
viper88 | Joined since 2013-05-17

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2015-02-28 12:10 | Report Abuse

PETRONAS 2014 financial report also drop... most other O&G company also affected.

Share price movement based on company biz future direction.
THHEAVY next direction is RIGHT Issue...

Financial qtr result already out, its past news.


2015-02-28 10:55 | Report Abuse

orlandooil: Guess till now u still dont understand how big players control THHEAVY stock price movement.

Last year end when theres a lot bad announcement/financial report /news, price already drop a lot and hit rock bottom. That was the time where big players accumulates in big vol and keep supporting the price. When oil market price start to moving up towards usd60, the buying gets stronger and pushing price higher towards 0.45+ lvl. The big players already push and enter strong especially at AVG 0.40+/-.

This financial qtr is the only last roadblock, that's why the price tank at 0.40+/- coz its another round of accumulation from those that want to exit. The big players didnt push much, just support the price maybe they already know the result earlier but yet why they didn't exit all in huge VOL?.

U can chk the total vol transacted during all the trades after cny..23-27/2/15 its so much lower than those vol transacted during the strong up rise of price bfr cny... indicates there player still inside and continue accumulates.

If u are worry/concern u should have already exited this counter long time ago.. why u still hanging around here and keep repeat posting CEO comments over and over again? To scare urself again all over again.... big players don't bother much abt that...maybe small fry will...

Facepalm lol..


2015-02-28 00:19 | Report Abuse

Bad result is not unexpected, even other big oil & gas stock also not doing so well for the financial qtr result. Usually share price already priced in the future price/news/financial report /etcs.

Some even when result is good also the share price drop because news already out, more exiting profit taking by the big players which enter much earlier. Whereas some result not good & alot bad news still can move up later. Its more towards future direction whether the big players want to move the stock up, support or down.


2015-02-27 10:40 | Report Abuse

orlandooil: Why u keep repeating CEO comment ? Think more than 3X ++ u've posted.

Okla.. i add more for u since u so concern ... Tat CEO comment also abt laying off/retrenchment job rite?.

Ya... how abt Bursa reprimanded THHEAVY for reporting financial qtr lesser profit? 18/12/14


"The company reported an unaudited profit after taxation and minority interest (Patami) of RM1.603 million in Q4 FY13, compared with an audited Patami of RM8.188 million in the annual audited accounts for FY13.

The variance of RM6.585 million between the unaudited and audited results represented a deviation of 410.8%.

According to Bursa, the adjustments, as announced on May 30, 2014, were mainly due to the company's errors and oversight as it had failed to account for the share of profit from an associate and wrongly categorised the 30% share of losses of non-controlling interests in a subsidiary to the owners of the company in Q4 FY13."


All announcement came in Early and mid of Dec last year just 1-2 weeks before THHEAVY-WA expiry.

If its really that bad....who is holding and buying the warrants? and who buy main shares when price drop to historical low? Vol tells something.. go check it out yourself.' target='_blank'>


2015-02-26 19:49 | Report Abuse

I've sold abit at 0.44 before CNY and still holding some for future play.
Base on current price support & movement, my own personal TP:
Short term target is retest back recent high of 0.45 /0.455.
Mid term target 0.50-0.52.

Support at 0.38/0.385.

As usual, those plan to invest in THHEAVY, set ur own invest/trade plan.


2015-02-26 16:48 | Report Abuse

Those who didn't know wat happen to THHEAVY-wa end of last year bfr expiry can read this:


2015-02-26 14:30 | Report Abuse

Today 1st half trading vol already more than yesterday total full day vol traded and transaction now RM4.15million. It shows the increase vol & transaction price. Most vol traded today are at the price of 0.40 follow by 0.405.

Can see also there high selling vol queues but not much seller throwing down price below 0.40.

Basically I feel the big players are controlling the price with buyer & seller queues at the range of 0.40+/- before gain momentum for next direction movement. Its also possible they want to clean up those weak shareholders by waiting/letting them to sell off around that price for them to accumulate.

Its a rinse and shine strategy...repeat few times so they can lower their AVG 1st and later push higher easier with less resistance since most of weak shareholders already get eaten up...
The big players holding the biggest portion of the shares will sell at profit later on back to small fry/fish at much higher price of coz.....


2015-02-26 13:44 | Report Abuse

Qtrly financial result will be out either today or tomorrow.
Base on buyer strong support shown, there might be +ve news.


2015-02-26 10:14 | Report Abuse

"I believe the objective of this blog is for info sharing and not a forum to influence or mislead others." Facepalm LOL....and yet tat Analyst8 say this "With the challenges surrounding the company during last q of 2014, the q result is unlikely to be favourable."

Best jokes n non-sense posting I ever read.


2015-02-25 16:08 | Report Abuse

Analyst8: non-sense? U dont know how to think for own investment trade and follow blindly?
So weak and get swayed influence easily? In stock. there 3 movement direction.. down, sideways and up... Only big players can control the stock price movement...

Well u better read ur own posting rm0.30 will be in money.. lol.. That's a real non-sense and a joke... those big players that bought way much higher will be laughing at ur non-sense posting.
They are pushing and supporting THHEAVY price close to 0.40+/- for nothing den... they might as well just support it at 0.25 since don't have to pay money for the rights as wat u've commented earlier.

No point reply to u, since u don't have an open mind of stock movement and how rights issues in money works and don't bother to check with analyst/remiser.

If cant stand the changes or take the risk.. pls exit at the price suit own appetite.
THHEAVY is not for small fry to swim that alwys fear get eaten by bigger fish.


2015-02-25 15:53 | Report Abuse

orlandooil: U can check the warrants and main shares historical chart price and vol movement. Can c the high vol transaction during the end of December and end jan - towards early feb.
Both transaction involves warrants and main shares buy & sell.

For warrant convertion, only the buyers will decide whether to convert or not but base on closing price... 0.005 - 0.01.. to convert +0.51 will be long term big players.


2015-02-25 14:46 | Report Abuse

orlandooil: If u read the previous cancelled proposal, its already assuming scenarios None or Full of the Outstanding warrants are exercised...

on 19/11/14,, theres high vol traded for THHEAVY -WA.
So far no updates or announcement of the warrant convertion by the big shareholders.
Only have info on the PMB private placement shares at 0.80.

New proposal also mention the private shares placement ... no info on those warrant convertion.


As at 22 September 2014, being the latest practicable date prior to this announcement (“LPD”), the existing issued and paid-up share capital of the Company is RM263,981,727.50 comprising 1,055,926,910 THHE Shares. As at the LPD, the Company also has a total of 202,178,797 warrants outstanding which were issued by the Company on 20 December 2004 pursuant to the deed poll dated 30 November 2004 (“Warrants 2004/2014”) (“Outstanding Warrants”).
On 24 September 2014, MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad had announced, on behalf of the Board, that the Company proposes to undertake a private placement of up to 10% of the issued and paid-up share capital of THHE to third party investor(s) (“Proposed Private Placement”) (“Proposed Private Placement Announcement”). The Proposed Private Placement will be undertaken in accordance with the general mandate pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act, 1965 which was obtained from the shareholders of the Company at its Annual General Meeting held on 11 June 2014.
As disclosed in the Proposed Private Placement Announcement, the Proposed Private Placement will be implemented in multiple tranches within 6 months from the date of approval of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”). For the first tranche of the new THHE Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Private Placement (“Placement Shares”), Pelaburan MARA Berhad (“MARA”) had agreed to subscribe for 52,796,345 Placement Shares at an issue price of RM0.80 each (“Allocated Placement Shares”).The Allocated Placement Shares represent approximately 5% of the existing issued and paid-up share capital of THHE as at 22 September 2014, being the latest practicable date prior to the date of the Proposed Private Placement

For illustration purposes only, assuming none of the Outstanding Warrants are exercised and only the Allocated Placement Shares are placed out prior to the Entitlement Date (“Minimum Scenario”), the capital outlay required from an Entitled Shareholder holding 1,000 THHE Shares who wishes to fully subscribe for his entitlement is approximately RM405.87. Assuming full exercise of the Outstanding Warrants and the completion of the Proposed Private Placement are prior to the Entitlement Date (“Maximum Scenario”), the capital outlay required from an Entitled Shareholder holding 1,000 THHE Shares who wishes to fully subscribe for his entitlement is approximately RM325.16. The actual capital outlay required by the Entitled Shareholders to fully subscribe for their entitlements under the Proposed Rights Issue with Bonus Issue will depend on the Entitlement Basis and the Issue Price.


2015-02-25 10:35 | Report Abuse

As I posted earlier, yesterday was the Last day of high vol contrarian exit T+4.
Today is a fresh new start. Buying and vol trade still +ve healthy.


2015-02-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

orlandooil: Last mth in 1Q15 is end of March.

If u read the announcement by CEO, it was on 3/12/14...just nicely done 2 weeks+ before THHEAVY warrant expired on 20/12/2014.. Warrant players get caught badly...unless they willing to convert +0.51 for future long term play buy mother price is even cheaper that time!
Those holding warrant sell off at dirt cheap price + mother share also plunge same day till 0.365 and continue to fall continuously daily till 0.275. When the price is low, those big players accumulates and buy most of it.

Its also the time where the big buyer show +ve sign or emerges from the bottom 0.30 at 19/1/15 moving up towards 0.40++ increase momentum to 0.45+. Small fish dies /run away whereas big fish eat them up.

Its a heavy handed game by the big players. I saw it but I'm just a by stander and join in when the line is clear.

Stock alwys there only the player changes. If cant stand the changes or take the risk.. pls exit at the price suit own appetite. THHEAVY is not for small fry to swim unless have good strategy.


2015-02-24 19:25 | Report Abuse

Analyst8: Guess u didn't read my posting earlier when THHEAVY price only 0.355 after its earlier Right & Bonus issues cancelled off and its potential going up even before the new proposal of RIght issues. Price went up everyday till 0.455....and now its consolidating but still with big buyer absorping/supporting buying at lower price AVG 0.39 today, and yesterday AVG 0.405.

Get ur fact right 1st bfr post.. small kids also know how to read my postings.
Whether buy, hold, sell its own individual decision.


2015-02-24 17:11 | Report Abuse

HungerForMore: Today is T+4 for 16/2/15 which have high vol transaction and today closing vol is less than 1/2 of that day vol. Selling pressure is stronger than yesterday and accumalation still on - going. Strong support still at 0.385/0.38. Tomorrow will be fresh trading day with most contra kakis already exited yesterday and today.

THHEAVY rebounded off the EMA9 level with improved volumes after a pullback on Wednesday. The MACD Histogram has turned green, while the RSI is hovering above 50. Monitor for a breakout above RM0.425, targeting the RM0.50 level. Support will be located around the RM0.38 level.


2015-02-24 16:53 | Report Abuse

Analyst8: Pls get ur Fact right 1st abt the in money thing den come to talk ya.
Wow.. so pro no need chk with anybody yet don't even know how Right issue works..
Don't simply pull a dead cat out from ur closet coz later dead cat bounce scares the hell out of urself.


2015-02-24 15:00 | Report Abuse

Analyst8: U read the announcement and chk with ur analyst/remiser?

If not, pls read page no. 3$File/TH%20Heavy%20Engineering%20Berhad%20-%20Proposals%20-%2013%20February%202015.pdf

Conversion Rate: One (1) new THHE Share for one (1) ICPS-i held.

Current shares issued: 1.111 billion.
Proposed a rights issues of up to 1.2 billion new Islamic irredeemable convertible preference shares (IICPS) at 25 sen each, to raise a gross proceed of up to RM300 million.

In money even market price is 30 sen?
U must be joking..


2015-02-24 01:28 | Report Abuse

Last year in July , price closed at 0.81, next day open gap up 0.935 hit highest 0.97. CIMB gave TP RM1.20 to boost the price up. Later in Oct 2014 , the announcement of Right issues + bonus proposal price drop lower n lower due to weak response and weak oil market price.

THHEAVY applied for extension for the proposal but still cancelled in the end.

TH Heavy's renounceable rights issue comes with a bonus issue, on the basis of one bonus share for every five rights shares subscribed. The issue price is expected to be at a discount of at least 15% to the theoretical ex-all price (TEAP) of TH Heavy shares, but shall not be lower than the par value of 25 sen apiece.

"Share price of TH Heavy was at 81 sen on Oct 3, when the company announced the plan for cash call and bonus issue. But it is worth noting that year-to-date, the counter has fallen about 50% to close at 40.5 sen today, giving it a market capitalisation of RM449.9 million.

Therefore, it is difficult to see how TH Heavy would be able to raise RM450 million from the rights issue. The latest move by TH Heavy to apply for time extension to submit the draft circular could be due to the low price of its shares."

The current new proposal only Right issues without Bonus shares.. at 0.25.

Last time cancel when price at 0.405.... so theoretically Right issues without Bonus share, price should be much higher than 0.405 for the RIght issues to be attractive and proceed without cancellation again.


2015-02-23 22:46 | Report Abuse

If share price at 40 sen, it wont be attractive for ppl to subscribe for the right issues, will lose money also if subscribe for the big shareholders. That's why it was cancelled off last year proposal.


2015-02-23 18:55 | Report Abuse

Selling pressure quite high today, absorption not strong enough.
Big players still on CNY holiday off days.
Today is T+4 for high vol trading on 13/2/14, T+3 for high vol trading on on 14/2/14. Total Vol traded today is only 1/5 of the total vol traded on 13/2/14. Those no money pickup exiting.


2015-02-23 00:15 | Report Abuse

From last week trading +ve strong support, the big players still on the boat.

Tan Sri QLC & son QKS : 0.45
PMB : 0.80
Tabung Haji : 0.90 - 1.30
Warrant expiry convertion dec2014: + 0.51


2015-02-18 15:02 | Report Abuse

Closing UP good. Happy CNY n happy holidays.


2015-02-18 12:54 | Report Abuse

Closing up.. 0.43 :D
Happy CNY and happy holidays.


2015-02-18 11:16 | Report Abuse

sheep: big players will still buy, they wont die easily. Only those weak small shareholders bought at high price will get caught.

Big players already pump in almost RM100million++ since jan from 0.30 onwards.. they also already supported/accumulated warrants, and mother shares during bottom price.. which easily cost 2-3X++ of what they've pump in to to support/push the price up till 0.42 -0.455 recently. Their target are towards the RIght issues to make THHEAVY share "in money" for them as well as for main shareholders because they have to subscribe to maintain as mainshareholders.


KNM proposal already been resolved/finalized at right issues at 0.50 with 1:5 + warrants throw in. So in order for the existing shareholder or buyer to be "In money" the mother share already move up quite substantially so their mainshareholders after take up the subscription still in good profit lvl.

The issue price of RM0.50 per Rights Share represents a discount of 29.58% to the 5-day volume weighted average market price of KNM Shares up to 16 February 2015 of RM0.71 (“5-day VWAMP”) and 26.47% to the TERP of KNM Shares of RM0.68, based on the 5-day VWAMP.

The exercise price of the Warrants B of RM1.00 each, represents a 47.06% premium to the TERP of KNM Shares of RM0.68, based on the 5-day VWAMP.

In order to understand right issues and "in money" for shareholders to subscribe or exit with profit,
u guys can contact your investment securities analyst or experienced remiser to get confirmation
for THHEAVY right issues 1:1 at 0.25.


2015-02-18 00:15 | Report Abuse

KNM proposal is different coz 1:5 and have warrants. The big players and main shareholders there more aggressive in pushing than THHEAVY coz it was proposed on last year Oct..

I just share my own view and info available base on rough comparison THHEAVY with KNM movement since both also have rights issue proposal and price rebound from low moving up higher.

U guys can carry own with ur own investment plan strategy buy/hold or sell.


2015-02-17 20:10 | Report Abuse

One good example is KNM... suppose to hold price at abt 0.50 for right issues proposal but include warrants

We refer to the announcements dated 17 October 2014, 12 November 2014 and 24 November 2014 in relation to the Proposals.

On behalf of the Board, Affin Hwang IB wishes to announce that the Board had, on even date, resolved the following:

(i) the issue price for the Rights Issue with Warrants has been fixed at RM0.50 per Rights Share at an entitlement basis of 1 Rights Share for every 5 existing KNM Shares held by the Entitled Shareholders as at an entitlement date to be determined and announced later (“Entitlement Date”);

(ii) the entitlement basis of the Warrants B has been fixed at 1 Warrant B for every 2 Rights Shares subscribed for by the Entitled Shareholders; and

(iii) the exercise price of the Warrants B has been fixed at RM1.00 for each Warrant B.

The issue price of RM0.50 per Rights Share represents a discount of 29.58% to the 5-day volume weighted average market price of KNM Shares up to 16 February 2015 of RM0.71 (“5-day VWAMP”) and 26.47% to the TERP of KNM Shares of RM0.68, based on the 5-day VWAMP.

The exercise price of the Warrants B of RM1.00 each, represents a 47.06% premium to the TERP of KNM Shares of RM0.68, based on the 5-day VWAMP.

but now already shoot up higher 0.70++.. company shares buyback, bigshareholder buy shares, etcs.. big player buy in big vol pushing up to match last year Oct price 0.85 before the big plunge till 0.395. The strong buy up/push up also to make the Right issues price attractive with representation of big discount.. so after subscribe share price value still in money.


2015-02-17 19:58 | Report Abuse

Eventhough 2 mths period for proposal approval seems quite short yet long also... the recent price movement and vol price transacted already on track towards 0.50++. Big players is on the move and holding well.

Last year Right Issue + Bonus proposal was cancelled due to overkill "low" price so this time chances to proceed is high provided THHEAVY price support strongly and move above the right issues price.

Some big players who absorb/accumulate warrants last year December at rock bottom price 0.01, 0.005 or some at higher price converted to mother shares at + 0.51 and if THHEAVY price unable to move higher than 0.52, after right issues, they have to pay/subscribe for it and dilution of share price to 0.25 will make them lost big money. Some big players/big shareholders also maybe holding THHEAVY shares at higher price eg. 0.58 etcs.. so now its the time for them to buy/accumulate more to AVG down their price before the right issues. If not.. they will also lost big share price value whether subscribe or not subscribe.. if not subscribe.. they AVG price must be lower than 0.50 and exit bfr Right Issue Ex-date. Big shareholders cant exit.. so they have to AVG down or buy via 3rd party acct..


2015-02-17 13:17 | Report Abuse

orlandooil: That is after 2nd qtr July story/game play. Why u think 2 far? U plan 2 subscribe?

Those who want to subscribe for Rights Issue need to prepare $$$ to pay for the subscription. Usually those with low entry price maybe will go 4 it especially those big players n long term investors. Tabung Haji owns abt 30% of THHEAVY shares so will likely go 4 it...

Now is just proposal stage pending approvals.. have 2 mths to complete and those big players have 2 manage current price to make it attractive for the Right Issues by 12/4/15 and till completion of the exercise also.

Traders, investors all gear up for current play especially the big players/shareholders need to push up share price to maintain/above good price before Right Issue exercise complete end of June if approval granted.

CNY holiday soon... some ady take some profit/exit.... some still stay or will come back again next week after market reopen.


2015-02-17 00:16 | Report Abuse

Sell is own personal decision and based on ur investment profit taking plan.

If already reach ur target and happy den sell.. if feel still can go up further, have holding power and confident price will move up more.. den must be patient to wait.


2015-02-16 19:14 | Report Abuse

This morning the big players push strongly till 0.455. Highest vol transaction range today was in 0.44, 0.445 and 0.45 with highest vol supported/transacted at 0.44 which is 2x of the other 2 price transaction vol.

It was only during the 2nd half of trading selling pressures kicks in expected since today is the last day for those T+4 players to exit but price was well supported at 0.430, 0.425 and 0.42. Can see the strong support buy queues especially at 0.425 with biggest vol transacted among these 3 price lvl.


2015-02-16 19:00 | Report Abuse

Dragonfruits: U mean my own TP? From the strong accumulation, support and buying/push support from the big players since past 2 weeks till today even when CNY holiday is around the corner, it shows the big players are serious 2 game on 4 uptrend direction. + Right Issues proposal at 0.25, personally I feel THHEAVY can reach/break 0.50+ in short term period unless theres changes to the Right issues proposal / unforeseen market storm.

Price might even break > 0.51 - 0.52++ if the big players really want to make sure the Right issues goes smoothly and give confidence for ppl to subscribe for it.

As usual, trade wisely and follow own investment plan.


2015-02-16 16:43 | Report Abuse

T+4 today from last week high vol entry. Some selling pressures during 2nd half but still well absorbed, AVG transaction currently at 0.44 with RM15million+. Big players are supporting this stock quite well and absorbing the sellers.


2015-02-16 15:39 | Report Abuse

Within 2 mths to get all approvals from announcement date 13/2/15 till 12/4/15 expires,
Right issues exercise expected to complete by 2nd qtr 2015 ( by June 2015) if approved.


2015-02-16 11:04 | Report Abuse

Maybe Tabung Haji will buy more ... n take up right issues coz Islamic icps.
Still early.. big players holding /support price quite well.
Once they get the approval, price will likely moving towards 0.50+ or 0.51-0.52++.


2015-02-16 10:44 | Report Abuse

Islamic irredeemable convertible preference shares. - I-ICPS


2015-02-16 09:51 | Report Abuse

Looking good this morning.


2015-02-16 00:48 | Report Abuse

I'm just a small players.. only the big players able 2 control the price movement.
2 mths quite short period but can be long also dpds on players holding power and big players plan.

If u see /read the announcement for warrants:

Mode of Satisfaction of Exercise/Conversion Price: Cash
Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price: MYR 0.5100
Exercise/ Conversion Ratio: 1:1
Last Date & Time for Trading: 04/12/2014 05:00 PM

Highest VOL transaction was on 19/11/14: lowest at 0.01

Last trading price was at 0.005 on 28/11/14 and no more transaction till expiry.

Those who wish to convert warrant to mother share have to pay 0.51 + their entry warrant price.
0.51 + 0.01 = 0.52
0.51 + 0.005 = 0.515.

Whats the mother share that time last trades and expiry trades?
19/11/14: lowest 0.485
28/11/14 : lowest 0.44
4/12/14: lowest 0.35

Those who wants to pick up warrant better buy mother share instead coz its cheaper than paying
premium extra + 0.51 for convertion unless they have holding power for future mother price > 0.51 or 0.52++ to see profits. And with proposal announcement right issue 1:1 at 0.25.. the big players have to support the price high to make the right issue attractive for subscribing.. if too low price... eg.. back to 0.30... then it'll be cancel again.,, that's why a lot warrant weak players don't convert only "some" that pick up bottom price and have big money + strong holding power players convert.
Yes.. theres some big players wallap at 0.01 and 0.005...

Now its opposite.. coz mother share turn to perform.. if not, those big players will be "stuck" or get less profit coz they have pump in a lot money aborbing some warrants for convertion and also push Mother share since 19/1/15 from 0.30 onwards till 0.37 - 0.425 - 0.435...
Now with proposal Right issues announcement.. ?

So do u get the pictures and answers of the mother share price movement heading to?
Price volatile coz there are some big players

Above is just my own personal view...
As usual set ur own trading plans and good luck.


2015-02-15 15:13 | Report Abuse

Last year from Oct till Dec especially a lot bad news/rumours on THHEAVY.. was more likely to fend off warrants player due to its expiry date to avoid convertion to mother share and avoid share dilution.

That's why a lot heavy handed trades both on mother shares. Those who bought warrants at "low" price got stuck and expires with big losses. Now no more warrants only mother share and big players are going in strong towards main shares only.


2015-02-14 11:10 | Report Abuse

Previous rights & bonus proposal was last year Oct, price drop from 0.825 till 0.53 and drop more to 0.47 also due to world Oil price big drop & a lot bad newsplays. The share price drop too low till the earlier proposal becomes unattractive and hard to proceed thus been cancelled off.

Current situation is opposite where the big players are pushing hard the price up, if history repeats.. their money will go wasted unless they prefer rollover longer pump & dump strategy but with 2mths to get approval.. its critical for them to make sure the share price stay attractive for Right Issues to proceed smoothly... cant failed again like last year proposal.

Current annoucement is still early stage not final yet. Proposal only still need to get approval within 2 mths period and once approve expected to complete by 2nd qtr 2015.

The Proposals are conditional upon approvals being obtained from the following:
(i) Bursa Securities for the admission of the ICPS-i to the Official List of Bursa Securities, the listing of and quotation for the ICPS-i to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Rights Issue of ICPS-i as well as the listing of and quotation for the new THHE Shares to be issued pursuant to the conversion of the ICPS-i on the Main Market of Bursa Securities;
(ii) the shareholders of THHE at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened; and
(iii) other relevant authorities/parties, if required.
The Proposed Rights Issue of ICPS-i is conditional upon the Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital and Proposed Amendments. The Proposed Increase in Authorised Share Capital and the Proposed Amendments are inter-conditional upon each other. Save as disclosed above, the Proposals are not conditional upon any other corporate exercise undertaken or to be undertaken by the Company

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, all the relevant applications to the authorities in relation to the Proposals will be made within 2 months from the date of this announcement.
Subject to the relevant approvals being obtained, the Proposals are expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2015.

Those big shareholders who bought at higher price earlier 0.90 - 0.80., already accumulate more shares during the bottom and now pushing up back to AVG down their earlier price. My own estimation, their AVG price should be ranging around 0.50 - 0.56+/- or maybe even at much lower price than 0.50. So far no big shareholders made announcement of buy back THHEAVY shares yet.. usually buy via proxies acct.
Only Tabung Haji add more shares in Sept last year and Jan 2015.

THHEAVY rebounded off the EMA9 level with improved volumes after a pullback on Wednesday. The MACD Histogram has turned green, while the RSI is hovering above 50. Monitor for a breakout above RM0.425, targeting the RM0.50 level. Support will be located around the RM0.38 level.


2015-02-14 03:27 | Report Abuse

From the chart, increase of vol, buying strength, its still on uptrend track IMHO. Today closing transaction AVG at 0.433, 59% buy, total transaction at RM 17million

The big players are supporting and at the same time pushing price up slow and steady.
Today announcement is just an early proposal without detail information yet, need to see next week trading support since its CNY holiday soon. Next week also T+4 for those players that enter on 10/2/15 with highest vol transaction. Some profit taking expected from small players.

Basically I feel with the coming CNY holiday next week, less small players will be buying/selling, lesser tradings n this will be good opportunity for the big players to push up the price further without much seller resistance.

If price support and push by the big player still strong and able to maintain current price lvl 0.42-0.435, it will be +ve and heading towards 0.45 - 0.47 - 0.50+ dpding on the big player buying strength and target price.

Support lvl at 0.40.

Oil price going up higher.. 2nite Crude Oil (Brent) already broke USD/bbl 61.07 another increase of 3.02% Seems more +ve momentum for Oil stocks.

Trade with own plan. Happy Valentines day.


2015-02-14 00:21 | Report Abuse

The big players are the one who push/bought big vol in recent rally.
From 0.35 onwards their movement is quite obvious and the strength pickup during the uprise all the way till 0.425 before slowing down to 0.395 and continue to rise stronger today till 0.445 and closing higher high 0.435.

The previous appearance of big players was on Oct last year where they support the price rebound from 0.52 rally till 0.645 close at 0.62 before disappearing into heavy selling pressure/distribution.

If match back their previous entry and current movement its towards 0.52 - 0.62 range.


2015-02-13 22:52 | Report Abuse

Why faint ler? u bought at 80-90 sen?


2015-02-13 22:31 | Report Abuse

Current stage still proposal but has not decided on the entitlement basis for the IICPS issue.

If 1:1 right issue at 25 sen, mother shares should move furher to 0.50+ to make it more attractive.
Exercise expected complete in 2nd qtr 2015 by June 2015.


2015-02-13 12:49 | Report Abuse

TGOFFS already 0.555, highest 0.57.
ICON offshore engine also still hot moving up strong 0.81 today.
THHEAVY going to catch up soon..


2015-02-13 11:35 | Report Abuse

VeryPoison: Hope u also made good profit. $$$$$.
More to come .. get ready to get more angpow.


2015-02-13 10:13 | Report Abuse

Sheep: u can sell 1st and go away if cant take the risk or feel its dangerous.
Only for the strong heart and experience players.
If u still don't know what is going on now...too bad.

Buying strength today morning still very strong... hit 0.44 with good high vol buying %.
Buyer queue also good. +ve uptrend with strength.


2015-02-13 10:05 | Report Abuse

Moving up till 0.57. Good $$$$$


2015-02-12 23:04 | Report Abuse

Previously when Rights & bonus issue announcement.. price drop from 0.825 till 0.725.
Later continue drop till 0.53 and then only the big players support came in on 15/10/14 and push up back till 0.645 on 31/10/14. Price then continue drop back till the range of 0.53 - 0.47 - 13/11/14.

If based on the price support trend...strong support at 0.47 - 0.53. Next will be 0.53 - 0.645 - 0.725.
AVG support based on the above historical price will be around 0.50+/-, 0.59+/- & 0.68+/-.

Above r just my own personal view for sharing.


2015-02-12 10:16 | Report Abuse

Oil price drop abit but THHEAVY still +ve.
Big players already accumulate a lot during the plunge/ long downtrend.
Can c their trace of coming back, supporting and pushing the price up.