Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-07 17:50 | Report Abuse

"Muhyiddin should have resigned with Shahrizat’ KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should have stepped down following the exposé of the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) scandal as he was the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Minister who awarded project to a company with no capability, Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin said today. The PKR leader said Muhyiddin had been negligent and acted without any transparency in awarding the NFC project to a company (NFCorp) which was not experienced. “No consideration was given to the code of ethics on conflict of interest between family members in receiving loans from the government. “He should have taken responsibility for awarding the contract and resigned immediately,” she said. Yesterday, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) revealed that the allegations against the NFC scandal were indeed true. It said the Agriculture Ministry had awarded the project to a company which had no technical or financial capabilities. The NFC project was awarded to NFCorp, run by the husband and children of then cabinet minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. Shahrizat resigned from her post as senator and Minister for Women’s Affairs following the scandal. Zuraida then pointed out that if the matter was not exposed by PKR, investigation on the NFC and Shahrizat’s family would not have materialised. “Only after PKR exposed the misappropriation of funds did the MACC start the investigations which have proved that we are in fact, right,” she said. Following MACC’s revelation, Zuraida also questioned the recent appointment of Shahrizat as special adviser to the prime minister on women’s affairs. “Amid all these, why was she still appointed as special adviser to the prime minister?” she asked. -----------------------------------------

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17 comment(s). Last comment by UMNO2HANGUS 2013-11-08 03:31

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-07 17:51 | Report Abuse

Yes, this.....

Yesterday, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) revealed that the allegations against the NFC scandal were indeed true.

Tapi sampai mati pun tak letak jawatan, this is Malaysia style or in other words Malaysia Boleh!! haahaahaa


Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-07 18:00 | Report Abuse

A dangerous man called Haris

He is dangerous because this isn't a man aimlessly running amok. This is a man whom I would consider to be a genius, carefully strategising change. He has decided that Bersih is no longer conducive to his cause. "What does one mean by being non-partisan? They say that ABU is pro-opposition, this is not true. I am partisan, but I am pro people and it is for that reason, when the need arises, to slam the opposition if the position they take does not auger for the interest of the people."

He is dangerous because he has a soul. He spoke to me about walking from the law courts to lunch one day and seeing a woman without any limbs, begging on the streets of Kuala Lumpur and as he sat in the restaurant, he realised that the ringgit he had given her, were useless. So, he bought her some food and sat beside her, feeding her. As he spoke, his voice broke with emotion. He told me that she gave him more than he had given her.

He is dangerous because he isn't ego driven and he has the ability to articulate what people are thinking, on a grand scale. He is giving the people a voice. People want change. They are angry at the lack of democracy in Malaysia. They are angry with the inequality found within the races. They are angry at the crime and corruption which is rife within Malaysia. They are angry at so many things, especially with the outcome of GE13.

Will he just walk away disheartened? I have no doubt that his unwavering conviction won't allow this. He has already given up his lucrative law degree and sold his family farm to dedicate his life to change. He has already turned down a copious amount of money to just go away. So, he isn't going to stop now.

I salute this True Malay who goes all the way to make our Beloved Malaysia a great nation.....ABU, this is his famous words, meaning Asal Bukan UMNO[ABU}

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-07 18:06 | Report Abuse

DON'T BE LEFT BEHIND UMNO! Susilo LAUDS ‘multi-party political system’

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has said a multi party political system, such as the one ruling Indonesia at present, could result in positive political participation.

“Indonesia’s multi party political system has become a challenge in our efforts to strengthen democracy. However, such a system has given us a tool to channel our ideas and interest in a positive political participation,” said Yudhoyono during the opening of the Sixth Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) in Bali on Thursday, as quoted by Antara news agency.

The President further said that the multi party system was in line with Indonesia’s plural society but that diversity should not disrupt constructive dialogue and debates.

Yudhoyono said despite Indonesia's lengthy and over complicated political process: “I believe that many benefits result from dialogues and debates between political parties.”

President Yudhoyono and two other heads of government – Timor Leste Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao and Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah – were present at the Democratic Consolidation in a Plural Society forum.

Eighty-six delegations from across the Asia-Pacific region and a number of international experts from outside the region are attending the meeting.

BDF, an annual forum that began in 2008, focuses on democratic developments in Asia Pacific. It aims to promote and push international and regional partnerships.

Jakarta Post

Full article:
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Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-07 18:09 | Report Abuse

Probe allegations against Attorney General promptly, says Karpal

The police must investigate allegations against Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patil without waiting for a report to be made, said lawyer Karpal Singh, adding that in the past police would start a probe after reading newspaper reports.

"Here, news portals and blogs have carried news reports about Gani. The police can lodge a report to begin its investigation," he told The Malaysian Insider.

Karpal, who is Bukit Gelugor MP, said this in response to reports that several individuals had met with former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad last August to discuss the AG's misdeeds.

This included the alleged fabrication of evidence in the famous 1998 "black eye" case involving former deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

According to Malaysiakini, those present at the meeting included former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigations Department director Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim and prominent lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.

Also present were Dr Mahathir's former political secretary Matthias Chang and former Commercial Crimes Investigation Department director Datuk Ramli Yusoff, who briefed the former premier over his run-ins with Gani.

On a separate occasion, Dr Mahathir is said to have pressured Gani by calling Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for a discussion.

During the meeting, Dr Mahathir claimed that the AG's Chambers employed two CIA agents, with Zahid agreeing to investigate the claim.

Karpal said it was important that Gani himself declare that he was prepared to be investigated to clear his name as he held an important public office.

"He is the adviser to the government and the accusations against him are very serious," he said, adding that the police must record statements from its main players, including Gani, Dr Mahathir and Ahmad Zahid.

"I hope there will be no cover up."

Gani, 58, joined the Attorney General's Chambers in 1980 and was appointed AG in 2002.

He had come under heavy criticism from the opposition and non-governmental organisations over his handling of several high profile cases, including the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder and the cheating trial in the Port Klang Free Zone case involving former transport minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik. - November 7, 2013.


5,262 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-07 20:32 |

Post removed.Why?


5,262 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-07 20:33 |

Post removed.Why?


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Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-07 20:35 |

Post removed.Why?


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Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-07 20:36 |

Post removed.Why?


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Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-07 20:37 |

Post removed.Why?


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Posted by izoklse > 2013-11-07 20:45 | Report Abuse

What actually did happen in Sungai Limau

The ‘missing’ 777 Chinese voters could mean a sign of protest by the Chinese (especially since their turnout of 57.82% is lower than the 85.5% average). This could be because they are not happy with PAS and neither do they want to vote Umno so they would rather ‘abstain’ from voting.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In my article ‘Chinese still the kingmaker’ of two days ago I said:

About 85.5% or 23,249 of the 27,222 registered voters in Sungai Limau turned out to vote. Out of these 27,222 registered voters, 1,842 are Chinese. Let us assume that 85.5% of the Chinese voters turned out to vote as well. That means about 1,575 of the 1,842 Chinese voters voted yesterday.

Now, in the recent general election, 97% of the Chinese voters voted opposition. So let us assume that the Chinese support for the opposition has remained the same and in yesterday’s by-election 97% of the 1,575 Chinese voters voted opposition as well. That would mean 1,347 Chinese voted for PAS yesterday.

PAS garnered 12,069 votes versus Umno’s 10,985 (giving PAS a majority of 1,084). Now, if the 12,069 votes that PAS won includes the 1,347 Chinese votes, that would mean the Malay votes that PAS won was only 10,722 versus Umno’s 10,655 (10,985 minus the 3% Chinese votes that Umno won based on the assumption that 97% of the Chinese voters voted opposition).

This would mean (if it was 10,722 Malay votes for PAS versus 10,655 Malay votes for Umno) the Malays are still split 50:50 like what Nazri Aziz told me five years ago. And this would also mean that PAS won the Sungai Limau by-election yesterday with a 1,084 majority because of the 97% Chinese support representing 1,347 Chinese voters.

Hence the Chinese (if 97% continue to vote opposition until the next general election) are the kingmaker. And it also means that the Chinese have not swung back to the ruling party and continue to support the opposition until today.


I also said: I am still working on the basis of ‘educated guess’ and not backed with the details of the saluran.

Well, these are the actual figures that I just received.

While 23,249 or 85.5% of the 27,222 registered voters came out to vote, only 23,054 votes were counted (195 votes were rejected/spoiled votes or not counted).

From this 23,054 counted votes, 1,065 were Chinese voters and not 1,575 as I had expected -- which would translate to only 57.82% and not a 85.5% voter turnout for the Chinese.

Barisan Nasional claims that 30% of the Chinese voted for the ruling party while 70% voted opposition. Others say only about 10% of the Chinese voted government (they claim an increase of 60-70% from the last time) while the rest voted opposition.

Okay, let us take the average of the two: 20%. That would mean about 213 Chinese voters voted for Umno while about 852 voted PAS.

The total counted votes was 23,054. Minus the 1,065 Chinese voters, we can assume that 21,989 of the voters were Malays.

PAS won 12,069 of the votes and Umno won 10,985. Minus the Chinese votes, that would mean PAS won 11,217 of the Malay votes and Umno won 10,772 -- a majority of 445 for PAS based on just the Malay votes.

Hence PAS’s majority of 1,084 would translate to 11,217 Malay votes and 852 Chinese votes while Umno won only 10,772 Malay votes and 213 Chinese votes.

The ‘missing’ 777 Chinese voters could mean a sign of protest by the Chinese (especially since their turnout of 57.82% is lower than the 85.5% average). This could be because they are not happy with PAS and neither do they want to vote Umno so they would rather ‘abstain’ from voting.

My conclusion is: with a slim majority of Malay votes for PAS (445), the 777 Chinese voters could have swung the results had they come out to vote and had they voted for Umno, especially if the 1,065 Chinese voters who did come out to vote had also voted government.

Hence for my statement in my earlier article: Chinese still the kingmaker.

Or maybe I should have said: Chinese still the kingmaker, if they so choose to be.

Incidentally, the opposition votes in the five voting districts that the Chinese voted in saw a drop this time around compared to the last general election in May this year. Was this because of the Chinese voters? Even MCA and Gerakan can't confirm this yet at the time I wrote this article.

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-08 03:21 | Report Abuse

useless izoklse aka abnz, you might as well bring the whole web site here & no need to copy the everyday news there...might as well get news your Utusan , NST, etc all UMNO sponsored...what we want to REAL & TRUE NEWS & NOT spinning news like those from EVERYDAY YOU COPY THE NEWS FROM You tak malu getting from a spinning source like

Ask around all Malaysians and they will tell you what is like & NOT like you useless & idiotic izoklse aka abnz who COPY FROM A JAMBAN NEW PORTAL.

No need to copy as we all won't read spinning news that's fIt for the jamban, actually you useless izoklse aka abnz REALLY LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT, BUT THEN I GUESS THIS IS MALAYSIA BOLEH AT IT'S BEST, haahaahaa

BTW, you got no other source except a really useless person you really are. I guess it's always the same with the UMNO Malays who like to TELL FALSE OR SPINNING NEWS, haahaahaa

Keep it up useless & idiotic izoklse aka abnz, you just make yourself a laughing stock, haahaahaa

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-08 03:25 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Law Minister says we cant ratify Treaty of Rome because our Malay Rulers may not have immunity. Do they have it in the first place?

yes, who take away our Malay Rulers immunity..NO ONE BUT THIS MAMAKUTTY & UMNO & now want to talk as though they are protecting our Malay Rulers...what a hypocrite.

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-08 03:27 | Report Abuse

Why did Norazita die? – Liew Chin Tong (TMI)

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-08 03:28 | Report Abuse

UMNO kalah besar, MCA menang besar di Sungai Limau?

KUALA LUMPUR: Ketua Parlimen DAP, Lim Kit Siang berkata, pemimpin MCA mendakwa undi Cina kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Limau, Isnin lalu meningkat sebanyak 732 undi berbanding pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU-13), 5 Mei lalu.

Beliau berkata, jika berpegang kepada kenyataan dan dakwaan pemimpin MCA bermakna UMNO kalah teruk dan MCA pula menang besar dalam PRK DUN Sungai Limau itu.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, bolehkah dipercayai dakwaan pemimpin MCA itu

“Pemimpin MCA, termasuk Dr Leong Yong Kong yang disebut-sebut bakal dilantik Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kedah memberitahu media berbahasa Cina bahawa BN berjaya meraih 75.27 peratus undi kaum Cina iaitu 892 daripada 1,185 undi daripada kaum Cina dan gagal meraih walaupun satu undi tambahan daripada Melayu dalam PRK itu.

“Ini bermakna undi Cina meningkat sebanyak 732 undi berbanding PRU-13 lalu memandangkan sebelum ini MCA mendakwa BN mendapat hanya 10 peratus daripada 1,600 undi Cina pada 5 Mei lalu iaitu hanya kira-kira 892 hingga 160 undi,” katanya dalam kenyataan media.

Menurut Kit Siang yang juga Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah, walaupun BN berbelanja besar iaitu lebih RM15 juta, tetapi calonnya, Ahmad Sohaimi Lazim hanya mendapat tambahan 465 undi iaitu 10,985 undi pada PRK itu berbanding 10,520 undi pada PRU-13.

Bagaimanapun, beliau menyerahkan kepada pemimpin UMNO dan BN membuat keputusan sama ada untuk menerima analisis MCA mengenai trend mengundi di Sungai Limau atau sebaliknya.

Bagaimanapun, katanya, yang jelas PRK Sungai Limau adalah ujian utama bagi PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat bagi satu pihak serta UMNO dan BN, di pihak lain selepas enam bulan PRU-13 lalu.

“PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat menganggap kemenangan itu penting kerana tidak mengamalkan politik wang dan pembohongan sepanjang kempen itu, sebaliknya belajar daripada kelemahan supaya parti itu menjadi lebih kuat dan hebat sebagai satu kuasa pada masa depan sama ada dalam bandar atau kawasan luar bandar atau di kalangan Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan atau pengundi Iban,”

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-08 03:30 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Malah Menteri Pendidekan wajar melaksanakan kursus Chess sebagai mandatori. Sejarah hafal saja tak payah fikir. Chess guna reasoning?

Always useless UMNO Ministers talking cock.

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-08 03:30 | Report Abuse

Do you believe MCA analysis of the Sungei Limau by election that says that 75% of the chinese voted for BN?
I think its more likely that 75% voted for PAS.

Posted by UMNO2HANGUS > 2013-11-08 03:31 | Report Abuse

Why did Norazita die? – Liew Chin Tong (TMI)

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