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Liew Chin Tong on the deployment of the Malaysian Armed Forces

Publish date: Sat, 21 Mar 2020, 07:40 PM

I understand that there are many who are concerned about Minister of Defence Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob's announcement of the army to assist the police in patrolling from Sunday onwards. I was asked during a phone interview with BFM Radio.

I began with two caveats:

First, I am not part of this government and I was not privy to the thinking process of the minister so I don't wish to speak for the minister nor defend him.

Second, deploying the army to assist the police is not wrong. During flood relief we call the armed forces to assist. So I see no wrong in the deployment.

But it will be really unfortunate if the government or our society at large thinks that what the armed forces could do is just patrolling. My key message is that as a government, as a society, and as a nation, especially in time of crisis, we need to know the full range of capabilities residing with our armed forces and deploy them most effectively.

We must now be prepared for the worst in order to have the best outcome in such crisis. We must be prepared for the possibility of facing a scenario similar to Italy in order to paradoxically avoid going that way. As we say in Malay, sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

The most important task that the armed forces as a whole not just army but also Navy and Air Force must be asked to do is to "scenario plan" in the event Malaysia reaches 3,000 cases; 5,000 cases; 10,000 cases and beyond. By then the civilian authorities alone would not be able to cope.

The amed forces is almost like a "government within a government" with its medical corps, engineering corps, CBRNe (chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear explosive) unit etc. All assets can be deployed in the event of crisis. The primary role of the armed forces is to prepare and to fight war. "Military Operations Other Than War" (MOOTW), such as disaster relief, is the armed forces' secondary role.    

The armed forces is trained to deal with all sorts of contingencies and provide possible responses, of course, under the guidance and instruction of the civilian authorities.

Here are some roles that the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) could play as the crisis deepen:  

a) To assist civilian authorities if there is a need for more intense version of lock down with tight enforcement;  

b) Military hospitals should prepare extra beds and ward areas to supplement public hospital capacities. The armed forces may consider setting up forward casualty clearance areas to help filter through the cases as determined by triage to avoid swamping public hospitals and military hospitals;

c) The Engineering Corps can be mobilised to build temporary structures for emergency use;

d) Military lift and other logistical capabilities should be mobilised if there's a need to maintain supply lines. For harder to reach areas, military medical lift capabilities can continue to support civilian authorities in casevac (casualty evacuation) as needed.

e) If there is a need for it, 12 Skn RAJD which is the only combat engineering squadron trained and equipped for CBRNe can help health officials as needed.

f) Military can also be mobilised for disinfection effort.

g) If manpower requirements are not met by active duty forces, the reserve units (i.e. Wataniah, Pasukan Simpanan Laut, and Pasukan Simpanan Udara) should be called.

h) In general, MAF personnel should also pass out information to the public to help keep them informed. This should be a part of a broader government effort to ensure every agency and ministry is actively sending out relevant public health information.

Again, I would like to stress that "we are at war". We have not seen such global calamity since World War II. We must mobilise all resources at our disposal and be prepared to step up, scale up and win this war against Covid-19. In such context, it is important for all to know that the Armed Forces has a full range of capabilities and not just to be deployed for patrolling.

Liew Chin Tong is a senator and former deputy defence minister.


1 person likes this. Showing 14 of 14 comments

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

f) Military can also be mobilised for disinfection effort.

Answer : LCT certainly much more mature in giving feedback compare to empty vessel Senior Lim! I totally agree that the army should be used to do large scale disinfection! I believe our army has the facility and of course manpower to do a very large scale and comprehensive disinfection! Kadoos LCT for wonderful feedback!

2020-03-21 21:08


I banyak takut lah.

2020-03-21 21:14


No kidding in this critical time. Any delay would result Malaysia heading to the disaster as what is happening now in Italy or Iran.

2020-03-21 21:46

Datuk Seri Rick Walker

One good thing about Iran, since Covid19 taken over, middle east experience unprecendented peace! I think if the whole iranians are infected, we may finally see world peace!

2020-03-21 21:58


Imagine of what would happen to Bursa if Malaysia doesn't take any harsh action now.... guess KLCI may drop to 500 points when everyone is deeply in the panic mode.

2020-03-21 22:02


Nothing will happen to BURSA.
It is not a living thing.

KLCI is already dropping for more than a year, what's new?

2020-03-21 22:15


I oredi in half living mode now !

2020-03-21 22:16


" Posted by Datuk Seri Rick Walker > Mar 21, 2020 9:58 PM | Report Abuse
One good thing about Iran, since Covid19 taken over, middle east experience unprecendented peace! I think if the whole iranians are infected, we may finally see world peace!"

I thought they were more interested in the after life.
Why worry about god given virus?

2020-03-21 22:17


It looks like covid-19 can bring peace n cooperation throughout our whole world ?

2020-03-21 22:19


I hope god no give me the virus even though it is god given to our world.

2020-03-21 22:21


Anyone got go to the after life before ?

2020-03-21 22:23


No, have not had the chance yet.
Waiting for ticket.

2020-03-21 22:31


Armed forces should put at airport during biological warfare, to turn down suspect instantly entry., or bring them to hospital. KLIA, KLIA 11 thermal scanner fail to pre-empt detect, let some slip in, spread now.

2020-03-22 09:59


We have to accept the painful fact that this virus will forever live with human being, So, we have to learn how to live, deal with them.

2020-03-22 10:02

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