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[转帖] 浅谈Fimacorp - 第4篇 - 隐忧 + 总结 (完结篇) - 糊涂

Tan KW
Publish date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014, 07:13 PM
Tan KW
0 483,800


星期四, 二月 06, 2014 

  • 印尼限制未提炼的CPO出口,在印尼生产的CPO都必须在印尼提炼。
  • 约6000公顷未开发的土地因为居民控诉种植油棕污染河流而被逼空置。
  • 印尼偏高的棕油出口关税,虽然2013年9月的出口关税从10.5%调低至9%来减低印尼棕油库存,但印尼政府极有可能在CPO价格上扬之际再次调高出口关税,想要从这次的CPO价格上扬赚点零用还得看印尼政府的脸色。
  • 去年DTR为了开采矿石与fimacorp子公司签了合约,将会征用它的212公顷已成熟的地段中,目前已有28.87公顷地段的油棕树已被砍伐。虽然DTR将以USD100来赔偿每株被砍伐的油棕树并会分享采矿石的盈利,不过这还是让我感到非常的不舒服
还有就是过去几年Fimacorp与Kfima业务合并的消息对Fimacorp是另一个变数, 我们不知道管理层会用怎么样的方案来整合这两家上市公司的业务,有可能把Fimacorp私有化,也有可能把种植资产与其它资产分家。有了业务合并的前提 之下,我们就无需奢望公司会派发红股,Fimacorp的股价走势也会给Kfima的股价给牵引着。相信合并方案未出来前,两家公司极有可能都会一直横 摆。过去数年若要论业务成长,我认为Kfima的管理层做得比Fimacorp好,至少Kfima的管理层能够善用公司的现金资源来推动成长与进军新的业 务。Fimacorp则是在股息派发方面比较慷慨,最近买入丁加楼种植地段的成本也相当高,极有可能达不到预期的8%资本回酬。(注:收购时,公司是假设 CPO价格处于2700水平,yield/hectare也能够像沙巴洲看齐,这是best case 的算法,我本身就不看好它能够在5年后达到8%的盈利目标)
最后,我觉得马来西亚银行分析员对CPO的价格走势太过乐观了,我还记得3年前当CPO价格大涨 之际,马来西亚与印尼的许多土地被开发种植油棕,苏门答腊的烧芭或多或少都有开发油棕业的影子,分析员不谈种植面积的增加而一直以马来西亚油棕库存的数据 来推断CPO牛市是非常不合理的。至少,我知道去年9月时印尼的棕油库存的增幅高达40%,也达到了203.1万吨的高水平。我相信市场买家的眼睛是亮丽 的,这也解释了为何过去两个月的油棕出口一直在下滑,库存一直增加,买家可都在等待大减价呀!在这样的前提下,大家会否觉得盲目相信分析员的推断而买入种 植股的投资是个好选择呢?
我没有答案,或许2、3年后市场会给我们一个答案,我选择Fimacorp是因为它有非常稳定的 印刷业务与高股息,如果种植业真的如分析员推断的那么好,那Fimacorp的业绩肯定也会大放异彩,如果CPO的涨潮只是一个假像,至少被低估的 Fimacorp不会让我血本无归。
Fimacorp不是一家十全十美的公司,它或许还有一些我没发现的隐忧存在,不过在6零吉左右 的价格买入它来当长期投资应该是个不错的选择,如果种植业绩爆发,它的每股盈利就有机会突破RM1的关口。当然,若CPO价格一直在2400-2600之 间徘徊,它至少能够为我们的资金提供一个安稳的码头,每年赚取5%左右的股息还是有的。。附上数据给大家参考:


[转帖] 浅谈Fimacorp - 第一篇 - 糊涂

[转帖] 浅谈Fimacorp - 第2篇 - 油棕业务 - 糊涂

[转帖] 浅谈Fimacorp - 第3篇 - 其它业务 - 糊涂

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Hi Mr Tan KW, please explain to me how you get your FCF of 30,483 of Q2'14? Thanks.

2014-02-08 12:27


Hi nokenzo : please go to thread of Fimacorp, then scroll up to get analysis on Fimacorp performed by KC Chong. Good luck.

2014-02-08 18:30


Thanks, bsngpg.

2014-02-08 18:58


Hi bsngpg, I just could not get FCF of 30,482 of Q2'14, as my figure is 24,050-11,101=12,949, how come? Obliged if you can enlighten me. Thanks.

2014-02-08 19:17


Hi nokenzo : sorry, this time I can’t help as I had lost my GPS and stuck somewhere. You need to ask sifu KC Chong. Good luck.

2014-02-08 19:54


Thanks. Going to Phuket tomorrow, back on Thursday. Shall ask him when back. Should sifu KC Chong read this, can you help, sifu?

2014-02-08 21:59


Hi sifu kcchong, I remember you mentioned FCF=CFFO-PPE and I have been using this formula all along, but it doesn't work in this case.

2014-02-08 23:17



Your computation of FCF for the first two quarters fy 2014 should be correct. Generally most investors compute FCF like you do though there may be a little variation when you pursue the academic way.

In Fima's case, don't forget that increase in biological assets is a capital expenses though there is none as at the end of second quarter. So your computation is still correct.

Hence my view is there is nothing wrong in your computation. I do not know how the FCF was computed in the article written.

2014-02-09 01:00


Thanks, sifu kcchong.

2014-02-09 04:39


Hi bsngpg, found your GPS? and reach your destination?

2014-02-09 07:25


Hi nokenzo : Ha! welcome to Phuket. Yin Dee Tong Rab!

i) Patong Beach (natural beaches + amazing night scenes). Have a walk at night to see Ah Kua dancing on the open stages along the street, Go into Ago-go bar late night, have a glass of beer(~60 baht), you can see some sexy show if you are lucky to enter a good one, just sit there, order a glass of beer, it is hygiene. A girl will approach you for a free drink causing you another 60 Baht; you are not obliged to do so if you do not want to, no offence.

ii)Phi Phi island for sparkling white long beach. Follows boat going to deeper sea for snookering. Need to swim a bit ever with floating jacket.

iii)If you have limited time, you can skip James Bond Island, the trip is not worth just for a stone.

iv)Phromthep Cape, Rawai : reach there at about 6.00pm for sun set, cliff view and soothing breeze. Try the BBQ shrimp and fish with special chili paste along the road site.

v) Phuket's FantaSean : go in earlier so that you can do some shopping in the park beside enjoying the amazing show. Do not forget to look up for certain show.

vi) Few words :
• Thank you (man says) = Kob Khun Krap(Coupon cup)
• Toilet = hong nam
• How much : Thao-Rai
• Expensive : Phaeng(same pronunciation when you say “cheap” in Cantonese)
• Discount : Loht(lot)

Good luck.

2014-02-09 11:49


Hi bsngpg, back from Phuket, thanks for your suggestion, entertaining 60+ of 清华 old graduates. They were after 80s lot of rich business men. Surprisingly very few Japanese. Well, worth the trip, as I managed to know these Chinese from China, from inner Mongolia to Shangdong,to Yunan. Thanks again.

2014-02-14 13:52

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