My Trading Adventure

Compound Interest

Publish date: Fri, 09 Aug 2013, 11:02 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
If you have RM10,000 to invest, where should we place them 'safely'?

Compound interest

1% : it takes 70 times to double. So, if we put it in an investment at 1% interest, it will takes us 70years to double. Inflation is higher than that. So, it is very unwise. But, if it is 70months, that is we are able to increase it by 1% per month, that is great. 70months is about 6years.

2% : it takes 35 times to double. No one will like to place their money in FD if they are giving us 2% per annum, it will takes us 35 years. Placing it per monthly, 35months is a very fast pace of doubling our capitals, about 3years time.

3% : slightly less than 24 times to double our capital. So, this will be my realistic target per month in trading, it will takes me 2 years to double the capital.

4% : slightly less than 18times. Our FD rate is still below 4%, so placing our money safely here will takes us 18years!!

5% : less than 15 times now. Bonds paying 5%?

6% : slightly less than 12 times. So, we could double our EPF around 12 years?

7% : slightly more than 10 years to double. This is where my 10% of my income goes to ... Saving in ASB.

10% : do the math ...

RM10,000 flip two times becoming RM20,000 and that another round of flipping becoming RM40,000.

2^10 is 1024. That is RM10,000 into RM1.024mil.

Dream on, but compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.


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i tot i was wrong, so mah go back recap my memory lor..

less than a year.. you said 1k can become 1mil, now you put 10k become 1mil.. what type of mental treatment course formula you using ? what a great mathematician

pls la.. have some ethics and morality la even though you want to do businees ..

2013-08-09 13:10

Micheal Teo

FYI sometimes it may start of as a dream. However, with a dream next comes a strategy n who knows with rm10k after 10 years u may graduate to become a millionaire. Wishful thinking for u since u r much younger. For me as a pensioner I opt for safer avenues. Better slow than never- Govt.bonds n FD r the safest.

2013-08-09 16:50


okok.. agree with you, even though i am still young haha, stil put big portion in FD/bond, scare one ler crisis come.. need to makan one la.

it is good dream big, make sure head big enuf, but make sure dont let ppl talk till kembang kembang fly to the sky, sky up there no oxygen one ler, 1k make 1mil or 10k make 1mil !!

y'know, my company customer really know how to dream big, till sometime want us to deliver the sky, manage expectation !!

want to side bet ? not many can use 1k to turn into 1mil or 10k to turn into 1mil.. he short aledi one la hahaha

see use how many 1k or 10k you use before make the 1mil, juz kidding haha

2013-08-09 18:10

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