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67 comment(s). Last comment by whizzkid125 2013-12-09 12:08


198 posts

Posted by fairjimmy > 2013-12-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

The malays in East Coast are suffering from the flood for days whilst Umnoputras & puteris are having a GALA TIME in PWTC KL for days at your/our expense. Still want to vote for UMNO?


1,219 posts

Posted by jenabchen123 > 2013-12-07 14:22 | Report Abuse

What you guys talking craps here. Government has agencies handling this at full swing. What told here contradicted from what some news I heard from friends directly affected that helps come in as expected. Leaders convene as plan and you don't expect them to abandon well plan event for such thing that anticipated and remedial tasks already delegated. Come on. Don't show that Malaysians are incapable to handle disaster. Collecting pampers Maggi only at this juncture is just showing your preparedness. Should have been done prior to the event happened!

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 14:30 | Report Abuse

jenabchen123, don't talk cock, those helping to collect pamper, maggi, drinking waters are mostly from the Pakatan Rakat...where is UMNO, still enjoying their food in PWTC, KL?

Look at the pictures below & a picture says a thousand words....enough said?

So to all UMNO Malay supporters here, you are a disgrace to your own race, all buta & cocky? When a Malay woman MP from Pakatan Rakyat raise a motion in Parliament to help the flood victims, who incidently are mostly Malays, the UMNP MP laughs at the motion and the motion was rejected & thrown out of the Parliament house.
So are the UMNO Malays helping the Malays.

I am sure all NON UMNO Malay supporters are TRUE Malays & they form a a better picture of UMNO who they know are helping themselves & their families & cronies.

Now see the Pakatan Rakyat Amal Squad helping the flood victims In Pahang

And the UMNO Wanita just want to laugh at the UMNO assebmbly
Antara derita dan ketawa

and you see the Malay flood victims here & where is UMNO?

So much said about helping the Malays..GO NOW!! UMNO Najib Razak Khairy Jamaluddin Muhyiddin Yassin

So to all UMNO Malay supporters here, still BUTA & COCKY while our own Malay people are suffering?

And a stupid UMNO Minister says this..

now compare here..


So, UMNO Malay supporters here, still BUTA & COCKY???????????

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 14:36 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this too.

Where are UMNO leaders? Safe and comfortable back at their Assembly in Putrajaya...None of them are in Kemaman or Kuantan, among the hardest hit towns where residents are appealing for help and wondering why Najib and his cohorts are crowing about popular votes and exhorting the party to represent the people when they are in dire need of help.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 14:36 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this also.

This is the mark of a good leader!


Arahan daripada Tuan Guru Presiden Pas, esok semua masjid diminta umum kutipan derma kewangan, barangan makan, pampes dan pakaian...mohon diperpanjangkan.

UMNO leaders, where are you

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 14:38 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this also.

UMNO leaders where are you? See what the Pakatan Rakyat is doing..

Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
Saya bersama rakan2 pimpinan muda KEADILAN akan ke Pahang pada hari Ahad & Isnin ini utk sampaikan sumbangan kpd mangsa banjir. Kami bersedia turut menyampaikan barangan daripada penduduk Seri Setia & sesiapa sahaja. Barang2 yang diperlukan:

1. Minuman berpaket khususnya soya bean
2. Biskut
3. Roti
4. Selimut
5. Tuala
6. Tuala Wanita pelbagai saiz
7. Pampers kanak2 pelbagai saiz
8. Pampers dewasa pelbagai saiz

Boleh message Sdr Halimey Abu Bakar 0192399809 / Sdr Afif 0192809679 utk menyampaikan barangan tersebut / sebarang pertanyaan lanjut.

Sumbangan kewangan boleh disampaikan terus ke wakil rakyat di sana:

Akaun “Pejabat Ahli Parlimen Indera Mahkota” di akaun 556 011 061 863 (Maybank)

Akaun “Pejabat ADUN Semambu” 5061 6420 6440 (Maybank).

Akaun "Pejabat Ahli Parlimen Kuantan" 5061 6402 8867 (Maybank).


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 14:43 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this also.

With some LIVES already reported LOST in Kuantan, Pahang...

Let ALL of us Malaysians "REMEMBER" this day in December 2013, when a Parliament which is 'QUICK' to pass motions and approvals for:

-Additional Supplementary Budget Spending
-the use for the Government's Private Jet for the Prime Minister's wife's
PERSONAL USAGE SLOW to respond and even REJECTS the Motion regarding the SAFETY & SECURITY of countless families and human 'LIVES'!

Yes, the woman MP of Kuantan from Pakatan Rakyat put up a motion on help the flood victims in Pahang but before it was debated it was rejected by the UMNO?BN MPs...why cocky jenabchen123??? still blinks & cocky jenabchen123? And you cocky jenabchen123 say we are all talking craps? cocky jenabchen123, you are blind or plain stupid as what is happening in Parliament & you still want to be cocky?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 14:53 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this also.

...and who is ABIM, an UMNO/BN NGO? still want to tell lies & be cocky too jenabchen123? ..better still go & fly kites.

"Marilah kita sama-sama menyumbang kepada tabung yang digerakkan oleh orang muda yang bersemangat tinggi ini. ABIM amat mengalu-alukan sumbangan anda. Kepada yang mahu berkhidmat menyalurkan keringat tidak kira usia, bangsa dan agama, ayuh hubungi ABIM Pahang bagi merealisasi bakti dan jasa anda!":- Cikgu Amidi Abd Manan, Presiden Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM).

Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) akan menggerakkan misi menghantar bantuan serta sukarelawan mulai esok. Antara barang keperluan @ yang amat diperlukan ialah; SELIMUT, KAIN PENGHADANG, TELEKUNG, SEJADAH, SUSU, LAMPIN PAKAI BUANG, MAKANAN TIN.

Semua sumbangan boleh disalurkan menerusi one stop centre seperti berikut

1. Sekretariat ABIM Pusat, NO. 6, Jalan TC 2A/2 Taman Cemerlang, 53100 Kuala Lumpur.

Boleh hubungi Puan Maria 019-383 6700 untuk sebarang maklumat lanjut.

2. (Untuk Sekitar Kawasan Putrajaya, Bangi, Serdang dan kawasan berhampiran) No 4, Jalan Melati 3, Taman Melati, Sg Ramal Dalam. Taman perumahan sebelah Kolej Darul Hikmah/SRI ABIM Sg Ramal Dalam, Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

3. Untuk kawasan sekitar negeri Pahang, sumbangan boleh disalurkan ke akaun Bank Islam ABIM PAHANG (06019010007678). Sebarang makluman serta rujukan lanjut mengenai sumbangan boleh dibuat dengan menghubungi 017-8664492 (U.P Dr Safwan Mohamad, Setiausaha ABIM Pahang), Saudara Mahadi Deraman (013-4897703).

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 14:57 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this also.

...who forms the T'ganu state government, isn't it UMNO/BN???...still want to shit you way through cocky jenabchen123??...go fly a kite.

SLOW TO REACT T'ganu govt held responsible for worsening flood crisis

Full article:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:03 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this too, feast on it.

Parliament rejects emergency motion, as death reported in worsening floods

so you cocky jenabchen123 is taking craps, NOT US. I earlier said, go fly a kite.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:15 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, feast your eyes on this picture.

PAS sending truck loads of help...where UMNO/BN? cocky jenabchen123, still want to be cocky?

Terima Kasih PAS! Mana wakil BN?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, enjoy reading this too. UMNO/BN helping, cocky jenabchen123??????

Kuantan "floods up to the neck" but NOT A SHRED OF SENSITIVITY from "balik kampung" Bung Mokhtar

Full article:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:25 | Report Abuse

TERBARU..!!! Ini adalah benar dan kenyataan ... DYTM Tengku Puan Pahang, Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah dirakam sedang menumis dan mengacau masakan di dua Pusat Pemindahan Banjir untuk para mangsa banjir di pusat-pusat berkenaan. Tapi yang herannya mana pegi Ketua Wanita UMNO..? mana pegi Ketua puteri UMNO...?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:32 | Report Abuse

Please support DAPSY Selangor effort to help victims in Kuantan.

They are collecting donation in kind at DAP Selangor HQ at Taman Paramount.

Please spread the news. Your help will be much appreciated!

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:37 | Report Abuse

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Remembering the vulnerable during natural disasters ; newborn babies, the disabled, the elderly ‪#‎Kuantan‬

Where is Wanita UMNO?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:45 | Report Abuse

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Bersama YB Fuziah & warga Kuantan di Sek Chung Ching. Moga Allah lindungi dari dugaan berterusan.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 15:51 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this too, feast on it.

Makan 5 kali sehari.

24,200 biji telur.
5,720 kilogram (kg) beras.
5,400 kg daging lembu.
6,050 kg daging ayam.
4,950 kg ikan.
3,410 kg sayur.
880 kg tepung gandum.

Buah-buahan tempatan kepada semua tetamu bagi menggalakkan rasa cintakan buah-buahan tempatan.

Bilangan perwakilan, tetamu kenamaan, kakitangan, anggota keselamatan dan petugas media: 19,850 orang.

Maaf, ini BUKAN untuk bantuan mangsa banjir, tetapi untuk majlis perhimpunan satu pertubuhan di PWTC.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

Barang-barang sumbangan orang ramai di Dataran Merdeka dan Padang Merbok bakal bergerak ke Pahang malam ini. Bantuan yang datang mencurah-curah...Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia yang prihatin!

* tahniah briged muslimat pas !!

-muslimat Pas pun turut berkerja keras membantu mangsa banjir tapi yang peliknya mana Wanita UMNO dan Puteri UMNO....?

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:05 | Report Abuse

YB Kuantan Fuziah Salleh: Kerajaan pusat lambat membantu mangsa banjir di Kuantan dan negeri lain di pantai timur

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:11 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, read this too, feast on it.

Makan 5 kali sehari.

24,200 biji telur.
5,720 kilogram (kg) beras.
5,400 kg daging lembu.
6,050 kg daging ayam.
4,950 kg ikan.
3,410 kg sayur.
880 kg tepung gandum.

Buah-buahan tempatan kepada semua tetamu bagi menggalakkan rasa cintakan buah-buahan tempatan.

Bilangan perwakilan, tetamu kenamaan, kakitangan, anggota keselamatan dan petugas media: 19,850 orang.

Maaf, ini BUKAN untuk bantuan mangsa banjir, tetapi untuk majlis perhimpunan satu pertubuhan di PWTC.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:13 | Report Abuse

puak macai umno hanya harap wang kerajaan bantu mangsa banjir
berbeza inisiatif pakatan rakyat

AMK lancar skuad khas, guna bot hantar bantuan banjir
(Oleh Basyar Abkadir)
KUALA LUMPUR 6 DIS: Skuad khas Angkatan Muda KEADILAN (AMK) dilancarkan hari ini bagi misi bantuan kepada mangsa banjir di Kuantan, Pahang.
“Seramai 50 anggota skuad khas AMK akan bergerak ke Kuantan hari ini bagi misi kemanusiaan,” kata Setiausaha AMK, Julailey Jemadi pada sidang media di ibu pejabat KEADILAN.
Ketua AMK, Shamsul Iskandar (dua dari kanan) menyampaikan bantuan kepada wakil Skuad Khas
Julailey Jemadi berkata, sebuah lori 10 tan digunakan untuk menghantar bantuan termasuk makanan dan barangan keperluan asas.
“Bagi AMK Pulau Pinang dan Johor mereka ada menyumbangkan empat buah bot untuk membantu mangsa banjir di sana,” katanya.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:18 | Report Abuse

Most of the victims of the flood in the East coast are our Malay brothers & sisters & are the UMNO people helping our own Malays in difficulty. NO is the answer as they prefer to be here? Here....Thousands, including all leaders, are huddled in Umno's Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) to listen to speeches, shop and enjoy the leaders' hospitality at the various brunches, luncheons, teas and dinners.

Really shit UMNO? Sekarang tolong orang Melayu?

...but the Pakatan Rakyat Amal Group is REALLY helping out the Malay victims..

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:23 | Report Abuse

Kerajaan Kelantan mengisytihar peruntukan RM50 ribu untuk misi bantuan banjir di Kemaman dan Kuantan.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:27 | Report Abuse

Biar gambar berbicara... siapakah layak digelar pemimpin kepada ummah dan umat islam... Kalau kalau tokguru nik abdul aziz, sila shared!

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:34 | Report Abuse

Teo Nie Ching (张念群)
[Parlimen] Do you know most of our foreign students come from which countries? 大家知道前来我国留学的外国人大部分来自哪个国家吗?

1. Bangladesh - 8026
2. Nigeria - 6648
3. Iran - 5941
4. China - 4404
5. Indonesia - 3373

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-07 16:44 | Report Abuse

Leave kids alone, Umno told
Vignesh Kumar
| December 7, 2013

** Now UMNO got no or very little support, they now want t bring in the kindergarten pupils.OMG.

A doctor and a politician pour scorn on the proposal to extend the party's membership to kindergarten pupils.

PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Association for Adolescent Health (MAAH) has urged political parties to stop dragging children into politics.

Commenting on a speech at the Umno general assembly, MAAH vice president Dr Mymoon Alias said children were not in the mental stage to understand politics.

On Thursday, during the debate on the Umno presidential address, Umno Youth exco Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya said the party should target its membership drive at young people, including pupils at government-run kindergartens.

Dr Mymoon said political organisations should not exploit children’s innocence and poison their minds.

“Children are innocent and they tend to believe anything people say,” she said.

Instead, she added, they should be taught moral and ethical values so that they would grow into good adults.

“As a doctor and a parent, I strongly disagree that political parties should spread their wings that far.”

Fathul Bari’s suggestion also drew fire from Bukit Lanjan state assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong.

“Is Umno so desperate that they have to involve kids in politics?” she said.

Referring to some of the religious rhetoric at the Umno assembly, she said she would not be surprised if the proposed indoctrination of children were to be carried out within a framework of bigotry.

“Are they trying to build hatred against the non-Muslims at that tender age?”

She also speculated that if Umno were to take Fathul Bari’s proposal seriously, the kindergartens would be asked to teach children to hate opposition figures by portraying them as enemies of the state.

She said it would be a “totally illogical and illegal move” to expose children to politics.

“Leave the kids alone. Let them enjoy their childhood.”


1,219 posts

Posted by jenabchen123 > 2013-12-07 18:48 | Report Abuse

Whizzkid125, Whizzkid125..... still with crap politics....


1,219 posts

Posted by jenabchen123 > 2013-12-07 18:56 | Report Abuse

Dude, we are here to share info to make money. And you are here selling your sad politic story, don't be desperado!

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 01:21 | Report Abuse

and you cocky jenabchen123, still trying to tell us that we say is crap while you said is truth & now that I bombard you, you said I say crap politics again. Cocky jenabchen123.I am no desperado but I do know that you are a UMNO/BN ball licker when you try to tell the untruth about UMNO/BN helping the Kuantan floods...go fly a kite as I had said earlier.

cocky jenabchen123, if you make money ,then it's good but if you lose money then don't blame me but go licking UMNO balls & ask for some bread crumbs. Got it you a$$#ole jenabchen123.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 01:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by jenabchen123 > Dec 7, 2013 02:22 PM | Report Abuse

What you guys talking craps here. Government has agencies handling this at full swing. What told here contradicted from what some news I heard from friends directly affected that helps come in as expected. Leaders convene as plan and you don't expect them to abandon well plan event for such thing that anticipated and remedial tasks already delegated. Come on. Don't show that Malaysians are incapable to handle disaster. Collecting pampers Maggi only at this juncture is just showing your preparedness. Should have been done prior to the event happened!


cocky jenabchen123, remember you started the war and said we are talking craps while you are the one telling the UNTRUTH saying the UMNO government is helping the Kuantan flood victims? You cocky jenabchen123 is REALLY a a$$#ole & go & read the above stories again that Pakatan Rakyat is really helping out while UMNO people is having a big party meeting & enjoying 5 fee meals at PWTC KL. You cocky jenabchen123 is really a desperado & NOT US.cocky jenabchen123, next time try writing something that is truthful & not shit & please please don't try to be a UMNO ball licker, got do what you cocky jenabchen123 do best, that is go & fly kites.

one more time for you cocky jenachen123 here below..

cocky jenabchen123, read this too, feast on it.

Makan 5 kali sehari.

24,200 biji telur.
5,720 kilogram (kg) beras.
5,400 kg daging lembu.
6,050 kg daging ayam.
4,950 kg ikan.
3,410 kg sayur.
880 kg tepung gandum.

Buah-buahan tempatan kepada semua tetamu bagi menggalakkan rasa cintakan buah-buahan tempatan.

Bilangan perwakilan, tetamu kenamaan, kakitangan, anggota keselamatan dan petugas media: 19,850 orang.

Maaf, ini BUKAN untuk bantuan mangsa banjir, tetapi untuk majlis perhimpunan satu pertubuhan di PWTC.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 02:04 | Report Abuse

Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa: Pakatan Rakyat Ada Masa Depan Di Kalangan Melayu

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 02:14 | Report Abuse


Bukti yang Malaysia paling pakar menguruskan hal bencana menurut kata menteri.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 02:18 | Report Abuse


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 02:20 | Report Abuse

Najib doing what he does BEST which is probably the ONLY thing which he LEARNT from Rosmah. Throw money!

People lost their motorcycles, their cars engines are probably filled with water, all their wooden furniture, probably their radios, TVs and computers too in addition to all the Damp Clothes and with all the MUD inside their houses and bedrooms which need to be Cleaned by which by the time it dries it will STINK...

RM500 only???

Shahrizat RM250MILLION for Ketua Wanita UMNO's family, but the rest RM500???


A matter of fact, I think the Flood Victims would've APPRECIATED it even MORE if YOU Najib idiot as the President of UMNO actually used your power and position and actually called for the UMNO General Assembly to be POSTPONED if you considered the floods as a serious matter!

But now EVERYONE has seen where UMNO's priorities are!

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 02:42 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, you are really a a$$#ole, now read this...25 lori kontena from Amal Selangor {Pakatan Rakyat] helping out....mana UMNO?

Banjir: 25 lori, kontena Amal S'gor berlepas pagi ini


KUALA LUMPUR: Kumpulan pertama dari Jabatan Amal Selangor yang membawa misi bantuan barangan kepada mangsa banjir berlepas ke Pahang tengah hari tadi.

Pelepasan kumpulan hampir 200 orang yang terdiri daripada Jabatan Amal Selangor, Briged Muslimat dan sukarelawan itu disempurnakan Pesuruhjaya PAS Selngor Iskandar Abdul Samad dalam satu majlis di Gombak pagi tadi.

Misi yang diketuai Pengarah Jabatan Amal Selangor Khairil Anuar Ismail ini membawa barangan keperluan dengan 15 buah lori 5 tan, 10 buah lori 3 tan, sebuah lori kontena, 25 buah kenderaan pacuan empat roda dan 20 buah kereta.

Antara barangan yang dibawa termasuk makanan, selimut, telekung, pakaian baru dan terpakai, pampers dan pelbagai barangan keperluan lain.

Ini merupakan trip pertama dari Amal Selangor, dan trip berikutnya dijadual sepanjang minggu depan.

Dalam pada itu, Jabatan Amal Selangor masih memerlukan sukarelawan dan juga sumbangan berterusan bagi membantu misi ini.
Sumbangan kewangan boleh disalurkan melalui akaun Bank islam Amal Selangor 12010010035434.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 13:51 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, you are really a a$$#ole, now read this....still want to carry UMNO balls???

You will never see this in the main stream paper.PAS Selangor have sent 20 truck loads of foodstuff and goods to the east coast to help the flood victims.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 13:56 | Report Abuse

cocky jenabchen123, you are really a a$$#ole, now see this picture.
Still UMNO helping or is it PAS Amal Squad? cocky jenabchen123,you are cocky blind.
Leadership by example.Ustaz Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi,PAS deputy youth chief.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 13:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by whizzkid125 > Dec 8, 2013 01:56 PM | Report Abuse X

cocky jenabchen123, you are really a a$$#ole, now see this picture.
Still UMNO helping or is it PAS Amal Squad? cocky jenabchen123,you are cocky blind.
Leadership by example.Ustaz Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi,PAS deputy youth chief.

Najis BN Umno just see see. Dont even dare to touch. Malaysia is currently governed by spoiled ruch kids. Bet they never played in mud.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 14:23 | Report Abuse

Lim Kit Siang (林吉祥)
Fear of clowns revisited in Umno circus - by
RK Anand (Mkini)

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 14:49 | Report Abuse


Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 15:00 | Report Abuse

Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin
Banjir yang melanda beberapa kawasan seperti di Pahang; Kuantan, Pekan, Indera Makhkota, Terengganu; Kemaman dan lain- lain semakin buruk.

Bagi meringankan beban mereka, hulurkan sedikit bantuan bagi meringankan beban rakan-rakan kita.

Boleh menghulurkan bantuan melalui akaun Timbalan Bendahari AMK, Puan Zara Zahari:

1621 7967 8902 (Maybank)

Semoga usaha kecil ini boleh meringankan beban yang besar.


1,219 posts

Posted by jenabchen123 > 2013-12-09 02:18 | Report Abuse

Whizzkid125, you are vulgar kid but you are forgiven. Not sure where you heading..... Your good samaritan deed got cancelled off by your vulgar attitude. Your good heart goes to heaven but your bad tongue go to hell. It has to be wholesome brother coz either we go to hell or heaven in one peace.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

jenabchen12, you cocky again, always a ball licking UMNO supporter who never can accept the truth..go fly a kite.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 11:03 | Report Abuse

National security? Should have thought about it before handing out ICs? We should!

Something to think about seriously!

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 11:20 | Report Abuse

On the OPPOSITE ends, while THOUSANDS of Malaysians whom MAJORITY were Malays themselves were suffering from the floods trying to save themselves from drowning...

THIS is what was going on at PWTC during the 'Perhimpunan Agung UMNO' ( PAU) which by right could/should've been postponed where UMNO MALAYS whom mostly are infamous for their Two-Faced Hypocrite behaviors gather to shout 'Hidup Melayu' and merely to TALK about HELPING the Malays while thousands out there risk drowning.

I'm SURE the Band and the Singer was PAID for as well right???

UMNO @$$‪#‎0LE‬$! Don't even know 'PRIORITIES' yet want to LEAD the country and call themselves the ONLY hope for Malays? Hope-LESS is more like it.

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 11:30 | Report Abuse


(保守估计)巫统大会的开销 :

24,200 eggs(蛋),
5,720 kilogram (kg) rice (米),
5,400 kg beef (牛肉),
6,050 kg chicken (鸡肉),
4,950 kg fish (鱼肉),
3,410 kg vegetables (蔬菜),
880 kg flour (面粉),

Five meals a day for 19,850 delegates, guests, personnel, and media at the UMNO Assembly. RM1,000 allowance and get to stay in Five, Four and Three Stars Hotels.

Meanwhile for about 40,000 evacuees in Johore, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. 大约有40,000灾民散怖在柔佛,彭亨,登嘉楼和吉兰丹。

15,000 eggs (蛋),
1000 kg rice (米),
1000 kg chicken (鸡肉),
1000 kg vegetables (蔬菜),
Two meals a day (2餐/天),
Sleep on tables and chairs. RM500 will be given (if it is to be given.) 睡在桌椅 然后只给RM500.

This is UMNO for you! 这是你投的国阵!

图文提供:say no to Najib

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 11:57 | Report Abuse

Like in 1999, Malay tsunami can happen again, Nurul Izzah tells BN - See more at:

Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 12:08 | Report Abuse

How Dare Najib Discredit Mandela - By Kee Thuan Chye

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