Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-28 08:33 | Report Abuse

Pihak Yang bertanggungjawab berani buat, berani ke depan mengaku dam tanggung kesalahan: 1. Pihak Yang menghasut kerana kata lebih tajam daripada pedang 2. Pihak Yang terhasut atas kejujuran, kelelakian dan kesdedaran sivik

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8 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2024-04-02 13:24

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-28 08:43 | Report Abuse

On curbing vigilantism: Arrest today, not tomorrow

In cases of terrorism, all parties involved play a significant role in the perpetration of violence and must be held accountable for their actions:

1. The person with deemed divine knowledge who preaches is guilty because they have the power to influence individuals' beliefs and actions. If their teachings promote or condone violence, they contribute to creating an environment conducive to terrorism.

2. The person with caliber and position who incites is equally culpable as they have authority and influence over a larger audience. Their words can sway public opinion and motivate others to commit acts of terror.

3. The person with little grey matter who commits the arson act is directly responsible for the violent act itself. However, their actions are often influenced by the rhetoric and ideologies spread by those in positions of power and authority.

4. Negligent enforcers who fault to act prophylactically by stopping the perpetual instigators

Therefore, in the context of terrorism, each party plays a role in the chain of events leading to violence, and all must face consequences for their contributions to promoting or inciting such acts.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-28 08:57 | Report Abuse

Public funded law enforcers play a crucial role in maintaining law and order within society. When they fail to act prophylactically by stopping perpetual instigators, they contribute to the perpetuation of criminal behavior and the escalation of situations that can lead to acts of arson, vigilantism, or terrorism.

1. **Failure to Prevent Future Crimes:** Enforcers are entrusted with the responsibility of preventing crimes and ensuring public safety. When they neglect to intervene proactively with known instigators, they allow these individuals to continue their actions, increasing the likelihood of future criminal acts.

2. **Enabling Criminal Behavior:** By not taking action against perpetual instigators, enforcers inadvertently enable and embolden these individuals to persist in their disruptive or violent behaviors. This lack of intervention can create an environment where criminal activities thrive.

3. **Contributing to Escalation:** Perpetual instigators often escalate their actions if not stopped early. When enforcers overlook or ignore warning signs and early indications of criminal behavior, they contribute to the escalation of conflicts and incidents, potentially leading to more serious crimes like arson or acts of terrorism.

4. **Loss of Trust and Accountability:** Communities rely on law enforcement agencies to uphold justice and protect them from harm. When enforcers fail to act against known instigators, they erode public trust in the justice system and create a sense of impunity among criminals. This lack of accountability can further exacerbate societal problems.

5. **Preventative Measures vs. Reactive Responses:** Prophylactic action by enforcers involves taking preventative measures to address potential threats before they escalate into major incidents. This approach is proactive and emphasizes the importance of early intervention to maintain order and prevent harm to individuals and communities.

In conclusion, responsible enforcers have a duty to act prophylactically by addressing perpetual instigators to prevent the escalation of criminal activities, including acts of arson, vigilantism, and terrorism. Failure to do so not only undermines public safety but also contributes to a breakdown of trust in law enforcement and accountability within society.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-28 09:21 | Report Abuse

Responsible enforcers who have a duty to act prophylactically by addressing perpetual instigators should:

1. **Surveillance and Monitoring:** Employ advanced surveillance techniques to track the activities of potential instigators and their networks.

2. **Intelligence Gathering:** Gather intelligence through various sources to understand the motivations, capabilities, and plans of instigators.

3. **Risk Assessment:** Conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential hotspots or targets for provoking activities.

4. **Early Intervention:** Take proactive measures to intervene early, such as engaging with culpable individuals, counseling, or providing support services.

5. **Targeted Operations:** Conduct targeted operations to disrupt instigators' activities, seize illegal materials, and dismantle their networks.

6. **Community Engagement:** Foster positive relationships with communities to gather intelligence, build trust, and prevent radicalization or recruitment efforts.

7. **Collaboration:** Work closely with other law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, and international partners to share information and coordinate efforts.

8. **Legal Actions:** Take legal actions, such as issuing warnings, imposing restrictions, or making arrests when necessary to prevent the escalation of vigilante activities.

9. **Public Awareness:** Raise public awareness about the risks of criminal activities, encourage reporting of suspicious behavior, and promote community resilience against extremism and violence.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-31 08:03 | Report Abuse

Kuantan, Pahang?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-31 09:26 | Report Abuse

Physical violence, such as life-threatening bomb-throwing, often stems from the seeds of verbal violence, which are sown by provocative and inflammatory threats. Leaders of groups seeking to unleash violence, like racial riots, typically incite people beforehand to create the conditions for such actions.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-31 09:29 | Report Abuse

When irresponsible enforcers fail the community as a whole.....

Enforcers who fail to act promptly are equally responsible for negligence and dereliction of duty. The police must proactively address violent tendencies, as evidenced by inflammatory speeches, without waiting for the situation to escalate or a crisis to occur. Delaying action only allows the problem to grow and potentially lead to catastrophic consequences.


34 posts

Posted by Seeking > 2024-03-31 10:23 | Report Abuse

Reflects badly on UG govt

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-04-02 13:24 | Report Abuse

Akmalkin Skywalker: I Corrupt All Cops? Instigators: On having the balls, courage and jantanness to surrender & come clean about bearing their responsibilities:

The identifiers for instigators causing vigilanteism can include individuals or groups who:

1. Spread false or misleading information to incite anger or fear e.g. by exaggerating of human error as intentional provocation

2. Demonize, accuse, slander and call for boikot certain companies, communities or individuals, leading to a sense of condemnation and persecution

3. Exploit existing emotional tensions or religious grievances for personal or political gain.

4. Disregard the rule of law and promote a "justice by boikotting at any cost" mentality.

5. Use inflammatory rhetoric or propaganda to mobilize supporters towards vigilante, extremism or terrorism actions.

6. Target specific individuals or groups as scapegoats for broader societal issues

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