Stock Pick Challenge 2013 2H

Stock Pick Challenge - [LBS-WA] by OTB

Tan KW
Publish date: Mon, 05 Aug 2013, 03:11 PM
Tan KW
0 452,341
Stock pick challenge based on the discussion @

LBS-WA Stock Chart as at 16-08-2013

Dear valued members, 

You should be realistic about your goals. 

"In this business if you're good, you're right six times out of ten. You're never going to be right nine times out of ten." Peter Lynch 

Disclaimer: Please be informed that the following mentioned stocks / symbols are solely for the purpose of education only; it is neither a trading advice nor an invitation to trade. For trading advice, please speak to your dealer representative or remisier or financial adviser. Please buy at your own risk. Final decision is yours. 

The 5th stock I wish to select for second half of 2013 is LBS-WA

My trading plan 
This stock is an up trending stock (daily, weekly and monthly). 
The stock price was hitting new high (current) at 0.525 on 18/7/2013. The price goes through a correction and closed at 0.49 on 2/8/2013. 
Major resistance is 0.525. 
Major support is 0.405. 
Target price = 1.00. 
Margin of safety = 51% 
Potential profit gain = 104% 
Cut loss at 0.39 = 20.0% 
Risk reward ratio at 1.93 cut loss = 1 : 5.1. 
Recommendation from CIMB = Target price for LBS is 3.03, LBS-WA is 2.43. 

Technical Chart. 
A very nice up trending stock formed. A Cup and Handle chart was formed with pivot line at 0.51. The buy signal is at the Handle which is the reason I like this stock. There will be a good chance to hit our target price of 1.00 if the major resistance at 0.525 is crossed convincingly. A Cup and Handle chart formation is always a bullish chart. 

Recommend to buy at 0.49 on 2/8/2013. 

Please review the report done by CIMB using the below link.

[Tan]: CIMB Research on LBS posted on i3 -


Posted by Ooi Teik Bee at Aug 5, 2013 02:37 PM


Dear valued members, 

I feel that Method 4 is more appropriate, hence there is only 1 method of calculating Intrinsic value. 

LBS IV Calculation

Total Net Profit Years 9/10

Total Positive Operating Cash flow Years 5/10

Total Dividend Payout Years 4/10

Total Positive free Cash flow Year 4/10

10 Years Average Turn Over 365955
Latest 4 quarters 528270 44.35%

10 Years Average Net Profit 22498
Latest 4 quarters 44187 96.40%



  2011 2012 2013 Growth%
EPS (Cent) 8.87 10.18 11.17 9.72%
PER 16.23 14.15 12.89 8.86%
ROE 8.12 8.35 8.39 0.48%
NTA 1.1 1.16 1.19 2.59%
Dividend 2.5 2.5    




  2011 2012 2013
NP/ (NL) 34,300 37,160 44,187
Equity 422536 445105 526831
ROE 8.12% 8.35% 8.39%

Price CAGR % (Buy and Hold)
Average Return History -8.13%
3 yrs Return 35.41%

Method 4
(22.5*EPS*Book value per share)^0.5
EPS 0.11
Total equity 526831
Number of shares 395322
(22.5*EPS*Total Equity/share)^0.5 = 1.83
Current price 1.44
Margin of Safety 21.32%
Potential gain 27.09%


Expiration date 2018
Exercise price 1.00
Price of Mother share (LBS) 1.44
Intrinsic value of WC 0.44
Actual price of WC 0.49
Premium or Discount 3.47
Gearing 2.9

If the price of LBS 1.83, the price of LBS-WA should be (1.83 - 1.00) = 0.83. 
If it is trading at 20% premium, the price of LBS-WA should be (0.83*1.2) = 1.00. 
Potential gain = (1.00 - 0.49)/0.49*100 = 104%.

Thank you. 



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1 person likes this. Showing 44 of 49 comments

Ooi Teik Bee

Posted by Tan KW > Aug 5, 2013 03:15 PM | Report Abuse

the PDF link

It is the correct one.

Thank you.

2013-08-05 15:17


how long to hold for 1.00 target price?

2013-08-05 15:36

winman 1

I believe in fung shui too

2013-08-05 22:17

j harcharanjit a/l jalaur singh dhillon

in your stock pick i do not see mother share LBS?

2013-08-06 07:37


Made a few hundred for LBS too(Unfortunately not LBS Wb). Good for a Angus steak meal for my family.

2013-08-07 09:40


I trade on OTB's stocks.

2013-08-07 09:44


Angus steak.. yummy

2013-08-07 09:53


TanKW, i have about a dozen stocks as investment. good enough as a diversification, I think.

this doesn't include my trading for some normal stocks and warrants. those are fast turnover for fun.

2013-08-07 10:01

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-08-09 00:32

PureBULL .

These 3 rules have re-made OTB a millionaire many times over !

It is the most sincere sharing of a nice gentleman like OTB who have
gone thru the extreme torturous primary cycles of KLSE.
A man who fought this endless 'financial war' n re-invent himself
financially back to the mainstream of stock mkt.

If he can make it, U too !

2013-08-09 07:41


OTB, just a question. Now that LBS WA has shot up to 69 sen, would the principle of buy high sell higher still applies, meaning if one were to enter at 69 sen does he still have a chance to make gains.Thanks

2013-08-09 08:48

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-08-09 09:02


Bro Ooi , I learned something new from you today , tq for your unselfish sharing.

2013-08-09 12:24


mr ooi
i have been following your post on i3investor but do you have another link cos some of your stock picks i cant see. please direct me to your link.would appreciate very much. tq

2013-08-09 20:09


ph94, just click the header Blog: Stock Pick Challenge - [LBS-WA] by OTB and you can see all the stocks selected.

2013-08-09 20:34


Dear Mr Ooi
Thank you for your unselfish sharing of your trading knowledge ...

2013-08-09 21:32

Ooi Teik Bee

The best performing stock in KLSE in 2013. Darling stock of the year 2013.

Thank you.

2013-08-15 16:52


I made some from LBS-WA from OTB's advice too.

2013-08-15 17:38


otb, what do you think ? is the trend against the fundamentals of TA ? There is no correction so far !

2013-08-15 17:48


LBS-WA 40c+ on Jul now Rm 1 up 150%

2013-08-15 17:57

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-08-15 18:35


Dear Ooi

I am new in this forum, Have been looking on LBSWA for quite awhile. But did not enter due to worries on correction. what is your propose recommended price to go in.

2013-08-15 21:37


after read 500 charts, you will know...

2013-08-15 21:41


director is selling now..going to retrace ?

2013-08-15 21:50

Ooi Teik Bee

Use Fibonacci retracement to find out the support price. You need to take the top and the bottom of the current up trend.

Thank you.

2013-08-15 22:54


Mr otb, LBS WA still going up despite the poor market condition. I reckon it defeats all the principles of TA. Do you agree that the trend is against the norm as you have expecting a pullback since it touched above 70 sen.

2013-08-16 09:17


Dear MR Ooi,
looks like there's no stopping for LBS-WA couple with more positive announcement planned on tuesday. Is the price too high now to go in ?

2013-08-17 13:24

Ooi Teik Bee

I will not buy now, wait for pull back. Please be patience to wait. Please note that I buy stock always very slow because I want my probability to win to be high.
Thank you.

2013-08-17 13:37

winman 1

dear mr ooi
if you are free please analyse stock 0083/notion, its on the uptrend.


2013-08-17 14:14

Ooi Teik Bee

TA is ok, final decision is yours.
Thank you.

2013-08-17 17:13


This few days tumpang Ooi Teik Bee's LBS warrants and Hap Seng warrants. "Damn song".

2013-09-20 16:47


Do you think uptrend will continue for LBS-WA .

2013-09-30 01:25


Dear Mr Ooi,
Could you advise on method 4? what is the method called?
(22.5*EPS*Book value per share)^0.5
22.5 and multiplication of 0.5? how to derive these values or it is just a formula?

2013-10-06 15:12

Ooi Teik Bee

Yes. A buy signal was generated, it is on up trending now.
This is just the formula. Please note this is to a power of 0.5, not time 0.5. This is called Graham Method.
Thank you.

2013-10-06 15:34


Mr Ooi. how do do get the book value per share?

2013-10-06 18:38


Dear Mr Ooi
Good Day and sorry for disturbing
I have read through your ways in the calculation of intrinsic value of a stock and I particularly found it to be very useful. One thing I wish to clarify is that in one of the methods, IV= NTAx EPS/Rr. I couldn't make out what Rr represents and if I remembered correctly, Rr was most of the time fixed at 8. I wish to know more about Rr. Thanks again Mr Ooi.

2013-10-06 18:47


Hi Mr. OTB, any advice on censof warrant at the present price. Thnx.

2013-10-06 18:59

Ooi Teik Bee

tansrihew Mr Ooi. how do do get the book value per share?

Ans : It is the definition of Graham number. Actually book value per share is = Total equity/Total number of share outstanding (paid up).
Hope you can understand.
Thank you.

2013-10-06 23:48

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear dextronium,
Rr is the Return required for your investment. I always take 8%.
Ans : In Malaysia, BLR is 6.6%. If I invest in stock, I want my investment return to be at least better than BLR. Hence I use 8%. Most of unit trust in Malaysia, the max return is about 8%. I also refer to this rate.
Thank you.

2013-10-06 23:54

Ooi Teik Bee

Dear Siva68,

The exercise price of Censof warrant is 0.46, hence it is not worth to buy warrant. I will prefer mother share.
TA is ok for Censof, the earning per share is not impressive for last 2 quarter, hence I conclude FA is not good for Censof.
I am not keen on this stock despite beautiful story behind this stock.
Thank you.

2013-10-07 00:04


Thanks a lot Mr Ooi.

2013-10-07 06:32


Thanks Mr Ooi and Kcchongnz.

Btw,I have read some Peter Lynch's method using PE/Growth to calculate the fair value of a stock. Graham's or Peter's method is more applicable to the stocks in malaysia? THanks in advance

2013-10-07 09:57

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