Sslee blog

My response to Racist Bigot @Twinpeaks

Publish date: Sun, 17 May 2020, 03:38 PM
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This is my blog

Dear EngineeringProfit

I had just used your comment without your prior permission to refute an idiot racist bigot in Tun Mahathir blog.

Dear Tun Dr. Mahathir,

I thought I already bid farewell to Tun blog with my last comment: Farewell my “Malaysian Dream”.

“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello”- Paulo Coelho.

But “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart”- Mahatma Gandhi

So please allow me to refute @Twinpeaks takes on Vernacular/Mother tongue education in Malaysia.

When comes to education, character-building takes priority. Honestly, sincerity and trustworthiness are excellent qualities as human. On the other hand, treachery, back-stabbing and betrayal are h*ll-bound.

When comes to leadership, meritocracy is everything. The young may fail to listen, but they almost never fail to imitate.

Same for educators! What could be more wrong than entrusting the fox to raise the chicks - both futile and counterproductive. Although unmotivated teachers can be whipped to double or triple their efforts.....but only to teach some obsolete knowledge and useless stuff that is out-of-this-world........

Students MUST be thought to EXAMINE EVIDENCE and do thinking for themselves first. So they can question and reject ideas and thoughts which are irrelevant to this era. What is the point of building a premise on wrong ground? Or making the students climb a ladder which leans on the wrong (useless) wall.

Next comes cognitive flexibility for the next generation to survive the future 'bumpy' vocational lives. Besides, those with lower cognitive flexibility see the world in more black-and-white terms and struggle with new and different perspectives. The more inflexible mind may be especially susceptible to the clarity, certainty, and safety frequently offered by strong loyalty to collective ideologies that brought more harm than good.

Last but not least, while the conservatism and liberalism agendas struggles divide us, it is the capacity to think about the world flexibly and adaptively that could unite us.

Vernacular schools have served Malaysian well in installing character-building and producing competitive multilingual Malaysians that are sought after by Multinational Companies. Many Chinese Malaysians are now fluent in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and many different dialects.

Remember when Twinpeaks was exposed as agent provocateur by someone he assumes to be Malay Malaysian to prove ‘he is worth his salts’

Dear Twinpeaks aka Knucklehead foreigner,

I suspected that you are not even Malaysian, if you are then try to write in Bahasa Melayu and dont use google translate.

He blows his lid/his cover and had this to say about Malay:


Hajar is right in demanding an explanation from Twinpeaks.

Salam Dearest YAB PM Tun Dr. Mahathir,

Allow me Tun:


I am referring to your comments as follows:

1. twinpeaks Jan 24,2020 11:33 AM

// “Mubarakchan alone has more brain cells than all the cells contained in all the heads of your entire race, combined. The Malays should be ashamed to have you as one of them. What a pity (he.. he..). No wonder the Malays are 20,000 million miles behind the Chinese Malaysians. You should be more humble to the Chinese. You might learn something useful,.. that is if you have the brain to do it.”//

2. twinpeaks Jan 24,2020 11:42 AM

// “Our beloved Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir desperately wants your race to improve and make something (just anything) useful in life. BUT YOU PEOPLE (the Malays) reject him, ridicule his advice, from the time he wrote his seminal book The Malay Dilemma FIVE(!!!) decades ago UNTIL today.

Your race will never beat even the Orang Asli. Never will. You will always be the bottom of the pile in Malaysia. What a pity. But that’s the truth.”//


You definitely have crossed the line. You insulted the Malays (Malay race) with your half-baked sweeping statement. I’m a Malay, and proud to be a Malay.

If you are so angry at a person (I believe for asking you to write in BM; not a big deal anyway; just do it), then please just focus on that person. THERE’S NO NEED TO INSULT AN ENTIRE RACE. By the way, Tun Mahathir is a Malay (just as a REMINDER).

I speak my mind (too). If I don’t like something I say in directly, especially if it’s wrong, illogical, and so stupid (especially the one on brain cells!). I’m willing to face the consequences.

How could you compare ONE person’s brain cells (number) with an entire race’s brain cells (total / combined)?



Please allow me to highlight the below from Sri Sense.

Esok kita gaduh pula, hijab labuh, hijab pendek, tak berhijab. Kita kan orang Melayu, memakai selendang adat turun menurun. Kita ada budaya kita sendiri. Berkain batik, berkain pelikat. Bersongkok dll. Dari bergaduh sape wahabi, kan baik kita semua bekerja cari rezeki untuk keluarga.

Bila melihat my son jadi buruh sementara di warehouse, abang iparnya yang bawak Grab terus kerja jadi security guard sebelah malam. Orang Melayu cukup rajin usaha, tiada masa nak main politik.

To my Dearest Malaysians the worst are yet to come, please be prepared and help each other in need regardless of ethnicity.

Blame no one but ourselves for allowing the dirty politicians playing the game of politics by which they choose the man who will get the blame. These dirty politicians are now busy dividing among themselves the ill gotten gain of who going to be the next GLCs chairman/directors, head of government agency, APs, contracts, scholarships and etc to their cronies and relatives while the hardworking Malaysians “my son jadi buruh sementara di warehouse, abang iparnya yang bawak Grab terus kerja jadi security guard sebelah malam. Orang Melayu cukup rajin usaha, tiada masa nak main politik”

Thank you

Yours truly,


Note: Tun blog “DAP HANCUR MALAYU” is now like a war zone, other notable comment:

No minorities in the country have ever requested their respective native languages as official language. That ultra moron can’t comprehend between official language and native language.


1 person likes this. Showing 9 of 9 comments


Vernacular schools receive all kinds of sinfully slanderous remarks over the decades which they do not deserve. They offer an irresistible alternative
which parents can trust (No covert sodomy, naive fire hazard, etc)....

.....offering an extra business language, nurturing cognitive fleibility for near future vocational challenges, fostering a much more natural human, human contact without overplay non-issue of genderism....

.....responsible school principals with the excellent human qualities - who get their post based on meritocracy......and under scrutiny by unselfish-cum-generous dedicated school directors

2020-05-17 16:14


Last year, one of my great granddaughter represented her school to participate in her district art competition.....

......My granddaughter-in-law who accompanied her there discovered the host national school participants had got leaked question and had been trained to response.

After questioning the other twenty odd schools' accompanying teachers, it became obvious that everyone else was ignorant of plot.

2020-05-17 16:22


She confronted the hosts, and they lied about investigating to the bottom of
the case and disqualifying those who had received leaked question and pra tised on it

Alas.....instead, as plotted, they announced one of their participant as the champion at the end

2020-05-17 16:25


She described how much praying was emphasized in that host school as she could see and hear as she forst entered the school in the morning.....

2020-05-17 16:27


Miss the forest for the trees .......

.......What for....a school that overemphasize of form over substance

2020-05-17 16:29


Dishonest teachers.......unscrupulous practices.......students who lack of jugdment.....what's right.....what's wrong

2020-05-17 16:31


What a cursed learning institution.......

....happened in a rural one too

2020-05-17 16:32


It is from this kind of learning institutions, we witness rise of the corruptibles, unscrupulous, thugs and traitors

2020-05-17 16:47


These ppl......

1. When they talk they lie,

2. When they make promises they break them,

3. When they make a convenant they act treacherously,

4. When they argue, they will deviate from any down-to-earth logics and the universal truth

2020-05-17 18:01

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