Bilis Bilis

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2015-08-04 03:41 | Report Abuse

@AngelicInvestor : To prevent and stop you from repeating the dirty habits of deleting bad evidence against yourself----the self-sanitizing,self-castration and self-"sunating" TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE AN ANGEL ,and others look evil-- i take this liberty of saving your latest post here .so when i am finish with my charts i can deal with you with leisure....

EdenInvestor U farking nutcase! U should be taken and confined in a mental hospital separating from the world! Even when ppl dont give a fark about U, U keep attacking others so U can get attention U pathetic low life attention wh0re!!!! Even dream con and many others ppl also think U're one hell of a nutcase without any cure!

Since when did I wrote anything about predicting movement of stocks and KLCI? I NEVER do, only U do and when U're wrong, U always keep quiet but when U're coincidentally right, then U brag as if u veli pro.

Did I ever criticize U and say anything? I never! The reason why I only deleted 1 post last time because I exposed Ur real ID but I felt pity on you so I delete that particular post!

EVERYONE! Bilis bilis real ID is pdtan/ Pi DI Tan, he has made so many wrong prediction that he changed into a new ID called bilis bilis! Don't trust him anymore!
Here is a record of his rubbish trading records that someone called Optimus piled! See for yourself!
his old accounts, check all the trading records of his! All masuk longkang!

I really don't want to waste time argue with U anymore! U treat my pity with vengeance, what an evil person! U made so many enemies already with everyone! As DreamCon says, God's hand is on work! Let Karma find you and your foul mouth!
03/08/2015 23:49


2015-08-04 03:39 | Report Abuse

@"Angelic" EdenInvestor :
You lied through every material issues in this latest posts ,it's late now and i shall take my time to deal with you point by point the next 2-3 days.

To prevent and stop you from repeating the dirty habits of deleting bad evidence against yourself----the self-sanitizing,self-castration and self-"sunating" TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE AN ANGEL ,and others look evil-- i take this liberty of saving your latest post here .so when i am finish with my charts i can deal with you with leisure....

Meanwhile , you CANNOT KEEP HIDING & AVOIDING your scandalous behaviour posted to you to be ACCOUNTABLE as a mature brave & courageous adult ,so i attached here for your action,attention and reminder.

Remember 1 thing : while you filled your posts with foul & gangster languages,expletives,swearings,---I keep on reminding you & your cronies of UPHOLDING your honour, dignity,upbringing ,culture,education and even religious teachings...

So, for now, Angel :- face up to this


Jul 10, 2015 02:22 AM | Report Abuse

#1. the ultimate hypocrite,deceiver, liar, pietist, plaster saint, phony, fraud, sham, fake---- I am looking high and low for your very VULGAR . CRUDE ,VICIOUS& VIOLENT REPLY yesterday (during the peak of the sell-offs at China/HK/KLSE) which you also foolishly and brazenly predicted/proclaimed the OPPOSITES to what ACTUALLY happened to KLCI and IFCAM the next (THURS) day.

#2 It WAS NOT removed by the i3-admin (. SumaPariah at least got bola,he is MORE a "MAN" compared to you,he leave the posts there for the i3-admin to remove,and faced his own tainted records. In comparison ,SumaPariah is MORE RESPECTABLE PARIAH than you!!!)

This was my original reply to you :
Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 8, 2015 04:29 PM | Report Abuse X
EdenInvestor Can you guys just stop it? Forum is a place to exchange or contribute ideas.
It's not a place to insult and argue with each other.
Stop flooding the whole forum with all these nonsense. Grow up guys.
08/07/2015 16:17

If sumatecPariah get enough pui pui pui ,market will reverse next 2 day...

Pui Pui PUI KLCI 1693...
PUI !!! PUI!!! PUI!!! IFCAM 1.11 ........1.11......1.11......
PUI !!! PUI!!! PUI!!! Sumatec pariah!!!!

#3 You are PARIAH another LEVEL down in the ....You SNEAKILY REMOVED IT YOURSELF b4 the i3-admin so that there is NO RECORDS (of YOUR WILDLY & STUPIDLY WRONG & OPPOSITE PREDICTIONS on KLCI & IFCAM) here and in your profile. Your profile contains only 14 "safe" and "untainted" investing --advice ---where is the rest of 100 WILDLY & STUPIDLY WRONG & OPPOSITE PREDICTIONS you made and surgically removed--you sunat yourself so that you look better and "respectable", you specialist in self-cosmetic surgery from Korea? so that you can live another day here to boss around as "VALUE" guru? You must play a fair game like all of us here lah...when we GET IT WRONG we LEAVE IT as a RECORD in the CYBER SPACE to remind ourself to improve ourself, to learn from mistakes,to be better next time or to face the music from the admin.......We are more honest--we face our own records--we are genuine--you sneakily sunat yourself of your wrong-predictions--you are hypocrite,deceiver, liar, pietist, plaster saint, phony, fraud, sham, fake!!!!!

#4 You are even WORSE and MORE DISDAINFUL than SumaPariah.Even SumaPariah has to calm you down on your "screamin profanity at an enemy". Your level of profanity even a convicted sumaPariah (double consecutive posts admin-removed) has to calm you down as evident below:

DreamCommander Hey Eden, calm down & chill, dude ... Watch dance vid with hot babe is much better than screamin profanity at an enemy you can't see who cud be a 90 year old grandmother, and raisin your BP for nothing ...
08/07/2015 16:45

#5 I am least bothered by your virulent vitriolic, malicious profanity (this i3-admin will handle you)
but just cannot stand your non-level-playing field of sneakily removing outrageously wrong predictions when the next day market and stock prices expose you to be a deceiver, liar, pietist, plaster saint, phony, fraud, sham, SERIAL fake!!!!!


10/07/2015 02:12


2015-08-03 23:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by Beleng Ng > Aug 3, 2015 10:59 PM | Report Abuse

Bilis Bilis
Thank you for your posting.

You r welcome!

My only wish is : all the bilis-bilis will be able to cash-out of IFCAm and all the other Syndicate-Counters when the price is pushed wildly high ON RECORD VOLUME next 2 months!!!

Dont miss this (maybe final) oppurtunity for a long long time to come...


2015-08-03 23:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 29, 2015 11:40 AM | Report Abuse X

The Ajibkor-directed market MAY SURPRISE you with a DECISIVE 50 POINTS run up next 3 days starting this pm......." show malaysian investors all "....APPLAUDED ,APPROVED and WELCOMED and FULL OF OPTIMISM of our nation and collective future after his rombakan...." .... and the TVs and newspapers will report this as so......
It is called the chorus of approvals...
29/07/2015 11:38

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Aug 3, 2015 03:49 PM | Report Abuse X
IF we read the KLCI chart correctly.... .............from this 1721 level.the EPF boys might mount another high of 8 point from 1721 to 1729 afternoon close or tomorrow opening.....

IF SO the the afore-mentioned contrasting behaviours would be very very obvious by then
Even in the current prevailing gloomy and oppressive mood (local & overseas and the worst ringgit slump ,oil), We anticipated
this 3-days KLCI uptrend + the AMBUSH/Curi-Ayam style EPFBoys will achieve this JUMP-push (as above)....but We are flabergasted at the way this "new Petronas Tower" was erected IN ONE MINUTE @ 4.50pm and the UGLY Sore-thumb sticking up on the KLCI & Emas Charts (1,5,15,30minutes charts) .

So from 1695 to 1744 =49 points,July 30,31 & Aug03 3 days after July29.

Fortuneebullz, you have unfortunately contracted EdenInvestor's cheeky & petty ppl (xiao-ren) low-class desease of posting an UNPROVOKED & NASTY attack-post of "AMBUSH YOUR BALLS" (2-3 times) during the day and instantly DELETED (TO HIDE it) after the above-mentioned last minute KLCI 20 points AMBUSH-STYLE closing jump, i.e. THE MARKET exposed your embarrassing wrongful ignorance.

Honestly Fortuneebullz : i have no issues with you -- NOT on issues of principles like with AT & Jenni & ACADI on letting so many small investors stuck at 1.87 till today...and i have no wish of using the same long messages i used for EdenInvestor on you ...and i dont think i like to follow your style of haunting SumaPariah with " how much you lost on sumatec.." endlessly with this "why you self-castrated or sunat-sendiri your own postings?" endlessly....

Also BIF, for your info ,our Hakka DatukKong is very accurate and reliable most of the time, and he has this message for you : from now until mid-autumn festival, he advise you to be careful on the road--because your "centre" and "nerve" is very "loose"--he want you and family to be safe when driving......


2015-08-03 15:49 | Report Abuse

.the EPF boys might mount another high of 8 point from 1721 to 1729 afternoon close or tomorrow opening.....


2015-08-03 15:05 | Report Abuse

CHINA50----the MACQ is going to do an ambush....


2015-08-03 12:57 | Report Abuse

Bilis Bilis IFCAM : 30minutes chart : Lookout IF a (2 hours) morning-turnaround--whether it can sustain above the MA20 line (0.98) 9- 11am. IF the price can hold above 0.98-0.96...then we have better things to hope for....

KLCI will keep on scaling up (of course with intermittent pull backs)...the "tricky thing" is whether the IFCAM Manipulator has INTENDED to COOK UP another lower bottom--by sending the IFCAM against the main market(KLCI) trend ...... IF so it should send a very important message .
03/08/2015 09:57

The Divergence (or contrast) in behaviour between uptrend KLCI/bluechips and the scaredycat GORENG/SYNDICATE/CROOK/lower-liners stocks still persist...

IF we read the KLCI chart correctly.... KLCI is now filling up the gap created 24July (1722-1720) when they crashed the KLCI down...from this 1721 level.the EPF boys might mount another high of 8 point from 1721 to 1729 afternoon close or tomorrow opening.....

IF SO the the afore-mentioned contrasting behaviours would be very very obvious by then


2015-08-03 12:18 | Report Abuse

skyz its clearly manipulated. thats why if can read the movement of the syndicates, u can tumpang and ride with the flow. :p
03/08/2015 11:18

There is a COMPLICATION here in has been repeatedly stated since (even before) the 21may peak of 1.87.....there WAS a change of HAND (to a 2nd CROOK)...all the base-elements(new costs,new TPs ,new timetable,new personality,new style,new market climate......... ) change....we get a tactical bargaining/haggling going on between the owner and the CROOK to have the base -stocks/seed-block deal to be done even lower than HALF off the Peak price of 1.87...i.e. 0.935......

What we can say from the chart behaviour is this NEW CROOK is very defensive --demanding very safe margins for his own protection...and his style so far is VERY MOUSY (scaredy-cat)--and he is most afraid unexpected development from KL...and/or the EU n US...


2015-08-03 09:57 | Report Abuse

IFCAM : 30minutes chart : Lookout IF a (2 hours) morning-turnaround--whether it can sustain above the MA20 line (0.98) 9- 11am. IF the price can hold above 0.98-0.96...then we have better things to hope for....

KLCI will keep on scaling up (of course with intermittent pull backs)...the "tricky thing" is whether the IFCAM Manipulator has INTENDED to COOK UP another lower bottom--by sending the IFCAM against the main market(KLCI) trend ...... IF so it should send a very important message .


2015-08-03 04:26 | Report Abuse

If the cap fits...............
If the cap fits (wear it). (British, American & Australian) also If the hat/shoe fits (wear it). (American)
something that you say to tell someone that if they are guilty of something bad, they should accept criticism Look, I didn't say who was to blame for this mess - but if the cap fits, wear it.

I merely threw the cap on the floor............


There you are, (chicken)brainlessly pick the cap and wear it....and exploded into this beastly rage,,,and finding yourself so ill-equipped to debate or deal (or in your uncivilized world--duel) on the intellectual level, unashamedly set your on law--want to challenge ppl to settlement by "brute strength" with bagful of swearing remarks that reflected well your family and religious upbringing ..

You are such a shaming disgrace to your community ,your culture and your civilisation.... so low in in Emotional Maturity that you forgot this is an internet forum for exchange of ideas and intellegence, not a sakai era or sakai in jungle where you have to use any brain you have as a result of any TRUE EDUCATION you gone through at the expense of the government and the country....

You are such a low class animal that exposed your true nature,it's not even fit to waste time on....


2015-07-31 19:46 | Report Abuse

Bilis Bilis

@alex3388 Bilis... why they want set price at half of 1.87 then 0.935?
31/07/2015 16:56

Read " DatukKong's Layman's Guide --How Corporate Owners Get Rich Goreng Stocks at Bursa (Guarantee No Queries, No Investigation and No Jail!) " Note :very rare book and very hard to find !!

Or Read my old posts for a very detailed explanation of how corporate owner(s) use syndicate(s) (do the dirty works and face the laws if unluckily caught) to push their stock prices for them without queries, without investigations and no fear of going to court or to jail....

Quick explanation :

#1. If you (or a corporate owner) hire a assassin from thailand ( or a professional cook/crook from Spore) to gun down somebody (to con or trap small investors at Bursa --this is criminal -- it is called insiders stock manipulations --and the SC always reported in news/announcements of their successful nappings of the small remisiers/fishes in Courts) so that (you as) owners dont have to be caught redhanded themselves......
31/07/2015 17:20


2015-07-31 17:20 | Report Abuse

alex3388 Bilis... why they want set half of 1.87 then 0.935?
31/07/2015 16:56

Read my old posts for a very detailed explanation of how corporate owner(s) use syndicate to push the stock prices for them....

eg like you hire a assassin (professional crook from Spore) from thailand to gun down somebody (small investors --this is criminal -- it is called insiders stock manipulations --and the SC always reported in news announcements of their successful nappings of the small remisiers/fishes in Courts) so that owners dont have to be caught red handed themselves......


2015-07-31 16:13 | Report Abuse

Bilis Bilis MY guess is the Singapore SYNDICATE (CROOK--who used the Malacca Traders as one of their selling broker house as reported by TommyGong recently....) demand the owner's Block (of seed-blocks) to be priced at average of 50% of the peak price (1.87) @0.935 bottom....

So i nibble again @0.935 now............
31/07/2015 16:08


2015-07-31 15:59 | Report Abuse

KLCI is behaving normally (bullish) as in yesterday n today ...

and yet this second Crook/sharks/Syndicate from Singapore as hired by the Chief IFCAM owner is MANIPULATING IFCAM's price in THIS PERVESE & PERVERTED ways AGAINST ITS OWN CHART and AGAINST GENERAL MARKETTREND (KLCI now 1717 up 17 points!!!!) and against their OWN TIMETABLE in the most unnatural way of INTERCOUSE between OWNER & AGENT accounts...............


2015-07-31 15:51 | Report Abuse

nomanland bilis + ozzie75, remember to hold your horses when it reaches around the area unless you love teddy bear. he he
31/07/2015 15:42

I am thinking of buying some more....... but need some wise one to give me the courage...die die lah...............


2015-07-31 15:37 | Report Abuse

Security Commission Officers ( IF THEY NOT SLEEPING AT THEIR JOBS) now CAN SEE THE SELLING-BROKERS (with CODES) & the BUYING BROKERS (with codes) ---it will be the SAME PARTIES THROUT YESTERDAY AND is their job to lift up the telephone to call the said brokers' nominees and ASK WHOSE ACCOUNTS IS BUYING & SELLING these "MAJOR SHAREHOLDINGS " ---it is their jobs to stop irregular tradings n price manipulations NOW .....NOT 6 MONTHS LATER!!!!!!!


2015-07-31 15:18 | Report Abuse

Bilis Bilis Another 10--20 cents down??????

What is the "TRANSFER PRICE" from the Owner (Share Account) to his hired CROOK/COOK (Share Account) in the open market?

Is this the "Seed-block" sellings from PRINCIPAL (owner) to his Hired Agent (Crook) at "discount to market price"?

Would NOT the Surveillance Unit at Security Commission quickly check the Computer Tading Terminals to haul out the Culprits?

Halo! Halo! Halo! ????? maseh tidor kah?
31/07/2015 15:08

( From 1.15 to 1.05 to now 0.95 = Average 1.05--1.00 higher volume was conducted at the lower price now/today....)


2015-07-31 15:08 | Report Abuse

Another 10--20 cents down??????

What is the "TRANSFER PRICE" from the Owner to his hired CROOK/COOK in the open market?


2015-07-31 14:53 | Report Abuse

@DS lu orang2 kampung sumatec tak tahu ini cerita pasal OLD PROSTITUTE masquerading as 1st & 2nd (Single Post New IDs) Virgins --dia malu pakai ID asal, dia mau "shoot arrows racun dari gelap" ,dia malu bawa "kemaluan" dan malu ibu-bapa dia....baca ini kalao lagi tak faham....bila suda faham saya panngil DATUKKONG kasi tip orang orang kampung sumatec ..ok? :

Bilis Bilis Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 29, 2015 03:56 PM | Report Abuse X
Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 29, 2015 03:46 PM | Report Abuse X
Bilis Bilis ikanbilisbilis orang low class cakap low class!
29/07/2015 15:34

HAHAHAHAHAHA...............What a CLOWN!!!!

Look/READ here : 1st "VIRGIN" post ,new account, new name by an "OLD PROSTITUTE".....


Let's do some communication/checkings withe i3-administrator.....
names and email can be easily make available.

Prize for guessing the identity of this "OLD PROSTITUTE" masquerading as a "ONE/FIRST post VIRGIN" --"BRAINLESS,SHAMELESS, RECENTLY SELF-INFLICTED DISHONOURED " long-term /value investor ,peddling with license, but no ball to use his ORIGINAL account to post unprovoked malicious attacks/flames?

Is this a SMART way to mount an internet FLAME WAR HERE?
29/07/2015 15:59


2015-07-31 14:37 | Report Abuse

Keep monitor KLCI to anticipate IFCAM's direction............

KLCI should be inching toward 1714-5.........


2015-07-31 14:34 | Report Abuse

" bawa prostitute datang sini buat apa......sini punya olang pray pray DatukKong more more leh.......tarak pray pray Prostitute ada bawa salah olang datang boh......aiyoyo......ha ha ha....."

ds : bro saya itu fortuneebullz cakap sama saya itu OLD PROSTITUTE berasal dari sini ---kampung Sumatec leh.....kasi balek kampung saja leh......

Jun 30, 2015 11:47 AM | Report Abuse
You hv to apologise for your immensely stupid, profoundly irresponsible statement sooner or later, DreamConqueror ...
31/07/2015 11:01


2015-07-31 13:06 | Report Abuse

Bilis Bilis @fortuneebullz bro : Datukkong instructed this to you and me : "....enemy's enemy IS NOT my enemy..." you are chinese-educated so you must understand this!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Datukkong asked you to deal with this "2nd Virgin attempt" by the "OLD PROSTITUTE" as per here:

Datukkong said you know this OLD PROSTITUTE very well--as per your old postings in your profile:

Jun 30, 2015 12:07 PM | Report Abuse
best not to reply the DreamCon!!! he loner wants ppl to talk to him!!!!

Jun 30, 2015 11:47 AM | Report Abuse
You hv to apologise for your immensely stupid, profoundly irresponsible statement sooner or later, DreamConqueror ...
31/07/2015 11:01


2015-07-31 13:00 | Report Abuse

Bilis Bilis @fortunee bro : Datukkong instructed this to you and me : "....enemy's enemy IS NOT my enemy..." you are chinese-educated so you must understand this!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Datukkong asked you to deal with this "2nd Virgin attempt" by the "OLD PROSTITUTE" as per here:

Datukkong said you know this OLD PROSTITUTE very well--as per your old postings in your profile:

Jun 30, 2015 12:07 PM | Report Abuse
best not to reply the DreamCon!!! he loner wants ppl to talk to him!!!!

Jun 30, 2015 11:47 AM | Report Abuse
You hv to apologise for your immensely stupid, profoundly irresponsible statement sooner or later, DreamConqueror ...
31/07/2015 11:01


2015-07-31 11:41 | Report Abuse

nomanland current time frame, the buyers' support is weak. lack of interest. sellers out weight against the buyers in term of volume. This is just an observation. Do invest wisely.
31/07/2015 10:50

@noman :


is on the "no bear around the door yet" track, hitting up the 1708 -1710 we expected yesterday around 1703-1705.

One nasty thing the EPF boy did yesterday was to "sudden ,sharp n unexpected " down KLCI 4 points last minute around 4.50pm (from 1704.5 to CLOSE 1699.92) wiping out all the gains interdays---almost (or oredi played out?) the most-feared last-minute-scenario we anticipated as stated:

".....KLCI 30minutes chart---inching up again crossing 1703,albeit at a snail pace....still waiting for the more prominent jump (5-10 points)...
Today (thur 30July) & fri--IT IS IMPERATIVE that we have a CLOSE up-day (reversal in chart)--(so far we are up 5 points from yesterday closing 1699--thats is good) ,just be watchful that it doesnt turn negative at the AFTERNOON CLOSE---otherwise we will have messy week ahead.....
My computation : "Barring unforeseen circumstances"
1695 +15 = 1710-1708
So repeat : today is the REVERSAL DAY!!
30/07/2015 13:31.............."


2015-07-31 11:01 | Report Abuse

@fortunee bro : Datukkong instructed this to you and me : "....enemy's enemy IS NOT my enemy..." you are chinese-educated so you must understand this!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Datukkong asked you to deal with this "2nd Virgin attempt" by the "OLD PROSTITUTE" as per here:

Datukkong said you know this OLD PROSTITUTE very well--as per your old postings in your profile:

Jun 30, 2015 12:07 PM | Report Abuse
best not to reply the DreamCon!!! he loner wants ppl to talk to him!!!!

Jun 30, 2015 11:47 AM | Report Abuse
You hv to apologise for your immensely stupid, profoundly irresponsible statement sooner or later, DreamConqueror ...


2015-07-30 17:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Jul 30, 2015 05:29 PM | Report Abuse

Bilis: Did it cross your mind if those bunch of 'master chefs' are a pack of gay boys who take no interest in ladies alike the qualities of Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan? :)

You have a good evening, and the same goes for all fellow participants here. :)

ozzie : by the chart behaviour/pattern created --i can tell chief cook/crook is definately NOT GAY BOY, ...


2015-07-30 17:21 | Report Abuse

#1 "......And the owner shall give a "very good job/well done " thumb up to the CROOK....and say " this weekend we go out celebrate, i will put 4 ladies in your bed...all on me!!! Sup sup suei....."
29/07/2015 14:53

#2"... Posted by ozzie75 > Jul 30, 2015 04:54 PM | Report Abuse

nomanland + bilis: The crooks trying to 'climax' once again in public. "
Anyone here can VOLUNTEER a good guess on where the (expensive joints) owner go this weekend to put the 4 ("expensive") ladies in the CROOK's bed?

I know it cant be Jln Alor--to cheap and too dirty,,,,


2015-07-30 17:03 | Report Abuse

This's what i (What you witness today on IFCAM),,,

"LET's FOIL the shameless 茅山 trick of the insiders!!!

#4 DatukKong‘ Hakka system has now detected another "茅 山“ set-up by the "market-maker" or IFCAM manipulator i.e。 basing on the last 21days chart-patterns created -- next 2 days there may be another inexplicable and unaccountable attack on the IFCAM price which will result in sharp drop of its daily price . So those "loyal" faithful followers of IFCAM ---DO NOT BE TRICKED into selling into the hand of these CORPORATE CROOKS!!!!"

Bilis Bilis Bilis Bilis Chart analysis lesson :

on 21-23July 7-8 trading days ago, its difficult to tell how (high or ) low the IFCAM will be brought to by the CROOK, but by now we can( with more confident) its a roughly 20 cents wave down ---

from 20July 1.20-0.20 to this morning low of 1.01
and extended 23July 1.17 -0.20 = 0.97

This should summarise the IFCAM's owner's hired crook's "茅 山 Trap-wave" :
You can work out for yourself roughly how much "free-monies" the crook made for the "owner/crook" syndicate just by sending the IFCAM up & down by 0,20
: peak-volume minus bottom volume divide by 2 times RM 200 per lot......
29/07/2015 14:46

And it is for a two weeks "very hard work".......

And the owner shall give a "very good job/well done " thumb up to the CROOK....and say " this weekend we go out celebrate, i will put 4 ladies in your bed...all on me!!! Sup sup suei....."
29/07/2015 14:53


2015-07-30 16:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 30, 2015 04:46 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by nomanland > Jul 30, 2015 04:40 PM | Report Abuse

@bilis + ozzie, can you guys poke your head out and see, is the bear still there?


as long as today's KLCI closing is up (green) we should be safe for at least 3 days to 2 weeks.....

Pay attention to counters doing SHARP DROP TO BOTTOM LOW WITH VOLUME!!!--The CROOKS doing the "SELLING CLIMAX" eg IFCAM


2015-07-30 16:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by nomanland > Jul 30, 2015 04:40 PM | Report Abuse

@bilis + ozzie, can you guys poke your head out and see, is the bear still there?


as long as today's KLCI closing is up (green) we should be safe for at least 3 days to 2 weeks.....


2015-07-30 16:35 | Report Abuse

Perwaja 0.205 bottom hit...reversal now 0.22

SYF ----0.53 very strong bottom ,refuse to bulge


2015-07-30 16:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 29, 2015 02:53 PM | Report Abuse X

Bilis Bilis Chart analysis lesson :

on 21-23July 7-8 trading days ago, its difficult to tell how (high or ) low the IFCAM will be brought to by the CROOK, but by now we can( with more confident) its a roughly 20 cents wave down ---

from 20July 1.20-0.20 to this morning low of 1.01
and extended 23July 1.17 -0.20 = 0.97
Bilis Bilis Stock: [IFCAMSC]: IFCA MSC BHD

Jul 28, 2015 05:06 PM | Report Abuse

kimssiat From the price, will rebound tomorrow.
28/07/2015 17:01
I give a RAW guess --opening drop 0.98-0.97

what you think?

My level hit!!!
I am nibbling...try my luck here again 0.98
30/07/2015 16:19


2015-07-30 13:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 30, 2015 01:28 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 30, 2015 12:39 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 30, 2015 10:38 AM | Report Abuse X

KLCI : After 11am should be a quick run up to 1709 from 1700 here

noma/ozzie/vito55/bittergourd : you all should track the ChinaA50 index......our KLCI is following A50 index very closely behind....
KLCI 30minutes chart---inching up again crossing 1703,albeit at a snail pace....still waiting for the more prominent jump (5-10 points)...

Today (thur 30July) & fri--IT IS IMPERATIVE that we have a CLOSE up-day (reversal in chart)--(so far we are up 5 points from yesterday closing 1699--thats is good) ,just be watchful that it doesnt turn negative at the AFTERNOON CLOSE---otherwise we will have messy week ahead.....

My computation : "Barring unforeseen circumstances"

1695 +15 = 1710-1708

So repeat : today is the REVERSAL DAY!!


2015-07-30 12:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 30, 2015 10:38 AM | Report Abuse X

KLCI : After 11am should be a quick run up to 1709 from 1700 here

noma/ozzie/vito55/bittergourd : you all should track the ChinaA50 index......our KLCI is following A50 index very closely behind....
KLCI 30minutes chart---inching up again crossing 1703,albeit at a snail pace....still waiting for the more prominent jump (5-10 points)...


2015-07-30 12:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 30, 2015 12:20 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Josh Eng Yik Wuai > Jul 30, 2015 11:51 AM | Report Abuse

downtrend again. look this this counter is gone...


Eforce : i happened to look at this chart......

If next 2 days it do a bounce to 0.68-0.70 and pull back 2 days to 0.65/0.68 than it will start a gradual rally up to 0.82-0.84 3-4weeks

But if the 2 days do doesnot is useless, a waste your time...


2015-07-30 11:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by genietrader > Jul 30, 2015 10:50 AM | Report Abuse

bilis, are you still anticipating a run up on the A50 calls?


Yes, BUT... i think the call-prices are highly manipulated (and deliberately pressed down for the T+4 purpose--China dont have similar T+4 rule ?)and not allowed the natural tracking of the underlying A50 movements.

Next timing to watch : now after 11-11.30am, if there is jump up of A50 index, and no corresponding jump in C1-C8.....then we have been had or ffff....


2015-07-30 10:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by vito555 > Jul 30, 2015 10:43 AM | Report Abuse

ok thks.

Have a look at SYF ,(0,545) it is on the way to test and break 0.575 with volume (100k-200lots), if without volume (20-100k lots) pull back again for 2-3days and surge again and get it done....


2015-07-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by nomanland > Jul 30, 2015 10:35 AM | Report Abuse

@bilis, top up on existing lots and once targeted price reach when Elliot wave turn, to lower down my cost as i always enjoying almost zero cost. he he
except the Caspian sea.

Wow, you have big appetite --you are looking at minimum 0.20 to 0.80-0.82 by midSept2015 and if you r more ambitious 1.00 further down....before the market crash,,,that is....

So which is which?


2015-07-30 10:38 | Report Abuse

KLCI : After 11am should be a quick run up to 1709 from 1700 here

noma/ozzie/vito55/bittergourd : you all should track the ChinaA50 index......our KLCI is following A50 index very closely behind....


2015-07-30 10:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by nomanland > Jul 30, 2015 09:54 AM | Report Abuse

@bilis, bought 100 lots @ 0.590 crossing my fingers and toes that my assumption that the 3rd wave is alive and also overall wave is an up trend.

Not a buy or sell call, just have a look and the risk is yours only if you decide the accept the mission. this message will be destroy in 3 seconds. he he

noman......cumming cumming cumming (ie workingx3)

What is your intention? one-night stand? T+4? pay & hold for the BIG-WAVE?


2015-07-30 10:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by vito555 > Jul 30, 2015 09:18 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning folks.
Bilis Bilis what is your take on Perwaja now.

Have you missed my call for defensive stand on Perwaja last week same time as the unexplained looming sell-offs (the big wave down) on KLCI and IFCAM :

(Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 27, 2015 10:26 AM | Report Abuse X
Perwaja : Similar to IFCAM chartwise, look for starting of another phase of another run-up 3-5pm -- otherwise traders caution should set in, has to re-study the price action again to take a more defensive stand..........)

On the next bounce to 0.26 if there is a strong breach with volume (exceeding 200,000lots?) --then it would be a continuation of up trend to 0.45.

If this 0.255-0.26 fail to break (volume 100-150k lots?),then then be defensive again....


2015-07-30 09:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by nomanland > Jul 30, 2015 09:27 AM | Report Abuse

Bilis + ozzie75, have a look at
KNM updated charts with wave count(last chart)

Not a buy or sell call, just have a look.

An immediate surge /run-up of 0.05 from 0.59 to 0.64?


2015-07-30 09:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Jul 30, 2015 09:08 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning, folks.

Bilis: Have you seen the 58-second Muhyiddin's video clip? :)


A non-deliberate "undesigned" unintentional, inadverten, accidental "spilling" of further (fatal,damning) beans on your closest colleague?


2015-07-30 09:15 | Report Abuse

Pricing of CHINA50-C ((MACQ)
#3 3"Exchange rate risk ................................................ However, as the Call Warrants are
denominated in RM, the trading price and the cash settlement amount of the Call Warrants
would be subject to the prevailing exchange rate between USD
/RM. If USD depreciates
against RM, the value of the Call Warrants is likely to decrease too......."


2015-07-30 09:14 | Report Abuse

Pricing of CHINA50-C ((MACQ)
#2 The Call Warrants can be volatile

Prices of the Call Warrants may rise or fall rapidly.
You should carefully consider, among other
things, the prevailing trading price of the Call Warrants, the Exercise Level of the Call
Warrants, the level and volatility of the
CHINA50, the time remaining to expiry, the interim interest rates and e
xpected dividend payments or other distributions on any companies constituting the


2015-07-30 09:05 | Report Abuse

Pricing of CHINA50-C ((MACQ)

#1 Call Warrants are not principal protected and may expire worthless
The price of the Call Warrants may change more rapidly than the level of the CHINA50.
the gearing feature inherent in the Call Warrants,a small change in the level of the CHINA50
may lead to a substantial price movement in the
Call Warrants. Unlike stocks, the Call Warrants

have a limited life and will expire on the Expiry Date. In the worst case, the Call

Warrants may expire with no value and you will risk losing all of your investment.


2015-07-30 01:15 | Report Abuse

Get ready for the Final Fling before Rome burn.....

".......So let’s take another look at some of the “polite remarks” mentioned above. “I am happy to be dropped from the Cabinet because of my commitment to principles,” he said in his exit statement. “As Deputy President of Umno, I will carry out the trust given to me as my responsibility. I will dedicate my service towards strengthening the party to bring back the confidence of the Malays and the people in Umno.”

If one were to pay close attention, one would note that it was in fact a strong statement, not only of defiance, but of intent. He is happy to take the fall for standing up for principles and he intends to “strengthen the party” so that it will regain the confidence of the public in it, meaning that Umno has, for some time now, lost the public’s confidence under Najib’s leadership. All of this can be read as his motivation for standing up to Najib in the first place. Well, at least those who want to see Najib ousted would like to read that meaning in Muhyiddin’s words.


2015-07-29 19:08 | Report Abuse

noman/ozzie :

Datukkong opined that the CROOK shall push up IFCAM price to 1.19 for the next 5 trading days...irrespective of KLCI/China/US market behaviour.... so as to stick to the planned/drawn IFCAM price chart as per the playbook....

Datukkong is getting arrogant and blatant unguarded with his comments these days....I apologise on his behalf first


2015-07-29 17:04 | Report Abuse

ALERTS : CHINA50 Index vs China Call counters prices :

C1-C8 (except C8) call prices DOES NOT FAITHFULLY REFLECT THE CHANGES IN THE UNDERLYING INDEX PRICE...very easily done by comparing the 30minutes charts of both...

This is very obvious because the market-maker (MACQURIE??) want to catch the T+4 & T+3 positions today....pressing down to collect back cheaply/manipulating prices NOT ALLOWING this T+3 & T+4 counters to REFLECT THE NATURE FLOW of PRICES....

I think it is a GOOD GROUND TO COMPLAIN to the supervising authorities so that this UNHEALTHY PRICE BEHAVIOUR CAN BE STOPPED!!!


2015-07-29 16:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bilis Bilis > Jul 29, 2015 04:34 PM | Report Abuse X

Bilis Bilis CHINA50 index 10840 Breakout!!!
29/07/2015 16:34