust!


2015-03-31 11:52 | Report Abuse

If the bulls charge, those would-be wolves who shorted the stock will lose their fur!


2015-03-31 11:06 | Report Abuse

The wolves seem to be going away. But will the bulls charge?!


2015-03-31 10:56 | Report Abuse

There appears to be a syndicate keeping the price down hoping that the price will collapse so they can collect (and collect the dividend as well). If KSL's price support prevents a collapse of more than 5 sens, they will go elsewhere and the price will rise. These syndicates appears to be allowed to short the stock.


2015-03-25 15:33 | Report Abuse

To increase confidence in its share from both institutions and retailers, Teo Seng must implement a share price support buy-back program to fence out sell-down raids by the wolves. Otherwise high volatility leading to unstable share price will neutralise the upward stability of its business in the eyes of investors and lose it confidence. Then it will be a long, long time for Teo Seng to realise it's TP if at all.


2015-03-24 12:55 | Report Abuse

Have you seen kampong chickens? They can really fly. Try catching them and see!


2015-03-24 10:12 | Report Abuse

Teo Seng is an up-trending stock and the weekly up-trend is till intact despite yesterday's sell-down. The wolves' tactic is to cause such a sharp fall as to dent investors' confidence so that the price will then drift down so that they can collect at their TP. They are working as a syndicate.


2015-03-24 09:30 | Report Abuse

It's the marauding wolves that are causing the sharp sell-down so that they can buy cheap. They did that to VS as well as KSL. KLSE is not a well regulated exchange and Teo Seng's management do not yet has a share buy-back program to support its price and prevent raids by the wolves! The only way to deal with those wolves is not to sell. Sooner or later Teo Seng may not tolerate such attacks on its share price and act to support. I repeat: yesterday's sharp sell-down is not support by any bad news affecting Teo Seng and therefore unjustified. So hold if you have the holding power and is a longer term investor. Sell and you'll feed your hard earned profits to the unscrupulous wolves!


2015-03-23 23:25 | Report Abuse

Hold i.e. if you have holding power or is a longer term investor!


2015-03-23 22:43 | Report Abuse

No problem. Buy opps. It is a good stock - among the best in Bursa. Only if you sell would you fall into the jaws of those wolves. Look at the chart: the price always more than recover soon after the sharp sell-down. E.g. sell-down on 30/9/14, more than recovered by 31/10/14 (31 days); sell-down on 12/11/14, more than recover by 2/3/14 (110 days but this period include the overall sell-down in Bursa affecting virtually all stocks). The sharpness of the second sell-down is so that the wolves can collect cheap and deprive the retailers of the dividend and bonus issue. They did the same trick with KSL. So hold on or add position. It's still better than keeping your money in FD!


2015-03-23 20:17 | Report Abuse

There is also a chance that Teo Seng's insiders are behind these raids. If so, the game changes.


2015-03-23 19:59 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately Teo Seng's management did not seem to be supporting the price at present making it susceptible to raids by the marauding wolves of Bursa. Teo Seng's share price should just consolidate as it has been doing instead of a rapid sell down (as happened several times in the past 6 months. We expect this only if there is sudden significant bad news affecting Teo Seng. But there were none. KSL's price was subjected to the same tactics until recently when its management started supporting the price via share buy-backs. Teo Seng management should do the same and prevent drastic artificial sell-down of its stock which would ruin investors' confidence in it and retard its share price growth. No need to have a massive support program; just by preventing any unjustified sell-down of more than 5 sens per day will be enough to keep the wolves away since they can't make a big killing. They can only do so if the sell-down is more. Teo Seng is increasing not only in sales and profit but also profit margin. It is also a beneficiary of the strong Singapore dollar vis a vis the ringgit since it sells mainly to Singapore. As pointed out by someone, its Q1 2015 result is likely to be good because of CNY consumption. It is a rapid growth stock not least because of its announced RM200m expansion. So I hope Teo Seng's management will read this and intervene to keep the wolves from ruining not only its share price but also the long term prospect for its stock. If Teo Seng's management starts supporting the price, the wolves (I estimate only about 5 to a maximum of 10 in all) will go elsewhere.


2015-03-23 16:34 | Report Abuse

Good buy opportunity in a growth stock. Current drop due to wolves preying on the retailers.


2015-03-22 15:25 | Report Abuse

Yun Kai, more appropraite for a 'leng looi' to sing that song if that is meant for me since I am a 'leng chai'. Maybe VS become the leng looi next week. In the meantime I will sing this verse to VS and all the leng looi investors in VS:

'Fill my heart with song, And let me sing for ever more, You are what I long for, What I treasure and adore, In other words, please be true, In other words, I love you'!


2015-03-21 15:27 | Report Abuse

Repayment of debt has positive impact on net profit because it reduces interest expense. It will only negatively impact the cash-flow. Even this will be countered by the increase in cash in-flow due to higher sales and the impact of the strong USD. In fact repayment of debt, especially out of its earnings is a sign of a healthy comapany.


2015-03-20 16:29 | Report Abuse

Price support seems to have shifted tack today - supporting the son instead of the mother. This makes sense since it will need less cash and can still convert later on and gain if the mother share is still at a premium to son.


2015-03-20 15:06 | Report Abuse

I would buy mother for divvy or new shares now. Warrant can buy later after ex-date for its discount to mother if still have good discount.


2015-03-20 10:59 | Report Abuse

Some wolves still lurking, disguised as sheep just grazing.


2015-03-19 18:55 | Report Abuse

It's a war of attrition...a few wolves still refuse to admit defeat.