Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2020-04-05 11:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-05 11:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-05 11:53 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-05 11:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-05 11:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-05 11:31 | Report Abuse

What does this mean? I don't understand. Can you clarify an example of how disclosure will influence your decisions? And make it subpar?

I can show you the portfolio of big traders like paul Tudor Jones, George Soros and Jim Rogers. The disclosure of their results doesn't seem to hurt them much as it is required by the law.

But to be honest I don't really care about traders as they use general momentum theory which they then apply equally to every stock, every trend. But results always seem to vary.

So in general I don't really care to learn about trader and their trades.

But neither do I want to care about investors who buy and keep stocks for 10 years.

I find learning about their analysis and the subsequent actions more interested in to learn about.


qqq33333333 Philips...... u think everyone buy and keep for 10 years one meh... For traders, traders should not disclose what they have because the disclosure will influence their decisions making them sub-par
05/04/2020 10:24 AM


2020-04-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

Finally coolBull is back.

Appreciate your review on NETX as per your 31st March 2020 mini competition.

Well done, NETX is best performing stock so far, 50% performance.
As usual, DLADY is horrible, worst performing stock, only 4.88%


Posted by CoolBull > Apr 2, 2020 11:26 PM | Report Abuse

Both Shitup & Mikeshit are sufferers of attention seeking syndrome (ASS)

But with kind of somewhat different temperaments

Shitup is like the non stop nagging & hustling type. You can only stop his nagging & hustling with some good rotan whipping on his old ponddan tua arse very probably.

Mikeshit is of the somewhat more laid back type. Thats why he is into 6 hour b2b ponddan massage & stuff like that. He still does his non stop hustling also though. But uses a lot of recycled same old shit kind of thing every day.


2020-04-05 10:13 | Report Abuse

i3 investor forum should be a place of sharing information, investment strategy and stock picking concepts. All good aside, how do you split between the water spouting individuals with no results and those that have actually bought the stocks and done their research? A simple trackable portfolio.


2020-04-05 10:11 | Report Abuse

I applaud Mr SSLEE for being honest about his results and his portfolio. I believe keeping a record of your portfolio definitely guides one in being brutally honest and thus improving one's ability to learn in the future and constantly evolving their stock picking and investing ability.

The important thing is not if someone makes or loses money in the stock market.

The important thing is learning and improving every day.

I think Mr SSLee is more of a gentleman than book writing sifus, trading call sellers, subscriptiong services or those who profess their results and buycalls everywhere (with no portfolio results to show for it) than investors like KCChongz, Ricky Yeo, Choivo Capital, Icon8888, QQQ3, Greentrades, any of the IB bankers selling mutual funds (and their performance) and mostly almost everyone on the forums.

If warren buffett can post his portfolio, if howard marks can post his portfolio, if bill ackman can post his portfolio, if peter lynch can post his portfolio, why can't you the invisible internet blogger not do the same thing?

I personally believe in this:



2020-04-05 09:54 | Report Abuse

This is even better, thanks for being honest.


2020-04-05 09:47 | Report Abuse

Very good question, and a simple answer. I bought yinson in 2013, and only started updating a i3 trackable portfolio of trades in 2019 (a feature which very few investors on i3 even do, especially those sifus selling subscription classes and buy/sell trading calls). Therefore, if my results do not jive with with my performance results, then you have every right to criticize my comments. But for the greater part of the year right up to before the oil war (which does not affect FPSO yinson) and covid-19, when everything is going down (except my other major shareholding topglove which I bought 30K shares in 15/3/19 at 4.48) yinson share price is up at RM7 prior to 2 contract wins.

But yes, yinson is a horrible company, bad results, no increase in revenue, no profits, debt and losses.

The point here is not to tell you what stocks to buy: (hint: don't buy yinson), but how to buy utilities (hint: buy it a discount to its earnings and revenue, not potential).

The question is not to criticize and say anyone who bought jaks at 1.20-1.4 and entry till now is still red (that would be silly and you learn nothing). The thing is to understand why you are buying a company like Jaks (because KYY promoted it? Or OTB promoted it? Or concrete earnings and concrete results)?

Who declared it a secrecy clause? Where is this clause written? Obviously the chinese knew about the profit margins prior to investing, did anyone check with them then? Most importantly, how will the profits and earnings from this powerplant be used?

You are buying shares in JAKS the company. Not shares in JV company of the powerplant in vietnam.

Big huge difference in my opinion. For that, I am willing to wait and see how they reward the shareholders of JAKS the company before I make a decision.

But yes, at USD 20 per barrel of oil, Yinson is a terrible deal. Whoever buys it will "regret" it, assuming the price of oil will remain at USD 20 for the next 3-5 years.


Posted by andr > Apr 5, 2020 9:28 AM | Report Abuse

i just want to know why someone wants to swing Jaks buyers into Yinson when his Yinson entry till now is still red? (don't worry, will delete this later if hurts anything)


2020-04-05 09:26 | Report Abuse

Management has other ways of profiting, either through BOD approved salary for CEO, emoluments for directors, and raising of warrants.


Posted by sell > Apr 5, 2020 9:23 AM | Report Abuse

If TP RM 2-5 can believe why Andy Ang yet to buy?


2020-04-05 09:24 | Report Abuse

What do you mean cash outflow or cash inflow?

If you to put it in simple english, their net cash inflow (payment from government to rising sun 2 solar power plant), revenue from FIT payment is RM 29 million a year. After they received all the payments for energy generation, payment of tax and operational costs their NET PROFIT is 22 million to owners of the company. Meaning, YINSON is getting around 8 million a year of the payment from this JV. As the company is doing purely solar farm only, and no other business, this 8 million is going to yinson pocket every year for the next 25 years.

So I don't understand how you went from 22 million to 3 million all of a sudden.


Posted by DK66 > Apr 5, 2020 8:54 AM | Report Abuse

If cash outflow is around 22m annually, Net cash inflow is around 8m. Yinson's 37.4% share is around 3m. It will take about 22 years to get back its capital and loan ? I cannot understand the logic......


2020-04-05 09:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-05 06:26 | Report Abuse

Tracking sslee performances, we will assume 1 year ago prices from the day he started posting up his holdings online.


2020-04-05 06:19 | Report Abuse

Yes this is the right attitude to take. I'm not a Calvin tan here asking you to sell jaks but NETX. And if you think yinson is expensive, wait until you see the arguments I have had with business valuation of QL which is a much larger holding that I have, and those who think holding into a pe50 company insane. And yet this PE50 company is still higher than last year prices when everything else is tanking. My trackable portfolio here for review( started in 2019, because I cannot expect anyone to believe my performance prior to 2019):

In either case:

Yinson paid 32 million for the 37.4% stake, and 35 million to pay off the liabilities of rising sun debt. This clears up cost structure.

The power generation is fixed indr 2.44 per kwh. And they generated slightly under 30 million in revenue yearly in 2018,2019 from their solar farm, with debt obligations, operational expenses and taxes coming down to around 22 million a year in their 3rd year of operations. There is no reason material cost, very low maintenance compared to rotating turbines, no possibility of combustion explosion,. And receiving steady payment already from India government.

Yinson has 3 billion in cash from their perpetual 7.85% sukuk bond.

How rational is your investment into Jaks? Have you been to Vietnam, or talked to Vietnam electricity board? How about the coal sources? Firm and guaranteed as per contract stipulation? Have you even seen the reported contract agreement which I still do not understand why is still kept OSA? Has Vietnam paid a single cent yet to Jaks? Will there be any delay LAD obligations due to covid-19?

Would you have believed me if I said I had already met the management at the time? And they could not clear my questions as an active investor?

Business valuation consists of a thousand factors that can only be guesstimates, and simplifying a business into a few factors like pe valuation, roc based on unrealized returns is very very dangerous.

But again, I wish everyone all the best and may everyone make money from the disaster that is covid-19, and have a good year ahead.

This forum is a wonderful place to learn new information, and I hope everyone pools information together.


Posted by DK66 > Apr 4, 2020 8:41 PM | Report Abuse

No, I m not interested in buying Yinson. If i m interested in Yinson, I should focus on its FPSO businesses.

However, I m interested in the rationale behind Yinson's investment decision to acquire a minority stake in Rising Sun


2020-04-05 05:51 | Report Abuse

Hi Johnmasino,

I think you are very mistaken. I did not tell you to buy yinson not an I recommending the stock to you at all. In fact, if anything I would recommend you to stay as far away from stocks that you do not know anything about at all and to avoid listening to online sifu recommendations on buying a stock. Yinson could be a fraud stock for all you can know. Fyi I have been holding it for 7 years now, and it is not a penny stock that I need to do any recommending.

My explanation was plain and simple. I was only going yinson as an example. It could easily be topglove and their mistake in buying adgenta, or Elon musk buying a share in Tesla, or Berkshire Hathaway buying Midwestern.

The idea I'm trying to push across is business valuation. Not stock picks.

The point I'm trying to get across is how retail investors should be valuing and buying into utility companies.

1. Always buy concrete revenues and earnings at a DISCOUNT, not potential. Because for utilities former is fixed for 25 years, the latter can be whatever number you want it to be.
2. Never value a company in vacuum, as a small investor with no power to influence the board of directors, management, business performance and history of company performance should be weighted with whatever "potential" the company is trying to promote. Especially when you have no access to contract disclosure or earnings from plant operations.
3. A bird in hand is better than 2 in the bush. - Charles munger


Posted by johnmasino > Apr 4, 2020 6:53 PM | Report Abuse

Philip:- Thanks for recommending Yinson. I will keep this stock in my radar and will only buy when Yinson is trading below RM2. Right now, I will not chase Yinson even at the current price which is way too inflated and expensive.


2020-04-04 18:48 | Report Abuse

It already had since I bought it in 2013. I haven't some a share since. So I don't see why it cannot continue to perform and give me huge growth. How long have you held jaks to give you such confidence? Has jaks management already given earnings guidance? Are the dividends as big as you would expect?

I love OTB quote on Peter Lynch, one of my favorite fund managers.

"I think you have to learn that there's a company behind every stock and there's only one real reason why stocks go up.
Companies go from doing poorly to doing well or small companies grow to large companies" - Peter Lynch
04/04/2020 11:09 AM

But I much prefer this one:

There seems to be an unwritten rule on Wall Street: If you don’t understand it, then put your life savings into it. Shun the enterprise around the corner, which can at least be observed, and seek out the one that manufactures an incomprehensible product. - Peter Lynch.


Posted by johnmasino > Apr 4, 2020 6:28 PM | Report Abuse

Philip:- Can Yinson potentially go up 400 to 500% from it's current price of RM4.81?


2020-04-04 18:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-04 18:11 | Report Abuse

Yinson paid 67 million for a 37.4% share of the company. At that rate, they will be getting 10.472 million of the revenue generation. Ergo, they are buying it at a lower price to the generation capability. This is sound business principles.

Ergo: they provide cash and liquidity to rising sun energy, and rising sun gives up a share of the company at a discount ( but with certainty of cash), while yinson can afford to wait ( but with a3 year certainty of payment and revenue in the books already).

This is how business should be. Minimize risk with credible profits. It is always better to buy a factory lot which is tenanted and paying monthly than to buy an unit unbuilt and potentially overpriced when you have no clarity of earnings.


Therefore, with only RM28m a year, how to achieve payback period of below 8 years ?


2020-04-04 10:54 | Report Abuse

This is a simple accounting mistake which I couldn't edit or delete once key in. ( Funny how that works to stop fake entries. My total selling was 650k shares of QL at 8.6 to invest in serbadk and others. But as I keyed in wrongly ( I put in 200k shares in ql instead of serbadk), I had to adjust the amount so it reflected properly.


By the way I am curious what is your thinking process when you did buy and sell QL at RM 8.60 on 17th Feb 2020?
Sell QL: -700,000 at RM 8.60
Sell QL: -150,000 at RM8.60
Buy QL: +200,000 at RM8.60


2020-04-04 10:53 | Report Abuse

I first night into gkent at rm1. I thought it was a good deal then, since it dropped from it's highs of rm4. At today's prices it is a wonderful deal. I'm buying more right after the QR results come out, which I expect credible news.


2020-04-04 10:41 | Report Abuse

This is a simple accounting mistake which I couldn't edit or delete once key in. ( Funny how that works to stop fake entries. My total selling was 650k shares of QL at 8.6 to invest in serbadk and others. But as I keyed in wrongly ( I put in 200k shares in ql instead of serbadk), I had to adjust the amount so it reflected properly.


By the way I am curious what is your thinking process when you did buy and sell QL at RM 8.60 on 17th Feb 2020?
Sell QL: -700,000 at RM 8.60
Sell QL: -150,000 at RM8.60
Buy QL: +200,000 at RM8.60


2020-04-04 10:36 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-04 10:33 | Report Abuse

Wow i3lurker so many comments, you seem to be a very intelligent investor. What stocks are you holding?


2020-04-04 06:39 | Report Abuse

That is not altogether unreasonable. I believe if you buy the shares today and also at my buying price of 46 cents, the dividends will be safe once the expected 20 million of earnings per quarter from lrt3 progress claim and the 5 million per quarter from mrt2 progress claim comes online.

Here are facts:

1. lrt3 and mrt2 and the 2 hospitals are still running, meaning contracts and their orderbook are firm. Prime minister has already guaranteed payment as these 2 mega projects are feeding thousands of contractors and workers. Hospital handover and final claim + 2 year retention (5% of 500 million project is around 25 million of balance profit) incoming.

2. Lrt3 progress billing was delayed, not cancelled. It will achieve 45% completion by 2020, a huge progress.

3. Gkent main water business is still running on all cylinders with demand more than supply.

4. Gkent is buying back shares aggressively, gkent current outstanding shares dropped from 563 million to 538 million outstanding. I expect gkent to end share buyback around the 500 million nosh mark.

5. Gkent has huge cash load with a history of paying dividends. It paid sustainable dividends, paying out 40 million of 80 million. I believe until 2024 this will be sustainable.

As a reasonable assumption, I receive around 60k in dividends per year from QL. I spent 200k in 2009 buying ql shares, and in total with real cash, dividend reinvestment etc I have put in around 850k into QL. So if I told you that on a cost basis my QL investment gives me 7% dividend every year, would you believe me or consider it an unreasonable assumption.

Always look to the future, not the 6 months and 1 year future. But at minimum 3 years and beyond. Then you can consider yourself really investing, rather than just playing with stocks.


Rwkl That is a unreasonable assumption given the current situation. I expect and fully support a cut to preserve cash
01/04/2020 10:36 PM


2020-04-04 06:37 | Report Abuse

I have been a trader for many many years during the 90's. One thing that I realized was a tendency I had when trading stocks is to fear buying a stock when the price has dropped so low. Obviously when you get your hands burnt trading a falling knife there is a psychological trauma that makes you fear buying even as rationally a stocks short term risk drops the lower the stock price falls.

On the other hand, the inverse happens when the stock goes up from lows. Maybe you have made a few trading profit from a small jump from 0.46 and sold at 0.55. wow! 20% profit. Brilliant! But then as the prices goes up you start to feel silly and pride takes over, thinking that I've already made my 20%, why not wait for the stock price to drop to 46 cents before I buy it again.

Problem is: will it ever drop to such once in a blue moon lows ever again?

Once I started investing rationally with a long term mindset, everything changed for me. Instead of buying and selling everything in sight, I chose very carefully what stocks to buy and hold on.

In GKENT case: how did I arrive at buying my entire final position at 46 cents ?( )

At 538 million nosh, paying 46 cents I would be buying the entire company for 50 million, minus it's cash of 200 million give or take. That is a brilliant once in a lifetime deal. The factory alone is worth 50 million, what more its Singapore and hong Kong water meter contracts and inventories.

That is how I finally made money. Not by trading small amounts and playing the stock market. But by participating in the growth of a company.


dlau8899 From 1.38 to 0.52 , more than 50 percent discount, if buy above 1.00 , why not buy now.
26/03/2020 12:12 AM


2020-04-04 05:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-04 05:45 | Report Abuse

They spent 67 million to buy a 37.4% share of riding sun energy pte LTD. The generation is price is idnr 2.44 per kwh, plant started in 2017, generation is 140mw, with sunlight hours of 4-5 per day.

Using their LSS rates their solar revenue is around 28 million per year. The payback period is estimated at below 8 years. With main components inverters ( 10 year guarantee) and solar panel ( 21 year guarantee) Contract is firm for 25 years until 2043.

But more importantly they step into a very safe, low maintenance, contract awarded and plant running project and step into a much larger market in India.

Much more importantly ( which everyone seems to ignore with blinders on), is their past history with large projects aka their FPSO project, which is also running under the same long term contracts.

Their management is strong with a long history of growth, revenue and earnings increases, profitable ventures, good strong management.

You know that profits from all their ventures will be carefully husbanded into safe earnings ventures.

Jaks went from a steel pipe trader to manufacturer to property developer to power plant builder to solar farm builder.

All with no prior experience or successful handover or good use of profits, dividends or clarity in management. Multiple changes of management, lawsuits, delivery delays, LAD, production hiccups. Still trying to find a buyer for loss making evolve concept mall.

All your calculations DK66 is assumed on the fact that the power plant is a spin off and standalone profit generating entity. If it was my young friend, I would be rushing in to invest in it. Your numbers seem reliable and sound.

But it isn't. The revenues and earnings of the power plant will be used to pay for property investment projects, solar farm projects or funnelled elsewhere in Vietnam because the management has already shown an inclination of doing so and not putting shareholders interest at heart.


Hyflux treatment and desalination business did not fail. The business went bankrupt because it jumped into a huge project in tuas without understanding the entire long term aspects of it. One project because the download of many profitable business lines.

So if you thought your were making money by investing in hyflux when it announced it's power plant project? You need to understand the difference between speculation and investing.

You make make or lose money, I wish you all the best. But never do calculations in vacuum.


2020-04-03 22:38 | Report Abuse

You need to be clear, buying jaks at this point, you are not an investor but merely a speculator. You have not received a single dividend, no clarity on the realized energy production, consumption and production costs. No clarity on management profits, usage of the profits and the returns.

Investors act like this:

RSE was profitable since 2017 generating 140mw at 2.44 indr per kwh paid out in 2018, 2019, the deal was earnings accretive, and that Yinson was buying into an operational brownfield project with cashflow certainties given that it was concession-based.

If you are a real investor, you do not go for the long, imaginary calculations of profit. You invest in a business that is already running, long term contract in place and paid out. A history (2 years at least of accretive results) of payment.

You earn much less, but take far less risk doing so for the generation of profit. This allows you to grow further and more consistently.

The rule of investing is to never lose money. That is: how to minimize risk and maximize earnings.

I have no doubt that the power plant will be completed. But after that? What happens next? A ytl could easily turn into a protasco. Or a sendai could easily turn into a scientex. What will the real yearly profit be? Where will it go? I have a pretty good idea already. And I am staying put. Trading and speculative gains: yes, investing? Definitely not.

Posted by gemfinder > Apr 3, 2020 8:17 PM | Report Abuse

Evolve mall confirm bankrap


2020-04-03 22:08 | Report Abuse

In that case luckily the huge storage dump in pangerang and petrochemical ma(nufacturing to buy and hold during this crisis ( with cash in hand they can definitely ride it out), while many other o&g either sell off their assets or declare bankruptcy, it is almost inevitable that a shortage in the near future will occur ( due to pent up demand from covid-19 resolution in 2021). Those who were faithfully keeping investors and oil barrels storage? Very good future, if you can wait a few years and hold on.

Companies like yinson and dialog will definitely see an uptick in business.

Oil and gas cycle? This is what happened in 2015

And 2009.

If you think this is the end of the world, then no asset class is worth holding.

But if you have been through what I have gone through ( 5 exciting crisis in the last 25 years), this is where long term investors hunker down, ride it out and make the big bucks.


2020-04-03 21:54 | Report Abuse

I have already decided to stop replying any of sslee comments and concepts. As I have used his valuation techniques and his 1 year performance comparison with my performance I have realized a simple fact. His results and comments have no difference to Calvin tan, stockraider and Jonathan Choi yi kit.

I will let him comment as he pleases, and ignore his "advice".

The fact is, the 1 year results of my original stocks 2018-2019 year topglove, QL, yinson have already far outperformed his favorite stock INSAS. In fact, I expect that by the end of the year QL would have handily won the so called stock competition between MNRB, INSAS and QL ( by virtue of being the only profitable stocks whose share price today is still higher than last year).

I pity those who talk the loudest, but have very little performance to show for it.

In fact, I look forward to 2021, when my long term investments in GKENT ( lowest price bought 0.46 23rd March), PCHEM ( lowest price bought 20th March 4.09), and serbadk ( lowest price bought 23rd March 1.12) gets a nice recovery and I can begin to cut down on my margin loan.

Please follow here for my full record of my (retirement FUNd) with a list of exact by the sell volume and trade dates so you can compare your results and mine in a clear transparent manner.

As for sslee, good luck to his investing. So called "value" investors are everywhere. These days almost every new investor is either a TRADER or a VALUE investor. But very few INVESTORS out there who actually invest and follow in the future of a company. So easy to follow numbers. But so hard to understand the meaning behind the numbers.

Good luck.


Rwkl Philip,
You are peaching to the converted and appreciate the refresher.
I was just highlighting predicaments confronting investors . The
In this sharp market downturn, I am sure many would have predicted so called value stocks to hold better than growrh but it seems to prove otherwise
03/04/2020 10:09 AM


2020-04-03 21:28 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-03 21:28 |

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2020-04-03 10:45 |

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2020-04-03 10:44 |

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2020-04-03 10:43 |

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2020-04-03 10:38 |

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2020-04-03 10:37 |

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2020-04-03 10:35 |

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2020-04-03 10:34 |

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2020-04-03 10:32 |

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2020-04-03 10:31 |

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2020-04-03 10:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-04-03 10:21 | Report Abuse

Finally coolBull is back.

Appreciate your review on NETX as per your 31st March 2020 mini competition.

Well done, NETX is best performing stock so far, 50% performance.
As usual, DLADY is horrible, worst performing stock, only 4.88%


Posted by CoolBull > Apr 2, 2020 11:26 PM | Report Abuse

Both Shitup & Mikeshit are sufferers of attention seeking syndrome (ASS)

But with kind of somewhat different temperaments

Shitup is like the non stop nagging & hustling type. You can only stop his nagging & hustling with some good rotan whipping on his old ponddan tua arse very probably.

Mikeshit is of the somewhat more laid back type. Thats why he is into 6 hour b2b ponddan massage & stuff like that. He still does his non stop hustling also though. But uses a lot of recycled same old shit kind of thing every day.


2020-04-03 08:14 | Report Abuse

Finally coolBull is back.

Appreciate your review on NETX as per your 31st March 2020 mini competition.

Well done, NETX is best performing stock so far, 50% performance.
As usual, DLADY is horrible, worst performing stock, only 4.88%


Posted by CoolBull > Apr 2, 2020 11:26 PM | Report Abuse

Both Shitup & Mikeshit are sufferers of attention seeking syndrome (ASS)

But with kind of somewhat different temperaments

Shitup is like the non stop nagging & hustling type. You can only stop his nagging & hustling with some good rotan whipping on his old ponddan tua arse very probably.

Mikeshit is of the somewhat more laid back type. Thats why he is into 6 hour b2b ponddan massage & stuff like that. He still does his non stop hustling also though. But uses a lot of recycled same old shit kind of thing every day.


2020-04-03 07:35 | Report Abuse

Finally coolBull is back.

Appreciate your review on NETX as per your 31st March 2020 mini competition.

Well done, NETX is best performing stock so far, 50% performance.
As usual, DLADY is horrible, worst performing stock, only 4.88%


Posted by CoolBull > Apr 2, 2020 11:26 PM | Report Abuse

Both Shitup & Mikeshit are sufferers of attention seeking syndrome (ASS)

But with kind of somewhat different temperaments

Shitup is like the non stop nagging & hustling type. You can only stop his nagging & hustling with some good rotan whipping on his old ponddan tua arse very probably.

Mikeshit is of the somewhat more laid back type. Thats why he is into 6 hour b2b ponddan massage & stuff like that. He still does his non stop hustling also though. But uses a lot of recycled same old shit kind of thing every day.


2020-04-03 07:33 | Report Abuse

Hi coolBull, appreciate your honesty opinion.


2020-04-03 07:31 | Report Abuse

Finally coolBull is back.

Appreciate your review on NETX as per your 31st March 2020 mini competition.

Well done, NETX is best performing stock so far, 50% performance.


Posted by CoolBull > Apr 2, 2020 11:26 PM | Report Abuse

Both Shitup & Mikeshit are sufferers of attention seeking syndrome (ASS)

But with kind of somewhat different temperaments

Shitup is like the non stop nagging & hustling type. You can only stop his nagging & hustling with some good rotan whipping on his old ponddan tua arse very probably.

Mikeshit is of the somewhat more laid back type. Thats why he is into 6 hour b2b ponddan massage & stuff like that. He still does his non stop hustling also though. But uses a lot of recycled same old shit kind of thing every day.


2020-04-03 06:56 | Report Abuse

His vstech Target price is 1.86, promoted April 2