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2017-06-08 12:38 | Report Abuse

tenaga one of cheapest of the klci component. most of the analyst give pe 16 and above... it is a laggard if the index is to challenge 1800 and above...


2017-06-08 11:46 | Report Abuse

maybe wait for after britain election and FBI testimony today first... wonder where is tkp2?


2017-06-07 17:14 | Report Abuse

the thing to watch is 7.18. So far anything below 7.18 gets eaten up very fast and close at 7.2 and above.


2017-06-07 17:14 | Report Abuse

Another way to look at is - Lets just say the product mix is 90% 1 day, and 10% weekly/monthly, then we get RM1 profit for 1 day type and RM3 profit for weekly/monthly, this will come to easily RM70mil profit per year for 70mil pcs which could amount to RM17mil per quarter extra profit from this business... so this is still quite substantial... P/S daily is sold as 30pcs for same price as weekly/monthly which is 6pcs....


2017-06-07 16:54 | Report Abuse

Just to give a maths calculation and comparison:- St shine optical revenue = RM0.9 bil for 250mil pcs per year. Net profit = 34% = RM230mil. For Supermax, now yearly production is 70mil pcs, that will be 28% of St Shine optical taiwan. So which means it could be RM64 mil profit per year. Even if we count very conservatively by half the profit/revenue, it could mean RM32mil profit per year. That would mean RM8 mil per quarter. This can change once they introduce more higher value product mix, think easily RM10mil per quarter can be achieved...


2017-06-07 12:30 | Report Abuse

how do you know? thx

Posted by thenewbee > Jun 7, 2017 10:16 AM | Report Abuse

might push beyond 7.25 today


2017-06-06 16:38 | Report Abuse

have faith my friend, my other blue chip tenaga also moved, almost give up after wait so long... so this could be next... :)


2017-06-05 12:45 | Report Abuse

?? less than 13 izzit?

Posted by HaoRan > Jun 5, 2017 12:16 PM | Report Abuse

lai lai c9 <3


2017-06-02 17:41 | Report Abuse

yes, and very low premium too... :)


2017-06-02 09:23 | Report Abuse

Today t+7? Should see most selling done and afternoon with bigger volume to push up price...


2017-06-01 15:58 | Report Abuse

or even Myeg to be one of CI stock...


2017-06-01 15:58 | Report Abuse

re: omnigunk, they did mention possible plant shutdown in 2nd half this year, so there's still earnings risk from that perspective...


2017-06-01 15:56 | Report Abuse

maybe they will replace one of the CI stock with Petronm? coz, refining business is good now...


2017-06-01 15:54 | Report Abuse

ok, to reach 1830-1840, then must all CI component stock to rotate... now is bank, later should see Pchem, tenaga being laggard coming to the scene... interesting...


2017-06-01 15:39 | Report Abuse

this time really need tkp2 to ride along for the psychology part haha...
re: thenewbee, bursa C11 is quite interesting if your wave 5 theory is right. what is the target for wave 5? curious to know.


2017-06-01 15:30 | Report Abuse

tapi like bursa itself looks like going to break new high... :)


2017-06-01 15:03 | Report Abuse

what happens? Some funds selling, but sell volume is not big...


2017-05-30 09:57 | Report Abuse

they may even announce it tomorrow after bursa, so they can couple that with launch of aveo vision malaysia on Thursday morning in June 1st... double effect... but may make a lot of pple nervous by tomorrow... haha...


2017-05-27 13:49 | Report Abuse

re: MusangfoxK1ng bro also here, looking good... :)... good to see you here... :)


2017-05-26 18:45 | Report Abuse

Carepls announced good results both revenue and profit... so for gloves, looks like good trending now... even if it's 25m, it's quite good bcoz 8m is lost due to share buyback and few m for marketing for contact lens, so without those expenses the profit should be easily > 30m... a good start perhaps...


2017-05-26 09:59 | Report Abuse

re: speakup, actually ringgit strengthens good for supermx also, they can raise ASP price for gloves... it's built into the formula... re:IRB - they have already settled it in FY2016, go read.


2017-05-26 08:46 | Report Abuse

if RM8 and 0.53 eps, that will put it PE of 15... if we say chemical group can afford PE of 18, that will mean > RM9 can be achieved for this IPO?

Posted by Junichiro > May 25, 2017 08:18 PM | Report Abuse

RM8 is the ceiling price which means IPO should be less than $8.00. By the way its EPS are issuance of new shares is abt 53 cents.


2017-05-25 16:26 | Report Abuse

tkp2 and thenewbee, like that you guys say, pangsim lor...


2017-05-24 17:50 | Report Abuse

yes, happy also... looks like they will need pchem, banks like CIMB, genm, tenaga to push the CI... else nothing to push already all others above PE 18... so essentially banks, pchem and tenaga are still cheap if compared to other Composite index stocks.


2017-05-24 14:05 | Report Abuse

lucky follow icon sifu's advise... 1) don't fall in love with the stock 2) M&A deals need to do quick, else many night dreams... on hearing this, sold all 3.40++... even if it can back to 4, also doesn't matter, money made and will move elsewhere, and sleep well...


2017-05-23 17:43 | Report Abuse

After they announce on 29 May, June 1 will announce AVEO VISION malaysia brand... and distribution...


2017-05-23 16:38 | Report Abuse

re: Azlan, how about timing? coming soon?


2017-05-23 10:38 | Report Abuse

Re: azlan, what factor is that?


2017-05-22 11:10 | Report Abuse

Can i say after petronas counter play, it will be energy play like tenaga?


2017-05-18 13:39 | Report Abuse

fuyoh, today most counters drop, this one relatively untouch... solid...


2017-05-17 13:21 | Report Abuse

re:ryong92, he did say that due to his old machinery, overall production dropped. So not sure if demand is up, he can produce or not... will have to wait for this quarter and see. "该公司2017财政年第二季,基于手套业务厂房生产效益不彰,尽管美元走强(兑美元由4.28到4.32),惟其营收因生产线陈旧而跌18.6%,促使次季与首半年净利报2260万令吉与4220万令吉". But he did mention this year has achieved 70m pieces contact lens production...


2017-05-17 11:40 | Report Abuse

Petronas Chemicals Group Bhd (PetChem) currently sees only 0.2% of its total sales volume come from specialty chemicals but the company is aiming for 15% in the next 20 years, CEO Datuk Sazali Hamzah said in an interview.
“Our game plan is to aggressively pursue it beyond 2020. We may partner, buy over companies or even do direct licensing,” he said.
The affordability of specialty chemicals in its key markets of Southeast Asia, China and India is increasing as those economies expand, creating new demand opportunities, Sazali said.


2017-05-17 09:10 | Report Abuse

C10 this morning so fast already 2 mil volume...


2017-05-17 08:35 | Report Abuse

yesterday i checked, this counter is a RM58b market cap... big giant... so think moving up also will take some time... but if it does move to 7.8 by this month, it's already very fast... lets keep fingers crossed it happens soon... :)


2017-05-16 17:43 | Report Abuse

re: rchi bro, the bb back to 33 is it using 1 hour chart or other time frame?

Posted by rchi > May 16, 2017 12:17 PM | Report Abuse

gdex bb back to 33...kikiiki


2017-05-16 15:38 | Report Abuse

yes, tkp2 is patient, personally have followed him in padini-CF and made some money too...


2017-05-16 15:11 | Report Abuse

no more bullets, so won't follow you guys to add... but do enjoy the show...


2017-05-16 14:45 | Report Abuse

re:omnigunk bro, like what you said is correct, all assigned lower TP earlier, now rushing to upgrade after seeing the result... :)


2017-05-16 11:54 | Report Abuse

fuyoh, this is now " This means that it will start to contribute to the group earnings from 2Q17 onwards." that means many quarters of good news...


2017-05-16 11:43 | Report Abuse

when is the new plant coming onstream?


2017-05-16 11:42 | Report Abuse

wao, another 5 lorries...


2017-05-16 09:46 | Report Abuse

re: tkp2 bro, congrats on your selection :).... happy for u... and to support your cause, will join you some... but @ higher price...


2017-05-15 14:26 | Report Abuse

and also:- "谈到其手套生产设施陈旧问题,他披露,大约1年半至2年内,速柏玛将总共斥资3亿令吉改造厂房与手套生产设施,至于新厂机器正在安装试运中,预期明年7月生产效益可改善。" wow, after that will use RM300mil to build/refurbish factory... that's a lot of money... is it new factory and new lines? Plus it sames new factory and new machinery is in progress next year July only ready? I think something wrong... could it be Financial Year 18 in July instead of next year?


2017-05-15 14:08 | Report Abuse

re: tkp2, from the article:- 预计今年次季再设第三与第四条生产线,将正式推展其隐形眼镜产品
so means this year 140million production pieces after add 3rd and 4th line? Bcoz 1st quarter is 70million... so means at least RM140million revenue if 1 piece is RM1... that will mean extra RM70million profit per year, or almost extra RM20mil per quarter? hmm interesting...


2017-05-15 13:17 | Report Abuse

i wonder now icon has new target price after seeing all these news? or stick to 3.8 offload..


2017-05-15 11:56 | Report Abuse

ok lets wait and see...

Posted by vivoviva > May 15, 2017 11:27 AM | Report Abuse

smart one wiki123. i heard that today 3.30-4 got some show. dont know what show. unveiling new plane to reach destination at 3.65 and park at 3.60. have a nice journey


2017-05-15 11:47 | Report Abuse

then use ex-12cent normal dividend to backtest to 4 as support then off it goes again...