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Invisible enemy at home By Dr PRAMEELA

Publish date: Fri, 29 May 2020, 12:10 PM

TO effectively fight diseases and viruses, we require healthy environments that are free of pollution. Through normal gaseous exchange, healthy lungs ensure enough oxygen for every cell in the body to thrive - including the cells in our immune system. If our lungs are loaded with toxins such as nicotine from smoking, they can’t adequately oxygenate vital cells in the body.

National policies prohibit smoking in public except in restricted zones. This helps reduce second- hand inhalation of smoke. But we must be aware of another danger of tobacco smoke: Third-hand smoke (THS) is when smoke residue settles and lingers on walls, carpets, toys and so on wherever there is any smoking even when the smoker is no longer in the area and long after active smoking has stopped.

Smoke reacts with atmospheric chemicals, emits toxins and re-suspends in air. Smoke residue also becomes trapped in dust particles, and these contain high amounts of nicotine. Vacuuming carpets or ventilating rooms can’t remove such residue.

A study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences unravels the hidden health hazards of THS.

Animal studies show how detrimental it is to developing lungs. Babies are vulnerable because they not only breathe in the smoke particles but they also touch and mouth smoke-laden things, thus ingesting the poison.

Crawling allows toxins trapped in carpets, on floors or in baby cots to enter their bodies through their delicate skin. In babies, significant amounts of toxins aren’t cleared effectively because their systems aren’t fully mature and this harms the baby’s body and lungs.

Imagine this scenario: Your baby is being breast-fed yet she has a middle ear infection, is wheezing yet again, and has to be put on antibiotics. The doctor asks questions about pets and smokers and you say that there is strictly no smoking when the baby is home. What about when the baby is away? It turns out there is a family member who smokes in the home when the baby is out.

While the smoker might be aware of the dangers of smoking and even of second-hand smoke, he/she might not know about THS. A study published in Pediatric Research revealed that among 1,406 parents, only 27% had heard about THS. In the journal Pediatrics, 1,500 smokers and non-smokers were surveyed about the hazards of second-hand and THS: 84% of smokers believed second-hand smoke is dangerous to children while only 43% believed THS is harmful.

Another study found fathers and heavier smokers were less likely to believe that THS is harmful. Encouraging smoking parents to quit or adopt smoke-free homes were associated with parental belief that THS harms children. Parents who smoked perceived

second-hand and THS exposure less frequently than non-smokers. Awareness of parental smoking behaviours allows us to increase their awareness of exposure to tobacco smoke.

Health is closely linked to a clean external environment and a healthy internal milieu. THS pollutes the external environment and poisons the internal milieu in more ways than one. Public health policies must be based on this knowledge, while parents must be educated on how THS can endanger a baby in so many ways.



Professor of Paediatrics, Universiti Pertahanan

Nasional Malaysia

2 people like this. Showing 10 of 10 comments


What happens in one's home is not a public issue but a lack of personal hygiene. the solution lies in the owner's hand.

Apart from that a good SPM essay.

2020-05-29 12:29


now some idiot wants government to control private life, from fear to mass hysteria to now total controlled of individual live. looks like this country will be turn into nazi germany.

2020-05-29 16:58


People still don’t realise consequences of smoking. Some knows but ignore it and others face the cons. THS is very unfair and harmful to innocent people.Many people do their best to avoid smoker and worry about their health also their loved one such as babies. May people realised cons of THS to public.

2020-05-29 17:18


It’s a amazing article prof. This was really an eye opener for me. It is very crucial for our people to know the harmful effect of smoking and the exposure to cigarette smoke. Alots of people are not aware of secondhand and thirdhand smoke effects and how deteriorating they are to health.

2020-05-29 17:36


This article just debunked one of the popular beliefs of smoker that its ok to smoke if no one is around. Most smokers have no idea of the existence of THS effect . This will definitely be another reason to quit smoking , at least for their innocent loved ones .

2020-05-29 17:46


Preventing a disease starts from providing the awareness regarding its risks. Many does not know about THS and its harmfulness which was clearly described by the author with proven evidence from studies conducted. *Thumbs upp*

As parents we wish to provide the best for our little ones and this includes a healthy environment. Giving up a habit or two for a healthier future for them is definitely something i would do for my kids. Whats about you?
*Unless you don’t care for your kid then its a different story here =P Its your choice..

2020-05-29 17:57


Apart from this disease preventable through what have been mentioned by Prof, another disease affecting current population should we also pay attention on which is racism. It's for us to reflect on what happens across in USA that could've been avoided also with education and parents not instilling the mindset across the generation. In other words not becoming the enemy to the only race, the human race.

2020-05-29 18:52


Even there alot of article regarding the dangerous of smoking, these people will ignore them for their pleasure. The goverment must take action, otherwise all this just a hopeless.

2020-05-29 19:48


A great article! A good message has been delivered by the author. Don't kill the innocent people at your house. Stop smoking !!!

2020-05-29 19:55


wow amazing how many 50 cent army just appear using the same propaganda script with slight different way of wording.

2020-05-29 21:17

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