MQ Trader System

[MQ Trader] Fundamental Friday - Fundamental Analysis on Public Bank

MQ Trader
Publish date: Fri, 15 Sep 2017, 09:53 AM
MQ Trader
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This is the official blog channel for the MQ Trader system by the Malaysia's Quantitative Traders Group.

We published a simple Fundamental Analysis on VS yesterday (14-Sep-2017), and we've received many online feedback from the MQ Trader system requesting for further details on the fundamental analysis rules used by the MQ Trader system.

Today, we are going to do another Fundamental Analysis on the company Public Bank (Stock Code: 1295) which we are all familiar with.

As usual, users who have signed up for any MQ Trader package (including the Free Trial Package) can search for the Public Bank stock from the stock list on the left, or type the company name (Public Bank) in the search box at the top of the page. You can also just click on this link if you've alread registered:

Next, select Fundamental Analysis from the Stock Menu by click on the Stock name. The screen capture below shows the result of the Fundamental Analysis on Public Bank.



Public Bank scores a Fundamental Rating of 4.7 over 5 by the MQ Trader Fundamental Analaysis function. It passes 7 Fundamental analysis rules, and did not pass the other 1 rule. Company with Fundamental rating of 4 and above is generally considered more stable with stronger Revenue and Profit trend over the longer term.
To know more about how each rule is evaluated, traders can click on the (i) icon beside each rule name. Traders can also click on the View Financials link to see the various Financials data trend (e.g. quarterly or yearly Revenue or Profit trend) on a chart with trending line or histogram chart.
The screen capture below shows the expanded details on how the first 3 rules are evaluated:
You can see that the rules evalue past financial results of the company based on its Revenue, Profit, Profit % and ROE trends. You can click on the (i) icon beside the other Rule name to see how those fundamental rules are evaluated.


As you can see from the simple steps above, traders and investors can perform a very quick Fundamental Analysis on stock as of the latest date and price before deciding to trade any stock in the stock market. The analysis uses the most common criteria for Fundamental analysis, which are also commonly being used by many professional traders and investors.
Fundamental rating of 4 and above signifies the stock is fundamentally sound and business performance have been strong, which Fundamental rating of 2 and below signifies the company's business may not be performing well over long term.
Traders who are interested to read about how to perform Technical Analsis on a company can refer to our previous article: Technical and Fundamental Analysis on AIRASIA

Community Feedback

We encourage traders to try out and evaluate the MQ Trader system and provide us feedback on the features you like to see in the system. We have received many positive feedback so far, and we are currently compiling and reviewing them for possible inclusion into the next release of the system.
We would like to develop this sytem based on community feedback to cater for community needs. Thanks to all those who have provided valuable feedback to us. Keep those feedback coming in!


This article does not represent a BUY or SELL recommendation on the stock covered. Traders and Investors are encouraged to do their own analysis on stocks instead of blindly following any Trading calls raised by various parties in the Internet. We may or may not hold position in the stock covered, or initiate new position in the stock within the next 7 days.
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