
vespa | Joined since 2017-03-23

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4 days ago | Report Abuse

Dividend yield
on average is about 3% while MGS is at 3.77%.. Hopefully PBA hikes it above the safe MGS


4 days ago | Report Abuse

It is largely state owned. If value is to be created it had better pay good dividends.


4 days ago | Report Abuse

I stand corrected


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Ranhill & Puncak Niaga - Malaysia boleh policy


4 days ago | Report Abuse

PBA runs the risk of serving the public rather than maximising shareholder value, a political animal as it is.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

This heroic stock is in a moribund state


1 month ago | Report Abuse

we need Singapore CPF to support


1 month ago | Report Abuse

do not trust management; promises promises


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Wow Vicky you are being quite dramatic


1 month ago | Report Abuse

it is a large amount of shares listed in such a short time


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sadly, suspect this is for the long haul and it appears in transition away from fossil fuels and has not become the typical tomorrow stock. There seems not much point even if we scream from the rafters and go blue in our faces I doubt much attention is paid to us retail investors. If the kitchen is too hot one might as well bite the bullet as I think this mob is for the long haul. So it is well and dandy shooting Gary the messenger but the pivot is AK himself who is answerable for the misery laden on us the retailers , some of whom have fallen in love with it.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Well we just have to wait and see..rather than being misled


1 month ago | Report Abuse

"BAB notes that the Facilities were oversubscribed".....exudes confidence


1 month ago | Report Abuse

MISC CEO quits...wonder if he was anti or pro Bumi deal. Check it out in the Edge weekly it cost no more than RM7


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Armada is at silly prices and wont be surprised if it even hits a transient 40 sen ( panic selling ) ; with cashflow yields on song am backing up the truck for the long haul


2 months ago | Report Abuse

All this is a result of Malaysia's brain drain. Smart ones are overseas.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

poorly managed company with substandard engineering consultants


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Robert Waters, you could probably be right but the saving grace is that downside is limited (says he)..glad am out of this but if it falls to the silly price region may reconsider..


2 months ago | Report Abuse

spot on steady31... major shareholder appears to be all about himself and the faithfull are bearing the cost.. poor souls


2 months ago | Report Abuse

crazy movement


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Google translation


2 months ago | Report Abuse

(KUALA LUMPUR, June 6) Sources familiar with the matter revealed that Malaysia International Shipping (MISC, 3816, Main Board Transportation and Logistics) is in talks with Bumi Armada (ARMADA, 5210, Main Board Energy) to acquire the latter's shares and become its major shareholder.

Financial weekly TheEdge quoted sources as reporting that negotiations for Malaysia International Shipping to acquire Bumi Armada have been ongoing, but there has been no breakthrough yet.

In response to a reporter's inquiry, MISC also said: "The company is actively exploring any investment opportunities that can add value to its shareholders. If there is substantial progress, the company will communicate with relevant stakeholders."

It is understood that the above negotiations were conducted at the shareholder level and did not involve management, so the reporter did not seek advice from Bumi Armada.

The largest shareholder of Bumi Armada is Malaysian tycoon Ananda, who currently holds a 34.58% stake in the company.

Is India's Tata also a competitor?

It is believed that Ananda had the idea of ​​quitting several years ago, and Shapoorji Pallonji Mistry of India's Tata Group also seemed interested in taking over. The latter served as a member of Bumi Armada's board of directors from October 2014 to February 2017.

However, there has been no follow-up action since then.

Malaysia International Shipping is a subsidiary of Petronas (holding 51% of the shares) and is mainly responsible for Petronas' transportation-related matters.

Bumi Armada is one of the world's largest floating production storage and offloading (FSPO) operators, with total assets of approximately RM11.59 billion as of the end of March this year.


2024-07-02 16:49 | Report Abuse

Has Section 1 been declared open ......dates seem to be an organic matter to management


2024-06-17 15:04 | Report Abuse

Rohank it would help if you get up to speed with Finance 101.


2024-06-16 10:31 | Report Abuse

Rohank. NPV as you know is a discounting mechanism. It discounts free cashflow from the future to present. Every year’s projected free cashflow is discounted to the present. So from my basic calc say discount rate 14 or 15% ( this can be determined with assumptions) you discount each year to the present. You could take 5 yrs or 10 yrs to discount plus terminal rate. Generally 10 yrs plus terminal rate. Hope this helps. Here in Malaysia one cannot predict 3 yrs in to the future so it becomes quite academic . This works well with large companies with steady cashflow and durable with few surprises.


2024-06-16 05:47 | Report Abuse

Thanks DestinyL that was helpful.


2024-06-16 02:29 | Report Abuse

This is just info and not to troll Armada's prospects with Kraken. I think this has already been baked in the price. Labour is expected to form the next govt


2024-06-15 18:45 | Report Abuse

I am out but still will keep track of Armada and buy in only severe dips for the sole reason I think AK may just take it private for his upstream business. O & G stocks in the North Sea are being hammered due to the incoming Labour govt ( way ahead in the polls ). Policies are anti fossil fuels ;;;
Headlines Labour energy policies already impacting North Sea business
Labour's proposed ban on award new North Sea oil and gas licences has already spooked producers. UK Labour Plans £1.2 Billion Windfall Tax on Oil & Gas Giants.
I am sure some are already aware of this. This could probably be Armada's halting share price progress.


2024-06-12 19:40 | Report Abuse

True, Ministers are not held accountable and can waffle through their teeth but WCE has made no comments on lateness except Section 7 b is being redesigned and no expected completion date.


2024-06-12 17:52 | Report Abuse

If not for management selling it would have taken off.....tightly held winner


2024-06-12 15:29 | Report Abuse

spot on Mr Waters...recall Mike Lim an avid Armada supporter , he got out at about these prices and drove into YTL Power early this year at about RM 2.30 ( if my memory serves me right). Armada has done squat since then. Eventually it would move up I suppose


2024-06-12 14:00 | Report Abuse

I sold out the balance yesterday...Armada to me was like the curate's egg


2024-06-11 15:33 | Report Abuse

speakup...if not for PH the country would be in ruins, we need to harness the resources of the rakyat to better the country.


2024-06-06 01:03 | Report Abuse

Bitgold that is a surprise


2024-06-05 14:56 | Report Abuse

Exactly Nepo, nothing in the qtrly has said what the Minister has stated that completion would be March 2026.


2024-06-03 15:22 | Report Abuse

sobering thought


2024-05-31 16:48 | Report Abuse

I doubt we are disputing the prospects but these have not changed over the year.


2024-05-31 14:44 | Report Abuse

UOB may just have hit on the head for short term investors. Reality check perhaps.


2024-05-30 14:48 | Report Abuse

Declining future free cashflows requires another job to bump up valuation or alternatively AK/UT and co offer to take it private at a premium as these guys play it close to their chest. Never discount that.


2024-05-30 14:38 | Report Abuse

About its shortest media release in its recent past, maybe something good afoot at
the AGM.


2024-05-29 19:03 | Report Abuse

Tanjong Karang-Assam Jawa section of West Coast Expressway ready in March 2026, says Nanta


2024-05-29 15:46 | Report Abuse

for guys who do numbers rather that emotions here is the RAM article ( a bit dated ) Dec 2023


2024-05-29 15:27 | Report Abuse

If tolling revenue is not too far off Choivo's assessment cashflow ( broadly speaking ) perhaps there is something to salvage but section 7 has become the archilles heel.


2024-05-28 16:44 | Report Abuse

Not altogether true Sonnia. In actual fact it has dug itself out of a hole of its own making but it has not crawled out of it as yet. I have been there since 2012 ( in the hole) and holy cow the price I have paid ( or been paying ) since then. Management info is just lipservice ; fodder for the plebs.


2024-05-28 15:32 | Report Abuse

Smart investors know when it is time to invest and there are others who are longer term investors with surplus cash who wait it out.